Interstellar Miner

Chapter 791 Darkness Invasion

Chapter 791 Darkness Invasion
Cough cough cough...

The smoke and dust billowed, the miners coughed, at least they knew that they had companions around them, and if they were going to die, everyone would die together, so they didn't tremble so much in this endless darkness.

I don't know how long it took, but the shaking of the earth finally ended, and the only sound left in the dark safe cave was the panting and coughing of the miners.

"Is everyone alright?" The trembling voice of the old miner sounded first. It was also the first time he had encountered a mining accident. It was really terrifying!

"I'm fine." "I'm fine too."... The miners responded in shock.

Fang Dali touched the side with his hand, but it was empty. He couldn't touch the big bull, so he couldn't help but shouted eagerly: "Da Zhuang, ahem, Da Zhuang, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Niu Dazhuang responded.

Hey, why are you so far away from me? Fang Dali immediately groped to get closer to Niu Dazhuang, but in the end he was squeezed by several miners, so he had to sit back.

The old miner coughed and said, "Everyone, don't panic. I'll call your name first, and then I will respond to explain my situation. The key is whether I was injured."


"Now, my arm was hit by gravel a few times, but it still hurts a little. It should be fine."

"Wu Dong."

"Yes, I just fell and got stepped on a few times, it's fine."


"Fang Dali."

"I'm fine."

"Niu Dazhuang."

"Yes, I'm fine."


The old miner took a deep breath, and said with relief: "No one was missing, and no one was seriously injured. It's really a blessing."

Great, the miners were delighted.

Ouch, a miner suddenly cried out in pain.

"What's the matter?" the old miner asked eagerly.

"It's nothing, I bumped my head suddenly, hey, what is this? No way!" the miner yelled.

Head bumped?The zenith of the safety hole is obviously very high!

The miners stood up slowly in doubt, groping the top of their heads with their hands, and suddenly there were exclamations one after another.

As if he didn't find anything, the old miner hesitated and raised his hands to grope for a while, and suddenly touched a hard raw rock wall, just above his head!No... no!

The old miner's calf trembled for a while. Could it be that a huge boulder was pressing on top of our heads?It's so dark right now I can't see anything!

Fang Dali groped for a while, but couldn't find anything. He couldn't help shouting, "What's the matter? What are you screaming? Don't scare me. Is there a light?"

The old miner remembered it, and shouted: "Don't be confused, calm down. There should be a first-aid kit in the safety cave. There should be food and water in it, as well as lighting lamps. Let's search for it."

"It seems to be on my side." A miner shouted.

The old miner immediately said: "Don't move, wait for me to pass, everyone listen to my voice, give way a little bit. Then who will guide me to pass by."

"Oh, here, cough, here."

The old miner fumbled around, finally found the big wooden box, and creaked, fumbled to open it.The old miner poked his hands into the box, and when he found something empty, his heart skipped a beat.

The old miner groped to find the miner's lamp at the bottom of the box, closed the box first, sat down on it, and then turned on the miner's lamp.

Finally there was light, and many miners quietly covered their wet crotches.

Darkness always makes people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts, but light always brings people hope.

As soon as the miners breathed a sigh of relief, their hearts immediately rose to their throats, but it was a huge rock that completely collapsed the roof of the safety hole. This huge rock was hanging above everyone's heads, and it might fall down at any time.

Mamma Mia, we're doomed now!

The corner of the old miner's mouth twitched violently, and he still coughed, and said calmly: "Everyone, don't worry, as long as there is no violent vibration, this stone will not fall down. Everyone sit down and don't move around."

The miners looked at the boulder above their heads in fear, and sat down cautiously, for fear of trembling a little.The boulder remained motionless, which gave everyone a little bit of comfort.

"Niu Dazhuang, sit down too." The old miner said to Niu Dazhuang who was still touching the bottom of the boulder with both hands.

Niu Dazhuang smiled foolishly, and said: "The boulder above my head is too scary, I'd better hold it up, or I'll be scared out of my wits."

The miners secretly shook their heads and smiled wryly, please, if this boulder really falls, your little arms and legs can still hold it up, you might as well sit down and have a good rest if you have that strength.

The old miner knew that peace of mind was more important than anything else at this time. Since Niu Dazhuang was not at ease, let her go for now. When he was tired from standing, he would naturally sit down.

Fang Dali stood up and moved to Niu Dazhuang's side, comforting him, "Da Zhuang, why are you bothering, sit down quickly."

Niu Dazhuang gave Fang Dali a look, I know it well, you sit down.

Fang Dali pouted his lips, and simply sat beside Niu Dazhuang.

The old miner looked around for a week, looked at the panic-stricken faces of everyone, clapped his hands, and raised his voice: "Don't worry, everyone, since we have all entered this safety hole, we can all be rescued safely. Next, everyone The thing to do is to wait for rescue quietly, don't make noise, don't be restless."

The old miner patted the big wooden box under his buttocks, and said: "This first aid box is full of food and water, which is enough for us to survive for a month. There are gaps between the rocks and rubble, and we can't be stuffy, so everyone don't worry about it." Panic. The boulder above our head has not been able to crush us into a pulp, which shows that we are blessed and lucky, and it is not so easy to belch."

"I will guard and distribute the first aid kit, do you agree?"

The miners all nodded, you are highly respected, and you should be the master.

The old miner comforted everyone a few more words, saying: "In order to preserve physical strength and energy, everyone should keep sitting quietly, and it is best to have a good night's sleep."

Still in shock, the miners couldn't sleep even if they wanted to sleep, especially the boulder hanging above their heads. They were afraid that the boulder would fall down as soon as they closed their eyes and grind all of us into a pulp.

Fang Dali glanced at Niu Dazhuang standing beside him, and felt very sorry. If he hadn't forced Dazhuang to come over by himself, Dazhuang would not have encountered such a thing and could live a good life.

Fang Dali pursed his lips, and decided to apologize to Niu Dazhuang first, otherwise there would be no chance to apologize.Fang Dali patted Niu Dazhuang's thigh lightly, huh?what happened?His big and strong thighs were stiff, and he was just standing, how could that be?
Fang vigorously patted Niu Dazhuang's body in doubt, and it turned out that it was all hard. This silly boy couldn't be foolish enough to push against the huge boulder above his head. Please, if the boulder really wants you to fall, even all of us together can push it up. Can't live!

Fang Dali comforted him with a funny face: "Okay, Da Zhuang, you should sit down quickly, don't waste your energy."

Niu Dazhuang gave Fang Dali a stern look, and said, "I stand with confidence, Dali, sit in your seat, and leave me alone."

Fang Dali looked at Niu Dazhuang inexplicably, why are you bothering?But since Da Zhuang had to stand up for life and death, Fang Dali could only let him go.

Fang Dali sighed, and said, "Da Zhuang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you to this mine, it was I who harmed you."

Niu Dazhuang shrugged his shoulders and said: "I am the one who wants to follow me. Everyone is here. If you want to die, everyone will die together, if you want to live, everyone will live together."

The old miner clapped his hands and said, "That's reasonable. If you want to die, you will die together, if you want to live, you will live together!"

The miners were all infected, and they shouted in unison: "If you want to die, let's die together, if you want to live, let's live together!"

As a result, the sound was too loud, and several pieces of gravel fell from the shock. The miners shrank their necks in fright, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the boulder was still motionless.

The old miner waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and said, "Okay, everyone, have a good rest. I will turn off the miner's lamp for a while. Don't be afraid, we are surrounded by workers, there is nothing to be afraid of."

The miner's lamp went out, and the safe hole was dark again.

The miners still couldn't help but feel their hearts skip a beat, but listening to the breathing and coughing of the surrounding workers, they gradually calmed down. It's a good thing that the huge boulder hanging above their heads can't be seen in the dark, otherwise It's really stressful.

In this endless darkness, the passage of time becomes less noticeable.

There were two gurgles, and I don't know whose stomach switched first, as if infected, the gurgles became more and more frequent.

The voice of the old miner sounded: "It's been a long time, let's eat something. There is only so much food and water, and we have a lot of people, so we have to save a little. I will distribute it equally, and keep everyone eating and drinking the same amount." .”

With a creak, the old miner fumbled to open the first-aid box, then closed the first-aid box, and turned on the miner's lamp.

The miners had been thirsty for a long time, staring at the hands of the old miner eagerly, but in the end there was only a piece of dry food and a small water bottle, which was too little.

"Everyone drink water first, come one by one." The old miner stood up, slowly opened the kettle, carefully poured water into the small lid of the kettle, and walked over to distribute it to the miners one by one.

Such a small cap of water can only moisten dry lips, which is of no use at all.

"Is there little water?" A miner couldn't help asking the old miner.

The old miner smiled and said, "It's not much, so save it. If the rescue is not in time, we might have to drink urine later."

ha?No!The miners look at me and you in embarrassment, we won't really be reduced to drinking urine, I'm afraid!

Fang Dali looked at Niu Dazhuang suspiciously. It's been a long time, why Dazhuang is still standing still, no matter how strong your physical strength is, you won't be able to take it anymore, why bother!

"Da Zhuang, drink some water." The old miner also looked at Niu Dazhuang in puzzlement.

Many miners felt that Niu Dazhuang was overly frightened and his brain went out of his mind.

Niu Dazhuang hummed and said, "Please keep pouring it into my mouth."

The old miner poured the water from the lid of the kettle into Niu Dazhuang's wide-open mouth.

Water is gone, next comes food.

Such a whole piece of dry food, to be honest, it's hard to tell without tools.The old miner could only smash it into pieces, but under the eyes of everyone, it was divided into four equal parts, and one part was divided into 83 small parts, and what finally entered the mouths of the miners was as big as a fingernail. A pinch of dry food crumbs.

This was the miners' first meal after being trapped.

The old miner wrapped up the remaining dry food and stuffed it into his arms, sat next to the kettle, and sat back, saying: "Everyone, continue to rest."

The miner's lamp was turned off, and the safe hole returned to darkness.

Fang Dali was really worried about Niu Dazhuang standing like this, and touched Niu Dazhuang's shape with his hand, but Niu Dazhuang's body remained rigid all the time, so standing like this was too tiring.

Fang Dali was really afraid that if this went on like this, Niu Dazhuang would be the first to collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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