Chapter 802
The Earth Explosion Star is shaking the earth, and the Fengxing Chess Academy, which was defeated by the Jiakai Chess Academy in the Youth Go Competition, is also turned upside down.

What is going on?
In this Youth Go Tournament, the players from the Jiakai Chess Academy have not changed much from the competition three years ago, but they who were hammered by our popular chess academy players three years ago instead beat us to the hammer this time!

If it's just that, it's fine, but the chess skills of the accompanying teachers and students of Jiakai Chess Academy have obviously improved a big level, and the surrounding friendly matches that come with the competition are also the only one of Jiakai Chess Academy!
The Fengxing Chess Academy had previously won two championships in a row, and the number of previous championships was also second to none in the county. It was about to win the chief position of the County Chess Academy with all its might, but encountered this incident.

Fengxing Chess Academy is a troublesome place, and if you can't figure it out, isn't Jiakai Chess Academy still the original Jiakai Chess Academy? Why is it suddenly like a collective beating chicken blood, so fierce?
It's worth talking about one or two becoming stronger, but such a collective evolution, there must be something tricky!
The dean of Fengxing Chess Institute, Li Fengxing, issued a death order, investigate, thoroughly investigate, and must find out what is going on!

The hard work pays off, and soon there is definite news that the Jiakai Chess Academy has become so powerful because a traveling chess boy came not long ago.

ha?The result of the investigation made Li Fengxing very dumbfounded. He thought that the Jiakai Chess Institute had hired a powerful Go teacher with a high salary, but who would have thought that it would be a free chess boy Luo Guang!

Is this traveling chess boy really that powerful?Li Fengxing still doesn't believe it, it can't be a smoke bomb deliberately released by Jiakai Chess Academy!

Soon, more definite news came. To be precise, it was a game record. It was the record of the game that Wan Jinghui, the shining star of this year's Go tournament, played against Luo Guang after returning to the chess academy.

Wan Jinghui's performance in this year's Youth Go Competition is obvious to all, and he has become the shining star of this year's competition without any suspense.

After studying the game record of this game, Li Fengxing remained silent for a long time. When Luo Guang's chess strength was obviously weak, he used such an exquisite move to reverse the situation and finally defeated Wan Jinghui.

Li Fengxing gave a high-five and exclaimed, it's so wonderful, such a magical chess boy, why did he go to the opponent, Jiakui Chess Academy!No, I must lure him to our Fengxing Chess Academy!at all costs!
Li Fengxing acted immediately, dispatched the vice president to find Luo Guang quietly, and sincerely gave the conditions of Fengxing Chess Academy. In short, as long as you are willing to come, except for the president, other You can choose the position and benefits as you like.

Actually, He Jiaguang didn't care which chess academy he was in, but he wanted to teach Tian Yuan right now, if he went to such a far away Fengxing chess academy, it would be too inconvenient to go back and forth every day, and it would be easy to get lost, so he still declined.

After receiving the newsletter from the vice president, Li Fengxing couldn't figure it out, this Luo Guang must have a brain hole, he chose to be a dispensable chess boy in the Jiakai Chess Academy despite such generous treatment from the Fengxing Chess Academy .The conditions he offered are already extremely generous, and it is impossible to get higher. Luo Guang has no need to raise the price. What is he thinking?

Li Fengxing gritted his teeth secretly, no, he must not give up just like that!If you can't be soft, then come hard, threaten and intimidate, and force Luo Guang to submit obediently.He is just a mortal chess player, can he still make a fool of himself!

Who would have thought that Luo Guang would be in trouble if he really fucked up.

He Jiaguang bluntly warned Fengxing Chess Academy, I am not an ordinary chess boy, I have a strong background, you can't mess with me!

Although I don't know the background of Luo Guang, but Li Fengxing really dare not do anything to Luo Guang. After all, how can ordinary forces train a chess boy with such superb chess skills!It's no wonder that Luo Guang looked down on the generous conditions offered by Fengxing Chess Academy.

Neither soft nor hard will work, Li Fengxing is really helpless.However, Li Fengxing still did not give up, Luo Guang wanted to stay in Jiakai Chess Academy, what attracted him?

After some in-depth investigation, Li Fengxing felt that Luo Guang had fallen in love with the beautiful and beautiful Kang Xiaomu.

If we want to poach Luo Guang away, let's start with Kang Xiaomu.The Fengxing Chess Academy put all their efforts into digging out Kang Xiaomu.

Kang Xiaomu was really envious of the favorable conditions offered by Fengxing Chess Academy for top students in class A, but teacher Yun Shishuang took care of him in every possible way, so how could he abandon his teacher and join Fengxing Chess Academy, and resolutely refused.

After Yun Shishuang knew about it, she directly reported it to the dean of Jiakai Chess Academy. If we are not vigilant, all good seedlings will be poached by Fengxing Chess Academy.

The dean of the Jiakai Chess Academy attached great importance to it, and immediately ordered the entire academy to martial law to prevent Xiaoxiao from entering.

As a result, when He Jiaguang went out in the evening, he almost couldn't go out.But in any case, He Jiaguang has a special status in Jiakai Chess Academy now, so he went out after spending a few more words.

This scene was spotted by the Vice President of the Fengxing Chess Institute who was squatting on the corner of the street. After following him, he realized that Luo Guang was indeed not an ordinary chess boy. He disappeared from his eyes as soon as he left the city.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Guang returned to Jiakai Chess Academy.

So where did Luo Guang go that night?

Fengxing Chess Institute mobilized all the connections it could, and finally found the answer in the shortest possible time. It turned out that Luo Guang had gone to Kangjia Village where Kang Xiaomu lived, and Luo Guanghe had taken Kang Xiaomu's cousin Kang Tianyuan as his wife. only!

I see!Li Fengxing nodded secretly, and finally found the most critical point.

The next day, Li Fengxing brought a ten-year-old boy all the way to Kangjia Village.

Li Fengxing gave the boy a doting look, and said, "Fei'er, let's go."

Li Chongfei nodded resolutely, walked into the Kang family village, put his hands on his hips, and yelled loudly: "Kang Tianyuan, come out to me! Kang Tianyuan, do you dare to fight me!"

Li Chongfei yelled for a long time, and was watched by a group of people from Kangjia Village, but he did not see Kang Tianyuan coming out to fight, so he couldn't help shouting again: "Kang Tianyuan, you coward, if you are afraid, just say it, the young master is not like you!" care about."

"Hey, who are you?" Kang Changli pushed away the crowd and squeezed in front of Li Chongfei, frowning and asked, "Why are you looking for Tianyuan?"

"I only want one defeat!" Li Chongfei said proudly.

ha?Where did this little brat come from, such a stinky fart, to say such ignorant words, Kang Changli sneered, and said: "Tianyuan's Go has just officially started, is it interesting to bully a rookie? If you have the ability to play against me?" One game, I won't bully the kids, let you two."

Li Chongfei snorted through his nostrils, glanced at Kang Changli, and said: "The eliminated students of Jiakai Chess Academy, I will let you two be about the same."

God horse, you brat, Kang Changli immediately glared, gritted his teeth and said: "Alright, let's go first, you win, I'll call Tian Yuan to fight with you."

Li Chongfei shrugged indifferently, and urged: "Hurry up, my time is very precious."

Without further ado, Kang Changli immediately led Li Chong to his small courtyard, and placed the chessboard and chess pots in the courtyard, come on.

Li Chongfei sat down firmly opposite Kang Changli, and at that moment his unruliness quickly faded from his immature face, and what remained was only incomparable concentration.

Kang Changli was taken aback, this brat might really have two brushes, but I have experienced so many ups and downs, and after playing so many games with Luo Guang, my chess skills have improved a lot, so I am afraid of you Ass boy won't make it.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in Kangjia Village, the game officially began.

"Tianyuan, Tianyuan, it's not good!" Several children from Kangjia Village rushed into Kang Tianyuan's house in a hurry, and saw Kang Tianyuan sitting in front of the chessboard, and turned a deaf ear to their shouts.

A little baby stepped forward and shook Kang Tianyuan a few times before he woke him up.

"Tian Yuan, it's not good, your uncle was bullied by a child!"

Kang Tianyuan blinked in a daze, what the hell, my uncle is so big that he can't beat a child?This joke is not funny at all.

"Let's go." The kids dragged Kang Tianyuan to Kang Changli's small courtyard.

It turned out to be Go, Kang Tianyuan rolled his eyes, and leaned over to take a look, alas, it was the middle game, and uncle's white pieces had already been miserably suppressed by black pieces.

Kang Tianyuan looked curiously at Li Chongfei who was sitting opposite his uncle, this is not a kid from our village, why did he come to our village?
Kang Changli twitched his cheeks and said helplessly, "I lost."

Kang Changli gritted his teeth secretly. Although this little kid is stinky, he is really good at Go. He is not an opponent at all, but my Xiaomu should be able to fight him.

Li Chongfei glanced at Kang Changli disdainfully, and said, "You can call Kang Tianyuan now."

"Why are you calling me?" Kang Tianyuan was surprised.

"Kang Tianyuan is you?" Li Chongfei looked Kang Tianyuan up and down, he was a very ordinary guy.

"I am, who are you?" Kang Tianyuan asked confrontationally.

Li Chongfei stood up and said proudly: "My name is Li Chongfei, and I'm here to play chess with you. Do you dare to fight with me?"

Kang Tianyuan frowned, and said: "You are very powerful, I am not your opponent now."

As if you could fight against me in the future, Li Chongfei sneered and said, "I heard that you are very good at backgammon, so let's play backgammon."

"Okay!" Kang Tianyuan immediately sat on the position where Kang Changli took the initiative to let go. Now that he is playing Nine Men's Chess and he holds black, even his master will find it difficult to win a game against him. Kang Tianyuan is so confident.

Li Chongfei was very aware of the limitations of backgammon, and immediately said: "The first game is played first, then the loser is black, and three wins out of five games, how about it?"

"No problem." Kang Tianyuan rubbed his hands, come on.

The two boys cleared the chessboard and started playing chess immediately.

The five rounds of the game were soon over, and the black side won without exception. Li Chongfei held black for three rounds, and Kang Changli held black for two rounds.

Li Chongfei frowned, such three victories are not considered victories.

Kang Tianyuan was in high spirits. Among his peers, it was rare for him to be able to play Nine Backgammon on a par with him.

Kang Tianyuan took the initiative to suggest: "I'm afraid we won't be able to tell the winner when we play backgammon, let's play thirteen ways."

Li Chongfei glanced at Kang Tianyuan, nodded indifferently, the thirteenth way is not just an advanced version of Nine-Bang-O-Go, for him, it is still a child's game.

In the game of Nine Men's Chess, Kang Tianyuan can still compete with Li Chongfei, but in the thirteenth game, he really can only be unilaterally hammered.

After the three rounds were played, Li Chongfei shook his head and stood up, very disappointed and said: "It's a pity that I still look forward to it, your Go is not very good at all."

Kang Tianyuan scratched his head in embarrassment, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. But I'm working hard, and I'll fight you again when I become stronger."

Li Chongfei curled his lips, and said, "It's fine for children's play games like the thirteenth way, and only the nineteenth way and above can be regarded as real Go."

"Alright then." Kang Tianyuan blinked, guessing that it would be a long time before he could officially start playing [-]-way Go.

Li Chongfei glanced at Kang Tianyuan again, turned and left.

Kang Changli looked at Li Chongfei's back suspiciously. It's impossible for this kid to come to our Kangjia Village to play chess with Tian Yuan for no reason. Could it be that he came for Tian Yuan's master Luo Guang?It's very possible!
At the entrance of the village, Li Fengxing asked with concern: "Fei'er, how is it?"

Li Chongfei shook his head and said, "It's really not good, it's a waste of my time."

Li Fengxing pondered for a while, and said: "Not necessarily, Kang Tianyuan just worshiped Luo Guang as his teacher, so it's normal for him to fail you."

Li Chongfei frowned, very puzzled why his grandfather cared so much about this Luo Guang, didn't he just happen to win a round with Wan Jinghui, what's the big deal.

Li Chongfei immediately suggested: "Grandfather, I will go directly to play a game with Luo Guang."

Li Fengxing shook his head, and said earnestly: "Fei'er, you are my trump card against Jiawei Chess Academy, unless I am sure that Luo Guang can be dug into our Fengxing Chess Academy, otherwise I will not let you appear in the sight of Jiakai Chess Academy so early middle."

Li Chongfei pursed his lips unhappily, thinking that Luo Guang must look good at that time.


The excavation of the safe passage was progressing very slowly. Song Jian, the captain of the rescue team, was very anxious. The trapped miners had already run out of dry food. If they dragged on and starved to death, the rescue would have been a failure!
In any case, the most important thing right now is to deliver water and dry food to the trapped miners, first to ensure that they can survive, and then slowly rescue them!

Immediately, Song Jian directly took the lead with Xuan Xian's cultivation base, completely ignoring the way back, and kept digging forward like earthworms in the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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