Interstellar Miner

Chapter 775 Enmity and Enmity

Chapter 775
dark and dark

can't help crying
Miss that full meal day and night

hard pursuit

Lost in a daze



so sad

empty stomach

can't stand a smile

Why bother

why ask

Where is my home


hate it

forget it

It's true to fill the stomach


Dongfang Feihu hummed a little song very sadly, lamenting in his heart, why is my life so hard?The well-behaved prince of Qingyu Immortal Realm was suddenly turned into an underground miner, that's all, he didn't even have a full meal!
In fact, the cafeteria serves a lot of food, but if you want to have a full meal, you have to grab it first!

In the beginning, Dongfang Flying Tiger, who grew up in fine clothing and fine food, could not think of the food served in the cafeteria, and regarded it as pig food.But every day he had to work hard to dig the mines, and without the support of the immortal power, Dongfang Feihu was so hungry that his chest was stuck to his back, and his eyes were full of stars, so he didn't even care about the food.

After tightening his belt for a long time, the gongs and drums for dinner finally sounded again.

Immediately, the miners swarmed up like tigers coming out of the gate, and the Dongfang Flying Tiger groaned a few times before being squeezed to the side. Fortunately, there were people around, so they wouldn't lie down on the ground, but they avoided the danger of being trampled.

Unknowingly, Dongfang Feihu was squeezed to the back, looking at the dark crowd in front of him, he only felt that he was so weak.

When has Dongfang Feihu seen such a scene? If he wants to eat something, as long as it is not too rare, the cook at home can make it right away, and countless restaurants are vying to come over and post a post asking for a stay.How can the title of prince be a false name.

Coo coo coo, the empty stomach growled non-stop, Dongfang Feihu didn't have the time to reminisce about the extravagant years in the past, rolled up his sleeves, and bravely pushed forward.

Heck, heck, Dongfang Flying Tiger squeezed forward desperately, wishing he could grow four more arms, but after a lot of hard work, he finally squeezed to the front, let alone vegetables, there were not a few grains of rice left in the bucket!
Dongfang Flying Tiger's eyes suddenly went dark, thinking about the long distance between heaven and earth, he was so sad that he burst into tears!
"Young master." The four bodyguards came over and distributed the food they had robbed to Dongfang Feihu.

Dongfang Flying Tiger didn't care about so much, it was gobbling it up.

"Hey, what do you guys want to do together! Looking for smoke!" The supervisor came over aggressively.

"Young master, take care." The four bodyguards hurriedly dispersed. They had been beaten a lot in the past few days, and they were really scared of being beaten.The majestic Xuanxian Da Neng came to the bottom of this mine, and he is not as good as those local ruffians, alas.

Dongfang Feihu finally had a full meal, but the days to come will be even more bitter.

If it weren't for the four bodyguards who were there to take care of him all the time, Dongfang Feihu might have starved to death!
Dongfang Flying Tiger can only be the prince in his dreams, and he can eat all kinds of delicacies, but after waking up, he still has to face the reality and suffer from hunger and hunger.

People were forced out, and in less than half a month, Dongfang Feihu's body was full of traces of the young master. He was fooling around and kept talking about the three-character scriptures. That's called a vicious one. Although it's still not too much to grab, at least it can gradually fill up half of it.

It's a pity that Dongfang Flying Tiger was under the special care of the superiors, and the supervisors took turns watching them closely, and the chances of being lazy were really rare.

Dongfang Feihu gritted his teeth, and scolded his mother countless times in his heart: You, a little Four Immortals sect, still think you can defy the heavens, even if your Four Immortals sect has a strong backing, but after all, I am a direct descendant of the Dongfang family, representing the entire youth. The face of the Feather Immortal Realm!
Your Four Immortals have offended our Qingyu Immortal Realm, and there will never be any good fruit to eat. As long as I grit my teeth and survive these few days, the family will definitely send people to rescue them as soon as they get the news. At that time, I will be bloodbathed Invite you to the Four Immortals, let you know how powerful the young master is!

In the beginning, Dongfang Feihu scolded so fiercely and viciously, but he became weaker and weaker as he scolded, and could only serve as self-consolation and fatigue relief.

Dongfang Feihu let out a scream, but he was panting and tired enough, so his hands and feet slowed down a bit, and he was immediately whipped hard by the supervisor, the pain was so painful that his eyes stared like gold stars.

What the hell!You wait for me, I want you to look good sooner or later!
The status quo is that Dongfang Feihu doesn't even dare to turn his head, so he can only grit his teeth and force himself to continue digging hard. As long as he survives the hellish eight hours, he can take a good rest for a while.

Dongfang Feihu was very fortunate. At the beginning, in order to stand out in the family, he still worked hard and worked hard. With the help of various top-quality treasures, he tried seven times, and at least he became a fairy.Now it is precisely because of the foundation of the immortal body of the celestial being that it can survive the hellish eight hours.

But this one can only barely hold on, and there can be no slack in the slightest, otherwise you will enjoy the whipping of the whip. Dongfang Feihu really feels sad for himself. The prince of the majestic oriental family is the most unique in the entire four-layer time and space. The second generation of the Immortals are unscrupulous in everything they do, molesting the fairies, molesting the fairies, spying on the fairies, they always do whatever they want, even if there is a conflict, as long as they declare their names, no one will dare to provoke them!
Hey, who would have thought that there is such a super iron plate in such a small fairyland!

Dongfang Feihu was hit with a bruised nose, a swollen face, a bloody head, and became a miner, so he couldn't help but start to doubt his life.

Dongfang Flying Tiger gritted his teeth viciously, grinned secretly, and swung the pickaxe desperately, but couldn't hear the sound of the overseer falling behind him.

"Master Tiger." A soft call sounded.

Dongfang Feihu was taken aback. Could it be that I had an auditory hallucination?Dongfang Feihu's subordinates didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, hesitating whether to look back, after all, only people with a little closer family relationship would call him Master Hu.

"Master Tiger." Another cry.

This time I heard it for real, someone finally came home!

Dongfang Feihu's eyes filled with tears. He turned around and saw that although there was only a faint shadow, the damn mouse-faced supervisor fell limply on the ground. It must be someone from the family who came to save me!
Damn, I finally waited for this day!

Dongfang Feihu relieved his anger and threw the pickaxe on the ground, rushed over and punched and kicked the supervisor, let you beat me, let you scold me, let you look down on me, I will kill you!If it hadn't been banned, I would have kicked you to death!What the hell!

"Master Tiger! Time is running out." Xu Ying hurriedly stopped the hysterical Dongfang Flying Tiger,

Well, this damn mine man doesn't want to stay any longer, so let's get out quickly.Dongfang Feihu exhaled, and was about to leave the mine with Xuying.

Xu Ying said eagerly: "The defensive circle in this mine is very strange. I don't have much time. Third Master Uncle asked me to give you a few words."

With words?Dongfang Feihu was taken aback, what does that mean, is there anything he can't say in person?Why can't I understand.

"Originally, we had dispatched the fleet and two golden immortals to rescue you, Master Hu, but the ancestor somehow found out about your capture, and became furious, and sent the troops back, so Master Hu, you temporarily I can only stay here. Cough, Master Hu, you have to work hard for ten years in a labor camp, and then we will find a way to pick you up. I have to go, Master Hu, take care." The phantom disappeared in a flash.

What?Grandfather spoke?No!ten years?I have to stay in this mine for ten years, so I'm still alive!Dongfang Feihu was completely dumbfounded.

Why!Why!don't go!Do not bring such ah!Why don't you take me with you!Dongfang Feihu jumped up and down anxiously, wanting to cry but no tears.

With a painful groan, the overseer who fell limp on the ground hesitated and opened his eyes, what's the matter?Why!Why am I lying on the ground?As soon as the overseer got up from the ground, he was shocked to find that his body was covered with footprints and his whole body was in pain. This... the overseer stared viciously at the only suspicious person present!
Dongfang Feihu opened his mouth, "Your sister, don't play with me like this!"Why didn't that guy say it earlier, I've already moved my hands and feet, you pat your ass and leave, what should I do now?Fuck, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, brother, listen to me!
The supervisor didn't care about the trifles, and directly shouted angrily and brandished a long whip to lash at the Dongfang Flying Tiger. I just fainted for no reason, and you kid actually dared to take the opportunity to kick me, what the hell! The leopard is daring you, tired of living!
What else can the Eastern Flying Tiger do? It can only hold its head in its hands and curl up into a ball, allowing it to be violent. God, the earth, it turns out that it only takes a few snaps of fingers to climb from hell to heaven, and then fall from heaven to hell. !help...

The supervisor had no strength left in the beating, so he stopped panting, and then yelled at Dongfang Feihu, who was covered in bruises, and froze for a while, hurry up and work!No matter how dare you be dishonest, I will call my three buddies over to deal with you together, and let you know how powerful you are!
Dongfang Feihu's eyes were full of tears, he no longer took chances, and lost his temper at all, well, now you are indeed the uncle, you have the final say.

When I get through ten years and go out, I'll see you then!Let's see!
Mamma Mia, ten years, it's really terrible, don't play with me like this!
Dongfang Feihu was so sad that he had no choice but to continue mining with tears in his eyes.

Ten years, now every day is like a year, how can I survive these ten years!

The overseer, who was in pain all over his body, was in a super upset mood, so he slapped Dongfang Feihu hard when he regained some strength.

This bastard is too much!Dongfang Feihu gritted his teeth. If he had known at that time, he wouldn't have punched and kicked you, and would have smashed you to death with an iron pick!I regret it!
At this moment, Dongfang Feihu looked at this little fairy world again, his face still distorted involuntarily.

Dongfang Flying Tiger let out a long sigh, ten years, ten years in the dark, I really struggled and struggled, struggling day by day.

When the ten-year period expired, someone from the family came to pick him up, and he finally left the mine for the first time in ten years. Looking at the blue sky, Dongfang Feihu burst into tears, as if he had been in a lifetime!
Back then, the curse that gnashed their teeth and set up a bloodbath to cleanse this little fairy world could only be a curse, but now there are people coming from the family, but there is only one low-key battleship, and an unknown Xuanxian drives the battleship.

Perhaps when he was in the mine, Dongfang Feihu still had fantasies in his heart. Seeing this scene now, he still doesn't know in his heart. He has lost face to Qingyu Immortal Realm, and it is a big shame. The family can send someone to pick him up. It's all because of the fact that I am a direct descendant of the Eastern family. If I change to a descendant of a side branch, I am afraid that I will be expelled.

After returning home to rest for three days, the uncle of the third master Feng Jiana Jinxian received Dongfang Flying Tiger.

Looking at the much thinner figure of Dongfang Feihu, Feng Jiana Jinxian secretly sighed, looked up, and severely reprimanded Dongfang Feihu.

Dongfang Flying Tiger bowed its body, obediently, not daring to show its air.

Seeing Dongfang Feihu's low-browed, submissive appearance, Feng Jiana Jinxian felt very uncomfortable.

Dongfang Flying Tiger peeping at the female fairy bathing is really unreasonable, but even if it is punished, it must be punished by our Qingyu Immortal Realm. What kind of thing are you, the Four Immortals, and you are also worthy of Yuezu?

If it wasn't for the old man's words to stop him, I would have brought people to level that little fairy world long ago!
The majestic prince of Qingyu Immortal Realm was imprisoned in a dark mine to work. He said it was a labor reform, but in fact he was a miner similar to a miner!Look at how pitiful Xiaohu is, he is almost skinny like a monkey!
Feng Jiana Jinxian cursed harshly, but in fact, he hated him more than anything.Although he tried his best to block the news, there is no one in the world who is so impenetrable. After all, the news was leaked, and it was spread in several great fairy worlds in private. Dongfang Feihu has become a big laughing stock.

Xiaohu grew up watching him grow up, so he is a bit domineering, but young people should be heroic and full of energy, but he has only been imprisoned for ten years, and there is not even a bit of vigor left in him. He has been scolded by himself for so long , dare not even squeak!

Feng Jiana Jinxian didn't know how to continue preaching, since the old man had already spoken, he couldn't say much, so he could only tell: "Xiaohu, you have also been taught a lesson this time, so I won't say more. Don’t run out if you have nothing to do in the future, just stay at home and practice.”

"Yes, yes, Xiaohu understands." Dongfang Feihu nodded repeatedly.

Feng Jiana Jinxian pursed her lips, and said earnestly: "The future will be long, so you should step back."

There is ample time?Dongfang Feihu raised his head and glanced at Feng Jiana Jinxian, and saw the third master's uncle winking at him.

Dongfang Feihu understands, isn't it just that the future will be long, our Dongfang family's face is so easy to lose, we have to get it back sooner or later!
It is never too late for the immortal to take revenge!Four Immortals Zong Hua'an, let's wait and see!
Dongfang Feihu gave a deep bow, and retreated respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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