Interstellar Miner

Chapter 782 Thunderball

Chapter 782 Thunderball
Dongfang Qingtian was out of trouble.

Lei Batian was tossing rivers and seas in the golden sun, and Mo Xuan and his party were not idle, they spread out and approached the golden sun, constantly exploring and exploring.

The four little Daoist lords were still a little hesitant at first, but seeing that the Four Immortals had already made a move, they rushed to study it first.

The Golden Immortals are also scrambling to rush forward. The opportunity is so rare that it should not be missed.

The Xuanxians also rushed over in a swarm, but the golden sun is actually so close, except for the Xuanbang powerful level who can barely get close, the rest can only stare at one side, unable to make a move.

The Xuanxians are still like this, let alone other immortals. Even if someone approaches the golden sun without fear of death, the closer they get, the more they will feel the terrifying and powerful power of the golden sun. Little life comes first.


Mo Xuan dexterously avoided the countless thunder arcs scattered on the surface of the golden sun, and lightly tapped on the surface of the golden sun with one finger.

ah!Mo Xuan's thick eyebrows trembled, and he retracted his fingers like an electric shock.

Just for a moment, Mo Xuan felt that what he touched with his fingers was a terrifying prehistoric beast, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Mo Xuan clicked his tongue, took a deep breath, his body flickered to avoid thunderous arcs, and his fingers lightly touched the surface of the golden sun again.

Mo Xuan's face was solemn, his thick eyebrows trembled slightly, gradually his fingers began to tremble, and even his arms and even his body began to tremble.

The golden sun was aroused by Mo Xuan, and the relatively calm surface suddenly became choppy, rolling up countless huge waves and rushing towards Mo Xuan, trying to surround Mo Xuan.

withdraw!Mo Xuan ejected in time, avoiding the attack of thunder and lightning waves.

The huge waves crashed and crashed together, and the waves fluctuated for a while before gradually returning to calm.

Mo Xuan exhaled, and continued to study and explore the golden sun.

Mo Que'er and the others are also Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers.


Golden sun interior.

With Lei Batian's approval, Fenglei shot out immediately, and his body suddenly swelled up, like a pillar of the sky.

It was also the first time for Lei Batian to see Fenglei's gigantic growth. Originally, Fenglei's body was full of bumps and hollows, which seemed to be eaten by hundreds of millions of ants.After the wind and thunder became huge, the potholes also enlarged, as if black water tanks were placed on the wind and thunder stick.

Lei Batian curiously wanted to find out, who would have thought that the potholes were like black holes, and Lei Batian's spiritual thoughts for exploration were all cut off and absorbed.

Lei Batian couldn't help smacking his tongue secretly, the weapons of the Great Sage King level are far beyond what he can guess now.

It was really thanks to Fenglei's careful assistance that he was able to win Dongfang Qingtian in this competition, otherwise it would be good if he could try his best to trap Dongfang Qingtian for half a month.

I saw electric arcs shining all over Fenglei's body, and using the potholes as the base point, he quickly built a series of extremely complicated magic circles.

Almost there, Fenglei immediately began to devour the golden thunder and lightning around him, I swallowed, swallowed, swallowed!
How could the golden sun sit still and explode continuously around the wind and thunder, but the wind and thunder did not move, and the whole body was bathed in terrifying thunder, humming comfortably.


The onlookers around the golden sun immediately noticed that the golden sun fluctuated violently like a cat whose tail had been trampled on!

After the golden sun went berserk, it began to shrink continuously.

Hey, what's going on?Is it because there are too many great powers of exploration and research, and the energy of the golden sun is consumed extremely quickly, so it has shrunk?
It should be, right now it can be said that the top powers of the four layers of time and space are all present, no matter how defiant the golden sun is, it can't withstand such rounds of bombing.

The four little daoist lords, Mo Xuan and his party, and the big bosses of the Golden Immortal who were close to the golden sun all clearly felt that the golden sun was shrinking and its power was gradually declining.

Oops, I'm afraid the golden sun will not last long. The bosses are racing against time to continue researching this incomparably miraculous golden sun.

It didn't take long before the golden sun became smaller and smaller, visible to the naked eye.


Twenty-five hours later, the golden sun has shrunk to one kilometer in diameter.

Mo Xuan frowned secretly. Although the golden sun has shrunk severely, the power contained in it should not be underestimated, especially after the concentration, the concentration of lightning has reached an extremely terrifying level. If it explodes suddenly, I am afraid that I can't Get out of the way.

After exploring at close range for so long, Mo Xuan already has a good understanding of the golden sun. It is really a world of thunder. If it continues to develop and evolve like this, there may be strange thunder creatures born in it.

As for the trapping effect of the golden sun, Mo Xuan doesn't know much about it. After all, he has been groping and researching outside, and only when he enters the inside can he truly experience it.

Other great powers have their own enlightenment, which varies from person to person, so I won’t go into details.

Mo Xuan informed Kong Ling, Que'er and the disciples, safety first, let's get out.

Seeing that all the members of the Four Immortals sect retreated, the other big bosses also retreated one after another. Only the four little Taoists were still racing against time to explore and research me.

It has been a long time since Master Qingyu has become a Little Daoist, and he feels that he has reached the pinnacle of the Little Daoist realm. Unless he goes one step further to become a Daoist Lord, it is almost impossible to make further progress.

Now that he has seen the golden sun Lei Batian, old man Qingyu only feels that a vast new world has suddenly opened up in front of him. It turns out that he has been just a frog in a well for so many years, it is too far away!
The old man Qingyu secretly reminded himself that he had been too lazy all this time, playing around and fishing, so what about the big brother in the fourth floor of time and space, if he didn't know how to improve, he would be knocked to the ground by the little guys behind him in a short time.Although this is a matter of time, but it can't fall so quickly, this is a major issue related to face!
The old man Qingyu secretly cheered himself up, he must practice immediately and strive for perfection.The current luck of the fourth level of time and space is almost the same, and it is completely possible to impact the realm of Daojun, or else it will really not keep up with the times!

The golden sun suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance.

"Don't you want to explode!"

"Dangerous, flash!"


There was a period of chaos, and the immortals onlookers retreated and retreated like thieves, leaving only a handful of high-tech and bold bosses who still stayed away and watched.

"Hey, you're still playing with me! The tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm a sick cat!" Fenglei snorted coldly, and showed some real skills to play with the master, you are too young, suppress it!
The dazzling brilliance gradually faded, and the golden sun also disappeared without a trace.

Hey, where is the golden sun, why is it gone?There was no explosion or anything, why did it disappear?
The immortals yelled and rushed back, the golden sun was really gone, not even a lightning ball the size of a marble left.

Lei Batian smacked his lips, and held the shrunken Fenglei into his palm, feeling that Fenglei became much heavier at once, and it was a bit laborious to hold it.

"It's not strong, it's not even an appetizer." Feng Lei complained.

Lei Batian rolled his eyes, he was speechless, just be content with what he has to eat, I still have to meditate slowly to recover my celestial energy, I don't know how many years it will take to fully recover.

Seeing the immortals swarming back, Lei Batian was not happy to be watched, and turned back to the camp of the Four Immortals.

Mo Xuan waved his sleeves and withdrew!
Xiaoyun smiled faintly, and drew a portal casually, and the group of people was directly teleported to No. [-] Little Immortal Realm.

Master Qingyu was startled, hey, where is he?Where did you go?

By the time the old man settled Dongfang Qingtian and hurried to No. [-] Little Immortal Realm, Lei Batian had already left.

At the entrance of the main hall, Xiao Yun froze four golden Tai Chi balls with both hands, and winked at the old man.

The sight of the old man Qingyu was involuntarily attracted by the four golden Tai Chi balls, this?
Xiaoyun introduced: "These are all miniature golden suns, which were condensed by Lei Batian's painstaking efforts. Father, would you like one?" Of course, there is no free lunch in the world.

"That's a must, I want two!" Old Master Qingyu immediately took the bait, and quickly concluded a deal with Xiaoyun.

The old man Qingyu also walked around the little golden sun happily, and entered the main hall in awe, and saw the little guys with two little golden suns in their hands, and they were so happy.

Fuck me, what's the situation?The old man was dumbfounded, and quickly asked Xiao Hua.

Xiaohua replied truthfully: "Grandpa, this Thunder Bead was given to us by Uncle Lei Batian. It can not only comprehend Taoism, but also be used as a magic weapon for body protection. It's really good."

Old Master Qingyu stared and asked, "How many flowers do you have?"

Xiaohua replied with some embarrassment: "Master uncle gave me ten." This is because she is the weakest, and the other senior brothers only got three or five. When it was her turn, she was stuffed with a lot .

Old Man Qingyu rolled his eyes involuntarily, he was dizzy, he was fooled by Xiaoyun!
But strictly speaking, this little golden sun is indeed a priceless treasure. Don't look at the little guys here who have at least one pair, but it's hard for outsiders to get one.It's not too wrong for me to be wronged, but I have to beware of Dian Xiaoyun in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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