Interstellar Miner

Chapter 792 Watching

Chapter 792 Watching
Hao Changsheng sticks to a goatee, wears a grounded gown, and is dressed as a traveling doctor, with a boxy wooden box hanging on his waist, ringing a bell in his right hand, and holding a mantra inscribed in his left hand: "The wonderful hand rejuvenates, cures all diseases" The white cloth banner, with two feet, traveled across two lakes and one river, and it caused a sensation among the people without much notice. He was granted the title of immortal doctor, and many longevity tablets were erected in various places, and incense was continuously worshipped.

Ailments, big and small, are nothing in front of the longevity doctor. As long as you still have breath, you can be cured. Not only is it miraculous, it is like a god reincarnated.

Hao Changsheng was also very low-key at the beginning, but a man as hot as he is, no matter where he goes, he can't hide his brilliance.

Fame and wealth are often accompanied by many troubles, no, another trouble has come to him.

A gangster with a big beard stopped Hao Changsheng, and said viciously: "My second aunt's third aunt's youngest son is seriously ill, and he has seen countless famous doctors, but it is completely useless. My lord doctor, I hope you will come back to life. Healed well." , I kowtow to you all the time, but if you can't heal well, then we will be offended!"

Hao Changsheng hangs the pot to help the world, as long as he is not a heinous person, he will treat him. Immediately, Shi Shiran smiled and said, "What about people?"

"That kid is seriously ill and unable to move, please ask the genius doctor to move."

"Let's go then."

Hao Changsheng followed the big beard all the way to the outskirts, and as he walked, he saw graves everywhere, which doesn't seem too big, right?

"just in front."

Hao Changsheng smiled casually, he had never seen such a big storm, and he was afraid that this would not work, so he rang the bell leisurely and looked around casually, the feng shui here is not bad, and it is indeed suitable for burials.

Hey, Hao Changsheng raised his eyebrows and stared at the grave halfway up the mountain.

The tomb is very ordinary, just a small earthen tomb, but the surrounding area of ​​the earthen tomb is full of colorful flowers and plants, and there is also a thatched hut with air leakage on all sides.

In front of the grave stood a blue stone tablet. A thin young man in linen clothes with a messy beard and hair sat cross-legged in front of the stone tablet, with his forehead resting on the stone tablet. He just sat there quietly without moving a muscle.

As the breeze blew, the young man's long hair rippled slightly, adding a little life to the lifeless atmosphere.This is the sight in the eyes of mortals.

However, Hao Changsheng saw just behind the young man, a faint slim phantom gently clinging to him, gently stroking the young man's loose long hair with the force of the wind.If it weren't for the different paths of humans and ghosts, it would be a touching beauty with the colorful flowers and plants around.

"It's him, a living person who stays with the tomb all day long. He's deaf and blind. It's useless to beat and scold him. My lord genius doctor, I hope you'll come back to life."

Hao Changsheng smiled faintly, and said: "Heart disease needs to be treated with heart medicine, and I can't guarantee that he will be cured, so try your best."

The bearded man was about to step forward immediately, picking up the young man like he was catching a chicken.

Hao Changsheng raised his hand and said calmly, "Don't disturb their young couple."

The bearded man was stunned for a moment, and looked at Hao Changsheng suspiciously. He had already seen so much before he said anything?It seems that this seemingly young genius doctor is an old man.

The bearded man didn't dare to make mistakes, and stepped aside in a polite manner.

Hao Changsheng wandered around a few times on his own, and then entered the thatched hut to sit cross-legged and rest.

The bearded monk was a bit puzzled, walked into the thatched hut hesitantly, bowed to Hao Changsheng, and asked, "Why didn't the miraculous doctor heal you?"

Hao Changsheng said inscrutablely: "It's not that he is dead, the time has not yet come."

The bearded man frowned and asked, "Is there a deadline?"

Hao Changsheng said indifferently: "Three days."

The bearded man nodded, stepped back and left.

Hao Changsheng glanced at the young couple snuggling together indifferently, and quietly closed his eyes to rest his mind.


He Jiaguang came to a small town after a long journey. Unlike Tie Dan and the others who pretended to be whatever, He Jiaguang has been playing Go all his life, so he finally pretended to be a chess boy who went out to practice.

He Jiaguang carried a Go board on his back, and unknowingly traveled to more than [-] small towns.

There are countless Go lovers on the fourth floor of time and space. As long as He Jiaguang finds a crowded place to set up a chessboard and play a few guide games, he will not worry about eating and drinking.

The Xingyi Town where He Jiaguang just arrived has a relatively famous go hall, and He Jia rushed to that go hall barefoot without stopping.

From far away, I saw that the outside of the Go hall was blocked. He Jiaguang went over to take a look. It turned out that a Go match was going on in the Go hall. Although it was only a game of [-]-way Go, it showed the demeanor of a master .

Higher-level chess moves are exclusive to the Chess Academy. For the common people on the fourth floor of time and space, the nineteen-way Go is the one they are most familiar with.

He Jiaguang watched the game for a while, and he already had a good understanding of the chess strength of both black and white pieces. In the [-]th Way Go, the two players definitely have the strength of a rank player.

Even though He Jiaguang is now a nine-dan professional, second only to five tenth-dan masters, he still enjoys watching this game with relish.

In fact, in the [-]th-rank Go, the rank players are almost already top-notch. There is not much difference between a rank-[-] player and a [-]-rank Go player.If a rank [-] chess player seizes the opportunity and gains an advantage, it will be difficult for a rank [-] chess player to regain the disadvantage.It's just that under normal circumstances, nine-dan chess players will hardly make mistakes, and it is often the first-dan chess players who show their flaws first.

Unknowingly, this exciting game has come to an end. The black dragon and the white dragon strangle together.

However, He Jiaguang has easily seen through this game of Go, and the changes in the game after that, and the winning path of the white and black pieces are already clear to his chest.

He Jiaguang's attention shifted to the corner of the street, where there were a dozen or so kids gathered together, the discussion was in full swing, could it be that these kids are very knowledgeable about this game?

He Jiaguang leaned over to take a look, and couldn't help smiling.

The children were not discussing the wonderful game at all, but drew a small chessboard on the ground, the round stones were black stones, and the triangle stones were white stones, and they were fighting in the arena in full swing.

He Jiaguang wasn't interested in this little kid playing house at first, but the little boy who was the champion was quite good at it. The little boys were eager to take turns to challenge, but they all lost their helmets and armor, and lost in disgrace.

This nine-way Go is an entry-level Go game, with great limitations, it can only be regarded as a beginner's game, and it cannot be played on the table.

But for these children lying on the ground and concentrating on it, this nine-way Go is their glorious battlefield.

The ring leader, Xiaowa, once again defended the ring, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said triumphantly, "Who else?"

Little kids, look at me, I look at you, hey, it's really not an opponent, after all, no one dares to challenge the leader, Xiaowa.

He Jiaguang smiled slightly and said, "Nine-way Go is too simple and boring. I'll play a game of Thirteen-way Go with you."

The kids looked up and down curiously at He Jiaguang, and finally their eyes couldn't help but fixed on the Go board behind He Jiaguang, wow, what a beautiful Go board.

The leader Xiaowa rolled her eyes and said, "It's fine, but we have to use your Go board to play against each other."

"Okay." He Jiaguang immediately took the Go board off his back and placed it on the ground.

The little ones swarmed up in admiration, watching this Go board eagerly. It is not only beautiful, but also delicious. When will we have such a Go board?
He Jiaguang then took out the black and white chess jars from the package, placed them on both sides, sat down on the ground, and winked at the ringleader Xiaowa, come on.

The ringleader Xiaowa pursed her lips, sat cross-legged across from He Jiaguang, bowed to He Jiaguang politely, and asked for advice.

He Jiaguang smiled back and bowed, please.

Thirteen-way Go is a level higher than Nine-way Go, and it is much more difficult, but it still belongs to the category of beginners.

The ringleader Xiaowa directly grabbed the black pieces, and He Jiaguang used the white pieces, and the two started a game of disparity in strength.

(End of this chapter)

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