Interstellar Miner

Chapter 774 Enmity and Enmity

Chapter 774

Some people are born with a golden spoon in their mouth, and they can enjoy endless prosperity and wealth throughout their lives.

And Dongfang Feihu's fate is even better, as a rather rare direct descendant of the Dongfang family, he also has excellent talent for cultivating immortals, and was even hugged by his ancestors when he was a child.

Among the new generation of the Dongfang family, Dongfang Feihu is the well-deserved chief. He has beaten the entire clan's invincible opponents and won countless praises.

It's the true prince. It can be said that Dongfang Feihu has never encountered even a single unfavorable thing since he was a child.
Under such circumstances, it is difficult for Dongfang Feihu not to feel complacent, especially after going through a lot of troubles and finally becoming a fairy, Dongfang Feihu's tail is completely turned up to the sky, and his eyes are fixed on the number one in the celestial list. throne!

However, Dongfang Feihu had no choice but to find that he was still too immature after he competed with the two uncles who were at the bottom of the list.Dongfang Feihu was not discouraged at all, after all he had just become a celestial being, (relying on the best magic weapon) he had no pressure to bully ordinary celestial beings, but he was still powerless against powerful celestial beings.

Ever since, Dongfang Flying Tiger started a journey of experience, wherever there is fun to go there.

In the family, Dongfang Flying Tiger is used to domineering, but only when he went outside did he realize that his status as the prince of Qingyu Immortal Realm is ten thousand times more useful than in the family!The response is overwhelming, and no one dares to block you when you walk sideways, which is so sour!
Dongfang Feihu quickly showed Deser to the fullest, his eyes were high above the top, and he didn't pay attention to all living beings at all!
Without any restraints, Dongfang Flying Tiger became more and more unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

Molesting female fairies, molesting female fairies is commonplace, even if you cause a catastrophe, it doesn't matter, as long as you report the identity of Prince Qingyu, the big boss Jinxian will be courteous.Major issues to minor ones out.

This day, Dongfang Feihu heard that the No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals had created a hot spring island, which was very novel. The most important thing was that the hot spring island attracted many beauties to soak in the hot springs.

Dongfang Feihu rushed over excitedly, what a broken hot spring, compared with the Jinlong Spring at home, it really doesn't even deserve to carry shoes.

But Dongfang Feihu didn't come here to soak in the hot springs, but had other intentions. It was actually to observe beautiful women bathing, which is also known as voyeurism.

Dongfang Feihu actually already had more than a dozen concubines, all of them were like flowers and jade, but the house flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, so concubines might as well steal them!

The four Xuanxian bodyguards quickly found a loophole in the hot spring island's defense circle, and arranged an excellent peeping place for Dongfang Flying Tiger.

Eating some side dishes and drinking some wine, and watching the beautiful women taking a bath secretly, tsk tsk, this is really delicious, Dongfang Feihu shakes his head, it's so beautiful!
Oh, well, the two female fairies are really hot, and they are also a pair of natural white tigers. Dongfang Feihu stared at it for a while, his lust gradually rose, and he couldn't bear it anymore. tent.No matter what, Dongfang Feihu is directly preparing for the Overlord to force his bow, and at worst, he will be put into the harem after he has a good time!
Who ever thought that the two female fairies were celestial beings, although they screamed and panicked, they still joined forces to parry the siege magic weapon released by Dongfang Feihu, and then things went wrong!

Dongfang Feihu also knew that it was a heinous crime to spy on a fairy while taking a bath. Gouging out her eyes would be considered a minor crime, but so what, I am the prince of the Qingyu Immortal Realm, who would dare to meddle in my business and risk my life to death!
I have already reported my name, but the two female fairies are still relentless, what annoyance!Damn, shameless!
Surrounded by four Xuanxian bodyguards, Dongfang Flying Tiger put his hands on his hips and yelled arrogantly: "I think I look down on you by spying on you in the shower, I think your face and figure are good, if you are an ordinary fairy, I am not interested in peeping! Why, do you still want me to be responsible? Don’t daydream, my status is actually worthy of you small power female fairies. At most, I will reluctantly sleep with you and plant some seeds for you, even if the two phases are offset. "

With a groan, the world was spinning for a while, and his butt was burning with pain. Dongfang Feihu looked around in a daze, hey, why did he lie on the ground?

This... this... I was kicked away by a sneak attack?

Who the hell dares to attack me?

It's that guy!What the hell, how many brains do you have, you're going to die!

Dongfang Flying Tiger spat out the dirt in its mouth, jumped up from the ground in disgrace, pointed at someone, and shouted hysterically: "Dare to kick me, kill him!"

However, neither of the two Xuanxian bodyguards beside him moved.

Why?Only then did Dongfang Feihu see the other two bodyguards who had already been knocked unconscious by that person, and he couldn't help but groaned, he didn't know that he hit a super iron plate this time!But, so what if you are the great power of the Golden Immortal!

Dongfang Feihu raised his head proudly, put his thumb on his chest, and shouted, "Do you know who I am?"

Then who didn't even fart, but he rushed over directly, and a big ear scraper magnified infinitely in front of Dongfang Feihu.

Dongfang Feihu woke up with grinning teeth, was shocked to find that he was in a dark and smelly stone cave, hey, where is this?
Hiss, Dongfang Feihu touched his mouth, it was swollen like a peach!It hurts!

Damn, that bastard dared to slap me on the mouth. I have never been beaten once at this age, and that bastard kicked and slapped me. I'm afraid he doesn't know his identity yet!

You are so tired of life!See how I kill you!
Dongfang Flying Tiger gritted its teeth and roared again and again.

"It's Mao Ming, you're going to die!" A male fairy with a mouse face, a mustache, and a dirty supervisor's uniform came in with a long whip in his hand, and he whipped Dongfang Flying Tiger without saying a word. past!
How dare you!There are quite a few guys who are not afraid of death today!Dongfang Flying Tiger was about to crush the supervisor to death, but the immortal energy in his body was dead silent, and he couldn't even turn a bubble.

Why? !Whoops!The long whip had already lashed Dongfang Feihu's body hard, and the pain pierced his heart.Apparently this long whip has added ingredients!
" dare to hit me, do you even know who I am?" Dongfang Feihu couldn't help but panic, it's really evil today, did you meet all the guys who are not afraid of death?

The answer to Dongfang Feihu was another whip, snap!

Dongfang Flying Tiger jumped up from the pump, shivering and shrinking, it hurts!
The supervisor gave Dongfang Feihu a cold look, and shouted: "I don't care who you are. When you get to this mine, even if you are a dragon, you have to be honestly coiled by the master, and if you are a tiger, you have to lie obediently on the ground. If you dare not listen to the Lord, you will serve him with a whip." After finishing speaking, the supervisor raised his whip again.

Dongfang Feihu shivered in fright, subconsciously shrank into a corner.

With a snap, the whip brushed Dongfang Feihu's body and slammed it against the stone wall. The debris flew and hit Dongfang Feihu's face with pain.

This... I am not dreaming, how could this happen?Dongfang Feihu looked at the supervisor in a daze.

"Why are you standing there in a daze, hurry up and work, the pickaxe is in the corner, take it and follow me." The supervisor scolded.

The situation was stronger than others, Dongfang Feihu could only obediently took the pickaxe, and followed the supervisor out of the cave, ah, this is a mine!

Dongfang Feihu stared blankly at the intricate mine passages, even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't figure out the way!
Dongfang Feihu pursed his lips and whispered to the overseer, "This fellow Taoist, I am Dongfang Feihu of the Dongfang Family."

The supervisor turned his head and glanced at Dongfang Feihu coldly, and snorted coldly: "What the fuck are you talking about the East and the West? Your skin is itchy again, you need to smoke!"

This guy probably doesn't even know about the Dongfang family!Dongfang Feihu didn't know what to say for a while.

"I am the oriental family from Qingyu Immortal Realm." Dongfang Feihu reminded.

Dongfang Feihu cried out in pain and obediently closed his mouth.

The supervisor lectured: "So what about the Qingyu Immortal Realm? It would be a disgrace to the Qingyu Immortal Realm if such an obscene bastard like you came out! Hmph, if Qingyu Shengjun knew that there was someone like you, he would have slapped you to death a long time ago! "

Dongfang Feihu was speechless, and really wanted to tell the supervisor that Qingyu Shengjun hugged him when he was a child, at most he would be punished, how could he be willing to shoot him to death!Dongfang Feihu didn't say anything after all, and it was useless to say anything about the supervisor's knowledge.

clap clap clap...

After more than a dozen whips, Dongfang Feihu finally recognized his current situation, and temporarily accepted the status quo of being imprisoned in a mine in a labor camp!

Dongfang Feihu gritted his teeth secretly, just wait, you wait for me!When someone from the family comes, I will wash your little fairy world with blood!
In just a few days, Dongfang Feihu's bursting self-confidence quickly deflated like a leaky balloon!
The dignified Prince of Qingyuan Immortal Realm, it is so hard to work in this small mine, those supervisors and prisoners are like evil spirits, they don't care who you are, if you dare not listen to them, they will beat you You listen to it!

There was nothing he could do against the supervisor, but those prisoners were also banned, so they could only compete with each other. As a result, his most conceited boxing kung fu was reduced to three-legged cat kung fu in front of those prisoners, so he couldn't beat any of them!

Thinking about myself bragging about being invincible all over the Qingyuan Immortal Realm, I was so ashamed to throw it at my grandma's house!
Now the Taoist robe and underwear are all lying on the ground, and wearing a thin miner's uniform, it is as bleak as it can be.

Dongfang Flying Tiger's previous world view has been completely subverted, what is going on, God, are you kidding me!

At this time, Dongfang Feihu deeply realized the true meaning of the ancestor's motto "If you have the strength, you can do whatever you want, if you don't have the strength, just shrink back"!Hey, I regret it!

Dongfang Feihu finally saw that one again, Hua An, the suzerain of the Four Immortals Sect, who broke the thousand-year-old chess academy's endgame, was exceptionally recruited into the chess academy, Hua An, a fourth-level professional.

It stands to reason that such a Hua An should nod and bow like his grandson when he saw him, but that's not the case at all. He kicked him flying, slapped him unconscious, and was directly locked in the mine.

My four bodyguards are all strong and senior Xuanxians. Together, they are said to be able to beat the powerful Xuanbang into a pig's head, but in front of Hua An, they don't even have the strength to fight back. The gap is too big!
Dongfang Feihu declared his name once again. He had learned too many lessons these days, and he didn't have the high-spirited posture he had before, and he was simply weak.

Hua An let out a casual sigh, and said, "For Mr. Qingyu's sake, I won't pursue your responsibility too much."

Ah, it seems that the identity of the young master is still very useful, Dongfang Feihu was just happy for a moment.

Hua An said indifferently: "Ten years of labor reform, if you behave well, you will be free. After you get out, be a good person. Don't embarrass your ancestors."

Dongfang Feihu's face immediately collapsed, didn't he?ten years? !This is simply fatal!Can we make a negotiation?Hey, don't go, I'll give you money, I'll give you treasures, brother, come back!

After a while, the black-faced supervisor came back, sneered and stroked the whip in his hand.

Dongfang Flying Tiger trembled, no longer taking chances, quickly picked up the iron pickaxe, and continued to dig hard with tears in his eyes, ten years, help...

(End of this chapter)

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