Chapter 808
Mo Xuan stood on the top of the steep mountain with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the full moon created by Kong Wuming and King Kong.

A smile appeared on Mo Xuan's stern face, which was really subtle. The actions of the two little ones were equivalent to adding a long-lasting natural barrier to the Earthburst.However, there is still a little flaw. After about 20 years, the two satellites will interfere with each other, seriously affecting the gravitational system of the Earthburst star, and causing considerable damage to the ecosystem.

Mo Xuan tapped lightly on the full moon, and made a slight adjustment to its orbit.

Soon Mo Xuan sensed a grand divine mind gently entangled him, which was the projection of Earthburst's will.

The previous star explosion suddenly had an extra satellite to defend itself. Although I was very happy, I always felt a little uncomfortable, as if I was lying down and sleeping, but there was a small stone under my body. No matter how I slept, I felt uncomfortable. Uncomfortable, but Mo Xuan's light touch, the small stone bullet flew away, Earth Explosion Star only felt comfortable all over, no matter how comfortable he was lying down.Earthburst made a special trip to project his will to thank Mo Xuan for his kindness.

"You're welcome." Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and briefly communicated with the will of Earth Explosion Star, which was a very novel feeling.

Earthburst is a collection of countless lives, and its will is quite heterogeneous, as if there are many voices speaking in the mind at the same time, and it is easy to get dizzy after communicating for a long time.

Mo Xuan was in a better mood, and continued to do business, investigating the starburst governor Lu Qizhong.

Lu Qizhong thought himself to be perfect, but in front of Mo Xuan's supernatural power of going back in time, his crime of participating in the mining accident for personal gain could not be concealed at all.

As the governor of one side, instead of being diligent and doing his best to benefit one side, he actually did such a heinous thing like disregarding human life and enriching his own pockets, Mo Xuan hated it so much.

It's just that it is still unclear whether Lu Qizhong is directly related to the silence of the 82 miners, so Mo Xuan did not move Lu Qizhong for the time being, but asked Erwazi to lift Lu Qizhong's ban, and invited him to participate in the next round Series of celebrations.

Lu Yuzhong was still a little nervous at first, but fortunately his hands and feet were always clean, Erwazi couldn't find anything practical even if he wanted to check, hehe, now the rain is finally over, and when the limelight passes, he can still thrive water rises.

What?Those 83 miners didn't die?Lu Qizhong, who just got the first-hand news, was taken aback. What's going on?It shouldn't be!Lu Qizhong was secretly anxious. He had been banned in the governor's mansion for so many days, completely isolated from the outside world, and he didn't know anything.

Lu Qizhong was even more surprised why Erwazi rescued those miners with such fanfare and thankless effort. Could it be that there were some big shots mixed in among the miners?

Although it was unbelievable, but thinking that the group of miners survived, Lu Qizhong felt that it was quite possible.

This is how to do?If those miners are rescued, then the confidentiality agreement signed in advance will be exposed!

Lu Qizhong was wandering around like ants on a hot pot, and now Erwazi was sitting on the ground, and if he made a rash move to expose himself, he would never be able to get away with it.

Anyway, it is impossible to have real evidence to prove that he was involved in it. Even if he was convicted, he would be demoted by two levels at most.

Lu Yizhong settled down, and the old god actively participated in the preparations for the next series of celebrations on the ground.

Mo Xuan was a little disappointed. He thought that he could find some useful information from Lu Qizhong. Now it seems that the secret opponent just fell in love with Lu Qizhong's greedy nature of eager for quick success. At best, Lu Qizhong is an ignorant Just a marionette.

"Oh, boy Xuan, you can make it easy for the old man to find it." A tattered and dirty old beggar appeared beside Mo Xuan, muttering and complaining, "What are you Four Immortals going to do? "

Mo Xuan bowed to the old man, didn't say anything, but handed the animal bag containing the remains of 82 miners to the old man with both hands.

The old man Qingyu took the animal control bag in doubt, looked at it, his face sank, and he asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Mo Xuan explained the matter briefly.

It turned out that this was the case, the old man Qingyu gritted his teeth, although he repeatedly ordered the immortals to strictly prohibit interfering with the mortal world, but how many forces can really do this?How many mortals can straighten their backs when they face the lofty immortals?

Old Master Qingyu sighed, nodded to Mo Xuan, and sighed: "The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant's nest, what should be investigated, what should be done, just don't go too far."

Mo Xuan nodded solemnly and said, "I know."

"You're busy." Old Master Qingyu waved his hand, found a hilltop at random, sat down on the ground, took out a jug of wine and drank.

Hey, this full a bit interesting, Mr. Qingyu smacked his lips, his eyes were burning, and he had a panoramic view of everything about the Earth Explosion Star.

Mo Xuan and his party continued to plan meticulously, and finally reached the last moment.

Underground safety hole.

Mo Xuan, who turned into Fang Dali, clapped his hands and cheered up the extras: "Everyone, don't be nervous, we have rehearsed enough, this exercise must be fine."

But the extras are unavoidably a little nervous. After all, we are just ordinary miners who have been selected out of nowhere. What kind of exercises are we going to do? Is this necessary?

Many extras felt that the miners above who were afraid of being trapped might say something unpleasant, so they replaced us.

Forget it, don't think too much about it, whether it's a drill or an act, as long as we don't make any trouble, we can have an extremely generous salary, and that's enough.

Xiao Yun turned into an old miner, silently making the final arrangements.

Everything was ready, and Mo Xuan, Xiao Yun and the miners were put into the animal control bag that Niu Dazhuang carried with him.

The live rescue live broadcast officially started.

The miners of Earthburst are all looking forward to it.

I saw the rescue team carefully opened the safety hole and got into the somewhat dim safety hole.

Hey, didn't it belong to 83 miners, why only two people?Wow, no way, the roof of the safety hole has been completely smashed through!

The miners who watched the live broadcast were exclaimed.

Master Zhang squinted his eyes, stared at the conspicuous animal control bag on Niu Dazhuang's waist, and then stared at the precision magic weapon resting on the bottom of the boulder.

The rescue meeting immediately stabilized the gap in the safety hole and its vicinity, and nodded to Niu Dazhuang and Song Jian, saying that it was all right.

With a light wave of his hand, Niu Dazhuang released the miners from the animal harness bag.

The audience exclaimed again, wow, there are so many more people at once. These are the trapped miners. Although they look dirty, they are still in good spirits.

"Great!" "We're saved."... The extras quickly entered their roles, cheering and celebrating.Those with good acting skills should show more performance, and those with bad acting skills should talk less and smile more.

Song Jian said professionally: "Everyone, don't get too excited and keep calm. The next step is to transport everyone to the surface by a monorail rescue vehicle. There may be some shaking during the transportation process. This is a normal phenomenon. Everyone Don't be nervous. Next, please line up and get into the rescue vehicle one by one."

A team member immediately released a two-meter-long solid and lightweight cylindrical cabin, opened the hatch, and people could stand upright inside.

The rescue vehicle is formed by splicing the cylindrical cabins one by one, and it can be easily used in a small space.

It looks a bit like a coffin, the miners hesitated for a while when they looked at me and I looked at you.

"I'm the first." Fang Dali, played by Mo Xuan, stood up without hesitation, and was the first to step in.

The rescue team closed the upper cabin door, gently stuffed the cylindrical cabin into the safe passage, and released another section of the cylindrical cabin.

The miners boarded the rescue vehicle one by one, and the old miner played by Xiaoyun was the last one to board the rescue vehicle.

Song Jian looked at Niu Dazhuang.

Niu Dazhuang shook his head slightly and said, "Let the miners go up first, and I will go up with you later."

Song Jian responded and ordered the members of the rescue brigade to transport the miners out safely.

The following live broadcast screen followed the members of the rescue brigade into the rescue vehicle. The screen was a bit monotonous, but you could feel the slight shaking of the rescue vehicle as it moved forward.

The audience waited anxiously. It felt like a long time, probably because it was too deep underground.

Suddenly, the live broadcast screen was cut off and turned into snowflakes.

What's wrong?Could something be wrong?The audience looked at the screen anxiously.

Lu Qizhong hurriedly came forward to smooth things over: "Everyone, don't worry, it should just be that the live broadcast signal has been disturbed, and it will return to normal later."

Lu Qizhong looked at Erwazi inquiringly, what's going on?

Erwazi frowned and shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

Lu Qizhong thought to himself, could it be that there was an accident in the safe passage? If this is the case, it can only be said that those miners must have been hit, which is a good thing for him, and there is no proof of death.

The audience watched the continuous snowflakes, and they inevitably had doubts in their hearts, but right now they could only wait patiently.

Master Zhang blinked, it should be the organization's usual dark hands.

The snowflake picture continued, making the audience worry.

Finally, the picture changed. The stripes went on and off for a while, and finally returned to normal. It was still the picture inside the rescue vehicle.

Great, it seems that the signal was really disturbed, and the audience secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Hey, Master Zhang's eyes twitched slightly, did he fail?

Finally, the rescue vehicles reached the surface, lined up, and the hatches opened one by one.

Mo Xuan was the first to get out of the cabin door, exhaled heavily, looked up at the blue sky, and couldn't help raising his arms and shouting.

The extras also shouted, great, we are saved!

Not to mention, there was a sudden violent shaking on the way just now, although it quickly calmed down, we were really scared to pee.After all, I arrived on the ground safely, and I really felt the real feeling of escaping from the sky, not all acting.

Oops, shouldn't this so-called exercise be for us to test whether the rescue vehicle is safe?

On the square, under the instructions of the team leader, the welcome brigade composed of tens of thousands of miner representatives began to shout warmly to welcome the safe return of the compatriots.

It's just a pity that the extras on the stage couldn't see or hear the eager cheers of the miners' representatives in the audience, and they just thought they were practicing in front of the empty square.

Next, Erwazi and Lu Qizhong greeted the miners cordially and said many words of comfort.

And the carefully selected extras spoke a few words of gratitude to the Four Immortals according to the previous rehearsal.

Erwazi ended the grand welcoming ceremony with empathy, and arranged for the newly rescued miners to take a good bath and sleep in a special tent.

The grand welcome ceremony ends here.

Soon, Song Jian and Niu Dazhuang returned to the surface in a low-key manner.

Subsequently, the complete blockade of Earthburst was also lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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