Interstellar Miner

Chapter 793 Kang Tianyuan

Chapter 793 Kang Tianyuan

The ringleader Xiaowa gently picked up a sunspot, the smooth and round touch really made him unable to put it down, compared with the rough stone, it was completely different.

The ringleader Xiaowa smacked her lips, and directly dropped the first sunspot on the center of the chessboard, which is called Tian Yuan.Wow, the crisp and pleasant sound of the moves is simply enjoyable to the ears, this is playing Go.

He Jiaguang smiled faintly. After watching these games of the master Xiaowa, he knew that he, like himself back then, liked to go straight to the vast sky in the middle of the chessboard, so He Jiaguang used Aliang's preference for the fertile corners of the ground drill in the past.

clap clap clap...

Accompanied by the clear and pleasant sound of falling pieces, there are more and more white and black pieces on the chessboard.

The kids watched the battle attentively, secretly cheering for the kids in the ring.

After all, this little boy is at the entry-level level. How could he be He Jiaguang's opponent?

This... the boss Xiaowa blinked her eyes in a daze. Wasn't she still evenly matched just now?

The ringleader Xiaowa scratched her head and said: "This is my carelessness, come again."

He Jiaguang smiled slightly: "Okay."

The champion, Xiaowa, took a deep breath and went all out to start the second game. Tianyuan still started, be careful, but just after the middle game, Heizi's situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

In the third game, Xiaowa had to change the number of ways, but she was still hammered.

The onlookers were astonished, this brother who looked young was really amazing!

The leader Xiaowa raised her head and looked at He Jiaguang without a temper, pursed her lips, and said, "I played less on the thirteenth road, and I am indeed not your opponent. But if it is the nine roads, I will never lose to you .”

He Jiaguang smiled noncommittally, and said, "That's fine, I'll play three rounds with you, and I'll lose as long as you win one round."

With a big tone, Xiaowa, the leader of the competition, stood up and moved her body.The other children surrounded the main character, beat his back and rubbed his shoulders, cheered him up.

The ringleader Xiaowa took a deep breath, sat down opposite He Jiaguang, come on!Who is afraid of whom!

He Jiaguang raised his hand, please.

The ringleader, Xiaowa, still started with Tian Yuan, and as soon as He Jiaguang landed, he landed with a slap, full of momentum.In this nine-way Go game, Xiaowa, the leader of the competition, is already a well-known little overlord, unbeatable, that's how confident she is.

Nine-way Go is just that big, with limited variables, even He Jiaguang can't win the champion Xiaowa all at once, but after all, there is a big difference, the two are not at the same level at all.

Great, great!The leader Xiaowa couldn't help but raised his head and glanced at He Jiaguang again. This little brother is really good. Before he recruits the enemy, he can't perform it with gloves. so strange.

The bullying friends have long been unable to arouse their enthusiasm. It is rare to meet such a master.

The onlookers did not dare to show their atmosphere, and secretly looked at the chessboard in amazement.

Unknowingly, this game is coming to an end, black and white each occupy half of the country, it is hard to see which side is more dominant.

He Jiaguang smiled slightly, it could be seen that Xiaowa, the leader of the competition, was not a good official, and the priorities and order were a bit chaotic.

The ringleader, Xiaowa, blinked blankly, this...why am I suddenly going to lose my breath when I'm such a big bastard?Oops, wrong, bad!

The champion Xiaowa had no choice but to resist stubbornly, but facing the infallible He Jiaguang, she could only end disastrously.

The onlookers lamented unceasingly, didn't they? They were evenly matched at first, but why did they become one-sided again in the end?

The ringleader, Xiaowa, clenched her fists, knowing that she was at a disadvantage in the official stage, and she also blamed herself for having few official posts, and ended up losing all games by one point.

Losing in the nine-way Go game that she was good at, Xiaowa did not find any excuses, but stared at the Go board, summing up her mistakes in the previous game.I found it. It turned out to be here. I missed a move, but was captured by Bai Zi. I took the opportunity to block the breath of my own sunspot, which led to a big defeat later.

The champion Xiaowa calmed down, cleaned up the chessboard, bowed to He Jiaguang, and started the second round of the nine-way game.

No matter how careful Xiaowa is in this round, she must not make another mistake.

He Jiaguang changed one of his moves at will, and it came easily.

Unknowingly, this game has reached the final stage again.The ringleader Xiaowa has carefully considered every move, but when it comes to the final count, the sunspots are still one and a half behind the whites.

Lost, lost again!He lost again his best game of Nine-way Go, and Xiaowa stared at the chessboard in a daze, unable to figure out where he had lost.

Although there is still one round, can he really win?The champion Xiaowa's confidence could not help but collapse.

He Jiaguang smiled faintly and asked, "What's your name?"

The ringleader Xiaowa was stunned for a moment before realizing it, and replied: "My name is Kang Tianyuan, what about you?"

Oh, He Jiaguang smiled, no wonder you like Tianyuan first, and said: "My name is Luo Guang, you play pretty well."

The ringleader Xiaowa pursed her lips a little dejectedly.

He Jiaguang comforted, "I have a famous teacher to guide me."

The implication is that I should not be your opponent?Hmph, the challenger Xiaowa has aroused her competitive spirit. My cousin taught me Go, and her Go teacher is also a famous teacher! "Isn't there still one game, come again."

In the third round, He Jiaguang intentionally put some water in, allowing Xiaowa, the ringleader, to gain a bit of an advantage, and then came the closing stage.Only if Xiaowa, the leader, does not make a mistake in one step, can she win this round.

The ringleader Xiaowa exerted all her breastfeeding strength, and finally ended perfectly, winning the round.

"Okay! I won!" The kids cheered happily.

The ringleader Xiaowa took a heavy breath and wiped the sweat from her brow, it was considered a win, it felt really not easy.

At this time there was a sudden commotion, but it was the game of [-]th Route Go in the Go Hall that had already decided the winner.

He Jiaguang glanced at the big chessboard, and immediately understood that the white piece accidentally exposed a flaw when he was attacking, and was caught by the black piece, and the suspense was over.

"Oh!" Kang Tianyuan jumped and saw the result, he couldn't help but beat his chest and sighed endlessly.

"What's the matter?" He Jiaguang was curious, did Kang Tianyuan know that baizi player.

A little boy explained: "The one holding the white piece is Cousin Tianyuan's Go teacher. If she wins, Cousin Tianyuan can advance to a higher level, hey."

ha?He Jiaguang was even more surprised. What does cousin Tianyuan's advancement have to do with her teacher's chess game?Could it be that two Go teachers played against each other to determine the progress of the students?This is too childish!

At the end of the game, He Jiaguang packed up the chessboard and walked towards Jiakai Chess Academy.When he got there, Kang Tianyuan was already standing at the gate of the Chess Academy and looking inside.

Seeing He Jiaguang, Kang Tianyuan asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

He Jiaguang said: "I am a chess boy traveling around, and I plan to stay in Jiakai Chess Academy for a few days."

Kang Tianyuan frowned, and said: "So you are a chess boy, but this Jiakai Chess Academy is not an ordinary chess boy. If you are not good enough, you will not be accepted. I have seen many chess boys who lost and walked away in disgrace. people."

He Jiaguang just smiled lightly, without saying anything.

Kang Tianyuan gave He Jiaguang a blank look, and reminded: "Although you can beat me, there are so many masters in Jiakai Chess Academy, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Got it." He Jiaguang immediately went to the concierge of Jiakai Chess Academy and handed over a name card.

The concierge flipped through the famous posts, and focused on the recommender page. Hey, the owners of the Go halls in several nearby towns all signed their signatures. It seems that this chess boy has two brushes.

"This way please." The doorman led He Jiaguang into the chess academy.

Kang Tianyuan watched anxiously, how great it would be if we could enter the Jiakai Chess Academy anytime.

After a while, Kang Tianyuan's cousin, Kang Xiaomu, came out. Although his face was heavy, Kang Tianyuan couldn't help showing a sweet smile when he saw the ghost, and called: "Tianyuan."

"Sister." Kang Tianyuan trotted over, pouting and complaining, "Oh, what a pity."

"Forget it, wait until next year." Kang Xiaomu pampered Kang Tianyuan's head.

Kang Tianyuan sighed secretly, next year, next year and next year, if it drags on, I'm afraid...

"My sister will take care of things by myself. You have to hone your chess skills and try to get admitted to the chess academy as soon as possible." Kang Xiaomu urged earnestly.

Kang Tianyuan nodded fiercely, I will, I am very unconvinced by the loss today, and I must find my way back later.

"Here, put it away." Kang Xiaomu stuffed a small paper package into Kang Tianyuan's arms, which contained a chicken leg she had saved at noon.

"Sister, you are the best." Kang Tianyuan covered his arms and smiled happily.

"Tian Yuan, go back early, don't let the family worry."

"Yeah, I'll be right back."

"Slow down on the road and watch out for cars."


Kang Tianyuan had already run away in a flash.

Kang Xiaomu withdrew his gaze and returned to the Chess Academy.

Kang Tianyuan ran for a while, and suddenly remembered that he didn't know what happened to that little brother, and hoped he wouldn't be kicked out by Jiakai Chess Academy.

Who is He Jiaguang, the twin stars of the Chess Academy, who was recognized as a Go genius when he was young, this Jiakai Chess Academy is at best well-known in a county, and He Jiaguang was competed for by the best Go academies in several states Rushing to ask for it, almost got into a fight.

He Jiaguang also only stayed at the Go Academy for three years, and was directly admitted to the Holy Land of Go.

But at the moment He Jiaguang is just a chess boy who travels around, but the famous post is over there, it is none other than Kang Xiaomu's go teacher Yun Shishuang who is looking for He Jiaguang's strength.

Having just lost an important game, Yun Shishuang was in a bad mood, so she took the initiative to take over the work and prepared to chop vegetables to soothe her mood.

Kang Xiaomu came back and saw the teacher playing chess, so he stood quietly watching the game.

If it wasn't for He Jiaguang's deliberate release of water, it might have been that Yun Shishuang had been chopped up.

Yun Shishuang raised her head in a daze and looked at He Jiaguang. This chess boy is so sharp and aggressive. If he hadn't had obvious shortcomings in some aspects and was brought back abruptly by himself, he might have really capsized in the gutter.

Kang Xiaomu looked at He Jiaguang in surprise, this person should be about the same age as him, but he can make the teacher a little embarrassed, what is the reason behind it?
Yun Shishuang commented a few words, saw Kang Xiaomu was at the side, and ordered: "Xiaomu, come and play a game of chess with Luo Guang."

Kang Xiaomu nodded obediently, and sat opposite He Jiaguang.

Small eyes?There is also someone with this name, maybe she is Kang Tianyuan's cousin.He Jiaguang took a look at Kang Xiaomu, his dimples were like dots, and his eyebrows were like Zhang Zhang. It is rare for a mortal girl who has not practiced to have such beauty.

He Jiaguang smiled and bowed to Kang Xiao, please advise.

Kang Xiaomu bowed back sternly, this opponent is definitely not easy, he must be handled with care.

Since it might be Tian Yuan's cousin, He Jiaguang adjusted his strategy and played a game of guiding chess with Kang Xiaomu without any trace.

I have won?That's right, it was a win.Wow, I actually won, Kang Xiaomu exhaled and wiped the sweat from his forehead, it was really not easy to win.

Even though Yun Shishuang was a Go teacher, she didn't realize that it was an invisible guide game, so she replayed the game in a regular manner, guiding Kang Xiaomu and He Jiaguang carefully.

Kang Xiaomu accepted the teaching with an open mind, and felt that he had learned a lot and realized a lot in just this round.

He Jiaguang has no airs at all, and keeps nodding his head. Often listening to other people's opinions on his chess game is also a kind of self-examination.

As for He Jiaguang's stay, there was no suspense.

(End of this chapter)

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