School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 136 The Prelude to Leaving

Chapter 136 The Prelude to Leaving

"Hehe." The Emperor of Heaven smiled kindly at Mebius and said, "I still have something to ask you, so let's go back first, and then I'll talk to you slowly."

"En." Mebius nodded suspiciously, still patiently retreated back to the human body, the Emperor of Heaven saw this, and also turned into a ray of light, and the two of them turned into two inconspicuous lights, and returned to the villa.

Lin Yi walked into the villa with his front foot, and the Heavenly Emperor followed behind him. The Heavenly Emperor, who transformed back into a human form, looked exactly the same as the mysterious man who was looking for that thing in the villa before!In other words, if there is an unknown mysterious person, it is this Heavenly Emperor!
Emily was the first to find out that Lin Yi was back. Emily quickly ran to Lin Yi's side, and asked with concern: "Lin did you become like that before? Aren't you light?" ? How did it get so bad?"

"Yes, yes, senior brother, why did you turn from light to darkness?" Lin Xinyue asked suspiciously.

"Also, Xiao Yi, who is this old man?" Ouyang Xue asked when she saw the old man beside Lin Yi.

"..." Lin Yi was silent. Seeing Lin Yi's sad look, the Emperor of Heaven patted Lin Yi's shoulder slightly, and said in a comforting tone: "Death cannot be resurrected, and Shangguan Wan'er doesn't want to see you either." Like this, cheer up!"

Lin Yi looked up at the Emperor of Heaven, gritted his teeth, and his heart was full of guilt for Shangguan Wan's son. In an instant, tears filled Lin Yi's eyes, and said to the Emperor of Heaven: "You...what do you know, you don't understand me at all. The pain in my heart! I will only say some unimportant things in a high-sounding way!"

"Hey..." The Emperor of Heaven sighed slightly, and said, "Since Lin Yi won't answer your questions, let me answer your questions. First of all, Emily, right? The fire of protection in Lin Yi's heart went out. The desire confused the eyes, and thus fell into the darkness, becoming Mebius in the form of darkness and destruction."

After hearing the words of the Emperor of Heaven, Emily widened her eyes and asked, "You... how do you know my name..."

"You don't need to worry about how you know, Lin Xinyue, I've already answered your questions." Afterwards, the Emperor of Heaven fixed his eyes on Ouyang Xue and said, "Ouyang Xue, quasi-supernatural user, yes, yes , but, even if you are a quasi-supernatural user, you can't be rude to me! I am the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Huh? Heavenly Emperor? Isn't the Heavenly Emperor a cultivator? How could he be someone from the realm of strength? It doesn't look like it." Ouyang Xue didn't know if it was intentional or she was really cute.

"..." The Heavenly Emperor was speechless after hearing Ouyang Xue's words, and patiently explained: "I am not the Heavenly Emperor who cultivated immortality, I am the Heavenly Emperor in the world of strength, and my strength is the peak in the late MAX stage. Of course, you can also call I, Xeon, but it doesn't matter, these are just code names."

"Oh..." Ouyang Xue nodded thoughtfully.I was shocked in my heart, the strongest person at the peak of the late MAX...isn't he stronger than Noah and this world without MAX+, that is, the gods, isn't he the most powerful person, God, oh no, you can't call God, he calls himself the Emperor of Heaven, isn't calling God just calling him.Earth!Then he can rule the entire universe... that's amazing!

"Mengbius, cheer me up! Does Shangguan Wan'er want to see you like this? Have you forgotten what she said before she died!" The Emperor of Heaven said to Lin Yixun with a straight face.

Hearing the words of the Emperor of Heaven, Lin Yi was stunned. The scenes of Shangguan Wan'er before she died, all appeared in Lin Yi's mind one by one, and they did not go away for a long time.

'"Fool...I too...I love you so much, and I don't want to leave like this...I really...really miss you...Lin Yi, do you know...I don't blame you at all, It's not your fault...promise me...don't be blinded by hatred..."

"Lin Yi... Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature. Although I am very reluctant... I am very reluctant to part with you...But there is nothing I can do...Isn't it...I just beg...just please don't be blinded by hatred...Lin Yi...don't...don't just focus on revenge..."'

Hot tears flowed down Lin Yi's cheeks, and fell to the ground with a 'pop'.Lin Yi squatted down in pain, holding his head in his hands and howling, his heart ached like a knife. Emily and the others all turned their heads away, unwilling to see Lin Yi like this.

The appearance of Shangguan Wan'er and her words before she died, resurfaced in Lin Yi's mind over and over again like a movie playing. Thinking of what Shangguan Wan'er said to him, and thinking of his current dark appearance, Lin Yi felt very sad. Bitter, very uncomfortable feeling.

The Heavenly Emperor walked up to Lin Yi slightly, squatted down, supported Lin Yi with his hands, and said kindly: "Cheer yourself up! Although this will not let you regain your light, at least it will allow Shangguan Wan'er's spirit in the sky to get Comfort!"

"The spirit of the sky..." After Lin Yi heard these four words, he suddenly remembered something, and then, he couldn't wait to look like the Emperor of Heaven, and said with a choked voice: "Emperor of Heaven, you are the Emperor of Heaven, and you are also the peak in the late MAX stage. Supreme, you must have a way to save Wan'er, right? I beg you, I beg you, let Wan'er come back to me, okay..."

"I'm sorry, although I am the emperor of heaven, but I can't change my fate against the sky. Those who defy the sky will be punished by the heavens! Everything has its own arrangements, why don't you take this opportunity to improve your strength, so as to avoid the evil spirits of the gods? Are Mi Li and the others dead like Shangguan Wan'er?" The Heavenly Emperor patted Lin Yi on the shoulder and helped him stand up.

"Can't you... Wan'er... I'm sorry for you!" Lin Yi's already guilty heart became more and more self-blaming.

"Mebius! Take heart! Do you want Emily and the others to be killed by others like Shangguan Wan'er? If you don't want to, then give me a good boost!" The Emperor of Heaven said to Lin Yi seriously Said.

"Improving my strength... What's the use of it... I have failed Noah's trust, what Shikali has done, and what the future expects of me! I have failed Wan'er's love for me! I am like this, what qualifications do I have to improve my strength!" Lin Yi said self-destructively.

"No, Mebius, I will show you the way." The Emperor of Heaven said, "Although I can't revive Shangguan Wan'er, you can. If you walk this way well, maybe you can pick it up again." Light, gain great strength and revive Shangguan Wan'er! Kill three birds with one stone, why not do it?"

"What method?" The words of the Emperor of Heaven made Lin Yi's body tremble slightly, regaining the light, gaining strength did not impress Lin Yi, but the resurrection of Shangguan Wan'er, this benefit shook Lin Yi.

"If you agree, I will use my ability to send you to the world before Mebius, and I will give you my treasure, on the premise that you must promise me!" , It is the hole card for the Emperor of Heaven to guarantee the immortality of the soul. This is also the reason why the Emperor of Heaven clearly killed the Emperor of Heaven at the beginning, but the Emperor of Heaven is now resurrected.Of course, even if the Heavenly Emperor gave the treasure to Lin Yi, the Heavenly Emperor would not die, unless he was killed once and the Heavenly Emperor who lost the treasure was killed, he would truly fall.

"..." Lin Yi hesitated for a while, then nodded firmly, wiped away the tears from his eyes, put his right hand in front of his heart, and said firmly, "For Wan'er! ! Or let me die! I want to go too!"

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(End of this chapter)

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