Interstellar Miner

Chapter 806 Not a single one can escape!

Chapter 806 Not a single one can escape!
Jiawei Chess Academy.

He Jiaguang declined the dean's invitation, or hired him.

The dean sighed secretly, knowing that the small Jiakai Chess Academy would not be able to retain Luo Guang, a super genius of Go. Now that Luo Guang can stay in the chess academy for a short time and accompany the teachers and students of the academy to play games, it is our chess academy's honor.While Luo Guang is still here, it would be real to play a few more games with him.

Kang Xiaomu's teacher, Yun Shishuang, played the most games against He Jiaguang among the teachers in the school. After overcoming his weaknesses, his already superb chess skills became even more proficient.It's just that even so, it's still so difficult to play against Luo Guang every time. I feel that only by making continuous progress can I barely keep up with Luo Guang's pace.

Kang Xiaomu played the most games against He Jiaguang among the students in the academy.

It's not that the other students don't want to play more games against He Jiaguang, but that they really can't keep up with He Jiaguang's pace. It's very depressing to give up in the middle of the game. If you don't make enough progress, you will rush to play against He Jiaguang. You'll just get hammered all over your head.

However, there are so many teachers and students in the Jiakai Chess Academy, even if He Jiaguang is busy with two tasks, he is still busy from morning to night every day, and there is no time for lunch.

But every night, He Jiaguang would leave Jiakui Chess Academy and go to Kangjia Village to teach Kang Tianyuan, so he could have a good rest.

Winning the next game with difficulty, Yun Shishuang breathed out lightly, looking back at the game, especially in the middle and late stages, it was really shocking every step of the way, and the slightest carelessness would result in a total loss.This is Luo Guang's double-minded game, playing chess with himself and Kang Xiaomu at the same time. If it is a serious one-on-one, Yun Shishuang has no doubt that he will be defeated.

Seeing that Kang Xiaomu's brows were furrowed, Yun Shi doubled up to look at Kang Xiaomu's chessboard, ah, the chess game is so chaotic, how did it come about?

It is said that Xiaomu's current chess strength is really improving by leaps and bounds, even if he is facing her, he has to be careful.

Kang Xiaomu tried his best, but he still couldn't see through the chaotic chess game, and he didn't lose his temper at all.

Yun Shishuang secretly clicked her tongue. She might have been kept in the dark before, but now that she has played so many games against Luo Guang, how can she not know that Luo Guang has not displayed his strength at all, but has been giving us guidance all the time? Chess, otherwise how could we have made such rapid progress.Xiaomu's cousin Tian Yuan is really lucky to be able to worship Luo Guang as his teacher.

Since Luo Guang is just a wandering chess boy right now, we don't have to ask too many questions, just have fun secretly.However, Yun Shishuang still had a lot of questions brewing in his mind, and couldn't help asking: "Luo Guang, do you think my current chess strength can challenge the Chess Academy?"

In the past, the Chess Academy was an unattainable dream in my heart, and it was enough to be able to meet a rare opponent in Jiakai Chess Academy, but now, Yun Shishuang has dreamed of the Chess Academy more than once, and it is really itchy.

The Holy Land of Chess Academy in the minds of all Go players, Kang Xiaomu was a little crazy for a while.

He Jiaguang took a look at Yun Shishuang, and said honestly, "Mr. Yun, you have almost no shortcomings in the 21th Go game. It shouldn't be a big problem to pass the exam of the Chess Academy, but just the [-]th Go is not enough, you have to go in the [-]st Go." Work hard on Go."

Is that so?Yun Shishuang nodded thoughtfully. Regardless of the fact that the 21-way Go is only two more than the 21-way Go, but the amount of deduction and calculation required has been increased by dozens of times, so the [-]-way Go is very important to the current self. It is still very difficult, the main problem is that my cultivation is still lacking a lot, if I can become a fairy, it should be enough.

Yun Shishuang looked at He Jiaguang expectantly, and asked, "Luo Guang, can you play a few rounds of 21-way Go with me when you are free?"

He Jiaguang thought for a while, but still nodded, Yun Shishuang could indeed hit the Chess Academy, and it was worth spending time on cultivating it.

Very good!Yun Shishuang looked at He Jiaguang happily, and thought to herself, Luo Guang is very low-key, if I play 21-way Go with him in front of others, it may not be very good, but Luo Guang really has no free time in the chess academy during the day, and at night It's hard to find time to teach Xiaomu's cousin, what should I do?
Or... Yun Shi looked at Kang Xiaomu emotionally, and I might as well stay at Xiaomu's house at night.In this way, there will be enough time to play chess with Luo Guang, and it is quite fast to go back and forth with his own cultivation.

Action is worse than heartbeat, Yun Shishuang directly put forward her own suggestion to Kang Xiaomu, of course, Yun Shishuang could not live in Xiaomu's house alone, of course she had to bring Xiaomu with her.

Kang Xiaomu was also very moved, so that he could play several more games with Luo Guang every day!
It doesn't matter to He Jiaguang, teaching one is teaching, teaching three is also teaching.It's just that if Yun Shishuang led a group of people forward, it would be too much time-consuming.Yun Shishuang and Kang Xiaomu should have doubted their identities long ago, so...

In the evening, the three of them who had dinner left the city together.

Yun Shishuang Shi Ran released a flying magic weapon in the shape of a swallow, and invited He Jiaguang and Kang Xiaomu to board it.

He Jiaguang waved his hand and said bluntly, "I'll do it."

Um?Yun Shishuang and Kang Xiaomu looked at He Jiaguang suspiciously, what's wrong?
He Jiaguang waved his hand casually, and the three of them were teleported to the entrance of Kangjia Village together with the swallow flying magic weapon.

This... is this... teleportation?Yun Shishuang stared at He Jiaguang in a daze, this must at least be a fairy or above!He really wasn't an ordinary chess boy, Yun Shishuang just felt that He Jiaguang was getting more and more mysterious.

Kang Xiaomu was staring blankly at the very familiar village, hey, isn't this the Kangjia Village, why did you arrive in a blink of an eye?What's happening here?
"Master, cousin, Teacher Yun." Kang Tianyuan ran over cheerfully.

Kang Tianyuan complained to He Jiaguang with a bitter face: "Master, that guy Li Chongfei is here again, he will stay at my house and won't leave." Kang Tianyuan didn't say anything, he played several rounds of chess with Li Chongfei again Three-way Go, was beaten ruthlessly, and my heart was very sad.

He Jiaguang shook his head amusedly, and they all got together, it's all right, the water will come and the earth will cover up the soldiers to block them.

As soon as he saw He Jiaguang, Li Chongfei rushed over and knelt down on the ground to pay respects, earnestly said: "Senior Luo, you are blind, young and reckless, you don't know the heights of the world, and your words have offended you. The boy is willing to serve you on both sides of the saddle."

Where is this played?Yun Shishuang and Kang Xiaomu looked at Li Chongfei suspiciously.

He Jiaguang stared at Li Chongfei whose forehead was touching the ground for a moment, and said casually: "Of course I won't argue with you, the servant will be free, I am alone, and I don't need a follower. As for Go, if you want to learn from me Let me teach you, as for how much you can comprehend, it depends on your luck."

Kang Tianyuan flattened his mouth in displeasure, this guy is very annoying.

"Thank you, senior." Li Chongfei kowtowed endlessly gratefully.

He Jiaguang waved his hand casually, lifting Li Chongfei from the ground.

Li Chongfei tidied up his appearance happily, and then he saw Yun Shishuang and Kang Xiaomu clearly, hey, these two are from Jiakai Chess Academy, right?
He Jiaguang didn't like Moji, so he immediately led a group of people into Tianyuan House, ready to start Go teaching.

It is difficult for an apprentice who is taught by hand to surpass the master. He Jiaguang's teaching is mainly based on guidance.

"Li Chongfei, Kang Xiaomu, you two play a game of chess first." He Jiaguang ordered.

Li Chongfei and Kang Xiaomu glanced at each other, and immediately started playing chess on Tianyuan's chessboard.

Seeing He Jiaguang teaching Kang Tianyuan the basics of Go, after Yun Shishuang watched for a while, he turned his attention to the game between Li Chongfei and Kang Xiaomu.

Hey, the small-purpose white chess scene is not dominant, this little boy is very good at chess.

The more Yun Shishuang watched, the more surprised he became. This little boy's chess skills are even stronger than Xiaomu's.

Li Chongfei was also surprised by Kang Xiaomu's chess ability. She didn't play in the Youth Go Competition held in the county as a representative player of Jiakai Chess Academy, but she felt that her chess ability was not inferior to the players of Jiakai Chess Academy.

Li Chongfei and Kang Xiaomu refused to give in to each other, and the more they fought, the more courageous they became. Bai Zi and Hei Zi were inseparable for a while.

He Jiaguang was teaching Kang Tianyuan when he suddenly received a message from Taoist Mai Xia.

Ah Guang, the Four Immortals Sect was suddenly blocked. Do you know what happened?
He Jiaguang couldn't help being taken aback, what the hell?Blockade?so serious?What happened, I haven't heard any news from here!
The blockade of the whole territory is no joke, He Jiaguang asked Tian Yuan to study by himself first, walked out of the house, and paced back and forth in the yard.

It's really going to war, it's impossible for Master and the others not to inform our senior brothers, suddenly the whole area is blocked, and I still got the news from Mai Xia, which is quite weird.

He Jiaguang's figure suddenly stopped, it must be that something happened to the Earth Explosion Star!

No way, Brother Erwazi, Kong Wuming, and Brother King Kong were sitting in the town together on Earth Explosion Star, and the miners were also given food and water in time, and they were all rescued just waiting for the rescue team to open a safe passage.

The message He Jiaguang sent to his brothers finally got a reply, but he only knew that the order to block the whole territory was issued by Senior Brother Tie Dan, but Senior Brother Tie Dan did not issue other special orders, and the senior brothers were also touched by Monk Zhang Er. No brains.

What exactly happened here?He Jiaguang inquired about the latest news of Earth Explosion Star, but there was no new news about me.

This... This is very wrong!Could it be that something happened to Earthburst?
He Jiaguang couldn't make random guesses for a while, so he could only patiently wait for the latest news with his brothers.

Earthburst, safe hole.

Xiaoyun squinted his eyes, studied for a while the black mist wrapped around the silver needle, and said, "The rare neurotoxin has limited effect on immortals, but it is lore to mortals."

Mo Xuan nodded his head ponderously, took a deep breath, and recounted everything that happened in the safety cave this month.Although I didn't get any useful information, I still feel very relieved to see what Niu Dazhuang has done for the miners.

Mo Xuan walked up to Niu Dazhuang, patted Niu Dazhuang on the shoulder lightly, and said in relief, "Dazhuang, this is not your fault alone, we are all at fault. People cannot be resurrected after death, so mourn. "

"Master." Niu Dazhuo choked up, weeping uncontrollably.

Mo Xuan glared at Niu Dazhang, crying and crying, what a manly man, even if the sky falls, he has to grit his teeth and hold on!

Niu Dazhuang forcibly stopped his tears, but his body was still trembling uncontrollably. The boulder was shaking, and the safety hole was trembling along with it.

Xiaoyun released an exquisite magic weapon, flew to the bottom of the boulder, and gently supported the boulder.

Xiaoyun casually released another magic weapon to stabilize the safety hole.

Niu Dazhuang held up the boulder for so many days. In order to keep the boulder still, his body has been kept stiff. At this moment, his muscles have become rigid, and his whole body is extremely sore.

The bull-shaped wooden man generally managed to lower his raised arms bit by bit.

Niu Dazhuang gritted his teeth and slowly moved in front of Xiaoyun, took the animal control bag, took a deep breath, and inserted his divine sense into it.

Looking at the miners who had become wood carvings and didn't know what happened until they died, their hearts were bleeding.

During the month of being trapped, everyone depended on each other for life and death, and they were about to be saved, but...

Dali, I still couldn't protect you after all!
I will never repay the meal I owe to the big guy!

Niu Dazhuang really wanted to roar up to the sky and vent hysterically, but he also knew that he must calm down at this time.

Niu Dazhang looked at Mo Xuan and Xiao Yun resolutely, Master and Mistress, we must uphold justice for the big guy who died in vain!Blood debt must be paid with blood!

Mo Xuan patted Niu Daxing's shoulder hard, don't worry, none of them can escape!
(End of this chapter)

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