School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 135 Heavenly Emperor!

Chapter 135 Heavenly Emperor!

"Huh?" The demon king obviously felt an extremely powerful force!Moreover, this force is enough to destroy oneself countless times!The devil king couldn't help being a little startled, what happened to this world?Obviously, there is no Xeon except himself, but why is there a Xeon who is at the peak of the late MAX?

The demon king slowly raised his extremely haughty head, his eyes filled with fear and murderous intent looked like the light of the peak late MAX in the sky!Helpless, since he is the strongest player at the peak of the late MAX, with the tiny strength of the demon king who is currently at the peak of S+ mid-term, how can it be compared with this strongest player at the peak of the late MAX?Even in his heyday, that is, in the late MAX period, he couldn't compete with the strongest man in front of him, let alone the current peak strength in the middle of S+.

If you can't beat it, then give in!To save his life, he managed to occupy Mebius' body. If he died like this, it would be too bad. After all, it was Mebius and that person who sealed him back then, and now he occupies Mebius' body. Bius' body can also be a revenge against Mengbius and that person.

Now that I have saved my life to occupy the potential of my body, I will definitely reach the peak of the late MAX one day. At that time, wouldn't it be beautiful to kill the Xeon who is at the peak of the late MAX in front of me?It's just that what makes the devil a little strange is that when Mebius and that person sealed him before, how could it be possible that they only had such a small amount of strength?Could it be that he traveled through a space-time tunnel?
However, the current situation does not allow Tun to think too much, first solve the problem in front of him, and then, the Demon King Tun asked the light in the sky with a respectful charm: "Your Excellency, why did you come to Earth?"

Guang Guang glanced at him, and said lightly: "Give back the body to Mebius, or... die!"

The words of the light made the devil's face change slightly, and he took the enemy's body with great difficulty, and it was too embarrassing to just return it like this!Afterwards, the demon king said: "Dare to ask your Excellency what is the relationship between you and Mebius? I occupy Mebius' body. What do you think?"

Guang Guang frowned slightly after hearing the words of the Demon King Tun, and said, "Don't ask so many questions, either give it back to Mebius, or, die, choose one yourself."

"Don't bully people too much!" The demon king's face changed suddenly. Since he is not willing to let go, there is no need to talk to him. Although he can't beat him, he can't return his body intact. , others can never imagine!

Although the demon king is very powerful, but this is the body of Mebius after all, the devil can not use his own skills, so he has to use the ability of Mebius, and, although the devil is very powerful, after all, the enemy is the peak of the late MAX The most powerful person is one of the best existences in the universe!It's just that the Demon King will not be afraid of him!
As long as the man is not dead!Death is a name!At the beginning, I had a big battle with Mebius and that person, and the fight was inseparable. Mebius and that person were not to be underestimated. The most powerful person in the world is naturally stronger than those two people, but what if he is strong, so what if he is not strong, since he wants to take away his host body, then unless he kills himself!
"Void Spirit Demon Sword!" The Demon King roared loudly, and in the next moment, endless void spirits gathered in the destructive aura, forming an extremely dark sword! —— Void Spirit Demon Sword!
Void Spirit Demon Sword, a demon sword formed from unjust souls wandering in the world and the power of destruction in the body!Fire of dead souls, kill all foolish people who dare to resist me!Void Spirit Demon Sword has the ability to cut through all evil!Of course, in the eyes of the devil, evil is naturally light, warmth and the like.

Afterwards, the Demon King Teng held the imaginary sword formed by the wronged soul and the power of destruction and flew towards the light. When the light saw it, he frowned slightly and said, "Looking for death!"

However, in order to avoid hurting Mebius's body, the light was still cautiously fighting, er... Abusive food, I saw an invisible coercion being transmitted to the consciousness of the flying demon king, gradually, the demon king Find your body, no!My own consciousness is slowly fading...

After a long time, the Demon King roared unwillingly: "No!!!"

The demon king's consciousness gradually dissipated, and finally, the endless sky left only the devil's roar. The roar echoed in the empty sky, and Mebius' body gradually fell to the ground because of the demon king's consciousness dissipated.

The ability to obliterate the consciousness of the demon king is called the majesty of the god of war!The majesty of the God of War, in the name of the God of War, intimidates the enemy, releases the unique majesty, suppresses the enemy, makes the enemy enter the illusion, and obliterates the enemy's consciousness in the illusion!
The light saw that Mebius was hitting the ground at high speed. In order to prevent Mebius from being hindered from regaining his body, the light shot out a ray of light, and the light flew into Mebius' body like a bubble. It also wraps Mebius in it, and exudes an extremely gentle breath to speed up Mebius's consciousness returning to the body.

The invincible demon king died just like that in the hands of the light, and Mebius was also saved by the light. The three god kings on the back of the moon couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and the boulders hanging in their hearts fell to the ground. With Guangguang's approach, the three god kings can tell that this peak late MAX powerhouse is one of his own.Otherwise, he wouldn't have nothing to do to save Mengbius.

Against the backdrop of the bubbles, Mebius slowly fell to the ground, and the light also used the power of space to appear beside Mebius in an instant. However, in order to prevent the intensity of his own light from killing the surrounding earth Human, this person also restrained his own light, and the light instantly poured into the body of the strongest man, and the appearance of the strongest man also slowly emerged.

This person is the Emperor of Heaven who appeared in Zaki's castle and talked with Emperor Calafal!I saw the Emperor of Heaven said with concern: "Mengbius, Mebius, wake up!"

Mebius gradually recovered his consciousness under the call of the Emperor of Heaven, and his eyes also returned to their previous color, but the form was still in the form of darkness and destruction. Mebius looked at the MAX late-stage The strongest person at the peak couldn't help asking: "You... who are you? Why do you want to help me?"

"I... I am the Emperor of Heaven! You can call me whatever you want, as for why you want to help you, you should know better..." The Emperor of Heaven sensed Mengbius' body with his mental power, and nodded with satisfaction Nodding, it seems that Mebius has not found out that the fire of protection has not dissipated, there is only one spark left, the dark vein of killing demons, and the fire of protection, there are still two things missing.

"Emperor of Heaven..." Mebius murmured, "No matter what your purpose is, anyway, thank you for getting my consciousness back."

(End of this chapter)

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