Interstellar Miner

Chapter 810 Depends on life and death

Chapter 810 Depends on life and death
"Master, why are you so sad? Did you get bullied in the chess academy?" Kang Tianyuan looked at He Jiaguang with concern.

He Jiaguang shook his head amusedly, patted Kang Tianyuan's head, and said, "Don't think about it, I'm doing very well in the chess academy, I'm just thinking about something on my mind."

Kang Tianyuan asked curiously, "What's on your mind? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

He Jiaguang shook his head slightly, and said: "You are still young, this is an adult's business, you just need to study Go hard."

Kang Tianyuan flattened his mouth, I'm actually growing up soon, and the things that can make adults worry about it are probably love between men and women.

Kang Tianyuan took a peek at his cousin, and said in a low voice, "Master, have you taken a fancy to my cousin? It's okay, I'll help you find a matchmaker, and my cousin will definitely agree."

He Jiaguang nodded angrily to Kang Tianyuan's forehead, you little brat, what are you thinking.

Hey, isn't it my cousin?Kang Tianyuan rolled his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Then, Master, you have taken a fancy to my cousin's teacher?"

Although Yun Shishuang pretended not to hear, her ears turned red all of a sudden.

"Is your skin itchy?" He Jiaguang glared at Kang Tianyuan.

Kang Tianyuan shrank his neck in fright, stopped gossiping, and immersed himself in studying the chess game, and soon became intoxicated by it.

On the other side, Kang Xiaomu and Li Chongfei are on the right track, playing at least three games every night.

At first, Li Chongfei was able to overwhelm Kang Xiaomu by a head, but gradually he couldn't hold back, and now it's almost [-]-[-].

One is that Kang Xiaomu has made rapid progress, and the other is that Kang Xiaomu has already become familiar with the routines of soaring.

Li Chongfei also showed no sign of weakness and made rapid progress.

Yun Shishuang officially began to study 21-way Go, but it can only be said that everything is difficult at the beginning.On the 21th-way Go, Yun Shishuang can still interact with He Jiaguang, but the [-]-way Go can only be unilaterally hammered.

Yun Shishuang can only continue to improve herself step by step.

Kangjia Village is still the same, and has not been affected by the blockade of the whole territory of the Four Immortals, but He Jiaguang has to pay attention, and finally waited for the latest news from the Earth Explosion Star.

Niu Dajun and the miners were all safely out of trouble, and the blockade of the Earthburst Star had been lifted, He Jiaguang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as nothing happened.

The next day, He Jiaguang was playing chess with students at the Jiakai Chess Academy, when he suddenly received an emergency summoning order issued by Mo Xuan himself.

He Jiaguang was stunned for a moment, this...isn't it!

For a while, He Jiaguang had many associations, and he didn't care about playing the guiding chess. He Jiaguang hurriedly greeted Yun Shishuang and Kang Xiaomu, and rushed to the Four Immortals School in a hurry.

Yun Shishuang wanted to ask a few more questions, but He Jiaguang had already left.

Even without any contact information, Yun Shishuang couldn't help worrying, if Luo Guang never came back after leaving, it would be extremely difficult for the vast crowd to see him again.

Bah, bah, no, Luo Guang took Xiaomu's cousin Tian Yuan as his apprentice, and as a person, it is impossible for him to abandon Tian Yuan and ignore him.


Inside the thatched hut, Hao Changsheng looked at the young couple snuggling together beside the bluestone monument, and couldn't help but let out a faint sigh again, "You two are enough, you show your affection day and night, it's obvious that you're bullying me, now I'm alone. !
Hao Changsheng has taught many disciples, whether it is the Lingdong sect at the beginning or the Changsheng sect later, and he has seen all kinds of disciples, but he has never met such a superb one.

But strictly speaking, this young couple entered the Tao from the most affectionate to the most sexual. Qingqing and I are actually cultivating, and the result is twice the result with half the effort, so Hao Changsheng can't say much.

However, Hao Changsheng was still a little upset, and he thought with itchy teeth, if he had known earlier, he would not have accepted you two as disciples. Hmph, if Niu Niu was here, we would practice double cultivation day and night, so that you who can only snuggle together at best The two are envious and jealous.

Of course, Hao Changsheng was just thinking about it. Although he and Niuniu had many disciples, they were generally not well-qualified, and almost none of them could be sold.But the talents of this pair of disciples are really powerful, and if they are well cultivated, they may not lose to the iron egg Xiaodie.

The male disciple was named Pan Yunpo, and the female disciple was named Yao Yueying. They made a baby kiss right after they were born.

The two are also childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, and their relationship is particularly close.

When she grew up, Pan Yunpo was famous for her talent and handsomeness, while Yao Yueying's virtuousness and beauty made the matchmaker lose her legs.

When they got married, the Pan and Yao families were rightly matched.As time goes by, the Pan family is not as good as before, but the Yao family has prospered, and their marriage is facing a severe test.

Unswervingly, Pan Yunpo broke through many tests from the Yao family and the outside world, and finally got the dowry and settled the marriage.

However, when Yao Yueying was full of joy as the bride to be married, the Yao family suddenly changed their minds and returned all the betrothal gifts from Pan Yun, and instead accepted the betrothal gifts from a family of cultivators.

Although the Yao family has made a fortune, they still don't even have a half-immortal, and they desperately want to get involved with the family of cultivators.

Pan Yunpo went crazy like crazy, but was forcibly suppressed by the immortal cultivator family.

And Yao Yueying had been kept a secret from her family until the last day when she was told the truth.

It was really a bolt from the blue, Yao Yueying fell from heaven to hell in one fell swoop.

On one side are the parents who raised her, and on the other side is the lover who promised to be with her forever. Yao Yueying is caught in the middle, extremely sad and miserable. In the end, she went to extremes, leaving a letter, hanging herself on the beam, and the fragrance disappeared.

What was supposed to be a great joy has turned into a great funeral.

The one he loved passed away, and Pan Yunpo didn't want to live anymore, so he committed suicide several times and was rescued.While dying, Pan Yunpo seemed to have heard Yao Yueying's voice, telling him to live strong.

Pan Yunpo also gave up suicide, but he still did not forget his original intention. Since we agreed to be together for the rest of our lives, then I will never leave you in this life.

Pan Yunpo built a thatched hut next to Yao Yueying's grave, and lived and died with Yao Yueying's grave.

Of course the Pan family refused, and they tried their best, but Pan Yunpo was not afraid of death, so there was nothing he could do.

In desperation, they had no choice but to act as a living horse doctor. The Pan family invited the bearded general Hao Changsheng to come here.

Hao Changsheng and the bearded man agreed on a three-day time limit.

Hao Changsheng stayed in the thatched hut for two days and one night, and Pan Yunpo kept his forehead against the stone tablet, motionless.He was a mortal who had never practiced, how could he hold on, and fainted.

Yao Yueying was very anxious, but she was just a mortal soul, because Pan Yunpo's unswerving, unswerving obsession did not dissipate, and it was almost impossible to communicate with Pan Yunpo.

Only when Pan Yunpo was dying could he be able to persuade him, but Pan Yunpo always deliberately pursued the dying moment in order to be able to hear his own voice.

Seeing her lover collapsed on the ground, but Yao Yueying couldn't help her up, she was so heartbroken.

Come quickly, save Yun Po!Yao Yueying shouted silently, but she also knew that it was impossible for anyone to hear her.

"Don't worry, this kid's life is very hard, and he won't die so easily." Hao Changsheng stepped forward at the right time, knelt down and tapped gently between the eyebrows of Pan Yunpo who was lying on the ground.Pan Yun's intermittent breathing became much calmer.

Yao Yueying looked at Hao Changsheng gratefully, but saw Hao Changsheng smiling at her.

Ah, can this person see me?Yao Yueying was surprised.

Hao Changsheng asked: "How long has he been in this state?"

Yao Yueying blinked, and tried to reply: "It's been almost three years."

"Three years." Hao Changsheng frowned, it seems that this kid's heart disease is not so curable.

"Are you the Immortal Elder?" Yao Yueying looked at Hao Changsheng respectfully.

Hao Changsheng smiled slightly and said, "That's right."

Yao Yueying immediately fell to her knees and begged Hao Changsheng to help rescue Pan Yunpo.

Hao Changsheng jokingly said: "This kid can only meet you when he is dead. If he really stays with you, why stop him?"

Yao Yueying smiled wryly and said: "Prince Immortal, I obviously feel that I don't have much time left. If Yun Po dies because of me, I really will die with regret."

Hao Changsheng pondered and said: "I'm not easy to get involved as an outsider, please tell me the story of the two of you."

Yao Yueying nodded and explained in detail.

It turned out to be such a situation, Hao Changsheng nodded, and asked Yao Yueying what he meant: "What do you want to do?"

Yao Yueying begged: "Prince Immortal, I want you to persuade Yun Po to stop wasting his time foolishly by my side and find a good girl to marry again, just forget about me."

"Are you willing?" Hao Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

Yao Yueying smiled bitterly, and replied faintly: "So what if I can't bear it, as long as Yun Po can live well, I don't care what I do."

Hao Changsheng pondered: "Well, this kid can't listen to what I say as an outsider. How about it, you should tell him yourself."

Yao Yueying is in a hurry, I am a soul, how can I say it.

Hao Changsheng casually threw a jade pendant to Yao Yueying.

Subconsciously, Yao Yueying put her hands together to catch it, and then realized, how can I catch it with my own soul.However, to Yao Yueying's surprise, the jade pendant fell into her own hands.

Eh, this is... Yao Yueying clearly felt that her very weak soul became much more condensed as if she had taken a big tonic pill.Could it be that what the Immortal Chief told me to talk to Yun Po meant... Yao Yueying looked at Hao Changsheng in shock.

Hao Changsheng smiled faintly, and moved Pan Yunpo back to the thatched cottage.

Yao Yueying followed in, holding the jade pendant for a while, her soul became more and more condensed, and she could bend flowers and plants by stepping on the ground.

Hao Changsheng was taken aback, this piece of soul jade should be very common, why did Yao Yueying's soul suddenly become so condensed?

Yao Yueying sat next to Pan Yunpo and tried to touch Pan Yunpo's thin face with her hands, but she actually touched it. Although it was still a little unreal, the tactile sensation was real.

What a long-lost feeling, Yao Yueying wept with joy, lying on Pan Yunpo's body.

"Yue'er, Yue'er, is that you?" Pan Yun called out in a dream.

"Brother Yun, it's me." Yao Yueying looked at Pan Yunpo with tears in her eyes.

Pan Yunpo struggled to open his eyes, although it was a little blurry, but it was indeed Yue'er's clear and beautiful face!
"Yue'er! Yue'er!" Pan Yunpo shouted eagerly, wanting to hug Yao Yueying, but it was in vain.

This... Could it be that I was dreaming?Or is it a hallucination?With Yue'er right in front of him, Pan Yunpo kept hugging Yao Yueying without giving up.

"Hey, hey, if you keep hugging you brat, your soul will be scattered by you." Hao Changsheng curled his lips.

Um?Who is this?Pan Yunpo glanced at Hao Changsheng strangely, didn't bother to pay attention, and looked at Yao Yueying again, but this time he didn't dare to hug again.

(End of this chapter)

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