Chapter 769
It is true that some golden immortals become golden immortals because of good luck, and they have been prosperous ever since; , and its growth process can be written into a masterpiece with tens of millions of words.

Gan Yunhe is a child of an ordinary cultivating family in the Heihong Immortal Realm, and his ancestor is just an old and ordinary immortal.

Gan Yun and Xiuxian's qualifications are relatively outstanding, but they are not the best in the family.

However, Gan Yunhe is born with a personality that refuses to admit defeat. The most important thing is to see no one surpassing him among his peers. As long as anyone is ahead of him, he will challenge anyone. He doesn't care how much he loses.

Gradually, Gan Yunhe has become the most powerful among his peers in the family, but he is not at all proud and complacent. Since his family has no rivals, he will challenge the leaders of other families.

It didn't take long for Gan Yunhe to be hammered into a melon skin, and only then did he know what the sky is high and the earth is thick.

At home and in a small place, he dominates and dominates the world, but when he really goes outside, he is not even a fart.

But this is interesting and challenging, I like it!
Gan Yunhe re-recognized himself and started a new journey.

The people outside are not family members, so they don't click to stop, Gan Yunhe loses more and wins less, and his body is bruised again and again.

Gan Yunhe healed his wounds and continued to challenge without giving up. Even if he couldn't beat his opponent, he would still make his opponent's scalp numb.

The big waves washed the sand, and the leaders among their peers were wiped out in batches, and only those who entered the rapids could continue to move forward.

Gan Yunhe overcame thorns and thorns, strengthened himself, and kept moving forward. He successively advanced to become immortal, earth immortal, and heavenly immortal, and finally became the first Xuanxian in the family.

The celestial ancestor of the family heaved a sigh of relief and sat down peacefully.

Gan Yunhe has become the pillar of the family, and he can no longer fight around the ring like before, leaving life and death behind.

Gan Yunhe has been stable for many years, and his cultivation base has hardly improved. Finally, he couldn't bear his temper and started a new round of fighting.

Not to mention, Gan Yunhe was born suitable for fighting to support war, and after a short period of cultivation, the sesame seeds blossomed steadily, and he became a first-rank Xuanxian without knowing it.

Like most Xuanxians, Gan Yunhe was also stuck outside the gate of Jinxian, and all the previous methods of self-improvement were no longer effective.

Gan Yunhe also tried his best, but he still couldn't find the way. In the end, he simply gave up and went directly to the big arena to participate, and fought against Jinxian Da Neng.

The three Golden Immortals knocked down, although they still failed to break through the Golden Immortal Gate, but Gan Yunhe already felt that the rock-solid Golden Immortal Gate seemed to be loose.

There is hope, Gan Yunhe makes persistent efforts, smashes eight more golden immortals, and finally becomes a golden immortal in one go.

After becoming a Golden Immortal, it is really difficult to improve. Gan Yunhe didn't bother to seek other methods, and continued to fight against the Golden Immortal. If he caught a Golden Immortal, he would challenge it. He has the nickname of the number one combat madman.

Others really don't understand why Gan Yunhe is always so idle that he has to fight other golden immortals, but Gan Yunhe himself knows very well that this is the fastest, most convenient and most trouble-free way to advance, why? no!

For so many years, Gan Yun and big and small battles have experienced countless battles. From the beginning, they lost more and won less, and gradually changed to winning more and losing less, and finally to almost no defeats.

Almost all the other first-rank golden immortals were boiled out, but Gan Yun and this first-rank golden immortal were all made by fighting!

It's just that after becoming a first-rank golden immortal, Gan Yunhe has no opponents, so he can't bully the middle and lower-rank golden immortals or Xuanxian anymore!

And the rest of the rare first-rank golden immortals may not be able to see each other for tens of thousands of years, and Xiao Daojun is even more so, always avoiding himself from a distance, and has no chance to challenge.

Finally, the Ten Thousand Years Calamity of the Four Immortals Sect came. The big bosses of the Golden Immortals gathered together to participate, and even two first-rank Golden Immortals came.

It's a pity, Lei Batian's unique move was learned by Dongfang Qingtian, and he could only watch eagerly from the sidelines, not seeing much of it.

In this way, only Qingyuan, Huanghong Zhuo Jinxian, was left. This boss made only a handful of shots, but they were all unpredictable, and Gan Yunhe couldn't help but look forward to it.

But before that, he had to take down the Four Immortals, and Gan Yunhe was full of confidence in this.

Regardless of whether it was Hua An or that big gem head, Gan Yunhe didn't take it seriously at all. As long as Hua An didn't have the ultimate trick like Lei Batian, he could be said to be sure to win this contest.

Who would have thought that the Four Immortals Sect sent a completely ignorant mouse to fight, with no intelligence at all, and he got the idea out of nowhere, his strength was limited by the mouse's ignorant tricks, and the situation was very bad.

But the more this happened, the more excited Gan Yunhe became. It had been many years since his blood boiled like this!
Whether it is inferior or not, I didn't know how many competitions I lost, how many times I was beaten into a dead dog, and became a laughing stock.

But so what, I got up again, moved on, and reached today.

What kind of bullshit wins and loses, all flash aside!
At this moment, Gan Yunhe completely forgot that this was a contest about winning or losing honor, and only the mouse was left in his eyes!
Such a rare opponent, how could he not take a good fight!
"Nine Suns Promise!"

Gan Yunhe decisively sacrificed the ultimate bottom of the box!
To be honest, the power of this trick is too great, if one is not careful, it will make people miserable, so Gan Yunhe doesn't dare to use it.But now, his strength has been greatly reduced, and there is a mouse move to limit the power of his moves, so there is no need to wait any longer!
This is my way!Gan Yunhe vividly displayed the Dao he had comprehended through the Nine Yang Promise!What is it, you can help judge the mouse!

The sky shines for three days, and endless power explodes!
The six-day chain, the universe and the galaxy are eclipsed by it!

Nine-day overlord, mouse, I will ask you if you accept it? !
Whoops, the mouse trembled all over, it was the aftermath that was already so fierce, the power of a first-rank golden immortal really didn't come from blowing it out!
The barren chains can no longer hold the place, and it has become riddled with holes.

Seeing the nine scorching suns coming over like overwhelming the sky, the mouse ran away without saying a word!
Gan Yunhe frowned, "Why are you running away, the mouse, it's better to catch it!"

The mouse is a very thieves, and it only cares about running away, not wanting to take Gan Yunhe's ultimate pressure at the bottom of the box.

Gan Yunhe clicked his tongue and took the initiative to manipulate the nine rounds of scorching sun to besiege the mouse, but the effect was not good, because the mouse was too thieves, and could always avoid serious problems and dodge them in time.

The power of my own Nine Suns Promise is enough, but I still lack in speed and siege. It is really difficult to deal with a wretched opponent like a mouse.

Gan Yunhe immediately made adjustments and commanded the nine rounds of scorching sun to chase and beat the mouse.

And the mouse didn't just run away blindly, it continued to release the barren chains, stepped up time to make repairs, and patiently waited for the opportunity to counterattack.

Gan Yunhe's fierceness was beyond the mouse's expectation. Two months had passed, and the power of Gan Yunhe and Jiuyang Wuji hadn't weakened much. If your strength is compromised, you can counterattack!
The mouse waited and waited, but never saw Gan Yunhe become weaker. On the contrary, it seemed that he had gradually adapted to the barren chains with the passage of time, and his strength had gradually recovered.

The mouse couldn't help clicking its tongue, thinking that it was quite embarrassing when Mo Xuan and his party were trapped in the mausoleum, and they barely adapted to Huangli under their own guidance. Adapt, his ability to adapt is also very strong.

This is the fact. When Gan Yunhe manipulated Jiuyang Wuji to chase the mouse, he had been groping for the details of the barren chain. He had already discovered the existence of the barren force. He took advantage of the loopholes in the barren chain and kept trying to break the formation. For months, he failed to find out the way to break the formation, but he was able to resist the invasion of the barbaric force and stabilized his position.

The mouse secretly sighed, originally wanting to save some effort, it seems that it is impossible not to come up with a real unique skill!
Forget it, the opponent is so powerful, it would be too embarrassing for him to hide it.

The mouse, which had always been running around with its head in its arms, suddenly counterattacked and sprinted towards Gan Yunhe brazenly.

coming!Gan Yunhe's combat experience is so rich, he didn't relax at all because he suppressed his opponent, but his heartstrings were tense, the more careless he was, the more prone to mistakes he made!This is the lesson of blood and tears that Gan Yunhe summed up!
The distance and timing were quite suitable, and the mouse immediately spun at a high speed like a top.

This... what kind of trick is this?No matter what it is, it is definitely super powerful. My current strength is greatly reduced, so it's better not to take it hard!

Gan Yunhe breathed out forcibly, and manipulated the nine rounds of scorching sun to stop the mouse.

The mouse spun at a high speed, its body flickering, like a loach passing through the gaps of several rounds of scorching sun, quickly shortening the distance from Gan Yunhe.

Gan Yunhe retreated decisively, and at the same time dispatched four rounds of scorching sun as a shield to protect him!

It was too late and then too fast, the mouse's high-speed spinning body suddenly stopped, but his bald tail was thrown out with inertia!
The mouse's bare tail was obviously less than one meter long, but when it was thrown out, the mouse's tail suddenly became longer, like a long whip whipped towards Gan Yunhe!
Gan Yunhe never thought that the mouse's tail could still be extended, and it happened to be stuck at the moment when the scorching sun shield was not finished, and his strength alternated.

Gan Yunhe wanted to dodge, but his heart was too strong and his strength was insufficient. Although he tried his best to dodge, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and his chest felt cold.

Gan Yunhe froze, grinned, and looked down at his chest. The expected body being cut into two did not happen, but a big cut was made on the chest of the Taoist robe.

Gan Yunhe frowned, did he just escape the attack of the rat?Gan Yunhe took a closer look at the incision of the Taoist robe, it can be said that there is no difference, it just happened to rub his chest, and his chest didn't even scratch the skin, how could it be such a coincidence?

In the battle between masters, negligence on the front line can often determine life and death. Although I can still fight even if I am cut into two, but after all, I am facing an evenly matched opponent. I can't have another chance. point.But if it's a life-and-death duel, you can definitely let the mice drink a pot by self-exploding Jiuyang Wuji.

Gan Yunhe let out a long breath, it's a pity, he really wanted to continue fighting the rats.

That being the case, Gan Yunhe bowed to the mouse freely and freely, thanking the fellow daoist for his enlightenment.

The mouse cheerfully returned a bow, acquiescing.

(End of this chapter)

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