Chapter 787

Erwazi thought for a while, and replied: "I know a little bit about everything."

Shang Feiyu confronted each other and said: "What are the specific aspects of each aspect, and how much you can know, who are you fooling with ambiguity!"

"Face reading, palm reading, six lines, gossip, measuring characters, eight characters, and Feng Shui are all involved."

Shang Feiyu asked in surprise: "Aren't you blind, how do you read your face and palm?"

Erwazi spread out his hands, indicating that it is enough to touch with his hands.

Shang Feiyu squinted his eyes and said, "Then please help me read my palm first."

Erwazi said lightly: "You have seen it too, I am very busy here, and each person is limited to one hexagram."

If you don't have the confidence to just say it, why are you beating around the bush, Shang Feiyu curled his lips and said, "Then please do some Feng Shui calculations."

Erwazi nodded, what exactly is Feng Shui?

Shang Feiyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and it came easily. He was a customer surnamed Fang back then. He was originally a wealthy family, but his family was in trouble. He tried every method he could think of, but nothing worked. In the end, he was helpless. I can only ask Shang Feiyu for advice.

It would be strange for Shang Feiyu to visit the door in person. It is obviously a treasured place of geomantic omen, so why can't he do his best?
Shang Feiyu repeated calculations and deductions, and finally discovered the clue, the good Feng Shui was broken on a stone.

At that time, the grandfather of the Fang family specially mobilized people to bring back a township stone from other places, and pressed it in the central courtyard of the house. Later, the Fang family indeed prospered a lot, and the township stone has never been moved.

The stones transported here are genuine, not Xibei products. The bad thing is that the Fang family courtyard was expanded later.

After the change, the well-endowed Zhenyun Stone not only failed to suppress the luck, but actually backfired and ruined the luck. As a result, the Fang family became more and more unbearable.

After careful calculation, Shang Feiyu reselected a place in the courtyard to place the Zhenyun Stone.

After the Fang family burned incense and prayed, they relocated the Zhenyun Stone according to Shang Feiyu's instructions. In less than a month, the family fortune began to recover, and the family luck became more and more prosperous after a while.

The Patriarch of the Fang family even came to thank him several times, which became one of Shang Feiyu's proudest achievements.

This time, Shang Feiyu deliberately took out this special case to embarrass the two blind men. How could he easily discover the clue without visiting the door in person.

Shang Feiyu didn't hide anything, and described the location of the Fang family and the layout of the courtyard in detail. As for the Zhenyun Stone, Shang Feiyu regarded it as a viewing stone and passed it by.

After speaking, Shang Feiyu looked at Erwazi, please advise.

Erwazi said lightly: "Looking at the geographical location, the feng shui of the courtyard should be good. If the luck is not good, there may be some bad things blocking the luck. The position of the stone in the atrium is sensitive. If it is just an ordinary stone, it will not be a big problem. If it is some special stones, such as containing copper and silver, it is best to leave the house."

Shang Feiyu's heart skipped a beat, and he stared blankly at Erwazi, could it be?
I think it took me a lot of effort to discover the problem of Zhenyun Stone when I visited the scene in person. Why did the blind man discover it casually? Could it be that he noticed the subtle changes in his tone during the description process, or was it just a blind cat? Dead rat?

Shang Feiyu frowned and asked, "If there is nothing wrong with that stone, what should we do?"

Erwazi replied: "If it's not a stone problem, it's probably a human problem. You need to accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and the family fortune will subtly improve."

Shang Feiyu frowned secretly, never would have thought that the second blind man would say such a thing, this kind of statement is a no-brainer in the industry, and he would not say that unless it is absolutely necessary, it is a panacea countermeasure.

Shang Feiyu was silent for a moment, then said: "What you said is too ambiguous, how can I tell whether what you said is true or not?"

Erwazi smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "The so-called fortune-telling is nothing more than seeking good luck and avoiding evil as much as possible. Do your best to obey the destiny. If you don't believe it, then don't believe it. This hexagram has been calculated, please feel free."

Shang Feiyu stared at Erwazi for a few moments, dropped a piece of silver ingot, and turned to leave.

After all, Shang Feiyu was still unwilling to leave Pingfeng County immediately, and immediately ordered his servants to buy scalper tickets. Who would have thought that today's scalper tickets have been sold out, and there is no way to buy them.

Shang Feiyu was secretly ruthless, if he didn't have a scalper ticket, he would buy it from someone who is not a scalper, as long as the price is enough, he won't be tempted.

Shang Feiyu went out in person, came to the front of the "Fortune Telling for the Blind" again, looked around, stared at the hunchbacked old woman who was about to turn at the front, and tried to buy the divination ticket in the old woman's hand around the bush.

The old lady shook her head again and again, whether she would sell it or not, she had worked so hard to get a ticket, and she had to wait until it was her turn, and she wouldn't sell it for any amount of money.

Shang Feiyu said whatever he wanted to say, but the old woman just refused to follow her life and death.

In the end, there was no other way, Shang Feiyu whispered to the old woman: "Actually, I can also do divination. Whatever you want to calculate, I will help you to do the calculation first. If you agree, you don't need to do the calculation again. If not, you can do whatever you want."

The old lady looked at Shang Feiyu suspiciously, you are a braggart and you don't even make drafts, if you know how to tell a fortune teller, why do you still need to come here and ask the second blind man to tell a fortune teller?

Shang Feiyu spread his hands and said: "If you don't believe me, you can try it, anyway, I won't take your money."

Then try it, the old lady immediately told Shang Feiyu what she was asking for.

It turned out that the old woman had three sons. The family was poor and it was not easy to marry a daughter-in-law.

In order to save money for his wife, the eldest son went to work as a miner on an alien planet, and later wrote back that he was treated well, had good food and warm clothes, and the work was not heavy, and his wife would be able to save enough in three years.

The old woman's second and third sons were moved, and they both went to work as miners with the eldest son.

The three sons send wages home every year, and the amount is still quite large, but ten years have passed since then, and the three sons are still working outside and have not returned.

Making money is important, but if you get older, you won't be able to marry a good wife. The old woman was secretly anxious, so she kept writing letters urging her three sons to go home early to marry wives and have children, but the three sons refused to come back.

Time flies like an arrow. In a flash, the old lady is so old and her back is bent. She can only look at the other families in the village who are already full of children and grandchildren, happy and happy, but she is alone. It is really uncomfortable in her heart. , always to no avail.

The three sons still sent money home every year as before, but the old woman had to doubt it. It would be nice if one of the three sons came back. After so many years, none of them came back. This is unreasonable.But even after several inquiries with the government, there was no specific statement. It was just that the three sons were obsessed with money, and they stayed outside and refused to go home. Maybe they had already secretly married wives and had children outside.

However, the old woman did not believe that the three sons would hide their marriage from her. Besides, it was too late for the mother to be happy when the sons got married and had children.

No matter how much money there is for a person who doesn't see a person when he's born or dies, no matter how much money he has, it's useless.

Originally, the old woman couldn't do anything about it, but this time she suddenly heard that a blind man came to Pingfeng County, who was even more accurate than the gods, so she came all the way to ask for divination, wanting to know what happened to her three sons, and if they could Can't come back.

Shang Feiyu frowned slightly, this is indeed a bit weird, it's fine if one son doesn't come home, how can there be any reason why three sons are stuck outside, there are three kinds of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the greatest!
Shang Feiyu immediately asked for the names and birthdates of the three sons of the old woman, pinched his fingers and calculated carefully, and it turned out that all three were culprits. This... I'm afraid it's not good!
Seeing Shang Feiyu frowning, the old woman couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and asked, "What did you figure out?"

This... this... All of a sudden, Shang Feiyu really didn't know how to talk to the old woman. He has been a fortune teller for so many years, and he has never met a seeker like the old woman. After all, he charges a lot of money. Ordinary people can't find him.

This is a hot potato, it's better not to pick it up, hey, it's just right, isn't this old woman asking the second blind man for a divination, so let the second blind man handle it.

Thinking of this, Shang Feiyu laughed awkwardly, and said to the old woman: "Oh, my fortune-telling is only half-baked, I can't figure it out, old woman, you should ask the second blind man to help you do the calculation."

The old lady gave Shang Feiyu a big roll of the eyes in a very speechless manner, and complained: "If you can't do it, then don't brag."

"Yes yes yes, I made you laugh." Shang Feiyu stepped back with a smile,
"No. 41." Zhang Qin called out delicately.

The old lady walked into the "Fortune-Telling for the Blind" pavilion full of expectations.

Shang Feiyu was waiting outside the door, and wanted to see what the second blind man would figure out. If he told the old woman that her three sons were all bad luck, the old woman would definitely make a fuss. If the second blind man only speaks good things, we will be caught. As long as we find out the whereabouts of the old woman's three sons, hehe...

It didn't take long for the old lady to walk out of the "Fortune-Telling for the Blind" hall with a smile all over her face.

Shang Feiyu rushed to meet him and asked about the result.

The old woman happily said: "The second blind man has a fortune teller. In half a year, my three sons will all come back. When the time comes, I will marry a wife and have children. I will have a full house of children and grandchildren. That's great. I have to go back and renovate the yard. Come back with three sons as a new house."

Shang Feiyu pretended to say: "That's really great, congratulations, then I have to go to the wedding, where is your home, old lady?"

The old woman was very happy, so she told Shang Feiyu her address, and left happily.

Shang Feiyu secretly sneered, as expected, these two blind men are just charlatans who deceive the world, after all, everyone likes to listen to good things, so he did what he liked, coaxing and deceiving him to take advantage of the loopholes.

The fortune-telling stone before was just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse, and he guessed it right by chance. Fortunately, he was still suspicious, thinking that he really had two brushes, but he was just fooling people.

Since this is the case, there is no need to spend any more effort to find out the details of the second blind man. Shang Feiyu immediately mobilized all his connections to find out the specific information of the old woman's three sons. It's not as simple as packing up and getting out.

But the slow progress of this investigation was beyond Shang Feiyu's expectation. Even if Dong Shimen was asked to help with the investigation, there was still no major progress.I only know that the three sons of the old woman are all working as miners here, but I can't find out the details.

How is this going?Shang Feiyu weighed it over and over again, but chose to give up. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Even the teacher can't find out anything. That's the problem. This hot potato is much hotter than I expected, so it's better not to touch it. , so as not to get burned.

On the other hand, Erwazi directly tracked down the whereabouts of the old woman's three sons through the official channel of Xiaoxianjie, and soon tracked down Dibaoxing.

Not only the three sons of the old lady, but the local explosion star recruited a total of 39 miners from this side of the Little Immortal World, scattered widely.

The result was the same as the old woman's three sons, the wages were sent home every year, but they never returned.

The official description of this was vague, and they didn't pay too much attention to it, or for other reasons.

Erwazi couldn't help frowning, it seemed that the matter was much more serious than he expected, and thinking of the three murders of the old woman's three sons, I'm afraid...

Erwazi immediately contacted Niu Dazhuang: Junior Brother, you happen to be near the Earth Explosion Star, so please go there yourself.

Niu Dazhuang replied: Brother, wrap it on me, I'll go right away.

Erwazi is still very relieved about Niu Dazhuang, but there is still a little awkwardness about Niu Dazhuang being his younger brother. After all, the master is used to being the shopkeeper, and after taking Niu Dazhuang as his apprentice, he just throws it away. gave myself.It can be said that Niu Dazhuang was brought up by himself, almost half of his apprentice, but he was his junior.

And Tiedan accepted such a good apprentice as Xiaodie, the unshakable No. [-] in the heaven list, Erwazi is still a little envious, I really hope that I can also receive a good apprentice like Xiaodie, but how can I accept such a fact as an apprentice? You can't force it, you can only rely on fate.

Erwazi chose to settle in Pingfeng County, on the one hand, because he can grasp all aspects of the surrounding defenses, troubles, and some hidden and dark things by fortune-telling alone; The county met a powerful disciple, and the specific second child is not very clear. After all, he is not a professional fortune teller, and it is impossible to say that this disciple has not been born yet.

Don't worry, take your time, and we will meet each other if we are destined.

(End of this chapter)

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