Interstellar Miner

Chapter 783 Private visits to the micro server

Chapter 783

The celebration feast was full, and the golden sun had disappeared without a trace, so it was time to get down to business.

Now that the master had spoken, all the disciples pretended to be ordinary people who had never practiced before leaving.

This alone is full of jokes.

Those disciples on the first floor of time and space have no pressure to pretend. After all, they came here like this back then.

As for the disciples of the fourth level of time and space, they are generally embarrassed. They are all wearing plain clothes, thinking that they are pretending to be real, but they end up wearing several precious storage rings on their fingers, or wearing snow-treading clothes on their feet. Wuhen's fairy shoes, or 300 taels of Wuyin here.

As soon as the two disciples met, the disciples of the fourth layer of time and space were collectively dumbfounded. I'm sorry, don't you, you... this... don't you want to be so exaggerated!
Zhang Qinxin turned into a ten-year-old girl, holding the white-eyed second child with a bamboo pole, slowly leading the way, while coquettishly yelling: "Blind fortune-telling, no money is not allowed."

Hao Changsheng sticks to a goatee, wears a grounded gown, and is dressed as a traveling doctor, with a boxy wooden box hanging on his waist, ringing a bell in his right hand, and holding a mantra inscribed in his left hand: "The wonderful hand rejuvenates, cures all diseases" white cloth banner.

A Niu was wearing a linen blouse on his upper body, revealing his arms as thick as his thighs, and his lower body was wearing short knee-length black trousers, a pair of hemp rope sandals on his feet, and a big gray bag on his back.

Niach was wearing brocade clothes, with a fan on the back of his neck, a pair of ceramic Tai Chi balls twirling in his left hand, and he was walking swaying with his body crooked.


Uh... that's really no harm without contrast.

The disciples of the fourth level of time and space are really ashamed. Many of us are also from grass roots. Why don't we have this kind of spirituality.

The disciples of the three layers of time and space are all amazed. Your disguise is not up to the mark, you can see through it with a little discernment. Is the difference between each layer of time and space so big?
Mo Xuan smiled slightly, indicating that the disciples of the fourth layer of time and space should learn more from the disciples of the third layer of time and space. It is not so easy to pretend.

After a lot of fun, the camouflage was finally eased, at least the appearance was fine, and the rest of the charm and connotation depended on everyone's comprehension.

No ink marks, let's go.

Tie Dan and Er Wazi spent a lot of time in two fierce battles, and they should have cultivated well, but seeing how lively the juniors and juniors were, they also participated in it.

Erwazi and Zhang Qinxin form a team, and they can practice and recover at the same time, while the two Taoist couples Zhenzhen and Miaomiao of Tiedan are still in the third layer of time and space to practice hard and hit the realm of Xuanxian.

Although it is much easier to attack Xuanxian in the fourth layer of time and space, as a Taoist partner of Tie Dan, one has to make long-term plans, so Zhenzhen and Miaomiao would rather suffer from lovesickness than to rush forward bravely to fight Tie Dan. on par.

Every time Tie Dan returns to the third layer of time and space with Mo Xuan and his party, he spends precious time with Zhenzhen and Miaomiao, sharing what he has learned and realized with Zhenzhen and Miaomiao without reservation, which is of great help to the two daughters.

Zhenzhen and Miaomiao are practicing step by step, steadily and steadily. The short separation now is for the long-term togetherness in the future.

Tie Dan looked at how convenient Erwazi's young couple was, as the saying goes, step by step first, if this goes on like this, Erwazi might be thrown away by Erwazi!
Tie Dan agreed to Xiao Hua's request to form a team.

Yu Wenyu is struggling to pursue Xiao Hua in the fourth layer of time and space, but is always stopped by Qing Yu's old man halfway, helpless.As for Tie Dan and Xiao Hua, they were childhood sweethearts, their relationship was already very close when they were in the third layer of time and space, and it is not a bad idea to go further.

Unlike Erwazi, who has a halo of passers-by, Tie Dan can't keep a low profile, and is the focus of attention wherever he goes, so he just transforms into a rich man in the world, and Xiao Hua is his maid.

The two arrived at the No. 19 Xiaoxian Realm of the Four Immortals, and hired a carriage to travel around the mountains and rivers.

The handlebars drove the horses unhurriedly, and the carriage slowly moved forward. He smoked a long cigarette happily and sighed secretly.Moreover, the two employers are also very good-natured, and they are very polite to their handlebars. It would be wonderful if every employer could be so kind and generous.

In the carriage, Tie Dan was resting comfortably on Xiao Hua's lap, chewing a piece of grass in his mouth slowly, playing with a pair of thunderballs in his right hand, just two words - leisurely.

Tie Dan let out a long sigh of relief, it really hasn't been so leisurely for many years.

After the Fairy Fate Conference that year, I was poached by Mingcheng Pavilion, and officially started the journey of cultivating immortals. Although Zhenzhen and Miaomiao accompanied and served attentively, but cultivating immortals is like sailing against the current. What's more, he has to compete with the second child, and it is day and night every day, so how can he have free time to play.

After ascending to the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, he only idled for a few days, and then he devoted all his energy to preparing for the ten-year tonic that Master had painstakingly prepared, and became an immortal with ease.

It didn't take long to follow the master to the third layer of time and space, experience and work hard.Tie Dan joined Baifeng Xiaoxianjie, was suppressed by various targets, and was stalked by Ouyang Ruhua, so he couldn't relax for a moment.

It wasn't until he broke away from Baifeng Xiaoxianjie and established his own family that Tie Dan had room to relax and relax.

Afterwards, I came to the fourth layer of time and space, and started a new struggle. I was so busy that I even had to force time between my teeth to teach Xiaodie.

Tie Dan often thought to himself mockingly, maybe he was born to work hard.But as long as you think about Master and the others who have been walking in front of you all the time, Tie Dan will not have that much time to sigh. You can’t let Master and them help pave the way for the rest of your life. Tie Dan is not willing to be a flower in the greenhouse. Go all out and catch up bravely.

Don't look at the fact that I and Erwazi have defeated the two golden immortals one after another this time, and the past is shining today, but in fact there is still a long distance from the master and the others.

There is nothing to say, just continue to catch up. As for whether we can really catch up with Master and the others in the future, that is also a matter of the future, so I don't have time to think about it now.

This time it was rare to be able to relax for a while, Tie Dan simply let go of everything, leaving the trivial matters to Xiao Die to handle, he didn't ask at all, this is also a test for Xiao Die.Master is always habitually acting as a shopkeeper. As Master's direct disciple, we can't lag behind either.

Tiedan's trip has only one purpose - to cultivate with peace of mind.

Xiaohua kept in mind Master's teachings, and while massaging Tiedan's head with her white and tender fingers, she paid close attention to everything along the way.

In the evening, stay at the hotel to rest, and continue on the road in the early morning.

After walking for half a month, Xiaohua didn't notice anything unusual.

Could it be that Master is worrying too much?Or is this little fairy world really living and working in peace and contentment, without any shadows?

"Brother Tie Dan, what do you think?" Xiaohua asked Tie Dan for his opinion.

Tie Dan snorted twice, and said casually: "I'm just taking a ride, Xiao Hua, you can figure it out."

Xiao Hua rolled Tie Dan's eyes angrily, and stepped up the massage with her fingers.

Tie Dan smacked his lips and said, "Didn't Master tell me to go to a remote place? This is not considered remote."

Xiaohua was taken aback, this place is relatively remote, but not remote.

Xiao Hua immediately opened the car curtain a crack, and asked the handlebars if there were any sparsely populated and remote places.

The handlebar was surprised and said: "This place is already relatively remote, and it will not be safe any further."

"Not safe? Why is it not safe?" Xiaohua Liu frowned slightly, noticing something strange.

The handlebar shook his head and said: "I just heard about it, and I don't know the specifics. Those places are all poor mountains and rivers, and there is nothing to see. Let's go to Mingyuan Town. There just happened to be a rally there, so it must be very interesting." fun."

Xiao Hua said: "We've seen a lot of rallies, it's not interesting, let's go to those remote places."

Still shaking his head in the handlebar position, if you don’t want to go, if you really want to go, then I will give you the wages in exchange, and you can hire someone else.

Xiaohua couldn't force it, so she negotiated with the handlebars, and bought the carriage and the horse directly, preparing for a self-driving tour.

Xiaohua asked the handlebars for the directions of those remote places.

The handlebars tried to persuade him: "Girl, just listen to the old man, those places are really not good places to go, so don't go there. Why bother if you don't go to Mingyuan Town!"

Xiaohua smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on, and nothing will happen."

Seeing that persuasion was useless, the handlebar type sighed and pointed in one direction, looking forward to cherishing it.

Xiao Hua immediately drove the carriage towards that direction.

Tiedan, who was lying in the carriage with nothing else to do, also sat in front, took the bamboo pole from Xiao Hua, and waved it lightly to drive the horse forward.

The man is shrewd, and the horse is not stupid. Soon the horse knew that the new coachman was always swaying the bamboo pole, and he would not really hit it, so he tried to be lazy.

Tie Dan tapped the horse's butt with a bamboo pole, don't be lazy, if you are so slow, you will have to eat and sleep in the open at night, and you don't want to be hungry.

Only then did the horse pull up the carriage vigorously.

But it's really remote, until the evening, there is no hotel in sight, so Tie Dan and his party really can only eat and sleep in the open.

(End of this chapter)

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