Interstellar Miner

Chapter 807 Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng

Chapter 807 Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng

Mo Xuan and his group returned to the ground in a low-key manner.

Although it was almost impossible for Song Jian to have the motive and possibility of committing the crime, he could not completely rule out the suspicion after all, so he was ordered by Mo Xuan to stay in the safe cave and continue to point out the direction for the rescue team.

If the opponent hiding in the dark wants to put the miners to death, Song Jian's line alone is not safe enough, and there should be other backers, but there is no clue yet, what Mo Xuan wants is the revealing feet of the opponent at the moment of action .

Xiaoyun has already set up a teleportation array in the safe cave, ready to respond at any time.

Mo Que'er, Kong Ling and Huali have teamed up to add a lot of blockade formations to Zhang Qinxin's previously arranged formations.

Xiaoyun glanced a few times, and waved his hand to make up hundreds more, so that the Earth Explosion Star was blocked layer upon layer, densely.

A group of people met in a small tent in a secluded valley in Earthburst.

Kong Wuming and King Kong drooped their heads and huddled in a corner of the tent in despair, really shameless to face their master, wife and brothers.

Mo Xuan glanced at the two of them, and scolded, "It's outrageous, stand at attention."

Kong Wuming and King Kong immediately raised their heads and stood upright.

Mo Xuan said: "Although it is a mistake for you two to fiddle with artificial satellites, but because of this unexpected incident, the opponent showed his feet in advance, so we can intervene in time."

Is that so?Kong Wuming and King Kong blinked, and felt much better. Seeing Niu Daxing's whole body stiff and red eyes, it was obvious that comfort and care were more needed at this time.

The two hurried to Niu Dazhuang's side, helped him beat his back and rubbed his shoulders, and tried to comfort him.

Although Niu Daxiang forced a smile on his face, it was so bitter. He was too negligent, and thought that things were just like that. Who ever thought that it was far more complicated than he imagined.

In this small private tent, Mo Xuan shared the known information with everyone.

Erwazi and Zhang Qin looked at each other suspiciously, the opponent's actions were so secretive, and he managed to kill him right under our noses, it must be organized and premeditated, and he was ruthless!

Seeing that Mo Xuan has been reluctant to mention it, Kong Ling spoke on his behalf: "Although there are not many clues about this incident, it is almost certain." Kong Ling looked around and continued, "It was leaked by the insiders of our Four Immortals Sect. information."

Erwazi and Zhang Qin already knew it well, and sighed secretly.

Insiders?Kong Wuming and King Kong were taken aback, and looked at each other in astonishment, what kind of insider is this insider?Why!The ones who know about the earthburst... aren't we the only brothers? !

No way!Perhaps some senior brother accidentally slipped his mouth and was known by the opponent hiding in the dark, it should be like this!
For so many years, everyone has been happy together and helped each other in the same boat. Kong Wuming and King Kong really don't want any senior brother to have a problem. This is not a small problem. Maybe it will be...

Niu Dazhang pursed his lips, gritted his teeth secretly, if it was true, then I would not recognize such a brother!

"It is not yet possible to confirm who it is, so don't talk too much." Kong Ling focused on Kong Wuming and King Kong.

Kong Wuming and King Kong really wanted to keep the friendship between their brothers and sisters, but they also knew the seriousness of this matter, so they nodded cautiously.

Although Kong Ling didn't say it clearly, the range of suspects is actually very small.

Tiedan and Erwazi, disciples of the first level of time and space, can be said to have been brought up by Mo Xuan. I dare not say for sure, but there is no major change, and it is impossible to betray.Even if they want to find another way out in the future, they will at least say hello first.

Niu Dazhuang, the person directly involved, might have been a little suspicious at first, but Xuan has already proved his innocence.

Kong Wuming and King Kong were just a little bit naughty, and they would hardly be suspected.

Then the only suspects left are the disciples of the fourth layer of time and space. Unlike Tiedan and the others, they almost all joined the Four Immortals with considerable cultivation and have their own family backgrounds.

Although we have investigated their previous details, after all, we did not delve into it. We just wanted to treat each other sincerely, so the disciples would naturally have nothing to do.

But who ever thought, we are still too naive.

It would be fine if it was just Infernal Affairs, but now it seems that the matter is quite serious.

Mo Xuan was a little upset, and walked out of the tent to get some air.

Xiaoyun followed and reminded Mo Xuan: "Xuan, don't you want to soften your heart?"

Mo Xuan was silent for a moment, then replied: "No."

That's good, Xiao Yun nodded and returned to the tent.

Mo Xuan secretly smiled wryly, he had always hated conspiracies and tricks, but conspiracies and tricks always followed him everywhere, and he couldn't avoid them at all.

Forget it, early detection is much better than late detection, at least the loss can be minimized.

Song Jian's animal control bag was tampered with, so it can be said that there is no trace and no trace can be found. However, in the face of Mo Xuan's supernatural power of going back in time, there is no way to hide any trace of crime.

Mo Xuan started to investigate directly from the moment the rescue team arrived at the Earthburst. If they still couldn't find it, they followed Song Jian's pace and traced back until the moment Song Jian's beast bag was tampered with.

It didn't need to be so troublesome, and Mo Xuan quickly found the guy who did the trick. He was dressed professionally as a person transporting excavation and rescue tools.

Song Jian was so busy at that time that he had to come up with a safe enough rescue plan at the first time, so he was taken advantage of, and was stabbed in the waist by the needle that the guy swung under the cover of raising his hand to wipe his sweat. The animal control bag.

Mo Xuan went back several times and checked from multiple angles. The needle should be a one-time magic weapon that was carefully refined, and it was carried silently without leaving any traces.

Mo Xuan smiled coldly, followed that guy directly to a camp, and saw that the guy changed three identities successively, changed three camps, and now he is a chef who is very popular among miners, but he is hiding enough deep.

Mo Xuan checked all the actions of this guy after he arrived at Earthburst, and there was no other suspicious behavior except for the black hands. He should have received the order before he came to Earthburst.As for whether this guy has an accomplice, Mo Xuan is still not sure yet.

So Mo Xuan didn't startle the snake, and ordered Kong Wuming to find out the details of that guy.

The responsibility was heavy, and Kong Wuming put his heart into it. He turned into a rough miner and perfectly integrated into the camp.

"What's the matter? It's been off for a few days, why are you still not allowed to go to work? There is only one mine accident, so there is no need to shut down all the mines!" Kong Wuming complained loudly, successfully attracting The guy's attention.

"What's the fuss, you're going to need a penny of your wages, you're not willing to let you rest and get your wages for nothing. If you keep yelling, don't blame me for locking you up in a small dark room." Earthburst Star's security guard scolded road.

Kong Wuming curled his lips, sat back helplessly, and complained in a low voice: "My body is going to rust if it goes on like this."

In a flash, it was time for dinner.

"Master Zhang, you can open a restaurant with your skills."

"It's really delicious."

"It was delicious."

"Master Zhang, do you accept apprentices?"


Kong Wuming also had a taste of that guy's culinary skills, and it was really good. It doesn't look like this guy is versatile, but it's a pity that he has embarked on a road of no return.

Kong Wuming praised loudly: "I have heard that there is a master Zhang in this camp who cooks delicious meals. I thought it was bragging, but it turned out to be true."

Kong Wuming directly gave that guy a thumbs up, bull.

Master Zhang smiled gently, and nodded slightly to Kong Wuming.

Not long after lunch, some staff came to the camp to announce the good news: "The rescue operation was a success. It will take one day at the latest, and the trapped miners will be rescued."

"Great, I can finally go to work." Kong Wuming cheered and jumped up, but was blinded by many eyes.

Kong Wuming scratched his head foolishly, smiled and sat back.

Although Master Zhang concealed it well, Kong Wuming, who was being observed carefully, noticed something strange.

Although Song Jian's animal control bag was passive, the opponent could not be sure whether there was a magic weapon around Niu Daxiang, and Song Jian's animal control bag might not be used.

Right now, what we are painstakingly creating is the illusion that the miners in the safety cave are still alive and well. The master has carefully selected [-] miners, and used them as a drill to conduct emergency training, so that it will be convenient to stage a fake show at that time. !
The staff said that in order to welcome the 83 miners who escaped from trouble, the Four Immortals had prepared a series of activities, and everyone could watch the live broadcast.

The first item is the welcome ceremony, which requires the selection of miner representatives.One is public nomination, and there are only five places in one camp; the other is lottery, which also has five places, and everyone has a chance.

Kong Wuming yelled loudly: "I, I, I, I want to be a representative, everyone nominate me!"

The results of the public recommendation came out soon, Kong Wuming was of course not on the list, but the very popular Master Zhang was on the list.

The next step was to draw lots, and Kong Wuming naturally became one of the lucky ones.

"Hahaha, my luck is good." Kong Wuming was triumphant, which attracted a lot of envy and jealousy.

The staff led ten representatives to a new camp, and ten people were assigned to the same tent.

Kong Wuming established a good relationship with the nine representatives, and he was especially warm to Master Zhang.

Finally got the definite news that the rescue brigade has just opened up the safe channel and is doing the final reinforcement.

At the same time, the camps began to broadcast the live rescue pictures of the rescue brigade, and everyone was looking forward to it.

Representatives of the miners lined up on the main square, ready to welcome the miners back safely.

"I'm so nervous." Kong Wuming rubbed his hands restlessly.

"It's good to be normal." Master Zhang reassured.

Kong Wuming grinned, nodded, and watched the live broadcast with the big guys.

All is ready except for the opportunity!
(End of this chapter)

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