Chapter 790
The agreement had been signed, and then Niu Dazhuang and Fang Dali followed the person in charge along the long shaft, and finally arrived at a mine with a size of [-] mu.

Most of the people living in this mine are immortal cultivators, and you can see the immortal cultivators flying in the sky on cloud boots, which is a busy scene.

Fang Dali looked around, fascinated, this is an immortal cultivator!It was rare to see one in my hometown before, but here it is everywhere!
Fang Dali sighed secretly. When he was a child, he was full of expectations, because a fortune teller told him his fortune, and he would have a fairy fate.But now that he has grown so big, Fang Dali no longer wishful thinking, it is true that he earns enough for his wife and goes home to marry a wife and have children!Maybe you can expect your son or grandson to have a fairy fate.

Fang Dali saw the old god Niu Dazhuang walking aside, and couldn't help but wondered: "Da Zhuang, why aren't you surprised at all, have you seen this before?"

Niu Dazhang curled his lips and said, "What's the matter, I've seen fairies before."

It's bragging, Fang Dali gave Niubi a big look, and continued to look around enviously.This time when I went out to work, I already took the spaceship flying to the sky, but I went to the sky in a blink of an eye. There are really not many things that can be described, and at the moment it is all real bragging material. When I return home in the future, I will You can brag about it with your siblings.

Fang Dali and Niu Dazhuang rested in a stone house for half a day, and then they were assembled, and together with three other miners, they came to a circular stone platform above the ground.

Fang Dali doesn't recognize it, but Niu Dazhuang knows that this is a small teleportation array, which can carry out two-way teleportation within the planet.

A cultivator instructed: "Everyone go up and stand up, keep a distance from each other, and don't move around."

With the brilliance flickering, after a while of dizziness, Fang Dali and the other five were transported to another huge mine.

Fang Dali wobbled a few times, squatted down and stood firm, looked around in amazement, his mouth opened wide all of a sudden, this... Could this be the legendary teleportation array?

Hey, what kind of luck is this for me? Even a cultivator can ride in the teleportation array. Now that I go back to my hometown, the cowhide can last a lifetime!

Niu Dazhuang curled his lips, this broken teleportation array is too unstable, so we should improve it later.

The guide led a group of five people all the way down, and after walking for two hours, they came to the deepest part of the mine.

It's so deep, Fang Dali scratched his head, if it weren't for the brightly lit mine passages along the way, he would have been a little scared.Fang Dali looked at the big bull beside him with a calm face, so he didn't bother to think so much, they were all miners, they were all underground, so what's the point, earn enough money to go home and marry a wife.

Together with Fang Dali and Niu Dazhuang, a total of 83 miners are mining in this newly opened mine, constantly going deep into the ground.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

Fang Dali is already fully familiar with the operation of miners, and after finishing working hours every day, he will eagerly learn martial arts from an old miner.

This is the characteristic of all the mines of the Four Immortals. Each mine will arrange martial arts masters who are proficient in martial arts to teach the miners to practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies.After all, the number of martial arts masters is limited. In most cases, old miners teach new miners how to practice martial arts.New miners perform well and recommend them to martial artists.This is a newly opened mine with few people, so there is only one old master miner.

In these four levels of time and space, cultivating immortals is of course the best, but after all, resources are limited, and it is impossible for everyone to cultivate immortals. There are many other ways out, and being a martial artist is a better way out.

Fang Dali studied martial arts tirelessly, and forcibly pulled Niu Daxing along.

"Don't you know that there is a powerful martial artist in my hometown. If you want to worship him as a teacher, the starting price is a gold bar. This is still relevant. If it doesn't matter, you may not be able to accept three gold bars. Unexpectedly, here you can teach martial arts for free, it's like a pie in the sky, keep walking."

Niu Dazhuang is also from Tianjianmen, and he has received the true biography of martial arts masters such as Zhang Junyan and Ye Chen. It is really difficult to keep a low profile.

Within a few days, the old miner was full of praise, ready to recommend the martial arts prodigy Niu Dazhuang to his superiors.

As for Fang Dali, although his enthusiasm is high, his aptitude and understanding are average, but as long as he studies hard, he can still develop good martial arts.

Fang Dali beat his bull-shaped chest enviously, and sighed: "Da Zhuang, can't you tell, you are still a martial arts prodigy. If I hadn't forced you to practice martial arts with me, you would have been buried. In the future, buddy, you If you are developed, don’t forget about me, brother. If you eat meat, it’s good to have my soup. Why don’t you say anything.”

The big cow can only say oh.

Fang Dali said relentlessly: "It's settled, but don't turn your face and deny people when the time comes."

"Will not."

"I trust you, brother."

The next day, Fang Dali and Niu Dazhuang were working diligently in the mine when suddenly the whole mine trembled.

Fang Dali was taken aback, stopped his homework, and looked around in astonishment, the surroundings were calm, was it just an illusion?

Niu vigorously looked at Niu Daxing inquiringly, did he really shake just now?But seeing Niu Dazhuang's complexion was heavy, his brows were tightly frowned, oops, nothing really happened, let's not be so sad!

"Big Zhuang." Fang Dali couldn't help calling out.

Niu Dazhuang suddenly raised his hand, silent.

Fang Dali secretly swallowed his saliva, looked around cautiously, by the way, where is the safe hole, if something really happened, he had to rush there immediately.

Niu Dawei frowned. The trembling just now should be due to the underground blasting, but this blasting was at the top of the mine, which would more or less cause some cracks in the rock layer, which is not a good thing for this newly mined mine. .However, the mine support is sufficient, but some cracks on one side will not cause much impact.

"It's okay, let's continue to work." Niu Dazhuang greeted.

"Are you really all right? The ground trembled just now." Fang Dali said suspiciously.

Niu Dazhuang smiled and said: "If something really happens, it will be a catastrophe, and it's our turn to be talking here."

That's right, Fang Dali said, and continued to work.

In the next few days, the mine trembled for a while. Fang Dali already knew from the old miners that this was blasting to develop a new mine.Fang Dali gradually didn't take it seriously, he ate and drank enough every day, and practiced martial arts hard after finishing working hours.

The old miner recommended Niu Dazhuang to the higher-ups and has responded. The higher-ups originally wanted to transfer Niu Dazhuang to work in another mine, but Niu Dazhuang refused and chose to continue working in this mine.

Fang Dali was really anxious to death: "Da Zhuang, what are you thinking in your mind, such a good opportunity! The salary here is higher, but how much money you can make as a miner for a lifetime, and if you learn martial arts , you can make a lot of money casually. I can't ask for it, but you missed it for nothing. You want to piss me off! Don't talk nonsense, you go quickly, if you don't go, I don't recognize you brother!"

Niu Dali gave Fang Dali a look, and said honestly: "I'm afraid that if I leave, I will never see you again."

Fang Dali was very speechless: "What a mess, if you can't see it, you won't see it. I was just saying that if you are really developed, it is your good fortune. I have hands and feet. I will take care of myself , you don’t need to worry about it.”

Niu Dazhuang still didn't leave.

Fang Dali refused to give up, and bombarded and preached to Niu Dazhuang with all his heart, and the cold mine trembled again.

Fang Dali didn't take it seriously, and continued to bombard the bull.

Niu Dazhuang frowned suddenly, and without a word, he pulled Fang Dali and rushed out of the small mine where two people worked together!
"Hey, Da Zhuang, what are you doing? It's not time yet!" Fang Dali yelled, and at the same time he was also very surprised, why Da Zhuang was so vigorous, he couldn't break free at all, and could only be held by Da Zhuang. Drag and run.Da Zhuang has only practiced martial arts for a few days, but he is so good?No wonder the old miner master recommended him to the top!
"The mine is about to collapse! Everyone, go to the safety hole! It's too late, hurry up!" Niu Dazhuang yelled.

Hearing the cow-like shouts, even though the miners working in the same mine were suspicious, most of them immediately dropped their picks and bamboo baskets, and rushed out of the mine with a yell.

"Da Zhuang, what are you talking about? Why is it about to collapse? Isn't this good?" As Fang Dali spoke, the entire mine began to tremble slightly, oh, it's not good!

"Everyone run, follow me, don't mess up, the support can withstand it for the time being." Niu Dazhuang shouted and led a group of people into the safety hole.

"Dali, stay still and don't move. I'll go and see if there's no one else." Niu Dazhuang left another sentence and rushed out again.

"Hey, it's dangerous outside." Fang Dali could only watch helplessly as Niu Dazhuang disappeared.

Fang Dali gritted his teeth and rushed out, Da Zhuang waited for me, hey, Da Zhuang disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The mine trembled more and more, Fang Dali staggered and didn't know where to run for a while.

After a while, Niu Dazhuang rushed back with a miner under each arm, and the other party shouted vigorously: "Dali, what are you doing out here, go back to the safe hole and stay honest, don't make trouble!"

Fang Dali pursed his lips, and had to follow behind Niu Dazhuang and stumbled towards the safety hole. When he ran, he found something strange. Da Zhuang and the two of them were still walking like flying, and he threw himself away at once. Be good, Da Zhuang Could it be that he has practiced lightness kung fu so quickly?
Before Fang Dali turned back to the safety hole, Niu Dazhuang rushed out again, gave him a stern look, and stopped running around.

Fang Dali laughed dryly and rushed back to the safe hole.

After a while, Niu Dazhuang rushed back to the safety hole with the two miners in his arms, gently put them on the ground, clapped his hands, exhaled, walked over and sat down beside Fang Dali.

Fang Dali stared at Niu Daxing with the eyes of a monster.

Niu Dali gave Fang Dali a look, and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Fang Dali shook his head, didn't say anything, and looked at the shocked miners in the safe hole.

The old miner master was reassuring everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, maybe it's just a small earthquake, and it will be fine soon. This safety hole is very safe. Everyone sit on the ground and don't think about it."

However, the vibration of the mine became more and more intense, accompanied by deafening bangs.

The miners in the safety hole are frightened and pale. Are we going to die here?
Fang Dali's calves were also trembling, and he calmed down a little by looking around him as immobile as a mountain with his eyes closed.

Niu Dazhuang secretly sighed, his worries came true after all, those guys who care about human lives really deserve to die!

Soon the loud rumbling sound reached the top of the safety hole, the safety hole shook the ground, the miners wailed, no, we don't want to die yet!
Like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, the roof of the safety cave suddenly collapsed, and rocks fell like rain!

Damn!The miners were all scared to pee!
It's over, it's dead now!Fang Dali smiled wryly and closed his eyes, waiting to die.

(End of this chapter)

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