School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 130 Oracle Catastrophe!The exhausted guardian fire!

Chapter 130 Oracle Catastrophe!The exhausted guardian fire!

It hit Mebius' body with a smash, and the double-headed trident splashed out, splashing a lot of sparks on Mebius' chest. Mebius's weak body could withstand such cruelty. s attack?Mebius, who had just gotten up, was sent flying again. After being sent flying, Mebius struggled with his weak body again, and got up again.

The Ambera star ran to Mebius again, and with one blow, Mebius was sent flying again... After a few rounds, the unwilling Mebius, the energy indicator on his chest The flashing frequency is getting faster and faster... faster and faster...

However, although Lin Yi was dazzled by the desire for revenge, he still maintained a last bit of sobriety!I saw that the flashing energy indicator on Mebius' chest has slowly slowed down the flashing frequency, and finally, it has completely turned into the previous blue color!why is that?Because, Lin Yi extracted a large amount of energy from the fire of protection and forcibly filled up the energy he lacked. However, even so, it still couldn't heal Mebius' weak body, but the injury has been covered. It was cured, and the fire of protection, because of the death of Shangguan Wan'er, caused a huge blow to Lin Yi, which made the fire of protection slowly dissipate. Extracting energy, the Guardian Fire now has only the last trace of energy left, which is the essence of the Guardian Fire—divine power!This is Lin Yi's greatest reliance!

The Ambera star walked step by step towards Mebius, who was not far away and could no longer get up. After getting close to Mebius, he raised the double-headed trident in his hand, and stabbed Mebius fiercely under him. However, at this moment, Mengbius rolled to the side and dodged the blow steadily. Lin Yi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If he was stabbed, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die. , Now, the fire of protection is about to burn out, it is only the last divine power, I can no longer absorb energy from the fire of protection, my bargaining chip, only the secret method...

After avoiding the stabbing of the Umbella star, Mebius turned back, stood up, and assumed the fighting posture of the past. Seeing this, the Umbella star smiled disdainfully and said: "It seems that there is still resistance. If you have enough spare energy, then, I will play with you!"

Afterwards, the Ambera star rushed straight to Mebius who was in a fighting posture, holding the double-headed trident with both hands, Mebius summoned the Holy Sword of Salvation, also rushed forward, and started a hand-to-hand fight with the Ambera star!
"Bang bang bang!" Constant attacks came from the battle between the two. The two weapons had touched countless times. The huge energy erupted from the impact also compressed the surrounding air, and the air was constantly being compressed. Squeezing, as they slammed again, the air finally couldn't bear it, and let out a loud explosion.

However, the two were still not affected by the explosion. With the impact of the weapon, golden sparks continued to emerge and fell to the ground. After several rounds, Mebius already felt a little strenuous. Mebius' hands were slightly sore, but the Ambera star did not try his best, but confronted Mebius with a playful attitude!

Otherwise, relying on the strength of the Ambera star compared to Beria's S+ mid-term peak strength, it is absolutely possible to kill Ultraman Mebius in one move!Then, I saw the double-headed trident in the hands of the Ambera star forcefully smash the Holy Sword of Salvation in the hands of Mebius!Mebius' Holy Sword of Salvation was broken abruptly by the Ambera star!
The holy sword of redemption immediately turned into light and disappeared here. Mebius looked at the disappeared holy sword of redemption, his own weapon, which was smashed abruptly... How is this possible!

Without giving Mebius a chance to think too much, the Ambera star held a double-headed trident and threw another blow at Mebius. Seeing this, Mebius rolled to the lower left of the Ambera star, Dodged this attack.

Lin Yi was already covered in cold sweat, but the cold sweat was directly distributed by the warm light around him, and the hard Holy Sword of Salvation was broken. If he was hit, the consequences would be disastrous!Although the Holy Sword of Salvation is not as hard as the Holy Shield of Salvation, but the Holy Shield of Salvation is a shield after all, how can a sword be harder than a shield?Lin Yi naturally dare not say that he will be stronger than the Holy Sword of Redemption!

However, when Lin Yi rejoiced that he had escaped the attack of the Umbella star, the Umbella star turned around immediately and hit Mebius at the side again. Lin Yi, who had lost the Holy Sword of Salvation, Yi, helpless, had no choice but to block with his arms so that the double-headed trident would not hit his body.

Mebius crossed his hands to meet the falling double-headed trident. When the double-headed trident hit his arms, the pain instantly eroded Mebius' whole body. Now, Mebius There is only one feeling - pain!Unforgettable pain!It seems that the bones have been smashed, even smashed into powder.

"Uh..." Mebius murmured. As the strength of the Ambera star increased, Mebius's leg was already under the action of force, and he knelt down. Us knelt on the ground with one knee, crossed his hands, blocking the attack of the double-headed trident.

The Ambera star frowned slightly, his strength had increased, but he still couldn't hit Mebius' body, after that, the Ambera star drew out his left hand, and saw the Ambera star's left hand slowly He touched towards the waist, and the next moment, the dark pattern appeared on the left hand of the Ambera star, and it was a blow to Mebius' waist.

The dark pattern penetrated Mebius' skin, Mebius roared in pain, and the Ambera star smiled disdainfully, and the next moment, he lifted his foot and kicked Mebius' abdomen, and then, Mengbius Beus was kicked out by the Umbella star in an instant, and finally stopped after crashing into several buildings.

And the place that was cut by the dark cloth before, the golden light continuously emerges from the wound. For Ultraman, it is similar to human blood. With the golden light spurting out, Mebius He roared in pain again, but since the fire of protection had not dissipated, it reduced the damage of some of the dark weave cloth, so that it would not cause wounds that could not heal like the father of Ultra.

However, the pain and dark burning caused by the dark cloth will not be reduced by the guardian fire. After all, the guardian fire can only resist damage, but cannot relieve pain.

The next moment, I saw the Ambera star wearing a dark armor and holding a double-headed trident. First, he waved the double-headed trident in his hand symbolically, and then began to spin the double-headed trident. Accompanied by the trident The speed of rotation increased, and a purple circle was gradually formed in the trident. From the circle, the lightning that was dyed blood red could be vaguely recognized. The next moment, a fire appeared, and the terror in the circle became energyized. As a ray of light, it flew towards Mebius in the distance.

Gigazorum's light hit Mebius directly without any hindrance. Mebius was deeply embedded in the ground by this blow, and the building behind him collapsed on Mebius' body , the energy indicator on Mebius's chest began to flicker, and there was a sound of "Didu, Didu, Didu"...

"I... how could I fall in such a place... Wan'er's revenge hasn't been avenged... how can I die like this... I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!" Under the support, Mebius' exhausted body struggled to get up from the ground again.The ruins of the building on the body also fell to the ground.

At the same time, the desire for revenge in Lin Yi's body became more and more serious. Lin Yi didn't want to hide anything anymore, and directly used his trump card, which is the proud secret method-the oracle catastrophe!
Lin Yi stumbled to his feet, fixed his piercing eyes on the Ambera star, and shouted: "Oracle catastrophe! Ambera star, you go to hell!"

At this moment, Lin Yi couldn't care so much anymore. He only wanted to avenge Shangguan Wan'er, killed the Ambera star, and after that, the three god kings and the shadow who saved him many times!

(End of this chapter)

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