School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 131: The Darkness of Destruction!Dark Destruction Form!

Chapter 131: The Darkness of Destruction!Dark Destruction Form!
The so-called catastrophe of the oracle, the catastrophe of the oracle, the anger turned into monstrous divine power, triggering the catastrophe of the world and destroying all the creatures who dare to disobey him, and the creatures who dare to disobey will suffer divine punishment!Directly absorb the monstrous divine power of the Guardian Fire, absorbing the last remaining divine power of the Guardian Fire, and directly increase his strength to the pseudo God King, that is, the so-called strongest in the middle of MAX!Why not the late MAX?Because, it is only promoted to the pseudo-God King!Therefore, only the mid-term strength of MAX!
However, those who use the oracle to cause catastrophe will suffer severe mental damage at least!The strength will drop by itself, and the fire of protection will be burned out because of the forced absorption of divine power!At worst, he was backlashed by the monstrous divine power of the oracle catastrophe!
I saw a light blue light surrounding Mebius' body, and Mebius had been driven into the air by these rays of light. Mebius was bathed in this warm light, and I saw the dark lines The wound caused by the cloth has healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, just when the light blue light merged into Mebius' body, because of Mebius, no, because of Lin Yi's serious desire for revenge, the energy in Mebius' whole body became opposite to that of light. substance!
With the disappearance of the last trace of the fire of protection in the heart, the monstrous divine power in the fire of protection was affected by the belief in revenge, turned into the power of destruction, and merged into Lin Yi's body. These powers of destruction directly interacted with Lin Yi's body The meridians of the two seem to fuse together, forming another existence like a fire of protection - the Dark Killing Demon Meridian!
The Dark Killing Demon Vein contains a monstrous power of destruction. Its power of destruction is similar to the fire of protection. It is composed of the desire for destruction in Lin Yi's mind. However, it is the divine power that combines revenge, destruction and fire of protection. The fusion, the power of destruction, once not used well, has the power to destroy the world!Compared with the galaxy storm, the galaxy storm is like a firecracker exploding. This shows how powerful the power of destruction is!

With the transformation of divine power, the last inconspicuous spark left in the guardian fire due to Wan'er's particles is also close to exhaustion!The birth of Dark Killing Demon Vein was accompanied by the arrival of demons!The opening of the dark form of destruction!The new form endowed Mebius with new power, jumping from the early stage of S-class to the peak of mid-S-class!At the same time, the improvement of strength is also accompanied by the beginning of a nightmare!
The originally flashing energy indicator also turned blood red directly due to the opening of the dark and destructive form!Stopping in blood red forever, the diamond-shaped energy indicator on the chest has also become the same energy indicator as the infinite form, wrapped in the center by some gray matter similar to armor, and the regular hexagonal energy indicator It was divided into two halves by a gray line, but the blue energy indicator was turned into bloody blood red.

On the basis of the guardian form, it changed from the gorgeous platinum to black, and at the same time, on the shoulders, two gray lines were outlined, extending downward, and then upward, converging at the lower hair of the energy indicator, Forming a perfect W, in the groove on the top of the head, deep black is carved, and the legs are changed, lingering gray lines.

A groove appeared in front of the forehead, and suddenly, a domineering golden energy block went from top to bottom, until the eyes of the eyebrows, the dark and destructive form, like the combination of the guardian form and the infinite form, but unfortunately, the breath exuding from the whole body , it doesn't have the warm feeling of Mebius at all, but cold and dark, with the smell of killing and blood, and the noble platinum turns into black!This is the perfect form of dark destruction! (PS: Well, Yimeng is being lazy, and I don’t want to spend a lot of time designing this shape. I should just fill in this hole when I have time in the future, maybe there will be no time~~~)

With the eruption of a black flame, the domineering posture of the dark and destructive form appeared in this world for the first time. On the back of the moon, the demon king looked at the fallen and dark Mebius on the screen complicatedly, and sighed slightly. : "It seems that the death of Shangguan Wan'er has dealt a great blow to Mebius..."

"Yeah, to be able to fall into the darkness that I hate the most for the person I love, maybe, this is the so-called greatness of love..." Guangyao God King murmured, in the past, Guangyao God King would never Believe in things like feelings, but only after seeing Mebius fall into darkness because of Shangguan Wan'er did King Guangyao believe in these complex emotions of human beings.

"Yeah!" The Xuanbing God King nodded, and said, "If this is not love, then, is it called love because of human's mere life of sex for decades?"

Demon Killing God King closed his eyes. Although Mebius's strength has been improved by his own actions, the Demon Killing God King still feels sorry for him in exchange for the strength that Mebius' most cherished person has. The God King couldn't help wondering, did he really do something wrong... A good ray of light, but because he fell into darkness, he might even be banned by the Kingdom of Light!

Although the Demon Killing God King himself is darkness, the Demon Killing God King still feels very ashamed to let Mebius go through these things like his younger brother. Yusi's forgiveness, I only hope that Mebius can gain great strength as soon as possible, so that they can give their god king a peace of mind.

Back to the topic, on the earth, the Ambera Stars couldn't help frowning when they saw Mebius who had changed so much. Although it is only the mid-term peak of the S-level, there is an inexplicable feeling. It seems that this form is a hundred times stronger than the previous guardian form!
However, don't forget that before Mebius fell into the weak darkness, he began to induce the terrible oracle catastrophe!Brutely raised his strength to the mid-term of the terrifying MAX!It's just that, in the eyes of others, it's just his current strength, but the strength he has displayed is indeed a veritable mid-max!However, due to the birth of the dark form of destruction, those so-called negative effects have been made fun of...

"Didn't I say that? Ultra fighters can't win!" As I said that, I saw the Ambera star instantly launch a Gigazorum light that had been charged before, and the Gigazorum light went straight Flying towards Mebius, Mebius didn't dodge or dodge, he straightened his chest, Gigazorum's light hit Mebius' chest, and was directly absorbed by the W-shaped texture on his chest.

With the mid-max strength in Mebius' heart, these energies are insignificant at all. Of course, the oracle catastrophe will disappear after Mebius returns to the human body, that is, he will return to the peak strength of the mid-S rank.

However, it was not absorbed into nourishment by the guardian form as it was in the original guardian form. Now it is just a simple absorption. Seeing this, the Ambera star people absorbed the Gigazorum light and lost the source of energy. Gazorum's rays dissipated.

"No matter what form you become, I will never lose to you! I am the emperor of the dark universe! The Umbella star!" The Umbella star roared, but, although the Umbella star said so, However, I was still very afraid of Mebius in the dark and destructive form at this time!After all, even his Gigazorum light is useless to him!
"Hmph, Ambera star! Wan'er's death, you can't escape, I will definitely kill you, otherwise, it's hard to solve the hatred in my heart!" Lin Yi roared.

(End of this chapter)

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