Interstellar Miner

Chapter 789 Security Protocol

Chapter 789 Security Protocol
"Look, Da Zhuang, it's Earthburst, it's almost here." Fang Dali lay on the window, rubbing his hands eagerly.

Niu Dazhuang leaned over and took a look. It was a planet with a dark pockmarked face. There were very few rivers, seas and lakes, and there were not many creatures to be seen.

Fang Dali happily moved his body, stayed in this seat for three whole days, and could only sleep curled up, it was really uncomfortable.

Niu Dazhuang practiced meditation all year round, but he didn't feel any discomfort at all, which made Fang Dali envious.

The transport ship fell slowly, bumped a little, and then landed steadily in the mooring tower.

"Everyone line up, get off the ship one by one, no competition is allowed." The person in charge shouted.

"Everyone go this way and follow me. Don't look around, go to the camp to rest first. The meals have been prepared. After eating, drinking and sleeping, someone will show you around." The guide shouted.

A total of [-] new miners came to the camp on the surface. Although it was just a row of stone bungalows, it was clean and tidy, and looked pretty good.

Fang Dali looked around for a while, tsk-tsk, didn't we want to be underground miners, why didn't we just go underground?
Niu Dazhuang smiled faintly. The Four Immortals are not generally lenient to the miners. There will be various trainings before taking up the job. Only after passing the training and assessment can they officially take up the job.

After eating and drinking enough, he lay down on the large Shi Meimei bed and slept. Fang Dali was full of energy, and he pulled on Niu Dazhuang to wander around the camp and make friends.

Then the training begins.

Fang Dali originally thought that he was just working hard, but who would have thought that this miner is a skilled worker, mining with an iron pickaxe is only the first step, after that there are several transportation links, and even primary processing of ore, and finally there is safety. training.

Fang Dali lay on the bed in a daze, and complained to the clinical bull: "Why is it so troublesome, I just want to be a miner."

Niu Daxiang, who was resting on his arm, smiled and said: "Mining is a high-risk occupation, but it is not so easy to be a miner. You only need to know some other knowledge. You will naturally understand after a few days of actual operation. Safety training is the most important thing." The most important thing is that it can save lives at the most critical moment.”

Fang Dali said carelessly: "There are so many protective measures underground in the mine, how can there be so much danger? Didn't the instructor say that there may not be a mine disaster in ten or eight years. Even if it does happen, just go into the safety hole." It's over."

Niu Dazhuang shook his head and sighed, "I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. Besides, you must know where the safe hole is."

That's true, Fang Dali nodded, and decided to listen carefully.

The training was soon over, and three thousand new miners officially went down to the mine.

Niu Daxiang frowned slightly, didn't there be an assessment after the training?Although it is a formalism that you can pass the assessment as long as you are not stupid or do not listen to the lecture, but after all, the Four Immortals have express regulations.

When I went down to a huge mine, there were many people and noisy. Although there was a magic circle to purify the air, the smell was not very good.

The person in charge arranged for dozens of old miners to lead the new miners down to the mine for actual mining operations, saying that this was equivalent to an assessment, and those who did not work well would pack up and go home.

Niu Dazhuang nodded secretly, this kind of assessment is indeed good, much better than rote memorization.

Fang Dali was naturally in the same group as Niu Dazhuang, and the two were assigned an iron pick.

Fang Dali carried the iron pick without hesitation, and Niu Dazhuang carried the mine basket on his back, and followed the large team down the well.

An old miner led a team of new miners like Niu Da to a shaft, and arranged the work of each group with gestures and yelling.

Fang Dali spat on the palms of both hands, then picked up the pickaxe and struck vigorously.

A spark flashed, and there was a metallic click, and half of the mine wall in front of the housing department was completely cut off!

ha? !Fang Dali's eyes were rounded, what...what's the situation?

Although Niu Dazhuang has long heard that the series of iron pickaxes made by Mrs. Moqueer are extremely powerful, now that he has really seen it, he can't help but secretly click his tongue.When I was a child, Niu Dazhuang often followed his parents to chop firewood and do farm work, and he also used a chopping knife. This iron pick is too sharp!

Fang Dali stared at the pickaxe in his hand in a daze, what... what happened?

Fang Dali was at a loss and tried again, Kaka...a pickaxe, no matter what granite, iron ore or copper ore you are, it will be broken immediately!

What the hell!

Fang Dali tried to uproot his hair and blow it on the iron pick, and the hair broke in two easily.

Fang Dali's eyeballs immediately bulged, and his hair was blown off. This is not an iron pick, it is clearly a dragon-slaying pick!

Not only Fang Dali, but all the miners who picked up the pickaxe and hit it for the first time were all dumbfounded!Nima, is this a shovel?Isn't it the black iron pickaxe that only exists in legends and dreams?
Many miners have been in martial arts before. In their dreams, they all hoped to have a peerless sword or sword that would blow their hair and hair. In the end, when they woke up from the dream, it would be nice to have a good bronze sword, and a peerless sword. Daydreaming!
Who would have thought that the iron pick in my hand at this moment is a peerless treasure that could only be possessed in my dreams... a treasure pick!
Even if the ambition is no longer there, the dream of the past has always been buried in the bottom of my heart. Suddenly, the volcano erupted, and it was out of control. I picked up the pickaxe, put on a posture, kaka...

Be good, you have to take it easy with this pickaxe, too much force will make you easy to make mistakes, it's okay to knock off a large piece of ore, but if you hit your foot, you will be disabled.

After a while, the ore in front of the miners had piled up like a mountain, and they had to be cleaned up first!
Fang vigorously crushed the large pieces of ore, and moved them one by one into the bamboo basket.

Fang Dali greeted: "Da Zhuang, you use this iron pick, and I will carry the bamboo basket." After speaking, Fang Dali handed the iron pick to Niu Dazhuang, who squatted down and lifted the full bamboo basket With his back on his back, he gritted his teeth and struggled to get up, huh?Why doesn't it seem like it weighs a lot?

Is the bottom of the bamboo basket exposed?Fang Dali glanced back, the pile was still full, no, what's going on?Fang Dali suddenly remembered that the instructor had said that the bamboo baskets used to carry the ore had magic circles set up by the fairy elders, and they were very light, but he never thought that they would be so light.

Fang Dali followed the instructions of the old miner with a bamboo basket on his back, and walked to the branch road, where there was a row of Taoist ore trucks in the style of a long train.Niu Dazhuang has dug a lot of ore.

so back and forth.

The new miners were very happy and encouraged. They had prepared themselves for hardships and hard work before coming here, but they never imagined that it would be so easy, with almost no effort required, and the food was pretty good, and the salary was even more generous. The work is really beautiful!

Soon the new miners were assigned to various mines and started their official career as miners.

Niu Dazhuang didn't really come here to experience the miners, and started a secret investigation.

The mines are well organized, except for the poor air quality, other food, accommodation, medical care, and washing are all good.

Niu Dazhuang stopped beating around the bush, and directly asked the senior old miner about the whereabouts of the old woman's three sons, but he didn't know anything about it.

After all, Earthburst is so huge, and there are countless mines. There are quite a few mines where the old woman's three sons are allocated. Finding someone as a mortal is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

After Niu Daxiang thought about it, he still found the crux of the problem. Although there are old miners in the mine, they are not too old. Most of the first-line miners are young people, and almost all the older miners are technical Type of work, the older you are, you must either serve as a cadre or retire.

If the old woman's three sons were still alive, they would have passed the retirement age of miners long ago. If they were still in the ground, they would not be ordinary miners.

However, Niu Dazhuang failed to find out the whereabouts of the old woman's three sons through official secret channels. This is a bit weird. What's going on?

Just when Niu Dazhuang was puzzled, Fang Dali ran up to Niu Dazhuang in a hurry and said, "Da Zhuang, I just got a gossip that a newly opened mine is recruiting people, and the wages are all here." Three times as much, so I only need to work for two years, and I can earn enough for my wife to go home and marry a daughter-in-law."

Niu Dazhuang glanced at Fang Dali, who was hot-blooded, and said lightly: "There will be no pie in the sky. How can the mine for no reason have three times the wages?"

Fang Dali said: "What else can it be? Of course it is a newly opened mine. It is a bit dangerous, and ordinary miners dare not go there."

Niu Dazhou frowned and said, "Dali, you have only been on the job for a few days. If you want to recruit, you are also an experienced old miner. It's not your turn."

Fang Dali grinned and said, "I have met a new brother. He knows the manager in charge of recruitment. As long as he has a recommendation from his brother, he can be directly selected. This is a good thing. Da Zhuang, will you come with me?"

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are big like a cow, but I still cautiously remind Fang Dali to be careful, don't encounter some liar.

Fang Dali patted his chest to assure that the ticket was absolutely true, the number of seats was limited, and others couldn't ask for it.

Niu Dazhuang wanted to remind Fang Dali a few more words, but thinking about it, there would be no troubles if he was there. Besides, this mine could not collect much useful information, so he could just change it.

Niu Dazhuang nodded, that's fine, I'll go with you.

"That's enough buddy. To be honest, I really don't want to go alone. It would be great if you are willing to go together. I'll go and confirm it with my elder brother." Fang Dali patted Niu Daxing's shoulder happily, He hurriedly ran away again.

The matter is thus settled, Fang Dali and Niu Dazhuang will be transferred to another mine, but a safety agreement must be signed before that.

Fang Dali didn't even look at it, and directly pressed his fingerprints.

Niu Dazhuang glanced at it, and frowned slightly. The safety agreement stipulated that the risk factor of the new mine was a bit high. If an accident happened to the miner, whether it was disabled or died, the mine would be responsible for supporting the miner’s family for 60 years. The wages that should be paid will be sent to the family in full, but at the same time, the miners must keep it secret and must not tell outsiders the real situation.

This...could it be...the expression on his face changed slightly.

"Da Zhuang, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and press your fingerprints." Fang Dali winked at Niu Dazhuang.

The person in charge smiled and said to Niu Dazhuang: "You don't have to force it. If you don't want to go, you can do whatever you want."

Niu Dazheng smiled faintly, and immediately pressed his fingerprints.

(End of this chapter)

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