Interstellar Miner

Chapter 797 Enlightenment

Chapter 797 Enlightenment
In this way, because of the fate of Go, He Jiaguang received his chief disciple Kang Tianyuan.

Since he is an official disciple and Kang Tianyuan is at the golden age to start cultivating immortals, it is naturally impossible for He Jiaguang to only teach Go and at the same time enlighten Kang Tianyuan on cultivating immortals.

But Kang Tianyuan is still full of Go, and he is not very interested in the enlightenment of cultivating immortals that He Jiaguang painstakingly manages.

He Jiaguang was a little embarrassed. After all, he was just a mortal now, so he couldn't explain clearly the matter of cultivating immortals, otherwise Kang Tianyuan's enthusiasm would definitely explode.

He Jiaguang thought hard and finally came up with a countermeasure. Since Tian Yuan loves Go, he should start with Go.Go is not only as simple as winning or losing, but also contains the supreme way.

To this day, He Jiaguang still clearly remembers the careful teaching of the master when he accepted himself and A Liang as disciples.Like a guiding light, it pointed out the direction for myself in this extremely boring and long journey of cultivating immortals.

The next day, He Jiaguang took Kang Tianyuan to a nearby hill to watch the sunrise, and didn't play games with Kang Tianyuan much during the day, letting Kang Tianyuan figure it out on his own, and then in the evening, he led Kang Tianyuan to the hill to watch the sunset.

Kang Tianyuan was really confused, felt that his master had changed a lot since he became a teacher, and he didn't seem to care so much about teaching himself Go, and he always talked about some big principles that he didn't understand.But now that he has officially become a teacher, Kang Tianyuan doesn't think so much. Whatever the master teaches, then we will learn, and what the master tells us to do, then we will do it.

After dinner, He Jiaguang called Kang Tianyuan to his side and asked, "Tianyuan, what do you think of watching the sunrise and sunset today?"

How do you feel?Kang Tianyuan blinked and replied, "The sunrise and sunset are both beautiful."

He Jiaguang tapped Kang Tianyuan's forehead lightly with his index finger. Think about it carefully.

Kang Tianyuan scratched his head and thought about it carefully, isn't sunrise the same as sunrise, isn't sunset and sunrise just the opposite, what's so good about this.

He Jiaguang persuasively said: "This is related to the ultimate mystery of Go, Tian Yuan, you should think about it."

It's so important, Kang Tianyuan was excited, racked his brains for a while, and said: "Sunrise means the sun rises, the sky turns bright, everyone gets up to work, and the village becomes lively immediately, and sunset means the sun sets. It was dark immediately, and everyone went back to their homes, and the village became quiet. Sunrise and sunset are like one white and one black, hey, just like the white and black of Go. After sunrise, there is sunset, and after sunset, there is sunrise again , Sunrise and sunset go on and on again and again, day by day just like this.”

Children can be taught, He Jiaguang nodded with a smile, and explained more specifically: "You are right, our game of Go is just a method in the world. A chessboard is like a small universe, and white and black are yang and yin." Looking back at a game of chess played by two masters, one can often see that white pieces dominate for a while, black pieces dominate for a while, and in the end it is only two and half, isn't this just an infinite change of Yin and Yang in the universe!"

Wow, Kang Tianyuan couldn't help exclaiming, it's so mysterious and miraculous.

Tian Yuan is still too young, teaching too much will only be counterproductive, He Jiaguang only points to the end, mainly to guide and enlighten, wait until Tian Yuan is officially taught to cultivate immortals, and then carry out systematic teaching. Right now, he mainly focuses on teaching Tian Yuan Go.

He Jiaguang smiled and said: "Tian Yuan, I will play a few games with you to deepen your understanding of yin and yang."

"That's great." Kang Tianyuan happily placed the chessboard and chess pots in the middle of the bed, and couldn't wait.

He Jiaguang smiled and sat down.


Kang Changli has always been an unyielding personality all his life, and he is very strong in every aspect, but now he is really convinced. The boy brought home by the girl is really amazing!

When the girl first came home, she could let her two sons, it's only been a few days, even if the third son is no match for the girl at all, only the fourth son can interact with each other, and she still loses more than she wins few.

The speed of the girl's progress is simply unimaginable, even riding a rocket is not so fast!
And all of this is of course due to that boy Luo Guang, even if he took the time to play a few games with Luo Guang, he benefited a lot, and his chess strength improved a lot.Under such circumstances, the girl can still let her four sons, Kang Changli really wants to be unconvinced!
Kang Changli wished he could pat Luo Guang on the shoulder and entrust the girl's life to him directly!
But judging from Yatou's tone, there are too many girls in Jiakui Chess Academy who like Luo Guang, and Yatou and Luo Guang haven't reached that level yet.

Fortunately, Tian Yuan has formally worshiped him as his teacher. With this relationship, the girl and Luo Guang cannot do without contact. Take your time. There is no rush for feelings.

I feel that the girl is still too reserved and shy. Such a good boy, the girl obviously likes him so much, but he is restrained.Right now Luo Guang is only surrounded by a girl, so if you don't seize such a good opportunity, when Luo Guang is snatched away by another girl, it will be useless to regret it!

No, I have to give the girl a good class. This is at my home, and there are no outsiders around, so I should take the initiative. There is no need to rush home at night. You can still play a few more games!

Before he knew it, He Jiaguang had already lived in Tianyuan's house for seven days.

The three-yearly Youth Go Tournament in the county capital came with good news, and the Jiakai Chess Institute won a big victory and won the championship with an absolute advantage.

Soon the teachers and students of Jiakai Chess Academy will return with honor. He Jiaguang and Kang Xiaomu can't stay in Kangjia Village forever, it's time to return to Jiakai Chess Academy.

Kang Tianyuan held He Jiaguang's hand very reluctantly, reluctant to let He Jiaguang just leave.

He Jiaguang pampered Kang Tianyuan's head, and comforted him, "Tianyuan, I'm only at the Chess Academy during the day, and I'll come over to guide you at night."

Kang Xiaomu, who was waiting at the side, glanced at He Jiaguang in surprise. It took at least an hour to get home from the chess academy, and it took two hours to go back and forth. Brother Luo had to go back and forth every day, it was too hard.

Kang Tianyuan also thought of this, every time he went to visit his cousin in the city, he had to stop and rest many times, he shook his head reluctantly, and said: "Master, it's too hard, no need, you only need to come back occasionally to teach I'll do it."

"It's okay, it's very convenient." He Jiaguang was not in a hurry to reveal the answer, and told Tian Yuan a few words, bid farewell to Xiaomu, Tian Yuan's parents, and left with Kang Xiaomu.

Kang Changli was very relieved to see the girl and He Jiaguang walking side by side, what a perfect couple!

"Xiaomu, Xiaoguang, come and play when you have time."

"Slow down on the road."


Under Kang Changli's intentional or unintentional disclosure, the villagers have long regarded He Jiaguang and Kang Xiaomu as a young couple, and they are all waiting for a wedding in the future.

If He Jiaguang is really just a traveling chess player, from Guadai Lixia, it is impossible not to have feelings for Kang Xiaomu, who looks like a flower and a girl, but he is not an ordinary person, and he already has Mai Xia as his companion for cultivating immortals. At most, Kang Xiaomu had some liking for her, not a relationship between a man and a woman at all.

Kang Xiaomu blushed again, trotted out of the village entrance, turned around shyly and glanced at He Jiaguang who was walking unhurriedly, feeling like a deer bumping his head, and his imagination was running wild, if he could really be with Senior Brother Luo, That would be great.

He Jiaguang walked a few steps quickly, and said with a smile, "Let's hurry up."

Kang Xiaomu hummed, obediently followed He Jiaguang, and headed towards the city.

The two returned to the Jiakai Chess Academy before dark, and saw the Jiakui Chess Academy decorated with lanterns and festoons, beaming with joy.

The triennial Youth Go Competition is related to the ranking of the chess academy. This time, the Jiakai Chess Academy won the championship with an absolute advantage. But it is a great joy. The higher the reputation of the Jiakai Chess Academy, the better it is for teachers and students.

Kang Xiaomu first entered the chess academy to report, and after a while, He Jiaguang entered the chess academy.

"Senior Brother Luo, where have you been these few days?"

"Senior Brother Luo, I miss you so much."

"Senior Brother Luo, you just disappeared without making a sound. I thought you left without saying goodbye and never came back!"


As soon as he entered the chess academy, He Jiaguang was surrounded by groups, fearing that He Jiaguang would disappear again.

He Jiaguang smiled slightly and explained: "It's nothing, I just felt a little bored, so I went out to travel for a few days."

"Senior Brother Luo, you don't really want to leave, do you?"

"Senior Brother Luo, we are reluctant to let you go."


He Jiaguang waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, I won't leave in a short time, everyone, don't think about it."

"Senior Brother Luo, why don't you just stay in our chess academy."

"Senior Brother Luo, my hands are itching to death, can you play a game of chess with me?"


Looking at so many girls surrounding He Jiaguang, Kang Xiaomu couldn't help feeling a little sour, and at the same time regretted that there were so many opportunities to be alone with Senior Brother Luo, but he didn't make good use of them.

He Jiaguang gave Kang Xiaomu a look helplessly, you should go back to the dormitory to rest first.

Kang Xiaomu rolled He Jia's eyes with gusto, then turned and left.

He Jiaguang was besieged by the students and forced to play chess. In order to save time, He Jiaguang directly played one-on-two.

If it wasn't for keeping a low profile, with He Jiaguang's chess strength and cultivation, there would be no pressure to play one-on-one at the same time, and it is naturally easy and comfortable to play one-on-one right now.

But the students couldn't help but be amazed, wow, Senior Brother Luo is really amazing, how come I haven't seen him for a few days, and I feel that Senior Brother Luo is so powerful.

In fact, Tianhe Jiaguang kept playing chess with Kang Xiaomu these days. In order to cater to Kang Xiaomu's progress, he had to constantly improve his chess strength. Now he played against the students and subtly used that chess strength.

As a result, the two students of Class A who played against He Jiaguang with great enthusiasm managed to hold on until the middle game, and they couldn't continue, and they gave up with helpless smiles.

The onlookers couldn't help but stare blankly, startled by He Jiaguang's inadvertent display of strength.

This is one against two, the opponents are still two elite students from Class A with the best chess skills, Senior Brother Luo actually won so easily!

For a while, no one dared to sit across from He Jiaguang again, and there was some silence.

A chess academy teacher who heard the news rushed over and eagerly sat across from He Jiaguang. Come on, come on, let's play a game.

The students watched the game between He Jiaguang and the teacher of the chess academy, and none of the students sat in front of another chessboard.Brother Luo wants to go all out to play chess with the teacher of the chess academy, how can he have the spare energy to deal with the second game at the same time.

However, the teacher of the Chess Academy was tired of coping with He Jiaguang's sharp offensive in the early stage, so he accidentally made a wrong move in the middle of the game, and it was lost, and he abandoned his son and slipped away in disgrace.

Now, the students couldn't help but be sure and affirmed that Brother Luo had only been away for a few days, and his chess skills had improved by leaps and bounds, and he was no longer the original Senior Brother Luo.

It was rare that Senior Brother Luo was sitting there waiting for the game. The two students from Class A glanced at each other, walked over together and sat opposite He Jiaguang.

Although He Jiaguang had already discovered what was going on, he did not deliberately adjust his chess strength. After all, his energy was limited, and it was impossible to teach chess endlessly. The main thing is to give priority to teaching his disciple Tian Yuan.

The two students from Class A who took over the battle still couldn't make it through the middle game, and left their seats in secret.

The two Class B students gritted their teeth and took over, but they also conceded in the middle of the game.

He Jiaguang looked around for a week, is there anyone else?

Students, you look at me, I look at you, after all, no one dares to step forward to stroke the tiger's beard.

"I'm going back to the dormitory to rest." He Jiaguang got up and left.

The students stared blankly at He Jiaguang's back, secretly amazed.

The students looked at each other, it seemed that we couldn't keep up with Brother Luo's pace at all.But tomorrow, the brothers and sisters who are all-powerful in the Go competition should be back, and the most powerful teachers of the chess academy are also back, so there should be a good show to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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