Interstellar Miner

Chapter 778 New Era

Chapter 778 New Era

In the next semi-final, the uncle of the third master fought fiercely with Feng Gaojun Jinxian of Hanlifang. I felt that Feng Gaojun Jinxian seemed to be a little lethargic, or he didn't want to consume too much in this contest with a small chance of winning, so he only lasted for three After a month, I took the initiative to admit defeat.

Dongfang Feihu heaved a sigh of relief secretly. In this way, the third uncle's chances of winning against that second child must be great!But I was still a little flustered, the second son of the Four Immortals Sect was really evil, and he didn't seem to work hard to win against Qi Jiazhi Jinxian from the Chimao Immortal Realm in the semi-finals. I really don't know how much he spent.

Dongfang Feihu could only hope that Erwazi was too tired to win that match and was too tired to play again, so the Four Immortals simply gave up the finals.

Dongfang Feihu took a careful look at the uncle of the third master who was hurrying to meditate to recover. The intermission time was only one month, so he didn't know how much the uncle of the third master could recover.

On the other hand, Erwazi is also racing against time to recover his celestial energy, but unlike Feng Jiana's recovery from meditation, Erwazi is recovering his celestial energy with the full assistance of Zhang Qinxin.

The young couple rushed to the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm early, communicated with the world, and recovered with half the effort.

In addition, Erwazi finished a match first. When Feng Jiana Jinxian and Feng Gaojun Jinxian fought to death, Erwazi had already recovered a lot, and now he is not far from his peak state.

A month of halftime passed in a flash.

Zhang Qin carefully took care of Erwazi to dress neatly, her face blushed, and she pouted her cherry mouth and took a sip of Erwazi, Husband, come on!
Erwazi was full of spring breeze, and hugged Zhang Qinxin tenderly, rubbing his ears and temples together, and said softly: "Xin'er, wait for me to return from victory."

Zhang Qinxin gave a low hum, snuggled into Erwazi's arms for a moment, gently pushed Erwazi away, and said: "Husband, be careful."

Erwazi nodded cautiously, and flew into the sky leisurely.

Dongfang Feihu frowned secretly. After all, the second son of the Four Immortals was going to fight. Hey, why did he look so red? Could it be that he took some great tonic?

Feng Jiana Jinxian opened his eyes, exhaled foul breath, Shi Shiran stood up, took a step forward, and appeared in front of Erwazi.

Feng Jiana Jinxian looked at Erwazi at close range, no matter how you look at it, this Erwazi was so ordinary, but he was the one who defeated Qi Jiazhi Jinxian.

Feng Jiana Jinxian watched the whole process of the contest between the two. Qi Jiazhi Jinxian was indeed in poor condition, but the second child caught Qi Jiazhi Jinxian's negligible negligence and launched a winning blow.

It can be seen from this that this second child is definitely not waiting for nothing, and he is not yet in a state of complete victory, but he must not be paralyzed.

Feng Jiana Jinxian took a deep breath, bowed seriously to Erwazi, please advise.

Erwazi bowed back unhurriedly, please advise.

The two immediately fought together.

Dongfang Feihu watched the contest nervously, seeing that this small fairy world was already in his pocket, but he never expected a second child to appear suddenly.

It's been almost half a month since the fierce battle, and Erwazi is still the same as the semi-finalists, unhurried, tepid, and open-minded.

Dongfang Feihu's heart was gradually beating, Qi Jiazhi Jinxian was taken down by Erwazi like this, Third Master Uncle, you must be steady!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and Dongfang Flying Tiger was in dire straits, like ants on a hot pot.

Dongfang Feihu couldn't figure it out, why Erwazi was so strong, how long had it been since he had a fight with Qi Jiazhi Jinxian in the semi-finals, how could he recover so well, he should be just a strong outsider but a middle-aged man!
But the fierce battle has lasted for three months, and the second child is still so unhurried, without feeling weak at all. On the contrary, the uncle of the third master does not seem to be as powerful as the beginning of the competition.

Dongfang Feihu was beating drums in his heart, no, no way, the third uncle is so powerful, how could he lose to this ugly second child, definitely not.

Feng Jiana Jinxian became more and more frightened as he fought more and more, this Erwazi had absolutely no flaws, no matter what kind of Taoism he used, he would see through it at a glance, and he would not be able to exert its due effect at all.

What an astonishing basic skill this is. The reason why Xuanxian is Xuanxian is that all the five elements are lacking. This Erwazi is clearly a golden immortal wearing the skin of Xuanxian!No wonder Qi Jiazhi Jinxian would lose to him. I was lucky before, thinking that Erwazi took advantage of Qi Jiazhi Jinxian's poor state, so he won by chance. Now it seems that Erwazi won for real. It was half a fluke.

But now his condition is getting worse and worse, Erwazi is still calm, he really can't see his details, but he is obviously in a good condition, if he continues like this, he will suffer, and if he is not good, he will follow in the footsteps of Qi Jiazhi Jinxian.

Feng Jiana Jinxian couldn't help being a little tangled, what should he do?
Is it strictly guarding against procrastination until the end of the competition time limit, or is it just the end with Erwazi?
The former can save face even if he loses, while the latter loses if he loses. Not to mention losing his face, at least it is very embarrassing.

Hmph, if you lose, you lose. Master is not the kind of person who is timid, keep going!Let's see how much this second child weighs!

After all, Feng Jiana Jinxian still overestimated his own state. After all, he had never fought so intensively and tiredly, and his strength was really low.

And Erwazi has always been recharging his energy, preparing for this competition for a long, long time.

In the battle of masters, a moment of negligence can often make the difference between life and death!

Looking at Erwazi who was flying away, Feng Jiana Jinxian smiled bitterly, looked down at the Taoist robe with a big hole in his chest, and shook his head helplessly.

It's a pity, I'm not in a good state, I really want to have a good fight with these two kids!

Feng Jiana Jinxian put on a new Taoist robe, bowed to Erwazi, and then floated away.

Erwazi flew to the underside of the sixteen hexagrams competition board without any hesitation, and did a little bit against Zheng Zheng.

The whole place was dead silent.

Before this martial arts competition, who would have thought that such an unimaginable result would come, that an ordinary and unknown Xuanxian defeated two golden immortals one after another and won the final victory!

This was simply a fantasy in the past, but this extremely incredible event really happened in front of us.

Dongfang Feihu stared blankly at Er Wazi with his mouth wide open, I am not dreaming, how could this happen?Impossible, how could this second child defeat such a powerful third master uncle, he must have cheated, there must be fraud!This small fairy world should belong to me!
Feng Jiana Jinxian returned to the camp of Qingyu Immortal Realm, seeing the lost Dongfang Feihu couldn't help but twitched his brows and snorted coldly.

Dongfang Feihu was shocked, and then he came to his senses. Seeing the uneasy expression of the third master's uncle, he hurriedly adjusted his mentality, that's all, there are times in life, and there is no time in life, so don't force it, this small fairy world doesn't belong to me now, It doesn't mean that there will be no play at all in the future.

Dongfang Feihu gritted his teeth secretly, one day, I will personally go out and take this little fairy world under my command!
That's about the same, Jinxian Feng Jiana glanced at Dongfang Feihu, ordered a few words, left first, and returned to Qingyu Immortal Realm.

Dongfang Feihu was not in the mood to stay any longer, took a deep look at Fang Xiaoxianjie, followed closely behind, and led the team away.

Not long after, the battle for the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals came to an end, and the iron egg of the Four Immortals also miraculously defeated the two golden immortals one after another, winning the final victory.

The corner of Dongfang Feihu's mouth twitched, he really had nothing to say, Four Immortal Sect, Four Immortal Sect, how many miracles can you produce?

With the end of the battle between the two parties in the Little Immortal Realm, the unimaginable achievements of Tie Dan and Erwazi are like two super atomic bombs dropped on the fourth layer of time and space, shaking the entire fourth layer of time and space to death.

Since ancient times, Xuanxian is Xuanxian, Jinxian is Jinxian, and the distinction is clear and clear.

But since the establishment of the Four Immortals, the boundary between Xuanxian and Jinxian has become more and more blurred. Now that Xuanxian has defeated Jinxian's power over and over again, this... people don't know what to say.

Huo Qingling, Hua An, Lei Batian, these legendary powers who are well-known to everyone, will not say much, that Tie Dan can be seen as a dragon among immortals at a glance, people can barely accept it, but the ordinary second What is the child doing?
No matter how much people don't believe it, the hard facts are there, and people can't help but not believe it.

There is no doubt that a brand new era is rising!


The Tianxiahui, Feng Chang's battle for territory with Jiao Huai Jinxian and Guo Nan Jinxian has come to an end for the time being.

Yu Tianrui has already been divided up by the three of them, because of the special care given by the president Bao different, Feng Chang naturally became the biggest winner.

Feng Changfan watched the latest information silently, and was not too surprised that Tie Dan and Er Wazi won. These two young masters are both the overlords of the third layer of time and space, and they are also the leaders among Mo Xuan's personal disciples. Food is incomparably abundant, and achievements are naturally limitless.

It's just that Mo Xuan's disciples are already so fortified, don't let yourself be far inferior to Mo Xuan's disciples, let alone catch up with Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er!

Feng Chang was silent for a long time. Now, Mo Xuan, a large number of disciples of the devil king, all went to the fourth layer of time and space to stir up wind and rain. Don't dare to take the lead easily, but it's delayed!

Feng Chang took a deep breath. Now that he had forced himself to stand out, there was no need to remain silent. When it was time to make a move, he would make a move. With a super fragrant bun like the Four Immortals Sect attracting firepower, even if he was aggressive, he wouldn't be able to win much Pao Er.Besides, there is Tianxiahui behind it, and I can be regarded as one of the three giants of Tianxiahui now.

Feng Chang clapped his hands hard, it's settled, let's start!

After reading the latest information, Bao Budong groaned and tapped his index finger on the table. He had a high opinion of the Four Immortals, but who would have thought that he underestimated the Four Immortals? It is not unusual for Xuanxian to defeat Jinxian, but Xuanxian defeated Jinxian successively. Two golden immortals, or two mysterious immortals, this is a bit shocking, and this is the first time I have seen them in such a long life!

The Tianxiahui wants to dominate the world, and the Four Immortals will definitely become a hindrance to the Tianxiahui, so we have to guard against it!
After careful consideration, Bao Ditong decisively sent an order to Ge Laotan. You have been pampered and pampered for so many years, and it is time for you to take some action. Don't act as a golden immortal, and pretend to be a senior Xuanxian.

Hey, the water in the fourth layer of time and space is not muddy enough right now, let's stir it well, muddy water is good for fishing!
(End of this chapter)

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