Interstellar Miner

Chapter 801 The Truth

Chapter 801 The Truth
He Jiaguang glanced at the chessboard and dealt with it casually.

More than a dozen chess pieces landed on the chessboard one after another, Wan Jinghui couldn't help but froze there, staring at the chessboard in a daze.

The teachers and students also gradually realized that they stared blankly at the large vertical chessboard. The piece just now was obviously a bad piece, but after being transformed by Luo Guang, it turned into an excellent piece occupying the key position of the chessboard. son!
Heizi's situation turned upside down, and Baizi turned into a very bad situation!
Needle dropping could be heard in the huge hall, and the teachers and students couldn't help holding their breath, waiting for Wan Jinghui's needle dropping.

Wan Jinghui froze for a long time, gritted his teeth, and slumped down, trying his best to win ground for Baizi.

Unknowingly, the chess game entered the final stage.

Wan Jinghui tried his best, but Baizi still lost to Heizi Liangmu in the end.

Wan Jinghui fixed his eyes on the sunspot that changed the situation of the whole chess game, it is really ingenious!I have never played such a wonderful game in the Youth Go Competition. My boy, I haven't seen you for a few days, but I have become so good.

The teachers and students stared at He Jiaguang in a daze, never expecting that even senior Wan Jinghui, who was named a shining star in the Youth Go Competition, lost to him.

But obviously Luo Guang's chess strength is still weaker than Wan Jinghui's, but Luo Guang's black stone is really exquisite, turning decay into magic, and it turned the whole game around. I'm afraid he won't be able to come up with such an exquisite and magical move!

But Kang Xiaomu knew it well, it was just He Jiaguang's normal operation, nothing surprising.

He Jiaguang was not interested in playing chess anymore, so he got up and went back to the dormitory, and continued to pay attention to the dynamics of Earthburst.


Lu Qizhong was confined in the lobby of the Governor's Mansion, unable to get in touch with the outside world. He didn't know that Earthburst Star was turning upside down at this moment. It was just that he accidentally leaked the news, and he was regarded as the focus of arrest during this sensitive period of the Ten Thousand Years Calamity. .

Lu Qizhong secretly sneered confidently, don't you want to investigate, then investigate, there are more than 3000 million miners in the Earthburst Star, more than 50 immortal cultivators, and more than 2 immortals, you investigate slowly!After 80 years of slowly sorting out the censorship, what can you find out!

What kind of status is Erwazi, it is impossible to spend all the time in this place, and when the limelight passes, it will naturally calm down again.

It's overpowering, and I'll send a few immortal stewards from the competent departments to question the crime, and this matter will be over!
In fact, the number of law enforcement brigades of Earthburst Star at this moment is far beyond Lu Qizhong's imagination.

All the mines of Earthburst have been shut down, and all the responsible personnel of the miners have been evacuated, concentrated in one hundred camps, and interrogated one by one.

The miners who were forced to stop working were very inexplicable, what's wrong?Why did it stop working when it was so good?It's so boring to talk when Rouran is idle.

And the responsible staff of the miners deeply realized: God, it really collapsed!
Erwazi's censorship policy is very simple: rewards for reporting; voluntary confession, which can be reduced by one grade;

Under such high pressure, not many people dared to take chances anymore, and all those who were guilty obediently surrendered and confessed.

All of a sudden, a lot of bad things about Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds were uncovered, and even spitting behind the back was confessed as a crime.

Of course, there are also many crimes of corruption and breaking the law, which are directly dealt with seriously by the law enforcement team.

However, there has been no substantial progress regarding this mine accident.

Erwazi couldn't help frowning, was it really just an accident?
Tie Dan snorted coldly, and gave Erwazi some advice: "Intentionally causing a mine disaster is a heinous crime, and those who know about it will definitely have to bear it to death. Erwazi, you have to find the right starting point to analyze why they intentionally caused a mine disaster, and who can learn from it?" Get the benefits, catch the right point, and then conduct in-depth investigations, you will definitely gain something."

Erwazi suddenly realized, and immediately adjusted the interrogation policy. At the same time, he started by investigating the whereabouts of the three miner sons of the hunchbacked old woman. The case finally had a breakthrough.

The three miners’ sons of the hunchbacked old woman were all killed in a mine accident 37 years ago. However, Earthburst only reported it, but did not report the letter to the hunchbacked old woman. Instead, it unilaterally sent the old woman the wages that the three miners’ sons should be paid each year.

At first glance, Earthburst may not want to make the hunchbacked old woman sad, deliberately created the illusion that the three miner sons are still alive, and takes good care of the hunchbacked old woman's family.

However, in fact, the Four Immortals are very generous to the miners, and even take care of the families of the miners who died unfortunately. There will also be a very generous pension directly distributed.If this pension is converted into the wages of the miners, it is equivalent to the wages of the miners for 150 years.

This is Mo Xuan's special approval. After all, Mo Xuan was born as an interstellar miner, and later formed an indissoluble bond with the miner after arriving in the third layer of time and space.

Mo Xuan is well aware of the hard work of the miners, and with such a high-ranking occupation, if they are accidentally disabled or killed, it will have a huge impact on the entire family of the miners.

Therefore, Mo Xuan gave a generous pension especially for the disabled and killed miners. Since the miners have contributed so much to the Four Immortals, the Four Immortals will be responsible for supporting the miners' families.

Compared with other forces in the fourth layer of time and space, the pension for the miners killed by the Four Immortals is too generous.

Obviously, those outlaws who intentionally caused the mine disaster were eyeing this generous pension, cheated, colluded with each other, and secretly withheld the pension!
Alright, how dare you disregard human life so recklessly for the sake of enriching your own pockets!Erwazi gritted his teeth secretly, he never thought it would be like this!hateful!asshole!How unreasonable!

Kong Wuming couldn't believe that this was true, there would be such a thing in the Four Immortals Sect where the light is infinite and the road does not pick up lost things!Fuck!
King Kong's eyes were even more red, and fire almost burst out of his eyes, is this still a human?Animals are not so bad!
King Kong's anger continued to evaporate, and he glared at Lu Qizhong, wishing he could blow Lu's dog's head off with a punch.

Lu Qizhong looked at King Kong warily, what is this gorilla doing?I did not offend you!

Erwazi ordered: "Wu Ming, you take King Kong out, and if you are in a hurry, you two can practice your hands."

Kong Wuming nodded and forcefully dragged King Kong away.

Lu Qizhong said: "Your Excellency, has there been any new progress in the case?"

"Not yet." Of course, Erwazi couldn't reveal the truth, and turned his attention to the rescue team, so he had to be quick!

Underground, safe hole.

The old miner kept procrastinating, digging and digging, but the last dry food was still gone.The old miner was still guarding the empty first aid box, as if there were still a lot of life-saving dry food in it.

"Listen everyone, there seems to be some movement!" A miner shouted in surprise.

The miners hurriedly put their ears to the wall, and they really heard the sound of excavation. There is no mistake, it should be coming towards us, we are saved!
Niu Dazhuang couldn't help but frown. The rescue team is still a little far away. Will there be enough time?Anyway, Niu Dazhuang sent a signal to the excavation team.

With the hope of surviving, the miners' spirits have increased a lot, leaning against the wall, listening to the sound of excavation quietly, hurry up and come to our side!


"Captain, we have received a strange signal."

"Signal? What signal? Where did it come from?" Song Jian asked eagerly.

"The signal is transmitted from the ground, and the source of the signal is likely to be sent from the mine where the mining disaster occurred, but we cannot analyze the content of the signal."

"What!" Song Jian was taken aback. Could there really be any survivors?To be able to send a signal, at least one must be a cultivator, and there may be someone who survived.

Song Jian hurriedly reported the news to Erwazi.

Erwazi analyzed the signal sent by Niu Dazhuang, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, the younger brother is doing well!
Erwazi hurriedly contacted Zhang Qinxin who was guarding the void: "Xin'er, I have already contacted my junior brother. There are quite a few of the 83 miners, and they are all staying safely in the safety cave waiting for rescue."

Zhang Qinxin replied: "That's great."

"However, the miners have run out of dry food, and there is still no shortage of water for the time being. I have to go to the rescue site to direct, and Lu Qizhong will leave it to you. Don't let him make small moves."

"Well, don't worry."

After getting the news from Erwazi, the brothers who have been paying attention to Earth Explosion Star all the time couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time couldn't help but secretly gritted their teeth. We desperately wanted to create a bright world, but in the end there are still these people who are so reckless The existence of super moths, extremely hateful!

On the front line of the rescue team, Song Jian directly suggested to Erwazi to use a slightly violent method to rush forward and reach the mine disaster site in the shortest possible time.With the average Earth Immortal-level cultivation of the rescue team, it only takes half a day to arrive.

But Erwazi shook his head and said: "It is important to ensure the safety of all the trapped miners, and try not to disturb the stability of this boulder. I suggest to bypass this boulder far away and open a small safe passage from the bottom of that mine." .”

Song Jian was taken aback for a moment, could it be possible that mortal miners really survived?How can this be?But since Erwazi ordered so, Song Jian could only follow through.

At this time, there is no need for Erwazi to hide from Song Jian anymore, and said through voice transmission: "To tell you the truth, my junior brother happened to be practicing in the mine where the mine accident occurred, so all 83 miners survived. But first aid The dry food in the box has been exhausted, we must hurry!"

ha?What?Song Jian couldn't help being stunned, your junior brother, isn't that the disciple of the suzerain, with such a noble status, you actually went to this mine to practice?coincide?Or on purpose?In any case, we must do our best in this rescue, and we must rescue all 83 miners in the shortest possible time!

Song Jian went into battle in person, constantly opening up passages.

However, because of the violent impact of the boulder, the surrounding area became very unstable, and the progress of opening the safety passage was not smooth. Often this side was just opened, and the back was blocked again.

Rescuing ordinary miners is very different from rescuing immortal cultivators from work.


"Hey, why did the voice become far away?"

"Isn't it to rescue us?"

The miners were startled and their nerves became extremely fragile.

Niu Dazhuang comforted: "Everyone, don't panic. Because of the rock above our heads, the rescue must go far away, otherwise it is easy to cause a collapse. I am fine, but you will be crushed to death."

"Ah? Really fake?"

"Is it necessary to go around so far? You are bluffing us!"

Niu Dazhuang sighed slightly, and said, "The rock I'm holding is much bigger than what you see."

The miners stared blankly at the bottom of the huge boulder that Niu Dazang had been holding up, how big was this boulder? Listening to the sound of digging, it was far away but they bypassed it!

"Big shape, can you, a cultivator, lift such a big stone?"

Niu Dazhuang hummed casually, and said, "A cultivator of immortals and an immortal actually mean the same thing."

God, are you a fairy? !

The miners were all taken aback, staring blankly at Niu Dazhang, please, immortals and immortal cultivators are completely different things, okay?
Fang Dali asked in a daze, "Da Zhuang, tell the truth, what kind of cultivation are you?"

Niu Dazhuang said casually: "It's so-so, it's just Xuanxian's cultivation."

Xuanxian? !The miners collectively sprayed!
This is so-so, the legendary Xuanxian, what the hell, we haven't seen a heavenly immortal in this life, you just come out as a whole Xuanxian!You want to scare us to death!

"Really Xuanxian?" Fang Dali still didn't quite believe it.

That's right, Tangtang Xuanxian can go to the depths of the ground to be a miner with us?This is too fake!
Niu Da said truthfully: "There's nothing to lie about, I'm a Xuanxian cultivation base, and it's really common among the brothers and sisters, so I can barely be the tail of the crane."

Uh... well, your group of brothers and sisters are too strong!Xuanxian was almost at the end of a crane, I couldn't even imagine it!The miners were still shocked, but they felt at ease now.

Xuanxian, Fang Dali keeps smacking his mouth, and now he doesn't need to brag when he returns to his hometown, he can make the big guy stunned for a while!
(End of this chapter)

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