School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 134 Mysterious Light!

Chapter 134 Mysterious Light!

"To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell. The senior brother became like this because of Wan'er, and only Wan'er can change the senior brother back, but..." Lin Xinyue was also a little helpless, this feeling of being at a loss, Lin Xinyue tasted it for the first time!
"We, what should we do..." The three girls stood here, feeling very confused, especially Lin Xinyue, who clearly possessed such a powerful supernatural ability, but could do nothing. There was a sense of being a hero who was useless.

On the back of the moon, the three god kings frowned and looked at the screen on the screen. On the screen was Mebius crazily destroying. However, the three god kings knew that this was not Mebius!Because, when Mebius killed the Ambera star before, he fell into a coma, and the three god kings could tell at a glance that his consciousness was being taken away!
"What should we do? Do we want to save the field?" Guangyao God King asked the other two God Kings with his brows furrowed.

"This..." Xuanbing God King was a little uncertain, and then asked Mo Shi God King: "Mo Shi, what do you think?"

Demon Killing God King glanced at Xuanbing God King, looked back to the screen, and said lightly: "No, we can't go, if we go now, then I killed Shangguan Wan'er before, or I will pay for it." Is it going to the east? Let him overcome all this by himself, and he can't always rely on the power of our God King!"

"Well, what Moshi said is right. If Mebius only relies on our strength, what is the difference between them and the flowers in the greenhouse? They are fighters who maintain the peace of the universe. They can't even solve this problem. Forget about going home and farming, so why fight?" King Guangyao said seriously.

"Well, adversity makes people grow, Ultraman Mebius, I wish you good luck." Xuanbing God King sighed slightly. ,

This Mebius was really doomed. First, the person he cherished was killed, and then he fell into darkness. Then, he finally killed the Ambera star, but now he has been robbed of his consciousness. His fate is really too tragic, it is simply a tragic story!The Xuanbing God King felt sorry for Mengbius.

I will feel bad in the future, as long as I tell Lin Yi about this matter earlier, maybe Shangguan Wan'er won't be killed, but it's useless to regret and blame myself now, Shangguan Wan'er is already dead up!A person cannot be resurrected after death, this is an invariable theorem except for the strong!

Just when the three god kings were uneasy, a ray of light flew past them, its speed was faster than the speed of light!Even the three god kings couldn't see the appearance of that light clearly!The three god kings were shocked, and Xuanbing God King said to Guangyao God King in disbelief: " you seen it just now?"

Divine King Guangyao nodded, and Divine King Xuanbing continued: "You are also light, you..."

"No, you overestimate me, or, you underestimate your Daoguang too much. With my control of the light, I can't see who the person in the light is. It can be said that his understanding of light is beyond comprehension. It changed my understanding of light." Guangyao Shenwang shook his head with a wry smile.

After hearing the words of God King Guangyao, God King Xuanbing was very shocked!Even Guangyao didn't know the origin of that light, he was the person who knew light best, but that mysterious person was beyond his comprehension, who was he?Xuanbing God King said in his heart.

You know, God King Guangyao's understanding of light is just like how we human beings understand rice. God King Guangyao is named after Guangyao because he has a very deep understanding of light. It was the first time that the God King encountered a light that he didn't even understand!Even God King Guangyao couldn't believe it.Even the mysterious Siao, that old guy's light, God King Guangyao knew it all.

"I sensed it with my darkness. That light is the most powerful person at the peak of the late MAX! Guangyao, it's normal for you to not understand." Demon Killing God King said lightly.The Demon Killing God King is the embodiment of darkness, and is particularly sensitive to light. Although he cannot perceive who is in the light, the Demon Killing God King can perceive his strength.

The words of Demon Killing the God King exploded in the hearts of the other two God Kings like a bomb. The most powerful person at the peak of the late MAX... It has been tens of millions of years, and there is still the most powerful person at the peak of the late MAX. Strong, how can this make them believe?

"Hehe... No wonder I can't understand his light. I see, is it the strongest in the late MAX peak..." Guangyao Shenwang nodded thoughtfully, unable to calm down for a long time in his heart. The most powerful person, that is to say, I and others have met their opponents, really, I am really looking forward to having a big fight with him!

"What? Guangyao, you can't help but want to fight him?" The Xuanbing God King saw Guangyao's thoughts at a glance, and couldn't help but tease him.

"Hehe, I have been asleep for 2800 million years. Although I have woken up now, the most powerful person I have encountered so far is that Ambera star. The most powerful, how can Guangyao not be tempted?" The Demon Killing God King also replied.

"Yeah, although he is the most powerful player at the peak of the late stage of MAX, we are not afraid of him at all since the three of us are still alive, so I really look forward to playing with him, it will definitely be very cool Let's go!" The eyes of King Guangyao shone brightly, that kind of excitement about the vigorous desire to fight!
"Hehe, that day will come. Let's see his purpose first. If it's not good for Mebius, let's take action. After all, he exists like our younger brother." Xuanbing God King smiled.

In the earth, that ray of light pierced the sky, and directly dispelled the inconspicuous darkness to him. When he saw Mebius like this, he was shocked, although he had already known it through the sands of time. The scene at this time, however, he did not have an insight into the whole scene.If he had come one step earlier, Mebius would not have become like this. Becoming like this does not mean turning into the form of darkness and destruction, but means being occupied by the body!
The so-called Hourglass of Time is this person's unique skill!With the power of the divine seal in his soul, he can see what will happen in the near future. However, this person knows that the future is doomed. Having this ability is already a gift from the mysterious space. If you use this power to change the future , will definitely be abandoned by the mysterious space.Therefore, this person did not use this power to change his fate against the sky!He believes that everything is predestined and cannot be changed!
Fortunately, this person is in a good state of mind and is a righteous person. Otherwise, if other people with evil hearts have this terrifying ability, they will definitely use it to do all kinds of bad things. After all, being able to know what will happen in the future If you can do anything wrong, you can know in advance what will happen in the future, and you are destined to change history, and even change the world!
There is nothing wrong with the power itself, it is only the person who uses the power that is wrong, if he is like this person, then there will be no scenes of people dying, otherwise, it will destroy the world!

(End of this chapter)

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