Interstellar Miner

Chapter 811 Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Chapter 811 Buy One Get One Free
Pan Yunpo stared at Yue'er who made him linger in his dreams, with tenderness in his heart and love in his eyes.If it was just a dream, then I would rather never wake up.

For a while, Hao Changsheng couldn't disturb the young couple who looked at each other affectionately, so they decided to wait for a while.But after waiting for two hours, the young couple still kept staring at each other.

Hao Changsheng rolled his eyes and coughed lightly, you two have seen enough.

As a result, the young couple completely forgot themselves and still looked at each other affectionately.

Cough, cough, Hao Changsheng could only cough heavily.

Pan Yunpo gave Hao Changsheng an extremely displeased look, what are you doing, why don't you have any self-consciousness at all, a big light bulb!It is rare for our young couple to meet again after a farewell, please do what you should do!
You were annoyed that Yao Yueying was disturbed, but thanks to the elder, I was able to meet Brother Yun.

Yao Yueying leaned close to Pan Yunpo's ear and quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

So that was the case, Pan Yunpo nodded suddenly, separated from Yao Yueying for the time being, got up and thanked Hao Changsheng gift gratefully.

Hao Changsheng nodded slightly, looked at the young couple, and didn't know what to say for a while.Hao Changsheng could only give Yao Yueying a look, it's up to you.

Hao Changsheng took the initiative to retreat, went to the foot of the mountain to hang the pot to help the world, and then returned to the middle of the mountain.

The young couple with red eyes held hands and strolled in the flowers and grass fields around the tomb. When they saw Hao Changsheng approaching unhurriedly with the bell dangling, the young couple hurried forward and knelt down on the ground together, paying respects.

Hao Changsheng thought that the young couple must have something to ask for, but he never thought that the young couple just kowtowed a few times to express their gratitude, and then went back to their two-person world.

Hao Changsheng was rather dumbfounded.

Before he knew it, there was not much left in the three-day period, Hao Changsheng took the initiative to find the young couple, and asked, "What do you two plan?"

Pan Yunpo bowed deeply to Hao Changsheng, and replied: "Prince Xian, Yue'er and I have already made an agreement for the rest of our lives. Since we can't be husband and wife in life, then we two will be that ghost couple."

Why!Hao Changsheng looked at Yao Yueying suspiciously, how did you persuade him?

Yao Yueying smiled apologetically, bowed to Hao Changsheng, and said, "Immortal Chief, Brother Yun has made up his mind, and it's useless for me to persuade him, so I can only follow Brother Yun. Although I don't know how much time I have left, but one day is a good time." One day, if I can be with Brother Yun, I will die without regret."

Pan Yunpo and Yao Yueying looked at each other affectionately, but their eyes glued together, and they never wanted to separate again.

Hao Changsheng rolled his eyes involuntarily, you two are enough!

Although he didn't care about the title of the so-called genius doctor at all, Hao Changsheng still didn't want to be said by the bearded man, so he quietly moved his hands and feet on the soul jade.

The energy of the Soul Jade that Yao Yueying had been holding was exhausted and turned into an ordinary stone, which passed through Yao Yueying's palm and fell to the ground.

Yao Yueying's figure became more and more faint, Pan Yunpo noticed it, and didn't care too much.

Yao Yueying raced against the clock to preach to Pan Yunpo that he was not allowed to stay outside on windy and rainy days, and that the thatched cottage had to be refurbished, all kinds of things.

Pan Yunpo nodded all the time, it's all up to you.

Finally, Yao Yueying's figure had become very faint, she opened and closed her mouth, but Pan Yunpo couldn't hear a single sound.

Pan Yunpo continued to nod his head, staring at Yao Yueying foolishly until he could no longer see him.

Pan Yunpo was still staring at the place where Yao Yueying was, even if he couldn't see it, he knew that Yue'er was staring at him there, and that was enough.

Just after the three-day time limit passed, the bearded man came over and saw that Pan Yunpo finally stopped living next to the stele, but stood there basking in the sun in a daze, staring at the air in a daze.

The bearded man walked up to Hao Changsheng suspiciously, bowed his head and asked, "My lord, is this kid cured?"

Hao Changsheng curled his lips and said, "How should I put it, it's more than half healed, but it's really not easy to cure it."

The bearded man couldn't understand, frowned, and asked, "Then can I take him home now?"

Hao Changsheng shook his head and said, "Not yet."

"Then the illness is not cured yet! You promise to be cured in three days!" the bearded man said angrily.

Hao Changsheng glanced at the bearded man unhappily, and went to cool off.

The bearded man felt a chill in his heart, how could he dare to do it again, he took a few steps back, but he was still muttering.

Hao Changsheng snorted and said, "Since I agreed, I won't break my promise. It's just that this kid's situation is too special, so he can't be said to be sick."

The bearded man muttered: "Then I will stay here until you are cured, Mr. Miracle Doctor."

That's up to you, Hao Changsheng entered the thatched hut by himself, meditating and resting.

Suddenly, the sky darkened.

"Yue'er, it's getting dark, let's go into the house, slow down." Pan Yunpo greeted, looked at the air on one side, and walked into the thatched cottage slowly.

The bearded man slapped his forehead, it was obvious that this kid was getting sicker!

The bearded man was about to go into the house to settle accounts with Hao Changsheng, when he suddenly stopped and blinked in a daze, but saw a very faint figure beside Pan Yunpo.

The bearded man shuddered, and then rubbed his eyes. It was true that he was not dazzled!

"Oh my god, ghost!" the bearded man yelled and fled down the mountainside.

Hao Changsheng ignored the bearded beard, and stared at Yao Yueying's faint figure in amazement. Although it was night, Yao Yueying should not be able to show his figure logically. Could it be that ordinary soul jade? Already guiding Yao Yueying to know how to absorb Yin energy?Hao Changsheng smacked his lips, this is...

"Yue'er!" Pan Yunpo happily looked at Yao Yueying beside him.

Yao Yueying was also a little surprised, brother Yun can see me again?Indeed, she felt that she had enough strength, no matter how much, Yao Yueying stared at Pan Yunpo happily.

Pan Yunpo greeted them, and sat down on the straw mat with Yao Yueying, cuddling intimately together.

Hao Changsheng didn't want to continue to be a light bulb, so he got up and left.

Yao Yueying stopped Hao Changsheng softly: "Immortal Elder, can you give me some advice?"

Hao Changsheng stopped, and nodded to Yao Yueying.

Yao Yueying organized her words, and narrated: "I obviously feel that my strength is much stronger at night than during the day, and it seems that my strength can gradually increase. Does this mean that I can show my strength every night in the future? Xing is with Brother Yun?"

Hao Changsheng replied bluntly: "Based on your current situation, it's best not to show your body during the day, and you should hurry up and practice hard at night. It won't take long before you can show your body at will during the day, and you can even condense your body in the future."

practice?Yao Yueying blinked and said, "As long as I can be with Brother Yun, I will be satisfied."

Hao Changsheng told the truth: "Your current state is not tolerated by the world. If you don't practice hard, you may not last long."

Yao Yueying couldn't help frowning. Indeed, people in the world fear and resist ghost foxes and the like.

Pan Yunpo immediately knelt down to Hao Changsheng and begged, "Since you have said so, Immortal Elder, you must be able to teach Yue'er the way of cultivation. I hope you will show mercy and teach Yue'er."

Hao Changsheng pondered: "I have indeed taught many apprentices, but I haven't taught ghosts yet, and I am not proficient, but I can ask the teacher for advice."

"Thank you, Immortal Elder, for your mercy."

Hao Changsheng thought to himself, God of Cooking Bao Qingyun is a top-notch ghost and fairy now, and his kung fu was created by Master Xiaoyun, so let's ask Master Xiaoyun for advice.

Pan Yunpo winked at Yao Yueying, "Yue'er, what are you still doing, hurry up and learn from your teacher."

Yao Yueying frowned, glanced at Pan Yunpo, knelt down and begged, "Immortal Elder, it doesn't matter if I practice or not, can you take Brother Yun as your disciple?"

Hao Changsheng gave the young couple an annoyed look, you two are buying vegetables at the vegetable market, and you even brought buy one get one free!

Hao Changsheng said: "I haven't said that I want to accept apprentices yet!"

Oops, Pan Yunpo was in a hurry, Yue'er, why did you want to pull me in? If you just went straight to the ceremony of apprenticeship, the fairy head would have accepted you with half push and half, and now the fairy head is not happy!
Hao Changsheng changed the subject: "It's not impossible to accept apprentices, but my requirements are relatively high."

The young couple looked at Hao Changsheng eagerly, so there is still hope for Yue'er (Brother Yun)!

Without further ado, Hao Changsheng immediately began to assess the young couple, instead of punishing those vain ones, he directly taught the young couple how to cultivate.

Although ghost cultivation is different from human cultivation, it is not too different.Human cultivation is to absorb the vitality of the heaven and earth to strengthen one's body, while ghost cultivation is to absorb the yin energy of the heaven and earth to solidify one's body.

Hao Changsheng ugly said before, only teach for three days, if the performance is too bad, then the fate with you two ends here; if the performance is not satisfactory, teach for a few more days;

After only one night of tentative practice, Yao Yueying's figure has been condensed a lot.

Hao Changsheng secretly rejoiced, this time he found a treasure, and he appointed Yao Yueying, his personal disciple.

And Pan Yunpo's performance was really not bad. Hao Changsheng only taught him once, and he was able to master it thoroughly and draw inferences from one instance.

Hey, so many years have passed in a flash, Hao Changsheng has never been so worry-free except for teaching Niuniu back then.For a moment, Hao Changsheng couldn't help but have mixed feelings.

The next day, the bearded man came back again, followed by a large group of people, carrying bronze mirrors, mahogany and other utensils in a noisy manner. The intention was obvious, to catch ghosts!
Pan Yunpo became so muddled that the nine cows couldn't turn back. The Pan family couldn't figure it out. After listening to the bearded man's narration last night, the Pan family also believed it. Yun Po is obsessed ah!

No, at daybreak, the Pan family went to the city and paid a lot of money to hire a master ghost catcher to catch ghosts.

Hao Changsheng informed the young couple in advance that he did not intend to interfere, but wanted to see how the young couple would respond.

Catching ghosts?The young couple looked at each other, Yao Yueying nodded slightly at Pan Yunpo, and then disappeared.

Pan Yunpo quickly tidied up his appearance, walked out of the thatched hut, and took the initiative to meet the ghost hunting team.

"Second Uncle, Third Uncle, Uncle, Second Uncle, why do you come here when you have time?"

"Catch ghosts? How can there be ghosts in broad daylight?"

"You guys think too much, I'm just fulfilling the vow I made at the beginning."

"Okay, okay, I'll go home and live in a few days."

"Go back and do your work first, walk slowly."


Pan Yunpo was polite and easily persuaded the ghost hunting team to leave.

Hao Changsheng couldn't help but look at Pan Yunpo again, this kid can do it!

(End of this chapter)

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