School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 122 Destroyed!Impreza Legion!

Chapter 122 Destroyed!Impreza Legion!
Seeing that Mengbius killed an early S-class Impreza EX so easily, the Ambera star frowned. You must know that a single strengthened version of the Impreza EX is enough to destroy a Intermediate civilization, this shows how terrible the Impreza is, let alone the EX version of the enhanced Inpreza, but such a perverted Inpreza EX is in the hands of Mebius Unable to withstand a single move, how strong is this Mengbius...

"Let's go! My Impreza Legion!" The Ambera star gave an order, and many Implezas ran towards Mebius, who had killed an Inpreza EX. , [-] Impreza EXs have turned their right hands into giant swords and their left hands into drills, and the enhanced version of Inpreza cannot be transformed. , only Impreza EX has this capability.

The Inpreza Legion came to Mebius, some of them fired light bullets from a distance, or fired drills made by hands, and some Inpreza EX directly used their own giant swords to fight Mebius came to fight melee, and I saw that Impreza EX who was close to Mebius cut one to the left and one to the right, and Mebius backed up while dodging.

Immediately afterwards, the missiles and drills launched by the Impreza behind also flew over. Seeing this, Mebius immediately kicked the Impreza EX that was still cutting in front of him, and then quickly moved back. Rolling over, when he was some distance away from the missile and the drill, Mebius raised his right hand, and an orange lightsaber stretched straight into the sky.

The light was absorbed on the body of the lightsaber, and when the light dissipated, the lightsaber returned to its normal size. The appearance of this sword is the shape of the Holy Sword of Salvation, Lie Yang!The scorching flames attached to the body of the Holy Sword of Redemption, and the flames emanating from the Holy Sword of Redemption burned the creepy darkness around it, abruptly opening up a radiant area around Mebius.

Seeing this, the Ambera star frowned slightly, waved his hand impatiently, and the steel ring in his hand jingled: "Hateful light! Only darkness can create an eternal world!"

"No! Ambera Starman, you are wrong. Where there is light, there will be darkness, and only when there is darkness, there will be light. The two coexist! Mutual growth and mutual restraint!" Mebius turned to Ambera who was in the distance. The starman said, and then, Mebius sacrificed the oracle of redemption - cut!
I saw that the radiance of the holy sword of redemption became stronger and stronger, and the holy sword of redemption also went straight into the sky!This scene is like a miracle!It made people look in awe, and then, the light of the holy sword of redemption changed from orange to platinum. This is the energy of the fire of protection. The holy sword of redemption is as strong as a dam in the locker sword. energy so that it cannot flow out.

After gathering strength, Mebius controlled the Holy Sword of Redemption, slashed at the three Impreza EXs in front, and shouted: "Oracle Redemption·Slash!"

The blade of the sword fell on the three Inpreza EX's, and it didn't look like it was directly blocked by the Inpreza EX in the past. After all, the current Mebius is no longer the original Mebius. Yes, it is more than enough to deal with three Impreza EX's, only to see the oracle's redemption · Zhan directly hit the three unlucky Inpreza EX's.

Inpreza EX didn't even have the strength to use space displacement to leave, because Inpreza EX was overwhelmed by this huge energy. Exploding directly into molecules is also unable to use the self-healing ability to repair one's own injured body.

Afterwards, Mebius held the Holy Sword of Salvation, and summoned the energy of the Guardian Fire to attach to the sword, coming and going among the Impreza Army, coming and going freely, a flash of sword light, and another hero Plaza EX fell down, and an Inpreza EX walked up to Mebius without hesitation, only to see Mebius mercilessly stabbing directly into the body of Inpreza EX. A "∞" symbol was drawn on the body of Plaza EX, and the Holy Sword of Salvation was pulled out fiercely. Another Priza EX was beheaded. Due to the burning of the protective fire, these heroes Plaza EX couldn't use its self-healing ability in time to recover directly, so the two early S-level powerhouses fell on the Holy Sword of Salvation.

At this time, there are only ten enhanced versions of the Impreza and fourteen Ipreza EX left in the Impreza Legion!In a short period of time, six Impreza EXs have fallen into the hands of Mebius.

The Ambera star looked at Mebius, who was killing all directions in front of him. In a short period of time, he killed six early S-level Inpreza EX. I am afraid that those Inpreza EX will also die. The Ambera star narrowed his eyes and glanced at Mebius.Said: "It's useless, even if you destroy all the Imprezas like you, I can still summon a new Inpreza!"

"Hmph, Ambera star, no matter how many Imprezas you summon, I will still kill them, and then I will kill you! You will die by my hands again!" Mebius disdainfully Said, and then, a thick light came out from Mebius' energy indicator - Mebius Guardian Flash!

I saw that Mengbeam's guardian flash swept across the surroundings, and all the places where Mengbeam's guardian flash swept, all of the Impreza survived. In an instant, another six Inpreza EXs were instantly killed, and they were killed without doing anything. It was really soy sauce for the whole audience!

In the universe, the three god kings who were watching the battle all nodded appreciatively, and the Guangyao God King smiled and said: "Mebius is really powerful, facing so many Impreza legions, how dare you beat him three times?" He killed twelve Inpreza EX by himself, really talented."

"Yeah, he is obviously a strong man at the beginning of the S-level, but he has strength beyond the same level, even close to S+. The Ultra fighters bred on the earth are really much stronger than the guys from the Kingdom of Light... ..." The Xuanbing God King was a little disappointed with the people of the Kingdom of Light. Such a brilliant civilization can't compare to an Ultraman from Earth. It's really shameful.

I don't know, when the Xuanbing God King knows that Ultraman Mebius is also the Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light, what face will he have?It is estimated that if you come out surprised, you are just surprised. After all, in the mind of the king of gods, only the mysterious four are stronger, and the other Ultraman are not worth mentioning.It's just that the strength of the current mysterious Siao has generally declined, and Pique has even fallen out of the ranks of MAX. Although he can display the strength of a pseudo-MAX, it is an overclocking battle, and there is a price to pay. After all , If you use power beyond your own strength at a level that does not belong to Zhijian, you must pay the price!
It's just that it's a miracle that a freak like Mebius appears in such a poor civilization, right?After the Xuanbing God King knew that Mebius was from the Kingdom of Light, he might just be surprised by this.It's just that I don't know if the three god kings will kill Mebius after knowing that Mebius is from the Kingdom of Light. However, the probability of killing is 80.00%. After all, the three god kings hate Kingdom of Light!It is the mysterious four australias, which have sealed themselves and others for 2800 million years!Let yourself and others miss the gods!If the Kingdom of Light is not destroyed, it will be difficult to solve the hatred in my heart!

"That's why I said, Ambera star people. They don't deserve to have darkness at all." The demon king said lightly: "He has simply defiled the darkness. With such a huge Impreza army, he can't beat a mere S A strong person at the beginning of the first level, hehe, is really too useless."

On the earth, Mebius flew straight to the sky, suspended in mid-air, and then released Mebius' guardian flash again!And it's still an enhanced guardian flash!I saw Mengbeam's guardian flash directly sweeping across the ground and looking up at Impreza in the sky. Many Inpreza were immersed in the light of Mengbeam's guardian flash and lost their lives.All disappeared.

The Impreza Legion, which consisted of ten enhanced Iprezas and twenty EX-enhanced Iprezas, was dealt with cleanly and neatly by Mebius, which is really shameful. Ah, there is nothing, after all, they have thirty Imprezas, and they teamed up to fight an early S-level strong man, but they were killed by this early S-level strong man. Telling it, it will really make people laugh. .

No, the god kings who saw this scene in the universe also smiled, laughing at the incompetence of Impreza and Ambera Stars, so many strong people, against an early S-level Mebius, It can still fail, it is really a shame to throw it home!

(End of this chapter)

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