Chapter 768
"Reverse the universe!"

Gan Yunhe roared and punched out!
No matter what your trick is, I'll blow you up straight away!

The volcanic eruption of violent and domineering power generally exploded in all directions!
Nothing else, just extremely fierce, without any hypocrisy.

The mouse's eyes that had been squinting all the time suddenly stared round, and all of a sudden, he shouted in the same way, "Since you want to fight head-on, then I will take it!"
The chain of desolation collided violently with Reversal of the Universe, it was really the point of the needle.

Not long after, the entire Zilin galaxy was affected by the collision of these two great moves.

The old man Qingyu was about to make a move, he raised his hand halfway and then put it back, looking at the collision of the two ultimate moves in surprise.

Gan Yunhe's reversal of the universe has been seen several times, it is fierce; and the mouse's trick is quite weird, it is really unprecedented.

At the beginning of the collision of the two great moves, it is obvious that the reversal of the universe is more powerful, and the chains of desolation are somewhat fragmented by the impact. The impact on the Zilin Galaxy is due to the aftermath transmitted by the reversal of the universe.

However, with the passage of time, the barren chains, relying on their tenacity, gradually gained a firm foothold and started to counterattack.

The mouse's trick seems to be somewhat similar to Lei Batian's golden thunder and lightning trick. They both follow the path of the sky and the earth, but in fact they are very different. The net of heaven and earth is a flow of consumption, and the soft and hard foam forcibly consumes the opponent.

The old man Qingyu let out a surprise, and keenly noticed that the mouse was getting more and more comfortable in using the barren chains. It seemed that the mouse had never used this trick before, and it looked very unfamiliar, maybe it really was.

Gan Yunhe secretly frowned, his reversal of the universe has always been unfavorable, once he used it, the opponent would be overwhelmed and crushed by his counterattack.But today he was utterly deflated, the mouse's move was too difficult, he tried his best to exert all his strength, but it didn't exert much effect!
Gan Yunhe only felt that he was trapped in a large muddy swamp, and the harder he struggled, the more troubled he became.

No, this is not an illusion. The immortal energy in his body is getting astringent, and his strength has been greatly reduced. At this moment, it may be difficult for even the low-rank Jinxian to exert his strength.

Gan Yunhe secretly yelled, it would be very bad to go on like this, if his strength was restricted again and reduced to the strength of Xuanxian, then there would be no need for this contest to continue.

Immediately making a decisive decision, Gan Yunhe immediately contracted the martial universe, turning it into a copper wall and an iron wall to defend his body.This is also a no-brainer. I hope that the mouse's unique move will have a time limit for suppressing its own strength, and it will not last long, otherwise it will be really bad.

This trick is pretty easy to use, Qingyu old man is not mistaken, this is the first time the mouse uses this trick of barren chains.

Trapped in the mausoleum at the crater of the Holy Mountain for countless years, wasting most of his life, the mouse has been fighting against the barren forces in the mausoleum all the time. The whole family is really extinct, and there is no one left.

That's why the mouse never admit defeat, even if it is too old to look good and can only crawl on the ground, it still holds its breath and fights against Huang Li to the end.

Day after day, year after year.

Such a long-term confrontation, although the mouse did not lose, but Huangli has already penetrated into every cell in the mouse's body, and the mouse and Huangli have long been in a coexistent relationship.

It's just that the mouse was trapped in the mausoleum and waited to die alone. It was extremely resistant to Huangli and regarded it as an enemy of extermination, so it never had the idea of ​​fighting Huangli.

Later, Mo Xuan and his entourage came unexpectedly, and the mouse was able to get out of trouble and see the light of day again, but there were no acquaintances left in the past, and it was really lonely. That feeling was really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Mo Xuan and his party took good care of him, and he always regarded himself as a junior. He finally felt the warmth he hadn't seen for a long time, so the mouse resolutely decided to follow Mo Xuan and his party to these four layers of time and space.

The mouse saw that the little guys were making great strides, and the sesame seeds were blooming steadily. Although they had been idle and cultivated their morals, they were still warlike members of the ancient holy clan of the holy mountain.

So the mouse always followed the little ones out to practice. Seeing the prosperity of the fourth layer of time and space was only one aspect, and it was also to improve its own strength as much as possible.

Seeing that King Kong is getting stronger and stronger after training, Sirius boy is afraid that he will be hanged and beaten by King Kong in a short time, so he lowered his proud head and earnestly begged from Mo Xuan for a set that suits him. Practice the skills, practice hard.

In fact, the mouse also wants to ask for the cultivation method, but he knows that he is too old, and it is unrealistic to re-practise, so the mouse can only learn from the relatively complete cultivation system of the four-level time and space, and then fit himself, seek Breakthrough of the heart.

After gradually calming down and no longer resisting Huangli, the mouse discovered the huge amount of Huangli stored in its body.
Huangli has a strong resistance and restraint effect on all kinds of energy between heaven and earth, and it is no exception to Xianyuanli.

The hard work paid off, the mouse explored and explored for many years, and finally he was able to use the barren power in his body better. After advanced, he had this barren chain.

In the final analysis, this barren chain is only used to restrict and suppress Gan Yunhe's strength, not the mouse's real bottom of the box, but I didn't expect the effect to be so outstanding, and the power of the first-rank Jinxian was restricted to death.

It's not in my personality to be beaten all the time. The mouse suddenly exploded when he saw that the timing was almost up.

"Sky Mouse Claw Catch!"

The name of the trick doesn't really matter, the mouse was also caught by the wolf's claws on the day of carrying Dalang, and the mouse swung its claws vigorously.

Although the difference is only one word, the power of the trick is really different!
Dalang's Heavenly Wolf Claw Claw made the immortals of the fifth level of time and space deflated, but if he wanted to deal with the Golden Immortal, he still had to use the top-of-the-box top move of the Sirian Wolf Clan, Sirius Space, and then cooperate with the Sirius Claw Claw Capture surprise attack. One hit.

And the rat's paw catch is really amazing, with one claw swung, the galaxy in the universe almost shattered.

In the blink of an eye, the iron wall built by Gan Yun and the reversal of the universe was instantly cut into four huge openings.

The mouse didn't stop, went straight through the opening, and rushed towards Gan Yunhe.

Gan Yunhe couldn't help gasping, and urgently summoned four defensive magic weapons at the bottom of the box to guard his whole body against death.

The mouse waved its paw again.

With a click, one of Gan Yunhe's defensive magic weapons at the bottom of the box became five pieces.

Gan Yun and his scalp tingled for a while, what kind of sharp attack was this?I have worked so hard to collect tens of thousands of years of materials to forge the defensive magic weapon, but I can't even catch a claw!

Why didn't the mouse use claws before, but now it used it when its own strength was greatly reduced, it was terrible!

The mouse squinted and swung one paw after another.

Gan Yun and Na dare to fight hard with their bodies, so they could only use defensive magic weapons to resist, while trying to distance themselves from the mouse, so as not to give the mouse a chance to get close.However, the mouse has always been with him like a shadow, and his strength has been greatly reduced, so he can't get rid of it no matter what!

Even if Gan Yunhe is a first-rank golden immortal with countless bottoms and many defensive magic weapons, he still can't withstand the infinite claws of a mouse with one paw on the left and one paw on the right.

What's more, the mouse's claws can only barely resist one or two claws with a good enough defensive magic weapon. I also take advantage of the moment of defense to dodge the follow-up attack of the claw capture. During the capture, then...

Gan Yunhe watched helplessly as his defensive magic weapons were scrapped one by one, and he didn't even have time to feel distressed, so he could only continue to push forward one by one.

The precious top-grade defensive magic weapon is limited after all, Gan Yunhe had to use a lesser defensive magic weapon on the top, and it really couldn't stand it, Gan Yunhe only felt that the mouse's claws suddenly became much sharper.

Gan Yunhe was terrified, but gritted his teeth stubbornly and persisted to the end. In our Heihong Immortal Realm, there are only first-rank golden immortals who died in battle, and no first-rank golden immortals who surrendered!
Thinking about it, it is impossible for such sharp claws to be endless, and my dignified first-rank Golden Immortal background will not be inferior to this mouse!
However, the background of the mouse is so profound, one paw after another, without pause.

"Sky Mouse Claw Catch!"

"Sky Mouse Claw Catch!"

"Sky Mouse Claw Catch!"


It's not that the mouse has other tricks, but if it can save effort, why not; and if it is close to vermilion, it is red and close to ink, and it is black. If it can hide and tuck, it must be hidden and tucked.

Such a single claw capture, such a single move, can't you change it?Gan Yunhe really wanted to say this to the mouse, but he had no temper at all because of being caught by such a single claw!

Unknowingly, Gan Yun and the immortal power in his body were suppressed again, and his strength was compromised again.

However, the mouse became more and more courageous as it fought, and the claw capture was actually not a single claw capture, but a combination of fairy magic circle, which was more powerful in combination.

One ebbs and the other, Gan Yunhe is struggling more and more, relying entirely on his incomparably solid old foundation to hold on.

But the foundation of the mouse is more solid, and the balance of this competition is gradually tilting towards the mouse.

Gan Yunhe is also a first-rank Golden Immortal. In fact, there is still a bottom of the box that he did not use, but combined with his own embarrassing situation, the bottom of the box is the last hole card. Once he uses it, he must take down the mouse, otherwise he will fall into extreme In the passive, this contest is really suspended.

Gan Yunhe originally wanted to hold on for a while longer, preferably until the effectiveness of the barren chains expired, but now his strength has been suppressed more and more fiercely, and there is no tendency to weaken at all. !

Gan Yunhe gritted his teeth, let's go!
(End of this chapter)

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