Interstellar Miner

Chapter 804 Sputnik

Chapter 804 Sputnik

Li Chongfei stared blankly at the chessboard for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out why he lost. There was no reason for him to lose!

"I was careless in this round, let's play another round." Li Chongfei gritted his teeth and said to He Jiaguang.

He Jiaguang said lightly: "I have limited time, so I will play another game with you. You should calm down and try to play your best level."

Li Chongfei almost became angry again because of this sentence, but after all, he had realized the power of He Jiaguang, took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and started a new round of chess.

Let the fourth son, Li Chongfei, be careful and cautious at the beginning, without any aggressiveness, just to keep the advantage, and then fight steadily to maintain the advantage until the end.

However, in the face of He Jiaguang's continuous onslaught in the middle of the game, Li Chongfei quickly lost his position.

He Jiaguang has been away for a long time, but Li Chongfei is still sitting blankly in front of the chessboard.

"Fei'er, Fei'er." Li Fengxing called several times, looking at the situation of the chess game, Fei'er must have been educated, and it was a good thing, lest Fei'er always keep his eyes above the top and not know the heights of the sky and the earth.

Li Chongfei just woke up like a dream, but He Jiaguang was no longer on the opposite side. Li Chongfei glanced at the chessboard again, swallowed his saliva secretly, and finally realized deeply what it means to say that the sky is high and the earth is thick!In the nineteen-way Go, I am still far behind!

Li Fengxing asked with concern what was going on.

Li Chongfei smiled wryly, not knowing how to speak.I used to proudly think that no matter how complicated the nineteen-way Go game is, I can replay it just by watching it once, but the two games just now were too chaotic, and I just couldn't replay it.The real master, now I have finally seen it!

Li Chongfei gradually clenched his fists, and made up his mind, I want to be a teacher!


Earthburst, safe hole.

Song Jian's timely arrival made Niu Dazhuang secretly relieved. The reason why the miners no longer have to suffer from hunger is because the safety of the miners is guaranteed enough.

In fact, a beast control bag can easily rescue all the miners safely. Song Jian once dug a safe passage by himself and rescued thousands of trapped miners.

It's just that this mining accident is no longer an ordinary mining accident, it involves all aspects, and the Four Immortals must handle it with extreme caution.

Niu Dazhang pursed his lips, next, it's up to Senior Brother Erwazi!


Even after getting the news that Niu Dazhuang and the trapped miners were safe, King Kong still couldn't settle down. He felt that our brothers and sisters were being bullied, which is tolerable or unbearable.

Kong Wuming also couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, since Senior Brother Erwazi asked us to practice our hands, let's practice.

It's just that Kong Wuming and King Kong's practice is different from ordinary practice, very special.


After the intensive investigation by the law enforcement team day and night, all the suspected Earthburst staff members were gathered in one camp, a total of 920 people.

Of course, these staff members are only suspected, and there is not much tangible evidence.

It is centralized in name, but in fact it is a disguised detention. The staff who have ghosts in their hearts are inevitably uneasy. Even if they regret it, it is too late, and they can only wait for the trial of the Four Immortals.

A few more batches of people related to the case were sent to the camp. They were the staff involved in the mine disaster before the Earthburst, and they had been away from the Earthburst for so many years, but they were still found out unexpectedly.

Skynet is sparse but not leaky.

Lu Qizhong has been forced to stay in the hall of the Governor's Mansion and completely cut off contact with the outside world. He thought that as soon as the limelight passed, everything would be fine, but no one would have thought that it had been several days, and there was still no result.

It was inevitable that Lu Yizhong felt a little flustered, but he was still calm. No matter what Erwazi found out, as long as there was no real evidence, he had nothing to do with him.It's overpowering, I left the Four Immortals Sect, and took refuge in other forces with my Xuanxian cultivation base, and I can still thrive.

Hey, why did the gravitational force of the exploding star suddenly fluctuate violently?What happened?
During this extremely sensitive period, the immortals and cultivators of the Earthburst Star were shocked, and then successively discovered the source of the Earthburst Star's gravitational fluctuations.

Through the window, Lu Yuzhong was stunned to see a super huge meteorite whizzing through the atmosphere of the Earthburst star, and smashed towards the ground wrapped in monstrous flames.

What the hell is going on!Lu Qizhong was startled, if this super huge meteorite really hit the Earthburst, that Earthburst would be completely finished!What is Erwazi doing?How did this meteorite directly break into the atmosphere of Earthburst? Could it be that Erwazi has already left?
Regardless of thinking so much, Lu Yuzhong rushed out in a hurry, wanting to forcibly detonate the huge meteorite while there was still a little time, so that even though the scattered meteorite fragments would still cause considerable damage to the Earthburst star , but it is much better than destroying the earthburst star on the spot.

However, just as Lu Yuzhong rushed to the entrance of the hall, a barrier of Taoism abruptly blocked him back.

Lu Yizhong staggered, and finally stabilized his figure, his face flushed, he didn't realize the existence of this barrier at all, was it arranged by Er Wazi when he left?With just one face-to-face, I was so shocked that my blood surged, obviously the disparity in strength was too great.

Lu Yizhong's complexion changed again and again, so he could only stay in the governor's hall obediently, staring at the super meteorite. The Four Immortals would not let this meteorite hit their own territory!
Just when the Earth Explosive was extremely chaotic up and down, there was a roar that shook the entire Earth Explosive.

A huge black figure jumped into the sky suddenly.

The immortals with enough eyesight took a closer look, but it turned out to be a huge orangutan, probably a hundred meters tall, surrounded by shining golden patterns, so majestic, oh, what is he?

Just as the immortals were still in a daze, King Kong had already rushed to the bottom of the huge meteorite, and slammed hard at the meteorite with his palms outstretched.

Ah, what is he? !The hearts of the immortals couldn't help but raised their throats. Whether the gorilla was crushed by the meteorite or the meteorite was crushed by the gorilla, it would be a catastrophe for the starburst to the ground.

However, what the immortals were worried about did not happen. Visible to the naked eye, the falling speed of the meteorite slowed down linearly. Under the dumbfounded gaze of the immortals, the meteorite finally stopped completely.

Although King Kong is huge, he is not even a speck of dust compared to that huge meteorite!
King Kong held the huge meteorite in both hands and stood proudly above the Earthburst star, so incomparable.

This... this... the immortals were all dumbfounded, and thought of many possibilities, such as this meteorite would be blocked by Xuanxian's magic weapon, etc., but who would have thought that this gorilla would forcefully use both arms caught.

Is this still a human, no, is this a gorilla?
Looking at the huge meteorite that was one-thirtieth the size of the Earthburst star, the immortals of the Earthburst star were beyond shocked. Even the Profound Immortal of Body Refining, they are not so fortified!
Pushing and catching a meteorite of this size in the void is something to be said, but this is within the huge gravitational range of the Earth Explosion Star, it's a hell of a thing!

Er Wazi shook his head speechlessly, really, I'm already messed up enough, can you two stop adding to the mess.

Erwazi waved his hand casually, and blasted a small amount of fragments scattered by the meteorite due to King Kong's strong impact into powder.

However, before the immortals could catch their breath, King Kong roared again and threw the meteorite violently.

ha?The immortals stared blankly at the meteorite that flew up. At this speed, it should not be able to fly out of the atmosphere.

Sure enough, the speed of the meteorite had already reached zero after flying to a high altitude, and then began to fall again, faster and faster!
No, what's the matter!The hearts of the immortals of Earthburst Star could hardly bear it anymore.

Accompanied by a clear whistle, Kong Wuming rushed up to the sky, his palms flapped, and he slammed a palm at the meteorite, only to see a huge cyan palm facing the meteorite, and firmly received the meteorite. down.

Saved, the immortals just took a breath, who would have thought that the next moment, the giant blue palm would throw the meteorite out again.


The immortals watched with stupefied eyes as King Kong and Kong Wuming threw that huge meteorite one after another, catching it, throwing it away, catching it again, and throwing it away again...

The super-giant meteorite suddenly became a toy in the hands of King Kong and Kong Wuming, and was constantly thrown back and forth.

Many immortals have already recognized Kong Wuming. It seems that it hasn't been long since this advanced Xuanxian left the second place in the heaven list.

The same is Xuanxian, Lu Qizhong only felt a toothache and a chill on the back of his back.

Kong Wuming was already a Profound Immortal when he participated in the Fairy Fate Conference of the Four Immortals as a little boy, but the strength Kong Wuming showed now has overturned Lu Qizhong's perception of the Profound Immortal. It's so popular!
Kong Wuming and King Kong were so noisy that even the safety hole deep in the ground was greatly affected and trembled slightly.

Niu Dazhuang rolled his eyes speechlessly, you two are enough, is it easy for me to hold this boulder all the time, if it causes a collapse, I will never end with you two.

To be on the safe side, Song Jian put all the miners into the animal control bag.

Erwazi scolded a few words angrily, you two have had enough trouble!
King Kong and Kong Wuming exchanged a glance, the fire is almost ready, let's start!

King Kong roared and threw the huge meteorite out. This time the huge meteorite was extremely fast, so it shouldn't be a big problem to break out of the atmosphere.

Kong Wuming flew out of the atmosphere ahead of the meteorite, stayed in the void, watched the huge meteorite rushing towards him, and tried his best to deduce it.

It's now!Kong Wuming slammed his palm on the huge meteorite, and ejected the huge meteorite at an extremely subtle angle!
It's finally over. The immortals on the ground of Earthburst just breathed a sigh of relief, and then all of them changed their expressions. This... this is...

The gravitational force of the groundburst fluctuated again, but this time it only fluctuated a few times, and then gradually calmed down and returned to stability.

But the immortals couldn't calm down for a long time, staring blankly at the sky.

A crescent moon and a round moon are quietly reflected in the sky. It is not surprising to see it, but the Earthburst star originally only had one satellite, and the extra round moon is obviously the super huge meteorite just now.

God, what is this operation? !

Kong Wuming and that gorilla created a satellite?We are not dreaming!
Sputnik!Since ancient times, there have indeed been many great experts who have tried it, but the difficulty is beyond imagination, and there are too many aspects to consider.Even if the satellite is barely built, it will be difficult to maintain it normally. Maybe the temporarily built satellite will fall, collide, etc., causing inestimable damage, and the gain outweighs the loss!

But at this moment, the extra full moon in the sky is natural, the Earthburst star has returned to calm, and there is no interference between the two satellites. This artificial satellite is obviously very successful.

The immortals of Earthburst Star have been shocked so many times today that they are almost numb, but looking at the artificial full moon in the sky right now, they are still trembling uncontrollably, it's unbelievable!

(End of this chapter)

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