Interstellar Miner

Chapter 785 Three Hexagrams Daily

Chapter 785
Yeah, what should I do?
Of course Wang Yang was filled with righteous indignation at first, desperately wanting to sue, and no matter what, he wanted to get back the family business, after all, there are still kings in this world.

It's true that immortals are superior, but they can't humiliate ordinary people, not to mention that this small fairy world still belongs to the Four Immortals, and the Four Immortals are more generous to ordinary people. Absolutely not!
tell!Wang Yang kept appealing!If the county doesn't care, go to the county to sue, if the county doesn't care, go to the state to sue!
On his way to the county filled with righteous indignation, he was intercepted by the immortal cultivator family halfway, and then he was invited to this barren mountain.

He is bloodless, but he almost died.If he hadn't met benefactor, he might have become food for wild wolves or crows.

After all, it is just talk that immortals should not bully ordinary people. If immortals really want to deal with ordinary people, it is as simple as crushing an ant to death, and it is silent.

If I still continue to sue without knowing my life and death, it will not be so simple this time.It's really annoying and hateful that everyone's property is taken over, but it's even more sad to die in vain, alas.

Thinking of this, Wang Yang's face was darkened, his eyes were blurred, he could no longer see the direction he was going, he could only shake his head and sigh.

Tie Dan smiled faintly, and said: "There is no unparalleled road, so don't be discouraged."

Wang Yang stared at Tie Dan blankly, and felt warm in his heart, yes, there is no unparalleled road, and if he is still alive, there is hope.

Wang Yang clenched his fists and sued, continued to sue, even if he died!
Wang Yang once again bowed deeply to Tie Dan, benefactor, you not only saved my life, but also lit a beacon for me, your kindness is unforgettable.

Tie Dan waved his hand casually, okay, okay, this is also your luck, no need to be polite.

Tie Dan then got into the carriage, resting his head on Xiao Hua's lap, and continued to roam around leisurely.

Xiaohua glanced lightly at the invisible tracking talisman stuck to Wang Yang's back, and smiled slightly, it seemed that the road ahead would not be lonely anymore.


At this time, the little girl transformed by Zhang Qinxin had already led the blind Erwazi across several small towns.

In the beginning, no one really cared about it. In this world where Taoism is manifested, fortune-telling and Fengshui masters are still very popular, but at least they must be practitioners, who really understand some Fengshui, and there are even some immortals who make a living by fortune-telling.

But mortals have no future in fortune-telling, and others regard them as liars.

Although Erwazi was blind, he looked like an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary. Even if he dressed up decently, he still felt unreliable.

Later, he was still a ruffian who was idle and bored, playing around, blocking Erwazi to tell his fortune, and he made an agreement in advance, if the calculation was not accurate, he would beat someone.

Of course, the results were all right, and the gangster immediately bowed down.

After that, business gradually started, mostly because the price was so cheap, more and more people came to Erwazi for fortune-telling.

You must know that it is very expensive to invite an immortal practitioner to tell a fortune, and ordinary families cannot afford it, let alone invite an immortal to tell a fortune.

And it doesn't matter if the second blind man's hexagram gold is given more or less, he can even give him some food.

Most importantly, the second blind man's calculations are really accurate, even more accurate than the calculations of gods.

Under such circumstances, Erwazi's reputation as a second-blind fortune-teller is getting higher and higher, and people from other places come here to ask Erwazi for fortune-telling.

Even high-ranking officials and dignitaries were alarmed. It doesn't matter if the hexagram is gold, the key is to calculate it accurately.

A new day has come.

In a magnificent small palace, there is a white marble stele at the door, which reads: Three Diagrams every day.

The two doormen with red lips and white teeth worked together to open the gate of the palace, and they blinked in surprise when they saw the empty square outside the gate. What's going on?
You must know that you have to be cautious when opening the door, because there are always too many people crowded outside the door, scrambling to get the first place.

Because only the first quota of this day is fixed Guajin, and the last two quotas are for those with the highest price.There are even many guests who live outside this door for a month or two, just to grab the first place every day.

Lord Master didn't say to stop divination today, why is there no one?

The two doormen looked around for a while, and it was strange, but there was no one there!
Could it be that it's a festival today, or some large-scale event organized by the county?But we, who are the most well-informed, have not received any rumors.

Wearing a blue Taoist robe, Xu Guangran walked into the hall Shi Shiran, and said: "Qingfeng, Mingyue, please come in the first guest."

This... the two door boys glanced at each other and replied truthfully: "Return to Master, there are no guests today."

What, Xu Guangran frowned, and walked to the gate to see that it was really empty without a single guest.How can there be such a reason, is it easy to bully when I am Lao Tzu!

Xu Guangran ordered with a sullen face: "Qingfeng, Mingyue, go and find out what's going on?"

"Yes, Master." The two door boys went out immediately.

Xu Guangran paced back and forth in the hall. Although fortune-telling and feng shui are popular, they are not so delicious. If you get it right a thousand times, you can't beat it if you get it wrong once, and you will lose your job.

That's why I came up with an ingenuity, only counting three hexagrams every day, and always being cautious, but I also made a name for myself, and there are countless people who seek hexagrams every day.

However, the tree is so big that it attracts the wind, which inevitably arouses hatred from the peers, and has been deliberately targeted and troubled several times. Fortunately, I really have two brushes.

The recent hexagrams are nothing out of the ordinary, and I should be close to ten. I can’t count the hexagrams that are too long, and the hexagrams that are not too long are the easiest to make a fuss about. Xu Guangran can’t guarantee that every hexagram is accurate.

Why didn't Qingfeng and Mingyue come back? Xu Guangran suddenly panicked, but don't let anything happen.

Xu Guangran wanted to do a fortune teller for himself, but it is the rule of fortune tellers to not count oneself, so he can only think about it.

Qingfeng and Mingyue finally came back, Xu Guangran hurriedly asked: "Did you find out?"

Qingfeng and Mingyue had strange expressions on their faces. They glanced at each other, and Qingfeng said: "Reporting to Master, we found out that a fortune teller who is said to be very accurate came from Pingfeng County next door. His name is Er Blind. Half of the people in our city are empty, and we all went to those two blind men for fortune-telling."

"Second Blind Man? What's his background?" Xu Guangran was stunned, this name was too vulgar.

Qingfeng replied: "I heard that he is a blind mortal."

It's funny, Xu Guangran smiled. Ordinary fortune-telling is nothing more than observing words, trying to formulate words, at best, he is a charlatan, and he has caused a lot of trouble in the city.

Besides, the more calculations in the fortune-telling business, the greater the probability of mistakes. I guess the two blind men just hired a bunch of babysitters to help with the moves, and then they just said good things to cheat food and drink, and when they earned enough money, they immediately packed up. Get away.

When the hexagram seeker found out that the hexagram was inaccurate and ineffective, the two blind men had long since disappeared!This may not be a bad thing for him, for now, let him alone, without contrast, how can he highlight his effectiveness!
Within three days, no one will be able to jump up again.

Xu Guangran felt relieved, and told Qingfeng and Mingyue to take care of the situation, and went to meditate on his own.

Three days passed in a flash.

The daily three hexagrams are still closed with zero hexagrams.

Xu Guangran was puzzled, what's going on, who hasn't packed up and run away?

Xu Guangran had to ask Qingfeng and Mingyue to inquire about the news again.

What?Then the second blind man became famous, and some divination customers even donated a house as a reward. Now the second blind man has settled down in Pingfeng County and opened a "blind man's fortune-telling" shop, which is very popular.

Not to mention the long queue in front of the museum, the entire Pingfeng County is overcrowded.

This... this is too exaggerated!Xu Guangran was puzzled, could those narrow-minded colleagues sit still?It's time to act!

(End of this chapter)

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