Interstellar Miner

Chapter 809 1 pot end

Chapter 809
The rescue operation was successfully completed, and the miners who had been suspended for a long time returned to the mines in an orderly manner, ready to start work.

Earthburst seems to have calmed down, but in fact it is still undercurrent.

The trapped miners rested in the outer area of ​​the tent, and Kong Wuming called to Master Zhang who was carrying a lunch box: "Hey, Master Zhang, where are you going?"

Master Zhang replied with a smile: "Er Hu, I made some cakes, and I want to give them to the miners who have escaped difficulties. It is also a little bit of my heart."

Kong Wuming nodded and praised: "Master Zhang, you are really kind. I really hope you can come to our mine, so that I can taste your craftsmanship every day, but unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't have this chance."

Master Zhang smiled and continued to walk towards the tent.

"Hey, Master Zhang, don't rush to leave."

Master Zhang looked at Kong Wuming suspiciously, smiled happily, opened the lunch box to reveal the pastries inside, and said, "Only one piece is allowed."

Kong Wuming chuckled, walked over to pick up a piece of pastry, looked at it carefully, and said, "Hey, it doesn't seem to be poisoned."

Master Zhang was stunned for a moment, and said in astonishment: "Er Hu, what are you talking about! This joke can't be messed up!"

Kong Wuming raised his head to stare at Master Zhang, and said solemnly: "My master has a few words to ask you, come with me."

What?Master Zhang took a step back alertly, stared at Kong Wuming in surprise, and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Kong Wuming was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly reached out to Master Zhang.

Master Zhang's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly dodged back. At this moment, he couldn't care less about hiding his strength. The senior Tianxian's cultivation level exploded, and he was about to rush out of the atmosphere and escape from Earthburst.

However, as soon as Master Zhang thought about it, Kong Wuming's right hand was already on his shoulder.Master Zhang froze and couldn't move an inch.

Master Zhang looked at Kong Wuming in amazement, never would have thought that this stupid and vulgar miner would have such a terrifying cultivation base, he himself, who is a senior heavenly cultivation base, has no strength to fight back!

What's going on here? Obviously, this person is deliberately approaching him, but there is no reason, and it is impossible. Obviously, his hands and feet are so clean, and there is no trace at all.But now that he has become a prisoner, Master Zhang really can't figure out where he made an omission.

Kong Wuming escorted Master Zhang and walked into the tent.

Master Zhang's pupils shrank suddenly, the tent was not like a miners' dormitory at all, but a prison!
This...this is...Master Zhang was beating a drum in his heart, looking in horror at the detainees in each cell, some he knew, some he didn't know, some had been tortured, and some hadn't been tortured yet. .

Kong Wuming directly escorted Master Zhang to the lobby.

Seeing the person sitting on the grand teacher's chair in the lobby, Master Zhang went limp at once, trembling, turned out to be Hua'an's powerful deity!This... Damn!

Kong Wuming held Master Zhang in his hands, keeping him in a kneeling position.

"Are you here?" Mo Xuan said gently.

At first, Master Zhang thought that Mo Xuan was talking to the person who was escorting him, but when he saw Mo Xuan staring at him, he realized that Hua An Da Neng was talking to him, with gentle words like the elder brother next door. In Master Zhang's ears, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Master Zhang swallowed his saliva with great difficulty, stared blankly at Mo Xuan, unable to utter a word.

Mo Xuan asked gently: "Tell me, why did you tamper with Song Jian's animal control bag?"

There was still a little luck in Master Zhang's heart, but when he heard this sentence, he just felt that the sky was falling and the earth was falling, it was over!
Kong Wuming tightened his right hand, Master asked you something, there was a crisp sound, and the lute bone of Master Zhang's left shoulder was directly crushed.

Beads of sweat quickly covered Master Zhang's distorted face. Enduring the severe pain, Master Zhang still said stiffly, "I don't know anything."

Mo Xuan continued to ask: "Is it your own idea, or the meaning of the above?"

Master Zhang gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Mo Xuan sighed: "Then do you know that if you do that, it is very likely to kill those 82 miners? This time you came to deliver food, you are also planning to silence them."

Master Zhang still didn't say a word.

Mo Xuan shook his head slightly, sighed, "I've already given you a chance."

Master Zhang just smiled bleakly.

"Cut, you stubborn guy." Xiao Yun walked into the lobby with a cold snort.

Kong Ling, Moqueer, and Huali followed closely behind.

Seeing the girls, Master Zhang couldn't help but let out a groan, the four masters of the Four Immortals Sect were all present, and he really didn't feel wronged at all!

What is the identity of that person in the safe hole, and all the four masters of the Four Immortals can be mobilized? This is too exaggerated!

Xiao Yun said to Mo Xuan, "Leave it to me."

Mo Xuan glanced at Master Zhang, nodded, and left it to you.

Xiaoyun gave Kong Wuming a look.

Kong Wuming immediately escorted Master Zhang and followed Xiaoyun to the torture room.

Seeing Master Zhang, Niu Dazhuang couldn't help but say that he rushed up and punched and kicked, damn it!
Xiaoyun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, when I'm done, I can do whatever you want."

Niu Dazhuang then withdrew his hand, snorted coldly, and bound Master Zhang to the torture tool together with King Kong.

Master Zhang took a look at Kong Wuming, who was standing with Niu Dazhuang and King Kong, and then thought of his previous words about master, he had already guessed Kong Wuming's identity.Unexpectedly, it was the super genius of the Four Immortals who personally arrested me, and this time I died well.

Xiaoyun said bluntly to Master Zhang: "I know you are very hard-spoken, and torture has no effect on you, but we are short on time here, and we don't have time to chat with you slowly. Either you confess yourself, or I directly confess to you. Search the soul to find the answer I want to know."

Hearing the word search for soul, Master Zhang twitched his cheeks, he was very afraid, but the terror of the organization made him feel trembling from the bottom of his heart. The consequences of betraying the organization are something he can't bear anyway, so... I just want to die !
Seeing Master Zhang's decisive expression, Xiaoyun smiled coldly and said, "I know that you all have restraints in your brains, and a forced soul search will directly detonate the restraints. That's what happened to the two guys who wanted to detonate the underground to cause a collapse accident. Abolished, but it doesn't matter, I have almost mastered this kind of restriction."

Master Zhang didn't make any expression, he just thought that Xiaoyun was bluffing himself.

Forget it, this kind of guy is not worthy of sympathy, Xiaoyun directly pressed the top of Master Zhang's head with his right hand.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Yun walked into the lobby with a sneer while wiping her hands delicately with a handkerchief.

how?Mo Xuan and his party looked at Xiao Yun inquiringly.

Xiao Yun said indifferently: "This guy is hardly a fish, and he knows some things. Our opponent is the organization called 'Darkness'."

'Dark'?Mo Xuan and his party exchanged glances, but they heard old master Qingyu mention that in the dark world of the fourth layer of time and space, the Tianxia Cuisine Association is recognized as the big brother, and this "darkness" is that the Tianxia Cuisine Association was besieged by various forces and had to hide. It has risen quietly from time to time, and has been hiding in the dark and growing continuously.

No one knows how far the 'darkness' has developed. Even if it's not as big as Big Brother Datianxia Food Club, it probably won't be too far behind.

Mo Xuan snorted coldly, "Darkness" will keep an eye on the Four Immortals, we are not surprised, but this time "Darkness" went against the grain and wiped out all the 82 miners who could have been saved. This has already touched our bottom line!
The purpose of Mo Xuan letting his disciples practice as mortals is just to dig out some big and small moths hidden in the dark place of the Four Immortals, but who would have thought that they accidentally discovered a cancerous tumor!
Although moths are annoying, they are irrelevant after all, while cancerous tumors are too harmful. If left unchecked, the entire Four Immortals Sect may be involved!

The Four Immortals Sect is in the midst of a thousand-year catastrophe, and if one is not careful, a large piece will be swallowed by the "darkness"!

Fortunately, we discovered the existence of the cancer in time, and we had enough courage to completely remove it!
Starting from the Earth Explosive Star, the news sent by Master Zhang and others has already shuttled back and forth between the various sites within the Four Immortals Sect, going through a complete back and forth.

The time was ripe, Mo Xuan stood up, and said decisively: "Anyone who is 'secretly' placed in the Four Immortals Sect must not be let go, and all of them should be arrested and controlled."


The Expedition strategic ship quickly shuttled through the area of ​​the Four Immortals at a speed far exceeding that of 'Darkness', and directly eliminated the strongholds, dark lines, spies, and Infernal Affairs that 'Darkness' had placed in the Four Immortals!
The terrifying execution efficiency displayed by Mo Xuan and his party made it impossible for 'Dark', who possessed an extremely large information network, to react in time.

Now that he has decided not to let any one go, Xiaoyun will no longer show mercy, and will search for the souls of the captured "dark" leaders one by one. As long as they are closely related to "dark", all of them will be imprisoned first; Those who have contacts are also established as key surveillance objects, and they are not given the opportunity to make trouble.

What we want is a real one-pot!

"Darkness" is "darkness" after all, deeply rooted, Mo Xuan and his party are fast enough, but the dark hands arranged by "Darkness" still noticed something strange, the daily contact that should have been cut off suddenly, and there were far more than one place , which explains the problem very well.

The dark hand immediately reported this abnormal situation to the "dark" branch, and the branch hurriedly reported to the headquarters.

The ethereal 'dark' headquarters.

The ten elders attach great importance to the anomalies that occurred within the Four Immortals Sect. We "secretly" prepared for so many years to take advantage of the Ten Thousand Years of Calamity of the Four Immortals Sect and quietly laid a huge net in the Four Immortals Sect. Impossible to be wiped out.

"Darkness" still has this confidence.

The ten elders analyzed together that the loss of contact between the ministries may be related to the sudden blockade of the Four Immortals. They are more concerned about why the Four Immortals suddenly wanted to block the entire territory, and what happened?How will it affect our big plan to devour the Four Immortals?
No matter how violent the Four Immortals Sect is, the ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking, the headquarters of the Four Immortals Sect, where Tie Dan sits, remains as still as a mountain.

The disciples of the first generation of the Four Immortals also received the urgent summoning order issued by Mo Xuan, and hurried back to the headquarters of the Four Immortals.

He has been busy all the time, presiding over the big and small matters of the Four Immortals Sect, and now he is suddenly idle, and the eldest grandson An Cheng is really not used to it.The Four Immortals Sect is so chaotic right now, even if the eldest grandson Ancheng wants to meditate to pass the time, he can't sit still.

The eldest grandson Ancheng received a message that an elder of the family had passed away suddenly.

Um?The eldest grandson Ancheng frowned, and immediately left the residence, rushed to the mooring tower, and flew into the sky in his private warship.

The Four Immortals Sect is currently under blockade, and the base camp of the Four Immortals Sect is even more densely blocked. The warship of Changsun Ancheng was quickly intercepted by a fleet.

"It's me." The eldest grandson An Cheng revealed his face.

The captain of the fleet looked at the eldest grandson Ancheng in embarrassment, bowed and said: "Master Changsun, Lord Tie Dan has already ordered that no one is allowed to enter or leave without his permission."

The eldest grandson Ancheng rolled his eyes and said with a sneer: "Could it be that my master and the others need Tie Dan's permission to enter and leave?"

The captain smiled wryly, Lord Sovereign and the others are of course free to come and go, but right now Lord Tie Dan is the master after all, so don't make things difficult for us.

"I'll greet Master and the others myself, I don't need to worry about Tiedan, and don't cause trouble for yourself." The grandson Ancheng snorted coldly, and flew into the sky in the battleship.

After all, the captain of the fleet didn't dare to stop the eldest grandson Ancheng, but he didn't dare to hide it from Tie Dan, and reported to Tie Dan immediately.

Tie Dan just replied with "Got it", nothing else.

The captain sighed secretly. This time, Tie Dan took over the position of the eldest grandson Ancheng. There was a lot of discussion in the headquarters of the Four Immortals. They felt that Tie Dan's replacement might not be for a while, but would last forever. That's right, with Mr. Tie Dan's With ability, his status in the Four Immortals Sect will only get higher and higher. Although Lord Changsun Ancheng is very powerful, he is not as powerful as Lord Tiedan after all.It is understandable that the eldest grandson Ancheng is unhappy.

It's better for us to be less involved in this kind of game between high-level officials.

(End of this chapter)

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