Interstellar Miner

Chapter 781 Super Grade Profound Immortal List

Chapter 781 Super Grade Profound Immortal List

The camp of the Four Immortals.

Faced with the strong onlookers of countless immortals, Mo Xuan and his party have long been used to it, and they only pay attention to Lei Batian's cracking of this magical golden sun.

Seeing Lei Batian forcefully thrust the wind and thunder into the golden sun, stabbing a hornet's nest, the densely entangled golden thunder and lightning on the surface of the golden sun trembled and twisted violently, and terrifying energy fluctuations came out through the body.

Lei Batian always maintained the action of holding the wind and thunder on the golden sun. Time passed by every minute and every second, and the berserk golden sun gradually calmed down.

Mo Que'er frowned slightly, this golden sun is really unpredictable and ever-changing, like a super thunder and lightning hedgehog, it is impossible to start.Lei Batian will be fine if he advances so aggressively, it will be a lot of fun if the whole thing explodes.

Mo Xuan rubbed his hands, and his hands were really itchy. It's rare to see such a cosmic-level powerful Taoism, but it's a pity that Dongfang Qingtian Golden Immortal is still trapped inside, so don't rush to crack it.

Xiaoyun stared at Lei Batian's actions calmly, but wanted to see how he cracked the golden sun.

The disciples are also discussing and studying in groups of three or four, and most of them are fascinated by the golden sun. The uncle said that he will teach us when we become golden immortals. Don't deny it when the time comes, then we will not follow .

Before you know it, a month has passed.

Lei Batian shouted loudly, and did his best.

With the insertion point of the wind and thunder as the center, the golden sun began to collapse bit by bit, and the speed of the collapse was getting faster and faster!

Visible to the naked eye, the golden sun quickly broke through a gap.

Lei Batian rushed into the golden sun through this gap, and after a while, Dongfang Qingtian, who had been trapped for many years, shot out from the gap.

Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng's eyes were closed tightly, his whole body was stiff, and his life and death were uncertain.

Although this was just a glimpse, Dongfang Qingtian was quickly taken away by Qingyu Shengjun, but there were still many sharp-eyed immortals who saw this scene.

Fuck!We are not dazzled!

The immortals who saw this scene were all dumbfounded, and couldn't believe it was true!Even Mo Xuan and his party stared dryly and clicked their tongues.

Everyone thought that Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng was trapped by this golden sun before, but it was because Lei Batian Da Neng made a fool of himself. Almighty!
But now the facts are in front of everyone, Dongfang Qingtian is so simple to be trapped, he is almost dead!


The news that Dongfang Qingtian was finally out of trouble spread rapidly. It really stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, and the already noisy fourth-level time and space suddenly became more lively.

Even now, I can't wait for such unimaginable events as Xuanxian defeating Jinxian every now and then, but Dongfang Qingtian is a first-rank Jinxian after all, after all, after Xiaodaojun!

No matter how talented Lei Batian is, he is also a first-rank Xuanxian. This leap is too big!
The golden sun cast by Lei Batian has already amazed the whole world, but we never thought that we still underestimated this golden sun. Dongfang Qingtian was trapped for only a few years, and his life and death are still uncertain!

People were amazed, since the Four Immortals Sect's ten-thousand-year catastrophe began, things that were impossible before have almost become commonplace!If this goes on, our hearts can't bear it!
Naturally, a brand new course was put on the agenda of all the forces in the four layers of time and space: How does the Xuanxian defeat the Jinxian?
First of all, it is necessary for Xuanxian to be a first-rank Xuanxian, but there are so many senior Xuanxians of the fourth level of time and space, and I have never seen anyone who can defeat the power of Jinxian in so many years. It is rare to see the Golden Immortal in 8000 years.

To sum up the cases of Xuanxian defeating Jinxian so far, firstly, Huo Qingling defeated Mi Zhi Jinxian, opening up the world; and then there was Tie Dan from the Four Immortals Sect who forcibly defeated Ji Qiuhan Jinxian's power, and entered the Xuanbang strongly.

Tie Dan defeated four senior Xuan Xian Da Neng one after another in the 32 Hexagram Martial Arts Tournament, and also defeated Dugu Liang Da Neng, who was ranked 43 in the Xuan Ranking, in the semi-finals, and then defeated Ji Qiuhan of the Hundred Flowers Sect in the final. Jinxian was powerful and won the final victory, so it is understandable that he entered the Xuanbang strongly.

The Ten Thousand Years of the Four Immortals Sect's catastrophe, first Huo Qingling cut melons and cut vegetables Yu Tianrui, and then Lei Batian used his unique skills to trap the first-rank golden immortal Dongfang Qingtian's great power; He defeated two golden immortals one after another in a contest of sixteen hexagrams. Not only is he against the sky, he is simply a monster!
Except for the martial arts contest between Lei Batian and Dongfang Qingtian, the rest were the first-rank Xuanxian fighting the lower-rank Golden Immortal, almost all of them were exactly the same, it was the Xuanxian who caught the golden immortal's negligent loophole and won with one move.There is no doubt that this is the most critical!
In these years, there are no longer a few first-rank senior Xuanxians who challenge the Golden Immortal Da Neng, but watching others compete and challenging the Jin Immortal Da Neng in person are completely different things.

Seeing that others seem to have resisted Jinxian's offensive without doing much, and then caught Jinxian's negligent loopholes, but it's really my turn, let alone catching negligent loopholes, I can't resist Jinxian's offensive at all, okay? If you don't pay attention, you will be beaten to the ground, how can you have the extra energy to discover the negligence of Jinxian's power!
So for so many years, Xuanxian has won the martial arts competition with Jinxian as long as he can last until the end of the competition time limit, which is already very rare, let alone defeating Jinxian's power!
To sum it up, Huo Qingling, Lei Batian, Erwazi, and Tie Dan are not human beings, but monsters!

Gradually, there is a term that is becoming more and more popular-Super Grade Xuan Xian.

Even though he is not a golden immortal yet, but possesses the extraordinary combat power to defeat a golden immortal, this is a super-grade mysterious immortal!
After that, there was a list of super-grade mysterious immortals.

No.1 has no suspense, Lei Batian is powerful!
At the beginning of No.2, there were different opinions. Some pushed the goddess of water dance, and some pushed the male god of Hua'an. The voice of Huo Qingling was also very high.

No matter what, Shui Wu, Hua An, and Huo Qingling should all be on the list.

Then there are Erwazi and Tiedan, there is nothing to talk about.

As for the other quotas, there is a lot of controversy, and the troubles are endless.

The last statement has been generally recognized, and having a solid record of defeating Jinxian's power is the only criterion for measuring super-grade Xuanxian.

As a result, for the time being, there are only four superpowers on the super-grade Xuanxian list: Lei Batian, Huo Qingling, Er Wazi, and Tie Dan.

Although Shui Wu, Zhou Fang, and Qian Yuanyao had several outstanding victories against Jinxian, they had never formally defeated them and could only be temporarily placed on the bench.For the same reason, Wu Nianxuan was also temporarily on the bench.

However, there was only one case where Hua'an Da Neng played against Jinxian Da Neng, and it was against Hong Zhuo, the first-rank Jin Immortal Emperor Hong Zhuo in Qingyuan Immortal Realm. Although he lost, it was enough.What's more, Hua'an Da Neng is the only existence that has defeated Lei Ba Tian Da Neng, and he is recognized as the number one alternate.

It can be said that this Super Grade Mysterious Immortal List has already become an existence that surpasses the Mysterious List, but it has not been certified by the authority yet, and it belongs to the category of the folk list.


"Xiaotian, Xiaotian, wake up, wake up quickly."

Dongfang Qingtian let out a faint breath and woke up.

Um?where is thisWho am I?

"Xiaotian, are you alright?" Old Master Qingyu looked at Dongfang Qingtian with concern.

Old ancestors?Dongfang Qingtian woke up with a jolt, oops, didn't I compete with Lei Batian, and then I was hit by his golden lightning!

Thinking of the golden lightning, Dongfang Qingtian shuddered involuntarily, it was impossible to avoid it, and was ruthlessly overwhelmed by the golden thunder and lightning tsunami!

In the endless sea of ​​thunder and lightning, I was like a flat boat, being rolled over and back by the giant thunder and lightning wolf, the sky was turned upside down, the sky was dark, and I had no concept of time.

Even if I try my best to learn and understand in my life, I can't do anything, let alone escape from this terrifying sea of ​​thunder and lightning!

Before he knew it, he had run out of fuel and was dying, so he could only close his eyes and wait for death.I think that I am a first-class golden immortal, but I am only one step away from Xiao Daojun, but I want to die here sadly. In the final analysis, I owe it to myself. Why do I deliberately slander the boy Lei Batian? In the end, I forced Lei Batian's ultimate The trick is to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot.

Phew, it must have been my ancestor who saved me, Dongfang Qingtian looked at old man Qingyu gratefully, it's good to be alive!

The old man Qingyu waved his hand casually, and continued to pay attention to the golden sun. Boy Lei Batian was still inside, but don't rescue Xiaotian, and put him in again.

Hey, what is that golden sun?Dongfang Qingtian was startled, stared at it for a while, and then realized suddenly, could it be that he was trapped in this golden sun?But it's not right, the golden sun is huge, but in my eyes, it's just a little bit bigger. When I was trapped, I felt that the golden thunder and lightning ocean was at least as vast as several large galaxies. How could it be so small!

But the facts speak louder than words, I was indeed trapped in this golden sun, almost trapped to death!Dongfang Qingtian stared at the golden sun in a daze, what kind of fortified Taoism is this, I am afraid that the ancestors did not have such heaven-defying supernatural powers!

For a while, Dongfang Qingtian thought a lot.

At this moment, inside the golden sun.

Lei Batian also tasted what it was like when Dongfang Qingtian was trapped, hey hey hey, what happened in the golden sun, the sky was dark, and the sense of direction was completely disrupted.

Lei Batian flew around like a headless fly, and was shocked by the thunder and lightning waves one after another.

Oh, I can't bear it!
Lei Batian grinned his teeth for a while, shook his head fiercely, he only recovered less than [-]% when he went to the celebration banquet, and it took a lot of money to rescue Dongfang Qingtian, so he is really out of shape at this moment!

Lei Batian asked Feng Lei: "What should I do?"

Fenglei replied: "Two ways, one is to let it go and wait until you fully recover to crack it; the other is to let me absorb it and store it as one of your bottom boxes."

Lei Batian scratched his head, both methods are quite good, but this is also the unique skill of Thunder Sect, because Dongfang Qingtian was trapped in it before, and the four little Daoist lords did not dare to act rashly, so it was delayed until now.

Now that Dongfang Qingtian is out of trouble, the four little Taoist lords have no scruples anymore, maybe when they fully recover, the four little Taoist lords have already cracked the golden sun.

The bottom of the box that others don't know about and the bottom of the box that others know are two different concepts.

With this in mind, Lei Batian said to Fenglei: "Fenglei, it's up to you to absorb it."

"Then I won't be polite." Fenglei responded happily, he was always in a sealed state, otherwise Lei Batian would not be able to move!If he unblocks, Lei Batian, who is the Xuanxian, will be sucked into a senbei by himself every minute.

Tsk tsk, this golden sun is a collection of thunder and lightning, which is a super supplement for me who is in a sealed state!

(End of this chapter)

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