Interstellar Miner

Chapter 788 Fang Dali

Chapter 788 Fang Dali

A small civilian transport ship departing from Huasheng Xiaoxianjie soared unhurriedly through the endless dark void, heading towards the destination, Starburst, even if it was only half a small galaxy away, it would take three and a half days at the speed of the transport ship time.

Near the window, Niu Dazhuang held his chin and looked at the void. After all, he is only a mortal now, and it is inconvenient to meditate and practice, which is really boring.

But it's also rare and boring. Niu Dazhuang has been cultivating immortals for thousands of years, and he can only look at the backs of his brothers and sisters and chase them desperately. He has worked so hard just to not be the tail of the crane.Further ahead, there are masters, mistresses, and uncles who go farther and faster.And in the rear, there are countless juniors chasing after them desperately!Niu Dazhuang really never relaxes for a moment.

Especially after coming to the fourth level of time and space, there are more outstanding senior brothers and sisters, and the pressure on Niu Da is even greater.Niu Dazhuang, King Kong and Kong Wuming are both juniors, not only brothers, but also rivals.

Kong Wuming is the second peerless genius on the celestial list, needless to say; although King Kong's cultivation base is relatively low, but his strength is boundless, his strength is steel and iron, and even Da Lang has to give way to three points when he is crazy. Competitors, Niu Dazhuang dare not relax half a point.

This time, the master arranged a training task, and everyone experienced the world as a mortal, so Niu Dazhuang was really free and could take a good breath.

Originally, Niu Dazhuang had practiced in Huasheng's Little Immortal Realm, and he had already found some clues, but now that Senior Brother Erwazi had spoken, Niu Dazhuang would of course go to Explosive Star to investigate immediately without saying a word.

You must know that the relationship between Niu Dazhuang and Erwazi is not just a brother-in-law. In Niu Dazhuang's mind, Erwazi is almost a collection of father and master.Master Moxuan is a well-known hands-off shopkeeper. Although he has accepted himself as an apprentice, it is senior brother Erwazi who really guides, teaches and takes care of him.

Of course, Master Mo Xuan is really too busy, instead of finding time to teach himself for a while, it is far better to let Senior Brother Erwazi teach himself systematically and carefully.

For a while, Niu Dazhuang couldn't help recalling a lot.

I still remember when I was a child, my young self was a big kid and had a lot of troubles, and all my parents said that my master was a charlatan who cheated on food and drink.

Although I am very fascinated by cultivating immortals, I don't dare to expect extravagance. My biggest wish is to be a few years older, go out to apprentice, practice martial arts hard, and work in a nursery in the future, eat well and dress well, and the salary is high. OK!

I still remember that when I was just six years old, I took the cattle to the river to graze and rest in the evening. I was lazily lying on the broad back of the cattle, with my head resting on my left arm, a grass in my mouth, and my right hand dangling. A bamboo stick with a long strip of cloth hanging from the top of the bamboo stick is used to repel mosquitoes and flies so as not to bite the cattle.It's really a good time!I really hope that days like this can continue.

Then, Master suddenly appeared and greeted himself gently.In the end, I only regarded him as someone's elder brother, who made Master so young, handsome and gentle.

Very naughty, I was quickly pulled by the master's ears, and then brought home with the cattle. Only then did I know the identity of the master's immortal, and I was stunned at that time.

My master is an immortal, so wouldn't I be able to cultivate an immortal?
What came more suddenly than happiness was the parting. I left my parents with snot and tears, and followed my master to a different place. It was Erwazi who took care of me and taught me how to cultivate immortality bit by bit. .

Brother Erwazi praised himself for being smart, fast and good at studying, and he was still a little complacent.However, with the appearance of a large number of senior brothers and sisters such as Tie Dan, Hao Changsheng, Niuniu, Zhang Desheng, and Bai Meier, I realized that such a junior brother like myself is definitely not so easy to be, and the pressure is huge!

Every year when I go home during the Chinese New Year, I am full of joy and look forward to it every day.

Master Mo Xuan said at that time that he didn't want to visit him, but wanted to let him have an innocent and carefree childhood. He came out and forcibly took himself away, and then threw himself to senior brother Erwazi, how could this happen.

As time went by, I grew up little by little, and gradually realized it clearly.What a blessing to have such a childhood.

The troubles when I was a child, when I grow up, become my happiest and sweetest memories.

When I was young, I was very resistant to the name Niu Dazhuang, thinking that I should be called Niu Xiaozhuang, and I would call it Dazhuang when I grew up. In fact, the name Dazhuang carries the past and the future, and it has a profound meaning.

At that time, I was most annoyed by adults touching my head, clucking like chicken thieves like old hens, but now I have no chance to be touched on the head.

Xiuxian, Xiuxian, I am immortal, but my parents are getting old day by day.

Because I wanted to cultivate immortality, I was away all year round, and I was able to stay at home with the two elders until they were very old. I watched the two elders leave me one after another, and my heart was extremely sad.I wish I didn't cultivate this immortal in the first place, so that I could stay by Erlao's side for the rest of my life.

After the two elders left, the two noisy and snobbish sisters were not so annoying anymore.

At the beginning, I didn't want the two sisters to turn against each other because of the quota of cultivating immortals, so I chose Niu Dehui from the elder sister's family, and the second sister also made a guarantee in private.

The hard work paid off, and I finally got a place in the Tianjianmen newcomer training camp before my second sister passed away. Of course, it was a patchwork and an IOU!

At this time, the second sister could only lie in bed at home, looking forward to waiting, almost with her last breath left.

Finally got what she wanted, the second sister choked up and grabbed her hand, exhaled her last breath, and passed away in great relief. Not long after, the eldest sister also left.

Even the little friends in the village back then were gone, and the rest of them were dying and couldn't recognize themselves.

I suddenly became a lonely person, extremely lonely!Was it right or wrong for me to choose to apprentice to a teacher to embark on the road of cultivation?
Brother Erwazi didn't answer his sad question, he just rolled his eyes and kicked himself.

He fell down and gnawed on the mud, Mumu got up, patted his clothes, and came to his senses.

Niu Dehui from the eldest sister's family is already a half-immortal, and Niu Ziyi from the second sister's family has just started, but they all need to be taken care of by themselves!To live, one has to look forward!

So many years have passed in a flash, the two little guys, Niu Dehui and Niu Ziyi, have been cultivating immortals for many years, and the Niu family also has a large number of new generations of cultivating immortals, which are thriving.

Now Niu Dehui is already a celestial being and has become the pillar of the Niu family, while Niu Ziyi has poor talent in cultivating immortals and has been stuck outside the gate of the celestial being.

Although Niu Dazhuang gave Niu Ziyi a few private lessons, it didn't work.

After all, when Niu Dazhuang broke through Xuanxian, he didn't have any bumps and bumps, and he broke through without any feeling, let alone a fairy, and he really didn't have much deep understanding of the bottleneck.It can only rely on Niu Ziyi's own comprehension and chance.

Occasionally, the occasional Niu Daxiang would also think that if he was not worshiping under Master Moxuan, but in some other force, that would definitely be the treatment of the little emperor, and he could get whatever he wanted; In order not to become the tail of the crane, he worked hard and desperately.

At first, Niu Dazhuang also wanted to challenge the celestial ranking of the fourth layer of time and space. After all, Kong Wuming had been the second on the celestial ranking for many years. As a result, Brother Tiedan's disciple, Xiaodie, had bravely climbed up.Niu Dazhuang hurriedly followed in the footsteps of his brothers and sisters, rushed up to Xuanxian, and worked hard towards Xuanbang.

Now the most difficult start of the Ten Thousand Years of the Four Immortals Sect can be safely passed, and the next is a good time for us to flex our muscles!Our Four Immortal Sect has done enough Tianbang, hehe, it's time to brush up the Xuanbang!

But... the senior brothers and sisters are all staring at the Xuanbang, afraid that it will not be their turn when the time comes!

Thinking back on so many big appearances, I couldn't help but sighed faintly, how time flies!

"What's wrong, buddy, I'm homesick so quickly! Don't mind, we all have to follow suit when you take the lead." The young man sitting next to him patted Niu Daxing's shoulder vigorously.

Niu Dazhuang smiled awkwardly and hummed.

"My name is Fang Dali, what do you call me?"

"The shape of a cow."

"Ah, Niu Dazhuang? You are a bit thin and weak. Miners work hard. Can you bear it?"

"No problem." Niu Dazhuang patted himself on the chest. Don't look at yourself like this, but he was also forced by King Kong to train his body. Ordinary body trainers are not as strong as himself.

Fang Dali nodded skeptically, and said carelessly: "Don't worry, they are all working in a small fairy world, and I will help and take care of you."

"Thank you." Niu Dazhuang smiled happily.

The two chatted with each other one by one, and soon became acquainted with each other.

Fang Dali has just turned [-] this year, and his family background is average, but there are eleven brothers and sisters in total, and the money to marry a wife can only be earned by himself.Although the miners are a little bit harder, their wages are still quite good, and they should soon be able to save enough money to go home and ask for a wife.

Niu Daxiang smacked his lips, daughter-in-law, I said that I was still talking about Taoist couples and double cultivation, but after so many years of busy work, I really have no time to think about this aspect.

Kong Wuming and Senior Sister Mi Yashuang had a hot fight. Although they hadn't officially become a couple of cultivating immortals, they only had to pierce that layer of window paper.

Thinking that he was still alone so far, Niu Dazhuang couldn't help sighing with emotion, it seems that it is necessary to hurry up!

(End of this chapter)

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