Interstellar Miner

Chapter 779 Mission

Chapter 779 Mission
The original No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals, now the branch of Qingyu Immortal Realm, the conference hall.

Huang Hongzhuo, Gong Hechang, Shangguan Qingyue, and Qingfeng gathered together again, and the scene was somewhat deserted.

Qingfeng Jinji stood alone on the window sill, looking at the void with its head tilted, motionless, like a wooden sculpture.

Qingfeng was not in a daze, but was looking at Lei Batian's golden sun in the distance.

This small fairy world is located in the Zilin galaxy, and Lei Batian's golden sun is located in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy. At the beginning, he could barely see it, but as the golden sun continued to shrink, people could no longer see it. The Rainbow Bridge galaxy is close enough to be seen.

The four Xiaodao Lords are all on the side of the golden sun. It has been many years, and Dongfang Qingtian, the first-rank golden immortal, is still trapped in the golden sun.

There are more and more rumors about the golden sun in the four layers of time and space, but the exaggeration is also well-founded. After all, the facts are in front of you. Are the four little Taoists vegetarian? Even they take the golden sun No way, do I need to say more?

Thinking about how wonderful Lei Batian Da Neng will be when he debuts, everyone thinks that he will be the star of tomorrow in the fourth dimension.

It's just... Maybe everyone expected too much, Lei Batian's power gradually fell into a slump, the Xuanbang ranking dropped again and again, and fell out of the top ten, which broke the hearts of Lei Batian's countless fans , I very much hope that the idol brother can regain his strength and rise again.

Later in the battle of Fuyu, Lei Batian and Hua'an had a peak duel. Although Lei Batian was still defeated in the end and became Hua'an's younger brother, his declining popularity stabilized instead. Later, Lei Batian's state recovered. , the record became more and more brilliant, ranking fifth in the black list, and the popularity naturally recovered.

In the first battle of the Ten Thousand Years of the Four Immortals Sect, Lei Batian's power first defeated Jin Jingcheng's power, which was No. The sky is turned upside down!

One wave of unrest and another wave, the second battle of the Four Immortals' Ten Thousand Years Great Tribulation, the Four Immortals won this heavyweight contest only by using the drag word, and then the third and fourth rounds, the two Xuanxians It turned out that they defeated two golden immortals one after another and won the contest. This...fucking is simply evil!

Others really don't know the details of Tie Dan and Erwazi, and there are many discussions. The high-level space-time talk is getting more and more intense. With such weird names, it is possible to have the same name. If the two are put together, it is definitely a pseudonym. Think of us as fools!
You Four Immortals come from high-level time and space, so let’s just say it, our fourth-level time and space will follow, why hide it and deny it!

Patriarch Qingyuan and his party knew that Tie Dan and Erwazi did not come from a high-level time and space, but on the contrary, but from a first-level time and space. They were the most outstanding disciples under Mo Xuan's seat. Compared with Tiedan and Erwazi, it is not much better.

Before Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie advanced to the third level of time and space, Tie Dan and the others had already been scattered in the third level of time and space under the instruction of Mo Xuan, and worked hard to create their own worlds.

But now, this large number of demon kings came to the fourth level of time and space again ahead of time, and kept a low profile for many years, and now they finally officially emerged!
Shangguan Qingyue and Gong Hechang are both new Jinxians, and they have a deeper understanding of the gap between Jinxians and Xuanxians.

Just like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate, after becoming a Golden Immortal, the strength has really changed drastically, and it is easier and more convenient to comprehend the Dao, and the speed of improvement in cultivation is far from what it can be compared with when Xuanxian was.

It can be said that now the Jinxian himself can freely hammer the former Xuanxian himself, the gap is so huge.

Xuanxian wants to defeat Jinxian, it is really difficult!

But Tiedan and Erwazi did it!Even if the Golden Immortal Da Neng who was fighting against them was not completely victorious, this is extremely remarkable!

Gong Hechang admired from the bottom of his heart: "The little baby is really amazing now, we can't accept old age."

Shangguan Qingyue nodded slightly, and echoed: "Yes, compared with the little ones, we seem to have lived so long in vain."

Patriarch Qingyuan concluded: "Their outstanding talents are of course one side, but more because they have a good master."

This is true, both Shangguan Qingyue and Gong Hechang nodded. Since ancient times, there has never been a shortage of geniuses, but there are very few people who can teach them well.

At least in terms of teaching, Qingyuan Patriarch and his party are very aware of their own strengths. For the time being, only Gong Shichang can really do it for the new generation of Qingyuan Immortal World. This is because of Gong Shichang's extraordinary talent.

Patriarch Qingyuan secretly sighed, it was too arbitrary when he abandoned the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm when he entered the advanced stage, Senior Brother Li also made a lot of preparations, binding a large number of outstanding mentors headed by Elder Su with him, As a result, such a abandonment caused a serious fault in the new generation after the Qingyuan Immortal Realm advanced, and it took a long time to gradually recover.

Fortunately, the new generation of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is extremely outstanding. Needless to say, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er, Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin are also a group of heroes, but they have always been limited to wealth, otherwise at least there would have been one A large group of angels.

To be honest, with Mo Xuan's current status, the Qingyuan Immortal Realm really can't accommodate these great immortals.

Fortunately, when Mo Xuan was poor, Tai Yi and the others took care of Mo Xuan a lot, and Mo Xuan was so kind and repaying, and went all out to help the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm successfully advance to the third level of time and space, and then many more Fan Zhaofu helped Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie regain its vitality and gain a firm foothold in the third layer of time and space.

For such a sincere and trustworthy person, there is no need to talk about his future achievements!
The meeting before the start of the Ten Thousand Years Tribulation was quite successful. Mo Xuan and his party never forgot their roots, and we didn't expect too much. The two sides formed an ally.

Even though we have just officially met and are still a little unfamiliar, we have contributed a lot in the first battle of the Ten Thousand Years Catastrophe, which has really brought our relationship closer.

It was this Fang Xiaoxianjie who was really hot to hold, so Mo Xuan reluctantly agreed to accept the [-]% bonus.

The headquarters of the Four Immortals Sect and the Qingyuan Immortal Realm are close neighbors. As long as they communicate frequently, the relationship between the Qingyuan Immortal Sect and the Four Immortals Sect will become more and more harmonious.

Qingfeng withdrew her gaze from the golden sun, and said bluntly: "I just want to go to the restricted area at that time to see it earlier."

When it comes to the forbidden area of ​​time, both Shangguan Qingyue and Gong Hechang couldn't help but see their eyes light up. It is because Qingyuan Patriarch has comprehended the supernatural power of time that he can achieve his current achievements. It is a pity that the supernatural power of time is too profound and complicated, and he can comprehend it if he does not want to comprehend it. of.

Shangguan Qingyue and Patriarch Qingyuan have been cultivating together for so many years, but they are only scratching the surface of the supernatural power of time. If they have the opportunity to go to the time-sealed area to comprehend it, they may be able to improve their quality. I really can't wait.

Even Patriarch Qingyuan was quite moved. His comprehension of time supernatural powers had been bottlenecked for a long time, and if he wanted to make further progress, it was undoubtedly the best choice to go to the time-sealed area to experience it.

Patriarch Qingyuan said: "There is no rush for this matter. The Ten Thousand Years Calamity of the Four Immortal Sects has just begun. We have to wait until the first round of the Ten Thousand Years Calamity is over. Let's come to an end for now."

Shangguan Qingyue nodded with a slight smile, impatient to eat hot tofu, in fact, it was 80 years, and it passed in a flash.


No matter how the outside world talked about it, the celebration banquet of the Four Immortals was held as scheduled, and it was set up in the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm.

The little friends have already rushed to the No. [-] Little Fairy Realm in a swarm. Earlier, they were assigned a task by Mo Xuan to visit various Little Fairy Realms, looking for big moths, black sheep and the like.

After all, Tie Dan and Er Wazi had just fought a battle, and they are both speeding up their double repairs to recover, so they can't show up for the time being.

The celebration banquet was hosted by Mo Xuan himself, and it was very lively, but not messy at all.

Originally, according to Mo Xuan's temperament, he would not let the little guys take the lead so soon, but waited step by step until the fairyland they were in charge of expired, but he didn't expect the situation to change so quickly.The most important thing is that Ba Tian Xiandi Lu's skills were too shocking, and he became out of control in the end.

Considering that the little guys had already accumulated enough, Mo Xuan nodded, and the little guys started to make noise.After all, the Ten Thousand Years Calamity is also an extremely rare training place, which can give the little ones a good time to hone their skills.

Mo Xuan still habitually treats his disciples as little fellows. In fact, Mo Xuan knows in his heart that his disciples have grown up long ago, enough to dominate one side, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.But only when they are in front of themselves, will the disciples let go of their heavy burdens, show their freedom and sincerity, and relax.

The strong rise of Tie Dan and Erwazi is really a shot of blood for the little ones, everyone is gearing up and ready to fight.

Seeing the little guys having fun, Mo Xuan coughed lightly to attract the little guys' attention.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, and asked, "How are you completing the tasks I assigned to everyone?"

The little guys looked at each other a few times, well... the time was too short, and they kept paying attention to the competition between Tie Dan and Er Wazi, so the completion was not very good.

However, judging from the current situation of investigation and visits, all small fairylands are singing and dancing to promote peace, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, there is nothing wrong with it.

Little guys, you say what you say, and the opinions are very unified.

Mo Xuan let out an indifferent oh, and scanned around, besides these obvious things, didn't he find anything else?really not?

Mo Xuan's thick eyebrows frowned slightly, I asked you to go to those little fairy worlds for investigation, not for sightseeing.

Uh... the little ones gradually fell silent and exchanged eye contact. Is it possible that Master still hopes to find out something bad?
Mo Xuan glanced around meaningfully, and said with a more emphatic tone: "Maybe it's because of the short time, everyone didn't find anything, but you can't just look at the surface of everything. Where there is light, there will often be darkness." Existence. In a seemingly infinitely bright place, as long as the angle is slightly changed, a small grass can block a huge shadow."

The meaning of the master is... the little guys looked at each other in surprise, we really didn't pay much attention when we visited.

But after all, where our cultivation base is, the Little Immortal Realm is so big, we can immediately sense any disturbance, if something bad happens, we can't hide it from us!

Mo Xuan had a panoramic view of the expressions of the little guys, it's like this, no wonder.

Mo Xuan smiled lightly, and said: "When the celebration banquet is over, everyone will continue to perform tasks. But there is a major premise, you must hide your cultivation status, pretend to be ordinary people who have not practiced, and go to some remote places to see more .By the way, try not to fly while traveling, just take a carriage, read more and ask more questions.”

ah?This... this is too inconvenient!Little guys, you look at me, I look at you, very puzzled.

We can fly around the Little Immortal Realm several times in a minute. If we change to a carriage, we may not be able to complete the circle in 80 years. This is too much time wasting.

Mo Xuan was not in a hurry to point it out, and smiled lightly: "You will know when the time comes, don't rush to reveal your identity when you encounter something, pulling out a carrot will always bring out mud, maybe there is something else, it has to be Just unplug them together."

The little ones are so smart, they thought to themselves, Master never shoots indiscriminately, maybe there is really something that we haven't noticed, since Master said so, then let's just do it.

(End of this chapter)

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