Interstellar Miner

Chapter 784 Private visits to the micro server

Chapter 784

The crescent moon hangs high, and the breeze is gentle.

In a secluded valley, a small fire was flickering.

Although the light of the fire was weak, it brought hope to a poor man who was suffering from hunger and cold. He moved weakly and staggeringly, and was tripped by the rocks under his feet from time to time.

Although it was only a few kilometers away, Wang Yang felt so far away.

There was no other way, Wang Yang could only grit his teeth and move forward step by step.

Near, finally near, almost there!
Wang Yang gasped for breath, entered the valley, and saw a carriage parked beside the fire. The bay red horse pulling the cart had already taken off its harness and saddle, and was leisurely wagging its tail beside the fire. Rest and graze.

When he got closer, Wang Yang saw a pair of Bi people with their backs to him, sitting next to each other by the fire to keep warm.What a peaceful and beautiful picture, one can't bear to disturb this couple.

Two cuckoos interrupted the silence of the valley, and Wang Yang clutched his screaming stomach in embarrassment.

"Sit down." Tie Dan had actually noticed Wang Yang's presence long ago, but he didn't deliberately interfere, after all, he was now a mortal traveler.

Wang Yang thanked him, moved to sit by the fire, his cold body quickly warmed up.

Wow, Wang Yang let out a breath, and suddenly felt alive, thinking he was going to die.It is said that surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings, and I hope that I can really turn around.

Right now, he couldn't die from the cold, but he was still in danger of starving to death. Wang Yang pursed his lips and looked at Tie Dan for help.

Tie Dan said lightly: "There is dry food in the carriage, take it yourself."

It was really timely rain, Wang Yang thanked him, and hurried to the carriage to find a pack of dry food, Wang Yang took a piece of dry steamed bun, and stuffed it into his mouth regardless of his dry mouth, he choked on it after devouring it. It took a long time to cough, and when the cough was over, I continued to gobble it up.

Xiao Hua snuggled into Tie Dan's arms, smiling lightly, many times, when you want trouble, you don't have it, and when you don't want trouble, trouble will find you.The task assigned to us by the Master has never been clear, and now there should be a breakthrough.

After eating the dry buns, Wang Yang wiped his hands, carefully wrapped the remaining dry food, put it back to the original place, walked back to the fire, gave Tie Dan and Xiao Hua a deep bow, and said gratefully: "Xiaosheng Wang Yang is in trouble. Here, thanks to the kindness of the two of you, I will never forget your kindness and virtue."

Xiaohua glanced at Wang Yang indifferently, dark clouds covered the top, obviously a disaster was imminent, if she hadn't met us, she might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Tie Dan said indifferently: "It's nothing more than a little effort."

Wang Yang bowed deeply again: "You two's effort can save the next life. Dare to ask benefactor Gao's name."

Tie Dan casually said: "My surname is Tie." As for the name Tie Dan did not say, after all, Tie Dan's name is very popular nowadays, especially in the sphere of influence of the Four Immortals.

"Tie Engong." Wang Yang bowed again.

Tie Dan waved his hand, okay, no need to be polite.

Wang Yang was indeed tired, so he sat down and warmed the fire. Wang Yang's eyelids soon started to fight, and soon his head drooped, and he fell asleep.

The night passed quietly.

It smells so good, Wang Yang's nose twitched involuntarily, and he woke up.

The fire was still burning, but the difference was that three fish were grilling above the fire, and the tangy aroma was emitted by these three fish.

Wang Yang subconsciously pursed his lips, and realized that his lips were very chapped due to lack of water, so he needed to find some water to drink first.

Wang Yang looked around to find the source of water, and saw a lotus leaf with a stem beside him, and there was a handful of crystal dewdrops on the lotus leaf, rippling gently with the majesty.

Wang Yang gently picked up the lotus leaf and poured some dew into his mouth, it was very sweet.

The grilled fish was cooked quickly, Tie Dan and Xiao Hua each took one, and there was one left.

Wang Yang looked eagerly at the grilled fish, and then at Tie Dan.

Tiedan nodded, let's eat.

Without hesitation, Wang Yang picked up the grilled fish and blew a few breaths, then sizzled and ate it, it was so fragrant and delicious!
Tie Dan and Xiao Hua finished eating the grilled fish slowly, and Wang Yang wanted to chew up the fish bones and swallow them.

Tie Dan whistled, and the bay red horse, which had been loose all night, consciously ran to the front of the carriage, and obediently asked Tie Dan to saddle him.

Wang Yang looked at it in amazement, this bay red horse looked very ordinary, could it be possible that he could understand human language?Engong whistled, probably just a matter of habit.

Tie Dan stirred the embers of the fire a few times with a stick, then poured dew on it to completely extinguish it, and casually asked Wang Yang, "Are you traveling together?"

Of course Wang Yang couldn't ask for it, and volunteered to be the coachman.

Tie Dan sat in the front row with Wang Yang, and asked casually, "Brother Wang, why are you here alone?"

Wang Yang's cheeks twitched a few times, he sighed quietly, and said, "It's hard to say."

"Let's talk and listen."

"Since benefactor wants to hear it, I'll start from the beginning."

Ancestor Wang Yang once had a genius cultivating immortals, who was exceptionally accepted as an inner disciple by Long Limen in this small fairy world.

The Wang family followed their ancestors for many years, although their ancestors fell, but because of their good management, the family business became bigger and bigger, and soon became rich.

But the Wang family has never produced a seedling of cultivating immortals again, and the huge family business inevitably attracts a lot of covetousness.

Fortunately, the old ancestor's brothers and sisters had already achieved success in cultivation, and they always helped and took care of them, so the Wang family did not decline.

In Wang Yang's generation, there was finally a disciple with a good talent for cultivating immortals, and that was Wang Yang.However, Wang Yang's road to immortality is full of thorns and thorns, and he can't walk smoothly. Before he knows it, he is not young, and he has already missed the golden time of immortality.

Wang Yang's enthusiasm for cultivating immortals gradually cooled down, and he devoted all his attention to the family business. Not to mention, Wang Yang was very good at doing business, and the Wang family ushered in a second spring.

In the end, the tree was big enough to catch the wind, and a family of immortal cultivators set their sights on the Wang family, plundered and plundered it, and took over the huge family property of the Wang family.

All members of the Wang family were expelled from the Wang family house and left to fend for themselves.

Wang Yang was taken care of even more, and was forcibly sent to this place of exile, where he endured hunger and starvation.

Tie Dan naturally could tell that Wang Yang was not lying, but could it be that such a wicked family of cultivators really had such evil deeds in broad daylight?The Overwatch Council of the Four Immortals Sect interferes!
Tie Dan glanced at Wang Yang, who was itching with hatred, and asked, "Then what are your plans, Brother Wang?"

(End of this chapter)

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