School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 123 Dark Pattern Cloth!

Chapter 123 Dark Pattern Cloth!

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's interesting, it's really interesting. It's not so much that the Impreza Legion and the Ambera Stars are good, it's better to say that Mebius is very strong." King Guangyao nodded appreciatively, and spoke to Mengbius. Altman became more and more interested.After all, the strength displayed by such a junior is actually so powerful, which violates the so-called law of strength.

The so-called law of strength means that low-level fighters cannot defeat high-level fighters. For example, fighters at the beginning of D-rank will definitely not be able to defeat fighters at the peak of D-rank early. Why do you say?It is because the peak of the initial stage of D-level is one level higher than that of the initial stage of D-level. After hundreds of billions of years since the opening of the mysterious space, there has never been an enemy that can jump over a level to deal with high-level enemies. This is the law of strength. constraint.

However, Mebius completely broke this concept. A mere early-stage S-level powerhouse is too much stronger than the same level, and can even be compared with S+ powerhouses. The strength he displayed is not at all a The power that an S-level powerhouse can display, if not for the three god kings who saw Mengbius fighting many times, would not dare, no, would not believe that Mebius is an early S-level powerhouse .

After all, no one has ever been able to break the constraints of the law of strength, and Mebius is the first!Perhaps, also the last one, the Xuanbing God King sighed slightly, and said: "This freak, if he grows up, he will definitely be a hero who dominates one side! Even breaking through MAX is close at hand."

"Yeah, if he is lucky enough not to be targeted by the mysterious Siao, and he is also recognized by the legendary god seal, maybe he can become a god in one fell swoop, break through the shackles of the peak of the late MAX, and set foot on MAX+." The Guangyao God King sighed slightly, and said, "I just don't know if those guys from the Mysterious Siao will continue to prevent others from gaining the power of the God Seal..."

"What are you afraid of? Ultraman Noah is the most powerful of them now. His strength is only at the peak in the mid-term of MAX, and he is only one level higher than Ying. For us, there is nothing to fear." Xuanbingshen Wang said with some disdain.

"Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of, but Mebius, we are not afraid at all, we are the four most powerful, even if the mysterious four australias merge, we are not afraid at all, but Mebius, he We’re just alone, we’re not afraid, Mebius will be in trouble..." Demon Killing God King was a little worried about Mebius’ future situation.

The other two god kings also fell silent after hearing the words of the Demon Killing God King. Yes, although I and the others are not afraid of the mysterious four, but Mebius is a person after all. Noah in the form of Genesis has How terrifying, the three god kings all knew that if the three god kings hadn't separated at the beginning to find the god seal, they wouldn't have been sealed by the mysterious four abstruse.After all, the three god kings gathered together are the most powerful!
In the hearts of the three god kings, Mebius is like their apprentice or a friend. The three of them have high expectations for Mebius, and hope that in the near future, Like them, Mebius can become the strongest and step into the ranks of the gods, but for Mebius, it is still a long time ago.

After destroying the Impreza Legion, the Ambera star looked at Mebius in disbelief, and after a long time, the Ambera Star said, "It's so easy to destroy my Impreza Legion." , I have to admit that you are very strong, stronger than I expected, Mengbius, come and fight me! I must wash away my shame!"

The "washing out of shame" mentioned by the population of Star Ambera naturally refers to the shame of being wiped out by Mebius in the form of a phoenix on Earth. After hearing this, Mebius said sarcastically : "It's up to you? Are you sure about that?"

After hearing what Mebius said, the Ambera star became angry. He was a person who had invaded the Kingdom of Light, but he was actually looked down upon by a mere early S-level strongman. He really underestimated people!Afterwards, the Ambera star said angrily: "Ultraman Mebius! Don't underestimate me! I am the emperor of the dark universe!"

"Tch, what kind of emperor of the dark universe, you really can talk big! You are just a running dog of Zaki, no, a person who is not even as good as a dog dares to call himself the emperor of the dark universe. !” As he said that, Mebius rushed to the side of the Umbella star in an instant, and slammed the Umbella star with his right fist.

The reason why Ambella Starman claims to be the emperor of the dark universe is that he also possesses impressive abilities. Of course, his humble strength is really nothing compared to Zaki. However, for Meng Biyou Si's attack, of course, can be dodged easily. I saw that the body of the Ambera star was slightly turned to the left side, and he dodged the blow of Mebius.

Afterwards, the Ambera star jumped back, made a gorgeous back flip, and landed on the ground. After that, he raised his left hand, and saw the powerful fluctuations scattered in the air like ripples. This is Ambera. The shock wave comprehended by the Laxing people with the power of space, in the original battle, easily blocked Hikari and Zamsha, and destroyed Hikari's proud armor of courage, and killed Zamsha.

At this moment, Mebius, although extremely powerful, couldn't break free from the blow, and I don't know if Mebius did it on purpose or really couldn't, but the shock wave directly hit Mebius, With a roar of pain, Mebius was sent flying along the path of the shock wave, and fell heavily on a building behind him.The building was instantly destroyed and turned into ruins.

Mebius struggled to get up from the ground, and after calming his breath, the next moment, he summoned the Holy Sword of Salvation. Mebius held the Holy Sword of Redemption and ran towards the Ambera Starman. The La star raised his left hand unhurriedly, the shock wave attached to his left hand, and the Holy Sword of Salvation slashed at the Ambera star's left hand, and the Ambera star seemed to resist it very easily.

The next moment, I saw the right hand of the Ambera star pulled out the dark cloth from his waist. Seeing this, Mebius was shocked. Naturally, Mebius knew that this sword was the armor of the dark armor. The sword, no, it is the sword of the Umbella Stars. When the Umbella Stars invaded the Kingdom of Light, they easily caused an incurable wound on the abdomen of the father of Ultra, although the Umbella Stars were also seriously injured. However, this does increase the power of the dark pattern cloth.

Mebius knew that if he was cut, he would not be left with incurable injuries like the father of Otto. After all, he had the guardian fire, which would heal all injuries on his body, but , even so, the pain of being hit by the dark cloth is self-evident.Otherwise, Ultra's father wouldn't be hurt like that, and even Ultra's mother couldn't be cured.

Ever since, Mebius had the idea of ​​retreating, but the veteran Ambera star saw Mebius' thoughts at a glance, and then said with some sarcasm: "Why? Didn't you say that before?" Are you talking big? Why do you want to retreat so quickly? I won't give you this chance!"

I saw that as soon as the shock wave in the hand of the Ambera star increased, Mebius was unable to withdraw the Holy Sword of Redemption for a while, and the dark cloth in his eyes was about to stab himself. The sword disappeared, and the Ambera star grabbed the Holy Sword of Salvation, not Mebius' hand. The Holy Sword of Salvation was withdrawn, and the Ambera star naturally couldn't continue to control Mebius.

It was too late and then too soon, after Mebius withdrew the Holy Sword of Salvation, he quickly retreated. The dark pattern of the Ambera star almost passed Mebius' body, even if it missed the dream. Mebius, but the terrifying dark aura also made Mebius, who was in the guardian form, take a breath. Mebius only knew now, no wonder Otto's father was injured so badly. It turned out that the dark Monument is really so powerful!I really underestimated the enemy.

Finding that the dark pattern was lost, the Ambera star squinted his eyes at Mebius and said, "Why? Is this scary? It seems that the so-called guardian form is nothing more than that! Then, go to hell! "

(End of this chapter)

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