Chapter 777

Dongfang Feihu took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and continued to pay attention to the battle for places.

Tsk tsk, even if this small fairy world is pretty good now, it wouldn't be possible to dispatch so many golden immortals to compete for it.

After a scuffle, the two golden immortals failed to grab the quota, but they turned against each other, and the Xuanxians of other forces swarmed to take advantage of the loopholes.

Dongfang Feihu counted the data, and including the third master's uncle, there were five golden immortals in total, and there were seven other great experts on the Xuanbang. Even if the remaining three were not on the Xuanbang, they were not far behind.

The biggest threat to the Third Patriarch should be Qi Jiazhi Jinxian from the Red Immortal Realm. As long as the two big brothers don't meet before the final, then there will be no problem.

Most of the other three golden immortals are not the opponents of the third patriarch, let alone the rest of the Xuanbang.

The Four Immortals are a great source of instability. However, Hua'an of the Four Immortals lost to Qingyuan Patriarch in the first round of the finals, and he was injured so naturally he couldn't fight so quickly. Huo Qingling was able to defeat Yu. Tianrui Golden Immortal Empress has never shown up, most likely she spent a lot of money; Wu Nianxuan has been fighting with Gong Hechang Jinxian for six months, and of course there is no way to fight immediately; Master Shuiyue will not mention it, and there is no one in the Four Immortals Sect But it's not Master Shuiyue's turn to play.The more troublesome one is the powerful Tie Dan Xuanbang, but no matter how powerful he is, he cannot be the opponent of the third master's uncle.

The old ancestor has already spoken, the four immortal sect's ten-thousand-year catastrophe competition defaults to the first round of the Golden Immortal Grand Cannon, so everything is still unknown.

You must know that in the first round of the first round of the Four Immortal Sect's Ten Thousand Years Great Tribulation, of the five super giants, only Qingyu Immortal World and Heihong Immortal World successfully broke through the first round, while Chimian Immortal World, Zhishuyuan, and Jinxiu League were all eliminated in a daze.

The defeat of the three super giants of Chimao Immortal Realm, Zhishuyuan, and Jinxiumeng is also understandable. After all, Shuiwu and Lei Batian are synonymous with heaven-defying. Xuan Xian was gone, but that Tu Mo had a huge upset and soared into the sky.

Dongfang Flying Tiger was already prepared for this, and invited Dongfang Wenbin Da Neng, who was ranked tenth in the Profound List of Qingyu Immortal Realm, over here. Seven or eight, winning the first round of the competition should be a sure thing.

The competition table for the first round came out, and the factions of several Jinxian powers were seeded players, and they avoided the first round by default.

There was no need for Dongfang Wenbin's great abilities, and Qingyu Immortal World easily passed the first round.

Chimian Immortal World, which Dongfang Flying Tiger focused on, also easily passed the first round.

Finally it was the turn of the Four Immortals, and the one sent by the Four Immortals to fight was a well-known senior Xuanxian. Dongfang Feihu couldn't help but snort, as for this kind of guy, I guess he could win the competition.

The opponent of the Four Immortals Sect obviously has the great power of the Xuanbang. Although the ranking is lower, he is also a great power of the Xuanbang, but that master of the Xuanbang did not play, and also sent a senior Xuanxian to fight.

What's the matter?Dongfang Feihu said that he couldn't understand it at all. With so many golden immortals present, is it necessary to preserve strength?Of course, we must go all out to let the Four Immortals take a tour!
The contest ended soon, and the Four Immortals successfully advanced.

ha?Do you dare to lie a little more?This is completely a fake match!
Dongfang Feihu was very speechless. After a long time, you are all in the same group. Forget it, the first round is just an appetizer, and the meat dishes will follow!
At the end of the first round, the factions of the five Golden Immortals have successfully advanced, which means that there will be at least one Golden Immortal battle in the second round.

Dongfang Feihu secretly prayed, let us in the Qingyu Immortal Realm avoid those golden immortal bosses, it's best, let's go directly to the Four Immortals.

The second round of the battle table came out. The Qingyu Immortal Realm did avoid the Golden Immortal War, but it also failed to hit the Four Immortals.

The Chimian Immortal Realm was unlucky, and encountered the Golden Immortal War early on.Dongfang Flying Tiger likes to hear it, so our chances of winning in Qingyu Immortal World will be greatly increased!

Dongfang Feihu curled his lips, and had to say that the Four Immortals were really lucky, and they even avoided the power of the Golden Immortal.But the latest news has come. The iron egg master of the Four Immortals has already participated in the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm's martial arts competition, and there is no way to come to save the field. Eliminate it.

The second round officially started, Dongfang Wenbin Da Neng easily won the opponent, and Qingyu Immortal World easily advanced to the semi-finals.

Qi Jiazhi Jinxian of the Red Immortal Realm fought against his opponent for six months. Although he won by the decision, it was not enough.Dongfang Flying Tiger secretly rejoiced, now it's stable!
ha?Why did the Four Immortals win again? What's going on?Dongfang Feihu was speechless. Could it be another fake match?Looking at it, it looks a bit like it, isn't it, what are you doing!

Dongfang Feihu came to his senses, yes, the Four Immortals had many allies, they were powerless in the first and second battles, but now they broke out collectively.Hmph, even if the allies are strong, so what, in the semi-finals, the three Golden Immortals will pinch your Four Immortals together!Apart from being crushed to death by your Four Immortals, can you have a second result?
What's the use of dying, it's just a matter of time!

Dongfang Feihu couldn't wait any longer, and finally the second round of the competition was over.

The semi-final matchup table is out.

The Four Immortals fought against the Chiyan Immortal Realm, and the Qingyu Immortal Realm fought against Hanlifang.

Dongfang Feihu laughed, this is the end, you Four Immortal Sects pack up and leave as soon as possible.At the same time, Dongfang Feihu felt a little pity in his heart, it would be great if our Qingyu Immortal Realm faced the Four Immortals, then this contest would be safe.

Right now, although Qi Jiazhi Jinxian of the Chiyan Immortal Realm had a big battle in the second round, the semi-finals are actually very easy, and our Qingyu Immortal Realm is destined to have a fierce battle in the semi-finals, one goes up and down, and the final finals is still here. It's hard to say.

Finally, the semi-finals began.

Whoops, the audience was in an uproar when the second child of the Four Immortals Sect played.

Who is this guy?Such an unattractive appearance, it doesn't look good, is there no one in the Four Immortals, why did they send this guy to fight?
Dongfang Flying Tiger also shook his head, this guy looks like a trickster at first glance, most likely he would be shot flying by Qi Jiazhi Jinxian Da Neng after just one encounter.

However, the situation in the first match of the semi-finals was beyond everyone's expectations. The unremarkable Erwazi played against Qi Jiazhi Jinxian Da Neng in an unhurried and tepid way, looking really bad.However, Qi Jia Zhi Jinxian's great ability seemed to be unable to use his strength, and he attacked several times, but he still failed to take down Erwazi.

Could it be that Qi Jia Zhi Jinxian's great power was exhausted in the last battle, so he can't be strong now?
Dongfang Feihu was dumbfounded, what the hell is going on?Is the Four Immortals so evil?Every contest is unexpected, what kind of trouble is this?
Qi Jiazhi is a powerful Golden Immortal, you are a powerful fifth-rank Golden Immortal, you won't be able to take down even a little-known Xuanxian, right? Hurry up!
Dongfang Feihu was in a hurry, he wished he could take the place of Qi Jiazhi Jinxian Da Neng, and kicked the second child away.

Feng Jiana Jinxian watched the competition with a sullen face, frowned, and gave the Dongfang Flying Tiger who was jumping up and down unhappily.

Dongfang Feihu shuddered all over, and carefully glanced at the third master's uncle, hey, why did the third master's uncle look wrong?

Dongfang Feihu took a few deep breaths, settled down, and watched the semi-final match again.

No... no!Looking at it, Dongfang Feihu began to sweat on his forehead, his heart was jumping with fear, and he was already drenched all over before he knew it.

It is true that the Taoism performed by the second child was not very surprising. Many audience members were baffled and couldn't figure out how Qi Jia Zhi Jinxian Da Neng could not take down the second child.

After all, Dongfang Feihu still has two brushes now, and it can be seen that although Qi Jiazhi's golden immortal is not in good condition, he still has the power to fight against ordinary golden immortals.But this second child is really old-fashioned, and he seized the opportunity everywhere, using only ordinary methods to avoid serious problems and ignore minor ones, leaving Qi Jia Zhi Jinxian Da Neng at a loss for what to do.

This Erwazi has terrifying strength, is he really just a Xuanxian?Could it be another Golden Immortal trump card hidden by the Four Immortals?
Unable to attack for a long time, Qi Jia Zhi Jinxian Da Neng also got a little anxious, and resorted to the bottom-of-the-box trick.

Erwazi is still unhurried, tepid, and sees every move.

After all, Qi Jia Zhi Jinxian Da Neng had just fought a battle, he was not in good condition, and his breathing was slightly suffocated for a moment.

Just for such a moment, Qi Jiazhi Jinxian hurriedly threw many smoke bombs to disturb the audiovisual, but Erwazi still seized the opportunity, rushed forward and pointed at his chest, and then retreated.

Qi Jiazhi Jinxian's complexion changed suddenly, a big hole was cut in the chest of the top-grade defensive Taoist robe he was wearing, but he was completely unscathed, what a terrifying control!
Qi Jiazhi Jinxian knew very well that even if he took Erwazi's blow head-on, his injuries would not be too serious, and he was still capable of fighting, but obviously Erwazi was not an opponent that could be defeated easily, and his injuries would become worse if he continued like this. It's getting more and more serious, and it's inevitable that there will be more negligence, and my chance of winning is obviously less than [-]%.

The younger generation is awesome!Qi Jia Zhi Jinxian Da Neng could only let out a long sigh, put on a new Taoist robe, bowed to Erwazi, and left in a hurry.

The audience were all dumbfounded, they never imagined that such an unattractive second child would actually defeat Qi Jia Zhi Jinxian Da Neng and win this important contest.

You must know that defeating Jinxian Da Neng and winning until the end of the time limit are two different concepts. Previously, only super geniuses such as Huo Qingling, Lei Batian, and Tie Dan achieved this shocking achievement. This second child is amazing!

Soon, the results of the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm were also passed on. In the semi-finals, Tie Dan defeated the bus ride Xuekuo Jinxian Da Neng, which once again shocked the fourth layer of time and space.

But that Tie Dan has long been famous, ranked 22nd in the Xuanbang, and is the leader of the first generation of disciples of the Four Immortals. And where did this second child come from? I have never heard of it before, and he also Achieved the achievement that can only be achieved by iron eggs.

The Four Immortals Sect is going against the heavens, how come one of them is a peerless genius, as if all geniuses are like radishes planted on the ground, one can emerge as soon as they are pulled out!
Dongfang Flying Tiger really didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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