Interstellar Miner

Chapter 796 Accepting Disciples

Chapter 796 Accepting Disciples ([-])

Kang Changli's house was only six rooms away from Kang Tianyuan's house, and Kang Changli arrived after running for a while.

Kang Changli rushed into the house in a hurry, and saw the girl and Tian Yuan were playing chess with the boy, and what he was worried about did not happen.

Ya Tou and Tian Yuan were all focused on the chessboard, they didn't even notice their arrival, but the boy raised his head and nodded slightly towards him.

Hey, Kang Changli remembered that the girl said that this kid is very good at chess. Could it be that this kid really has two brushes?
Kang Changli came closer to watch the battle with a sullen face. Tian Yuan used the small square table chessboard he made for him and played nine-way Go, while the girl played the nineteen-way Go board that the boy carried with him.

The girl's round just started, and nothing can be seen, but Tianyuan's round has already begun to end, Kang Changli glanced a few times, and frowned slightly, Tianyuan's sunspots are not good, well, there should be a chance, just see Can Tian Yuan catch it!

Contrary to Kang Changli's expectation, Tian Yuan ended up steadily and won the victory.

As we all know, the smaller the number of Go moves and the fewer changes, the greater the advantage of sunspots.For example, as long as you know a little bit of Go, you will win five-way Go first, so less-way Go is just for practice, and the outcome is not important.

In the past, Tian Yuan liked to go first with Tian Yuan, and the advantage of being the first mover was limited, but now he knows that the first mover is small and grabs the advantage.However, I have to say that Tian Yuan's Nine-Bang-A-Back is advancing by leaps and bounds, and it is very difficult for him to beat him.

Kang Tianyuan breathed out, stared at the chessboard for a while, nodded, packed up the chess pieces, and started the next game immediately.

From the beginning, Kang Changli saw a lot of things. This kid is basically playing guiding chess, constantly guiding and polishing Tianyuan's basic chess skills.

This kid can do it, after all, it's one thing to know it yourself, but it's another thing to want to subtly teach others well.

At least in Jiulu Go, I have nothing to teach Tianyuan.

But this kid obviously led Tian Yuan to a higher level. It has to be said that this kid does have two brushes.

Kang Changli looked at the girl's game again. The girl thought deeply, and moved slowly, but very sharply, while the kid was too casual. He just took a glance and quickly made moves. He focused more on Tianyuan's side.

Kang Changli couldn't help frowning, this kid underestimated my daughter too much, now my daughter's strength is not what it used to be, girl, kill him!
Kang Tianyuan won a game of Nine-Bang-Che again, and couldn't help grinning.

He Jiaguang smiled lightly, and tapped the star with his finger, indicating that the next step is the thirteenth road.

Kang Tianyuan nodded, packed up the chess pieces, sat upright, and began to play thirteen-way Go with all his concentration.

Under Kang Changli's cheering and cheering, Kang Xiaomu Heizi has gained an advantage in several local battlefields, not bad, the girl's current chess strength has indeed far surpassed her own.

And that kid, still casually, glanced at the chessboard and made a move, but it happened so casually, the advantage that the girl had finally established was gradually wiped out.

This... this kid is so powerful!Kang Changli looked at He Jiaguang for the first time, a very simple young man, but now he looks less obtrusive.

Looking at it, Kang Changli couldn't keep up with the game between the two. It took a long time to figure out every move before he could understand the meaning. Hey, mortal Go is the world of young people after all.

Kang Xiaomu's game has progressed to the middle and late game, and Kang Tianyuan's thirteen-way Go has already played five games. , was beaten all over the ground looking for teeth.

After the five rounds were played, Kang Tianyuan's confidence was seriously hit. He stopped to rest and pondered over the five lost rounds. They were almost the same. He took small profits but lost a lot of ground.

Kang Xiaomu's round also came to an end, and Heizi lost to Sanmu in the end.

Kang Changli secretly swallowed his saliva, this kid is so calm, he guides Tian Yuan, while playing against the girl, he even wins the girl so easily, he is indeed a good go player!

Kang Xiaomu didn't rush to play the next game, but began to carefully study the game just now.

Seeing that He Jiaguang was idle, Chang Kang immediately said, "Boy, how about a game of chess between us?"

He Jiaguang nodded slightly, yes.

Kang Changli immediately ran back to fetch his chessboard and chess pot, moved a small table, sat opposite He Jiaguang, and without any explanation, placed four sunspots on the four star positions on the chessboard.Kang Changli raised an eyebrow at He Jiaguang, boy, it doesn't matter if I let my fourth son?

He Jiaguang dropped a son at will.

Whoops, you kid!Heh heh, I'm not new to Go, if you want to beat yourself in the situation of handing over four pieces, you can try it!

Kang Changli tried his best to take advantage of the huge advantages of the first four sons to continuously attack the city and seize the territory, and strive for victory steadily.

And He Jiaguang was discussing the chess game just now with Kang Xiaomu, while coping with Kang Changli's onslaught, and then guiding Kang Tianyuan, it was so casual.

Kang Changli's forehead was gradually sweating. Why did he unknowingly lose the huge advantage he had earlier? This is not right. This kid seems to be fine.

If Kang Changli doesn't believe in evil, I will fight with you!

As a result of the duel, Kang Changli froze over there holding the sunspots in his hand, this... isn't it, he was about to lose such a huge advantage? seems like I'm really going to lose!

Kang Changli put his head down and finished the round. After a rough count, he really had nothing to say.

Kang Changli coughed, cleaned up the chessboard, and proposed to play another game.

He Jiaguang still nodded casually, focusing on Kang Xiaomu and Kang Tianyuan.

Kang Changli put away his contempt, took a deep breath, and placed a sunspot on each of the four star positions on the chessboard.

As soon as the first game was over, He Jiaguang already had a good understanding of Kang Changli's chess strength, and this game was properly released, allowing Kang Changli to always have the advantage.

In the final closing stage, Kang Changli accidentally took a wrong step, but ended in defeat.

Oops, what a pity!Kang Changli slapped his thigh hard.

After the two rounds, Kang Changli was convinced, this kid has a bright future!The girl's vision is really good!

Kang Changli took a break for a while, while Kang Xiaomu and Kang Tianyuan continued to play against He Jiaguang.

Kang Changli watched with relief, and before he knew it, it was already noon.

Kang Changli warmly invited He Jiaguang to his house for lunch, and dragged him away without any explanation.Of course, Tian Yuan also followed.

"Come on, Luo Guang, I'll toast you, if you're a man, you'll do it."

The rice wine brewed by the Kang family was really not good. He Jiaguang had never had such a spicy wine before, so he couldn't help but choked and coughed.

"Dad, Brother Luo doesn't know how to drink, so don't let him drink." Kang Xiaomu gave his father an angry look, and patted He Jiaguang's back carefully.

Hey, girls are extroverted, Kang Changli secretly sighed a little sadly.

After lunch, they took a short break, and the group continued to gather in Tianyuan House to play chess.

After all, Kang Changli still has farm work to do, so he went to work after watching the girl's game.

The sky darkened before he knew it, and Kang Xiaomu wanted to continue playing chess with He Jiaguang, but was dragged home by his mother.Girls are from every family, men and women can't accept each other!
Kang Xiaomu had no choice but to use his father's chessboard to deduce and study the daytime games at home. It is true that every game is so exciting, and there will be different discoveries and comprehensions.

Kang Xiaomu was completely immersed in the wonderful world of Go, so unable to extricate himself.

Kang Changli watched happily from the sidelines. It's a good thing for a girl to be obsessed with Go. If you want to achieve success on the Go battlefield full of masters, how can you not devote yourself to it!
He Jiaguang and Kang Tianyuan slept on the same bed, and they sat on the bed and continued to play chess without rushing to sleep.

It can be said that a door opened in front of Kang Tianyuan. Inside the door is a wonderful new world that he has never seen before. It is really incredible!
At the beginning, Kang Tianyuan wanted to achieve He Jiaguang's goal and get the Go board as a reward, but then he didn't care about anything else, only Go existed in his mind.

In just three days, Kang Tianyuan had already exceeded He Jiaguang's target.

He Jiaguang handed the Go board to Kang Tianyuan in great relief, and said, "Tian Yuan, this will be your Go board from now on, please keep it well."

Kang Tianyuan shook his head, and instead of accepting the go board he had been thinking about day and night, he said, "Can I exchange it for a present?"

He Jiaguang blinked and asked, "What gift do you want?"

Kang Tianyuan stared at He Jiaguang, and said earnestly, "Can I worship you as my teacher?"

Ah, worship me as a teacher?He Jiaguang really didn't think about accepting apprentices, he has always been a disciple of his master, and he worked hard every day to not be the tail of the crane, did he accept apprentices?It seems that it is not impossible.

Seeing that He Jiaguang didn't respond for a long time, Kang Tianyuan's eyes turned red, and he complained to himself, "I know I'm stupid and my background is not good, so I thank you for the Go board." After speaking, Kang Tianyuan went to pick up He Jiaguang Go board in hand.

But He Jiaguang retracted the Go board, and said to Kang Tianyuan seriously: "It's not impossible to accept you as an apprentice, but you have to be mentally prepared for it!"

What mental preparation?No matter what it is, I am not afraid of mountains of swords and seas of fire!Kang Tianyuan looked at He Jiaguang resolutely.

Kang Tianyuan stared at Kang Tianyuan and said: "Being my apprentice is not just as simple as playing Go, it will be very difficult, beyond your imagination, and you will probably regret worshiping me as a teacher in the future. If you just If I teach you Go, I will teach you all I have."

Kang Tianyuan was a little dazed, he really couldn't think too much at such a young age.But he still knows one thing, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become a teacher, if you miss it, you may never have it again in this life!

"I'm not afraid!" Kang Tianyuan shouted loudly, "As long as you are willing to accept, then I will worship!"

"Okay! Then I'll accept you as a disciple!" He Jiaguang nodded.

Kang Tianyuan immediately turned over and got out of bed, kowtowed to He Jiaguang like pounding garlic, and thumped on the ground.

"Get up quickly." He Jiaguang hurriedly got out of bed and helped Kang Tianyuan up.

"Master." Kang Tianyuan shouted happily, and looked at He Jiaguang with a beaming smile.

From now on, I will have an apprentice. He Jiaguang also looks at Kang Tianyuan lovingly, and caresses Kang Tianyuan's head affectionately.

He Jiaguang took Kang Tianyuan's hand and sat back on the bed, confessing: "Tianyuan, our sect doesn't have so many rules, just do whatever you want."

Kang Tianyuan nodded, "Master, whatever you say is what it is, I will listen to you."

(End of this chapter)

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