Chapter 770
The golden sun of Lei Batian Da Neng was still shining brightly, trapping Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng inside, nine rounds of scorching sun suddenly rose on the battlefield here.

The battle of Jinxian-level powers is indeed not comparable to that of Xuanxian. If you make any move, it will be a tremor in the galaxy. Such a magnificent scene, such exquisite Taoism and supernatural powers, ordinary immortals may not be able to do it in their entire lives. See you!
Countless viewers burst into tears, we are so happy to be born in this era!
Taoist Qingyu stroked his gray beard sighingly, the winner has already been decided, the mouse really hides his secrets, and he will have a chance to discuss with him later.

Chi Min, Hei Hong, and Zhan Hongbo, the three little daoist gentlemen, looked at each other without saying a word. Judging from the comprehensive strength, Gan Yunhe must have completely overwhelmed the mouse, but this time it was the mouse who won the victory. Sure enough, there are all kinds of wonders in the world, even if we already You are a little Daoist, but facing this incomparably vast universe, there are still too many unknowns, and there is a long way to go.


It's a pity that this contest ends here.

It's been a long time since I felt this good, Gan Yunhe sighed and put away Jiuyang Wuji.

The mouse also put away the barren chains.

Oh, Gan Yunhe raised his eyebrows, the restraint finally came into contact, and the suppressed celestial power in his body finally began to recover quickly.The trick of the mouse is really powerful, you must try it again if you have the chance.

Seeing Gan Yunhe rubbing his hands, the mouse eagerly approached him, squeezed out a smile, and ran away immediately, because he didn't want to be entangled by this combat lunatic.

Gan Yunhe is in a hurry, hey, don't leave, but leave a contact information, so that we can get in touch in the future!

The mouse quickly withdrew to the arena.

Gan Yunhe also chased him back to the arena.

Why did the nine scorching suns suddenly disappear?what happened?

The audience was wondering, and suddenly they were shocked to find that Gan Yun, Daneng and Mouse Daneng had returned to the arena.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the mouse flew to the bottom of the sixteen hexagrams competition plate, and then it disappeared after brushing the ground. It even looked a little sneaky.

Dizzy, I lost the contest, why are you running, Gan Yunhe curled his lips speechlessly, and turned back to the Heihong Immortal Realm camp.

ha? !

this... this is...

Could it be... Could it be...

There was an uproar.

We are not dazzled, this competition is the victory of the Four Immortals!
Ganyun and Da Neng, the first-rank golden immortals in the Heihong Immortal Realm, lost?

Who the hell is that mouse of the Four Immortals sect? It's incredible that it can beat the power of a first-rank Golden Immortal!
Lord Shu is mighty and brave!I love you old man!

The little guys rushed forward, lifted the mouse up, and kept throwing it away with cheers!

Mo Xuan and the others couldn't help but smile all over their faces. They even won the first rank of Golden Immortal. Master Shu is really a fortress.

Alright, alright, old man, this old bone can't stand your tossing, it's fine when you're interested, the mouse repeatedly signaled, and then the little guys put him down gently, but they still stared at him with great admiration.

The mouse gave the little ones an annoyed look, "I'm still me, why don't you take care of yourself one by one.

Master Shu, you have worked hard, and Mo Xuan also served tea and water, so he took good care of you.

The mouse shook his head amusedly, such a free and easy boy Xuan would be vulgar sometimes, but what he defeated was a majestic first-rank golden immortal, and now looking back, it was indeed thrilling!
As expected of a first-rank Golden Immortal, the first-rank Golden Immortal was indeed unbelievably strong, and his cards were too numerous to count.

This contest itself was a surprise attack that caught Gan Yunhe by surprise. He was soft and hard, avoiding the most serious and taking the lightest, and constantly consuming Gan Yunhe's immortal power, only then did he finally win by surprise.

There will be no such good things in the future, and if there is a duel again, nine times out of ten, I will be beaten by Gan Yunhe and lose my temper at all.Tsk tsk, it is obvious that Gan Yunhe has already set his sights on him, and he may not be able to escape a tough battle. It seems that he can't stay idle all the time, and he should practice hard.


One stone stirred up waves, and the news of Gan Yun and Da Neng's defeat was like a super nuclear bomb dropped on the Zilin galaxy, and the super shock wave generated spread rapidly in all directions!
Not long after, the entire fourth-level space-time was shaken to the point of being unbearable!

What was the process of this contest, how did the mouse win against Gan Yun and Da Neng?

The appearance of the Great Treasure earlier was enough to shock the world. Who would have thought that the Four Immortals would hide this powerful mouse!

But it doesn't make sense, Jinxian Da Neng is not a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, you can dig one out casually!The Four Immortals belong to both a great treasure and a mouse, so how can there be so many great powers in Xuezang?

And defeating a new Jinxian is very different from defeating a first-rank Jinxian!It's just a falling out!

Could it be...

A rumor in the market back then soon became an uproar again!

The four great powers of the Four Immortals Sect actually came from high-level time and space, which can better explain why the Four Immortals Sect is so high-end, and they can always sacrifice the golden immortal powers in time!It's not sure, the Four Immortals still have a little Daoist-level power hidden in the snow!
The more this rumor spread, the more mysterious it became, and all kinds of unimaginable names and identities were put on the Four Immortals.

What's more, they took the opportunity to put a pot of shit on the head of the Four Immortals, saying that the origin of the Four Immortals is unknown, but they are stirring up wind and rain in the fourth layer of time and space, trying to destroy the peace of the Four Immortals, and so on.

The Four Immortals came forward to clarify in due course that the mouse and the Sirius had the same background, and both came from the holy mountain on the top world of the Endless Tower.Uncle Mouse is getting old, he usually cultivates his moral character, and has never been involved in the disputes of the four layers of time and space. This time, seeing the difficulties of the Four Immortals, he reciprocated and took the initiative to fight.

This explanation is quite satisfactory, and most people in the fourth level of time and space think it is reliable. Even if there are jumping clowns making trouble, it will not cause much trouble, and the public opinion turmoil gradually fades away.

In the second round of the semi-finals, due to the absence of Da Neng Lei Batian, Qingyuan Immortal World directly advanced.The final will be Four Immortals vs. Qingyuan Immortal Realm.

Although Lei Batian was defeated without a fight, the golden sun of the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy never stopped promoting his bunker!
It's been almost a year, and Dongfang Qingtian still hasn't been able to get out of trouble.

People can't help but hesitate, how long will it take for Dongfang Qingtian to get out of trouble?Don't you want to be trapped for a thousand and 800 years!That would be scary!It should be impossible.

No matter what, naturally, everyone's attention on the fourth floor of time and space was shifted to the next crucial finals!

Wouldn't the Four Immortals still have the great power of Xuezang?It shouldn't be!
So in this crucial finals, will the Four Immortals be played by the great treasure or the Huaan Da Neng?
In fact, the Four Immortals sect really only has the great power of Xuezang, naturally Xiaoyun and Youlan.Needless to say, Xiaoyun is absolutely invincible in the fourth level of time and space, and Youlan may not be enough to fight against Xiaodao Lord, but he definitely has the strength to compete with the power of the first-rank Jinxian.

Mo Que'er and Kong Ling were quite moved. After all, this sixteen hexagrams competition has been seriously derailed, or we should just win!

Even Patriarch Qingyuan also sent a message, why don't we just dismiss the miracle to the end?
Mo Xuan shook his head, and restrained Que'er and the others with firm eyes. Everything must be done step by step, one step at a time. If you run too fast, you will only fall worse.

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er took a deep breath, calmed down, and nodded to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan replied to Patriarch Qingyuan: Patriarch, let's follow the original plan.

No need for people to wait for a long time, Mo Xuan directly appeared in the arena of the competition, with his hands behind his back, so calm and calm.

Mo Xuan is not in a hurry to show off, it is really not much time before the next battle for the yin and yang mirror.

It's Hua'an Da Neng!In the finals, Hua'an can play!

Countless fans of Hua'an are excited. Previously, Da Neng Lei Batian performed a shocking miracle for us in full view, which we will never forget; How about this one?Must ah, we support you!

Patriarch Qingyuan came out calmly, bowed to Mo Xuan, said a few polite words, and the finals officially started!
What the audience watched was full of enthusiasm, passion, and heart-wrenching.

Many viewers are really on the verge of having a heart attack.

One month passed, two months passed, three months passed.

The two great powers are still fighting fiercely, inseparable.

More and more viewers began to look forward to it, if Hua'an Da Neng could win, no, even if it was a tie, it would be another shocking miracle!It can be predicted that once this battle is over, the Four Immortals will surely flourish!No one can stop the advance of the Four Immortals!

Hua'an Da Neng, come on, it's all up to you!
However, the two sides in the competition became less and less enthusiastic as they fought. After all, it was just a formality.

Mo Xuan secretly sighed, hey, it's really not fun!

Patriarch Qingyuan was full of surprises and surprises. Xiaoxuan was already at the Golden Immortal level, and not just an ordinary Golden Immortal. Even Gong Hechang and Shangguan Qingyue would have little chance of winning against him.

Good boy, it really is a talented person from generation to generation!

When this competition is over, I must find an opportunity to have a good duel with Xiaoxuan. I really need a lot of help if I want to challenge the Xiaodaojun realm!Perhaps a battle with Xiaoxuan will give us some insights and breakthroughs!
Before you know it, it's already the last month!
The audience's emotions were even higher, and they didn't expect Hua'an Da Neng to defeat Patriarch Qingyuan. As long as they could be delayed until the end of the competition time limit, it would be the victory of the Four Immortals!
It's not long now, Hua An Da Neng, you must hold on!

However, the script for the finals has already been drawn up and will not be changed.

There were only ten days left in the competition, the patriarch Qingyuan offered his trump card, Mo Xuan was defeated, and was stamped on his chest by the palm of the patriarch Qingyuan, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, he had no choice but to admit defeat.

Miracles never happened.

The audience full of anticipation couldn't help but stay there, lost?Can Hua'an lose?how so?An astonishingly talented person like Hua'an Da Neng also lost!'s not true!It must be our hallucination!
Many viewers are unwilling to believe that this is true, and there are still hopes and illusions.

However, the facts were in front of his eyes, Patriarch Qing Yuan faintly flew to the bottom of the sixteen hexagrams competition plate, and Shi Shiran faced Zhengli a little, marking the end of this Genesis competition.

(End of this chapter)

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