Interstellar Miner

Chapter 786 Divine Calculation

Chapter 786 Divine Calculation
Pingfeng County, an ordinary small county.Even though there were no festivals yet, the whole city was filled with lights and festoons, and people were buzzing, much more lively than the Spring Festival set up by the Four Immortals Sect.

This is because a fortune teller came to Pingfeng County. Although he is a blind man, he is just an ordinary person. His nickname is Er Blind Man. How accurate it is, what other people say doesn't count, only when you really see it with your own eyes can you truly understand it.

However, fame and fortune are often accompanied by turmoil.

The second blind man's calculations are accurate, and the price is so cheap, the business is booming, even the dignitaries with a wait-and-see attitude couldn't bear it anymore, and came to ask for divination one after another.

This directly caused the fortune-telling halls in the surrounding cities to be deserted, and it would be nothing more than three or two days, but the second blind man had already settled down in Pingfeng County and opened a "blind man's fortune-telling" hall.Is it tolerable or unbearable!

A mortal who dares to show off such a trivial skill in front of us immortal cultivators, are you worthy?

To bring down a fortune-telling shop, the easiest way is to ask him for fortune-telling. As long as he is inaccurate in the eyes of everyone, that is self-defeating.

Shang Feiyu disguised himself as a rich businessman from other places, and came to Pingfeng County in a luxurious carriage.

Darling, it was really a sea of ​​people, exaggerated to a mess.

Shang Feiyu snorted coldly, disapproving very much, if we are also willing to tell fortunes at the price of cabbage, the whole county will be overcrowded.

The carriage moved forward slowly, stopping almost every step, and finally moved to the vicinity of the "Fortune Telling for the Blind" hall, and then the road ahead was blocked, so Shang Feiyu could only get out of the carriage and proceed on foot.

Two senior servants rudely pushed away the crowd, leading Shang Feiyu to go all the way, and arrived in front of the "Fortune Telling for the Blind" hall.

Shang Feiyu curled his lips, just such a small place can also be called a fortune-telling shop.

Shang Feiyu snorted, lifted his foot and walked inside.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, didn't you see that you have to queue up!"

"Do you have a number plate?"


"Go ahead, what are you doing!"

The people in the long queue in front of the gate were unhappy and stopped Shang Feiyu.

"Master, I never line up, get out of the way." Shang Feiyu said proudly.

"Then you can go to another fortune-telling shop. Mr. Er Blind doesn't care who you are, if you want to get a fortune-telling, you have to wait in line."

"Line up behind!"

Shang Feiyu's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Do you know who I am?"

"You are a fairy, so you have to line up."

"We've been queuing for several days, and it's finally our turn. Why do you jump in the queue?"

"Go in line."


How can there be such a reason, nonsense, how can a fairy find a blind mortal to tell his fortune?Even a cultivator like me doesn't look down on me, I just came here to find fault, you guys actually stop me, and don't take a pee to act like you.

Shang Feiyu rushed up angrily, rushed inside, and knocked the people who forcibly blocked him to the ground.

"Presumptuous!" A delicate female voice sounded.

Zhang Qinxin, incarnate as a ten-year-old girl, appeared at the door, with her left hand on her hip, and her right hand pointing at Shang Feiyu's nose, and said coquettishly, "What are you doing? This is a fortune-telling center for the second blind man, and it's also a place for you to be presumptuous."

Cut, it’s not uncommon for the master to come here, Shang Feiyu gave Zhang Qinxin a sideways look, and said coldly: "I am so old, I have never queued up. What about the second blind man, let him come out to show the master, don’t you?" Fake blind."

Zhang Qin shouted tenderly: "My husband can meet you casually."

Shang Feiyu sneered and said, "How much do you want to see? Please make an offer."

Zhang Qinxin rolled her eyes and said, "It's useless to talk too much, this is not the place for you, please go back."

"Master, I just came here." Shang Feiyu shouted into the room, "Second blind man, you are only blind, not deaf, come out for me! What kind of man is hiding inside, come out quickly."

"What's the noise!"

"Who is it?"

"This is a quiet place, how can you allow nonsense!"


People were aggrieved and glared at Shang Feiyu.

Soon, two officials from Pingfeng County trotted over, glanced at Shang Feiyu, and scolded: "Are you making trouble? Let me warn you first, if you continue to be stubborn, we brothers will not You're welcome."

Shang Feiyu frowned slightly, he didn't expect these two blind men to get involved with the Yamen so soon, after all, he is just a rich businessman from out of town, so it is not appropriate to have any grudges with the officials.

Shang Feiyu snorted, shook his sleeves and left.

Of course, Shang Feiyu couldn't stop there, returned to the carriage, and immediately ordered the two servants to inquire about the information.

This "blind man's fortune-telling" museum is really wonderful, and it opens on time every day when the cock crows.

The little girl who was the attendant of the second blind man would give out one hundred number plates to the follow-up queuers when the museum was closed the day before. On that day, the divination seekers entered the museum one by one to tell their fortunes based on the number plates.If you have spare time, continue to tell the fortune, and you have to queue up. When it is time for dinner, the number plate will be issued on time and the museum will be closed.

How should I put it, there are still too many monks and too little porridge, which is seriously not enough.

Since there is such a shortage, there is a market.

Scalpers came out one after another, queuing up to get number plates, and then reselling them at high prices.After all, the first one every day only recognizes the number plate but not the person.

All of a sudden, scalpers were rampant in Pingfeng County, and every family could come and line up to be scalpers, but after all, the number plates were limited, and the competition among scalpers was quite fierce.

Of course, more of them are genuinely seeking divination and fortune-telling.

After a lot of effort, the two servants found a scalper, but the scalper and lion opened their mouths and killed the price.I wanted to seek other scalpers, but who would have thought that scalpers would be so scarce, and the price would be higher instead, it is such a rare commodity to live in!
The two servants searched for a long time, but finally they had no choice but to go back to find the current scalper. After a long time of bargaining, they bought back a No. 35 number plate.

Shang Feiyu frowned secretly, after such a calculation, the ticket price is more expensive than his own calculation!Don't tell me that this number plate was actually secretly sold by the second blind man!
Hmph, I want to see what kind of thing this second blind man is.

Shang Feiyu waited for a long time, and when it was No. 34's turn, he came to the door of the "Blind Fortune Teller" again.

Seeing Shang Feiyu turned back again, how can the people in line have a good face, but seeing the number plate in Shang Feiyu's hand, they have no choice but to sigh secretly in their hearts, money can make ghosts push Grind.

After finishing divination on the 34th, I happily left the fortune-telling hall.

"Number 35." Zhang Qinxin called out tenderly, seeing Shang Feiyu walking in with a number plate, she just rolled her eyes, without saying anything, raised her small hand, and guided Shang Feiyu to turn around the screen and enter the inner hall.

Shang Feiyu took a glance, and there were a few pieces of ordinary furniture in the inner hall, and a long table was placed in the middle, and the second blind man with white eyes was sitting on a futon behind the long table.

This guy is quite young, Shang Feiyu looked at the second child for a while, but he was really ordinary, there was nothing unusual about it, before he came here, he thought he would be a blind man with a fairy spirit and an outstanding face!People will believe fortune-telling just like this?

"Please sit down." Erwazi greeted.

Shang Feiyu sat opposite to Erwazi, before he could sit still, he suddenly punched Erwazi, without sound or blowing any wind, and hit Erwazi directly in front of him.

Erwazi remained motionless.

Shang Feiyu's fist stopped right in front of Erwazi's eyes, paused for a moment, and retracted it again.It seems that this guy is really blind, Shang Feiyu pouted.

Erwazi asked, "What hexagram do you want, sir?"

Shang Feiyu frowned, and said strangely: "Aren't you blind, how do you know that I am Mr.?"

Erwazi smiled faintly: "Blind in the eyes, but not blind in the heart."

Shang Feiyu said playfully, and said: "People say you are a fortune teller, so just let me come to your side to ask for some divination."

Erwazi said calmly: "It doesn't need to be counted. Since you said this, you didn't really come to ask for divination. I heard you making a noise in front of the door earlier, and I'm afraid you came to find trouble."

Shang Feiyu chuckled, this guy is still a fine guy, but you have already provoked me, I will not be dismissed by your clever words, today you have to count if you don't count!

Shang Feiyu said casually: "It's all here, so let me ask for a divination. By the way, what do you know?"

I'm also in this business, so don't expect to be able to get around it with clever words, I'll ask you if you can figure it out, if you can't figure it out or can't figure it out, then it's your fault!
(End of this chapter)

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