Interstellar Miner

Chapter 803 Saying 1 or 2

Chapter 803
It was getting late, at the entrance of the Kang family village, Kang Tianyuan stood on tiptoe, looking into the distance, finally, Master's figure came into view.

Kang Tianyuan ran forward cheerfully, and sweetly called out, "Master."

He Jiaguang smiled and touched Kang Tianyuan's head.

"Master, today a stinky guy named Li Chongfei came to our village to play chess with me. I am on par with him in backgammon, but I am no match for Shisan Lu, and I was underestimated by him! I'll show you his chess records." Kang Tianyuan dragged He Jiaguang back to his small courtyard, and quickly showed He Jiaguang one by one the chess records of today's eight games.

He Jiaguang read it once, and he already has enough understanding of Li Chongfei's chess skills, so it's average.

Kang Tianyuan smacked his lips and asked, "Master, when will I be able to beat him in the nineteenth road?"

He Jiaguang laughed and said, "You can't even walk yet, and you're thinking about running!"

Kang Tianyuan scratched his head foolishly, and said, "That guy is about my age, how can I be convinced if I lose to him."

He Jiaguang analyzed: "He must have received professional Go guidance since he was a child, and his chess skills are stronger than your little cousin. It is not easy for you to beat him."

Wow, so that guy is so powerful!Kang Tianyuan smacked his lips, really helpless.

He Jiaguang added: "However, his chess style has basically stabilized, and the room for improvement is definitely not as big as yours. As long as you persevere and work hard, you will definitely be able to surpass him."

Kang Tianyuan nodded fiercely, I must beat him!
He Jiaguang immediately gave Kang Tianyuan a good explanation of the three thirteen-way Go games. The reason why he was hammered was because he had a poor view of the overall situation, and several local battlefields were always divided and could not be connected together.

He Jiaguang said: "Tianyuan, you have been focusing on backgammon before, so your vision is too low. How about this, I will play the nineteenth road with you tonight, focusing on cultivating your overall view."

Kang Tianyuan nodded wildly, yes, yes.


Unknowingly, they have been out of dry food for a long time, and the miners in the safety cave are really hungry, their eyes are black and their breath is dying.

The dry food that Niu Dazhuang kept in his bosom was only a drop in the bucket, and it didn't help much.

Niu Dazhang was secretly anxious, the progress of the rescue was much slower than he expected, it would be really bad if it went on like this!
Hey, the bull-like thick eyebrows raised, here we come!Niu Dazhuang immediately sent a voice transmission to Song Jian, here!
Song Jianzheng was worried that he didn't know which direction to go, and after receiving Niu Dazhuang's instructions, he immediately cheered up and walked carefully towards the safety hole.

Niu Dazhuang encouraged everyone: "Everyone hold on, rescue will arrive soon!"

Fang Dali echoed forcefully, everyone hold on.

The sound is still far away, we are afraid that we will not be able to last until then, the dying miners no longer have the energy to think so much.

With Song Jian's cultivation level, it is actually very easy to go straight through the safety hole, but the impact of that boulder must be considered in all aspects, and we have to be more careful. If one is not good, all the miners in the safety hole will suffer.Then I did something bad with good intentions, and I can't escape the guilt.

Niu Dazhuang also knew this, and kept sending voices to Song Jian. The two worked together to minimize the risk factor, and finally opened up a passage.

"Here we come!" Niu Dazhuang shouted in a low voice.

Are you here?Where?The miners couldn't help but cheer up.

The old miner turned on the miner's lamp to illuminate the safety hole.

Sure enough, there was a slight sound from under the safety hole, getting closer and closer!

it is true!Rescue has finally arrived!The miners couldn't help holding their breath, waiting and praying.

The floor of the safety hole slowly raised a small piece, and an unkempt dog-like head got out first.

If the miners hadn't known in advance that rescue was coming, they would have been taken aback suddenly, thinking they were alive!

Finally arrived safely, Song Jian took a deep breath, but coughed uncontrollably.

"Thank you." Niu Dazhuang nodded slightly to Song Jian.

Song Jian couldn't help but froze when he saw the big boulder holding the boulder in both hands, this...isn't it!

Song Jian thought that Niu Dazhuang used the magic weapon he carried with him to resist the impact of the boulder and saved the miners in the entire mine. Who would have thought that Niu Dazhuang actually held the boulder with both hands, just like that Boulder awaits rescue.

The disciple of Hua'an Daneng, the patriarch of the Four Immortals Sect, and the junior brother of Erwazi Daneng, went to this mine to practice as a miner, but he didn't even carry a magic weapon for protection, Song Jianjian couldn't imagine.

Niu Dazhuang coughed lightly, but the big guys were still waiting eagerly.

Only then did Song Jian regain his senses, carefully drilled out from the ground, and immediately blocked the hole, then took out the magic weapon for storage, and distributed dry food and water bottles to each miner one by one.
The miners have been hungry for too long, and can only eat such a small mouthful of dry food at a time. Holding such a large piece of dry food now, it feels so unreal, but it is real!
The miners desperately bit their dry food and drank their saliva, and gradually turned into gobbling.

"Everyone eat slowly, you can't eat too much at one time, your stomach can't bear it." Song Jian reminded professionally.

The miners are still gobbling, and the hungry ghost is always stronger than the hungry ghost!

Niu Dazhuang said with a funny smile: "Okay, okay, everyone, take it easy, when you get out of trouble, I will invite you to a restaurant for a big meal."

Fang Dali grinned and said, "You mean what you say."

Niu Dazhuang said cheerfully, "I never say anything different."

The miners couldn't help laughing happily, and soon their stomachs were full, and they no longer had to worry about being rescued. They rested in the safety hole and waited patiently for the arrival of rescue.

Song Jian sent a voice transmission to Niu Dazhuang, wanting to take over the lifting of the boulder.

Niu Dasha shook his head slightly, a slight disturbance may cause a super collapse, so let me hold it.


Under Li Fengxing's careful planning and arrangement, Li Chongfei appeared in front of He Jiaguang who had just stepped into the city gate early in the morning.

Li Chongfei said straight to the point: "Are you Kang Tianyuan's master?"

He Jiaguang looked at Li Chongfei strangely, nodded, and asked, "Who are you?"

Li Chongfei said proudly: "I played against Kang Tianyuan three days ago, and I was very disappointed. He is not my opponent at all, but I don't know if he told you about me."

He Jiaguang smiled slightly and said, "So it was you, why, what do you want from me?"

Li Chongfei said bluntly: "No other meaning, just want to play a game with you."


Li Chongfei raised his hand to signal the chessboard and chess pots already placed on the side of the road, please.

The two sat facing each other and bowed to each other.

Li Chongfei grabbed a handful of white chess pieces from the chess jar, and He Jiaguang randomly took a black stone and gently placed it on the chessboard.

Li Chongfei counted the white stones in his hand, eight pieces, and let him hold the black first.

Li Chongfei was very unconvinced that his grandfather valued this guy so much, I want to see how much this guy weighs!

Li Chongfei took a deep breath, and entered a fighting state with high morale.

What kind of status is He Jiaguang in the Go world, how can he bully a brat who is still young, and still play guiding chess.

This game lasted for more than half an hour. Li Chongfei accurately and correctly dealt with the obstacles set by He Jiaguang, and won the victory with the advantage of two goals.

Li Chongfei grinned, snorted through his nostrils, and said, "You are nothing more than that, thanks to my expectation."

ah?He Jiaguang blinked in a daze, you little brat doesn't know what's good or what's wrong.

Li Chongfei said proudly: "My grandpa still wants me to worship you as a teacher, and you deserve it?"

He Jiaguang shook his head amusedly, now you little brat, you really don’t know the heights of the heavens and the earth, to be honest, your chess skills are not bad, enough top-notch in this small place, but in my own eyes, it’s just so-so, the student department of Chess Academy Li's Go talent is much higher than yours.

Naturally, He Jiaguang would not care about a brat, he smiled slightly, got up and prepared to leave.

Li Chongfei stopped He Jiaguang, and said, "Hey, my grandpa kindly invited you to develop in Fengxing Chess Academy, don't be shameless."

Although He Jiaguang has a good temper, he can't be humiliated casually. Back then, He Jiaguang was [-] times more arrogant than Li Chongfei, but it was based on his incomparably outstanding Go talent!
He Jiaguang immediately said: "Yes, but there is one prerequisite, you can win another game against me."

"Then can we start now?" Li Chongfei urged, my time is very precious, I don't have so much free time to waste on you.

He Jiaguang sat back and said casually, "I'll let you four sons."

Li Chongfei froze involuntarily, looking at He Jiaguang in disbelief, I must have misheard just now.

He Jiaguang said it again lightly.

Li Chongfei immediately became furious, glared at He Jiaguang viciously, and said through gritted teeth: "Who do you think you are? In the [-]th-way game of Go, no one can give me four pieces!"

"Really?" He Jiaguang smiled noncommittally, and said, "That's up to you."

Li Chongfei took a deep breath and stabilized his mind. This guy is just trying to provoke me on purpose, so I won't be fooled. Why don't I want the victory given away for nothing!
Li Chongfei immediately placed four sunspots on the four star positions on the chessboard.

He Jiaguang glanced at the chessboard and slammed down a piece.

Li Chongfei was stunned, and faintly felt the seemingly invisible coercion on He Jiaguang's body. Li Chongfei curled his mouth, sure and sure, his nineteen-way Go game is already clear, and no one can make him four son.

Li Chongfei is so self-confident, let the fourth son, this is a big joke, let's see how I can hammer you!
Li Chongfei didn't lose his mind, and played steadily, taking advantage of the huge advantage of the first four pieces to continuously attack the city and seize the territory, firmly occupying the advantage of the entire chess game.

The chess game soon entered the middle game, and the corner of Li Chongfei's mouth slightly slanted. Next, as long as he connects several pieces of the game, he will be invincible.

He Jiaguang slapped down a hand casually.

Um?Li Chongfei's ears turned red all of a sudden, this... this white piece is too out of position, it cut off and blocked him from the extremely fast battle, damn it!But it doesn't matter, my corners are so fat, as long as I hold it steady, I can still win.

But the ensuing battle was completely beyond Li Chongfei's expectations, and the opponent's move was also erratic, and his carefully planned strategy was messed up, and Heizi had lost a lot of territory before he knew it, and Heizi's advantage Getting smaller and smaller.

how so?Li Chongfei's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat, and he racked his brains and tried his best to deal with He Jiaguang's offensive, but he defended one side but lost the other side, Li Chongfei only felt overwhelming pressure coming towards his face.

Li Chongfei has always felt that the nineteen-way Go is too small for him, but at this moment, Li Chongfei only feels that the nineteen-way Go is so big?There are wars everywhere on the chessboard, and I can't take care of it at all.

Before reaching the final stage, Li Chongfei was already stunned, staring blankly at the one-sided chess game, his mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't make a sound.

Even a go rookie who saw the chessboard at this moment would know that Heizi is absolutely exhausted.

He Jiaguang actually left a lot of opportunities for Li Chongfei. If he can really win this round, he can be considered as a disciple, but it is a pity that Li Chongfei becomes very chaotic when he enters the middle and late game , Flying around like headless flies, the result can only be a complete defeat.

He Jiaguang also discovered a lot of problems in Li Chong Fei Go, and felt that they were cultivated by a crash course. He had memorized many powerful routines by rote, but he didn't have a deep understanding of the true meaning of Go.This is also the biggest problem for many rookies in Go nowadays. Generally, they make rapid progress in the early stage, but the progress becomes slower as they progress, and their achievements are very limited.

(End of this chapter)

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