School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 137 The day before the separation

Chapter 137 The day before the separation

"Okay, I will give you one day to prepare. I will come here tomorrow, and then I will send you to the future world of Hibino. I will give you my treasure tomorrow. The treasure will automatically fill in the flaws in history. You can show it off." You don’t have to worry about the butterfly effect because of your appearance, of course, this will only appear in Hibino’s future world.” The Emperor of Heaven said to Lin Yi lightly: “As for this world, you don’t have to worry, I will take over for you Yes, until you come back, of course, I'm sure Zaki won't be so stupid as to send his men to die in my hands!"

"That's great, otherwise, I wouldn't dare to go all out because history won't be changed. With you here, I don't have to worry about the safety of my junior sister and the others." Lin Yi finally showed a smile. He nodded appreciatively, and then disappeared here in a flash.

If the Emperor of Heaven doesn't give the treasure to Lin Yi, Lin Yi will go to the past time and space like this. Once he does something out of the ordinary, such as killing the cosmic iron-slashing monster Emperor Nozoro early, Serizawa will not die , Serizawa will not die, and if the high-dimensional predator Bogaru is killed long in advance, then Hikari will not fuse with Serizawa, and now, I will definitely die in the hands of the Hippolyte star Yes, this is the butterfly effect, a small movement will cause a big turmoil!

And with Zhibao, then Lin Yi doesn't need to constrain himself deliberately, and can go all out to display his power. Anyway, the matter of filling the butterfly is left to Zhibao. Anyway, Zhibao will try to repair it. It is really impossible. Ask yourself about the treasure, if it is really impossible to repair, then don't do that thing yourself.

"Emily...Junior Sister..." Lin Yi walked slowly to Emily and Lin Xinyue, and said, "You heard me too...I'm going to find the light, maybe it will be a year, maybe it will be two years." Years, maybe decades, sorry..."

"It's okay, Lin Yi, you go, we will take good care of ourselves and wait for you to come back here..." Emily felt very uncomfortable, and she was going to part soon, and it would take a few years to see each other. Long-distance relationship, long-distance relationship can still be contacted at any rate, but now it can be regarded as a long-distance relationship. A relationship that spans time and space cannot be contacted at all, and can only stay alone in an empty room.

"That's right, senior brother, it's okay. You can do it with all your heart. You must resurrect Wan'er, otherwise, I won't forgive you." Lin Xinyue said with red eyes.It's just a short time since we met, but we have to part again. It's really a trick of fate. Perhaps, God is destined not to let Lin Yi live a stable life.

Destined to be a soldier for life.

"Junior Sister, you are a supernatural being, you must take good care of Emily and Xiaoxue, in addition, you also help Xiaoxue, remind her, so that the supernatural powers in the body can be awakened as soon as possible, so that you can give me a peace of mind Otherwise, I will be very worried if Hikali is in a coma." Lin Yi put his hands on Lin Xinyue's shoulders.

"Yes! Yes!" Lin Xinyue nodded firmly.

Seeing Lin Xinyue's reluctance, Lin Yi felt a slight pain in his heart, and couldn't help hugging Lin Xinyue. Lin Xinyue trembled slightly after feeling Lin Yi's movements, but Lin Xinyue felt a little happy in her heart, and hugged her tightly. After leaving Lin Yi, Emily stood aside without showing any jealousy. After all, Emily also knew that she had spent the longest time with Lin Yi, and Lin Xinyue might not have hugged Lin Yi much. times?
After a long time, the two separated. Lin Yi walked slowly in front of Ouyang Xue and said, "Xiaoxue, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to revive Wan'er! I will!"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Xue nodded, her eyes were also red, and she said slowly: "Sometimes, I really envy Sister Wan'er, there is someone like you who can go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire for her, and travel the world Man, I really want to have a Prince Charming like you!"

"Hee hee, Xiaoxue, why don't you stay with senior brother?" Lin Xinyue made a small joke to Ouyang Xue.

"Hehe, brother Xiao Yi is not my type! My prince charming won't be so carefree like brother Xiao Yi, and he is not an ancient emperor who has three wives and four concubines." Ouyang Xue smiled.

Lin Yi didn't say anything, and felt a little stuck in his heart. Ouyang Xue didn't mention three wives and four concubines, it's fine, but once he mentioned three wives and four concubines, Lin Yi thought of Shangguan Wan'er who left him. Lin Xinyue found Lin Yi's disappointed expression After that, he immediately understood in his heart, and then gave Ouyang Xue a look.

Ouyang Xue was still a little confused at first, but after seeing Lin Yi's expression, she realized in her heart that she had said something wrong, so Ouyang Xue couldn't help but cursed at herself, saying it was not good, she insisted on saying these things, and then pushed Pushing Lin Yi, he said, "Brother Xiao Yi, go tell Uncle Shangguan about your leaving."

"Well, okay." Lin Yi nodded slightly, using the power of space in the dark form of destruction, turned into a black light, and disappeared into the villa. (PS: It’s not that the Dark Destruction Form has the power of space, but a skill of the Dark Destruction Form has the power of space. Don’t get confused.)
"Hey, I hope Lin Yi will have a smooth journey on his way to find the light." Emily was a little worried about Lin Yi.

Lin Xinyue walked up to Emily's side, patted Emily on the shoulder, and comforted her: "Don't worry about it, brother is now an S-level powerhouse, with strength comparable to S+ powerhouses, basically there are few opponents Yes, don’t worry, besides, according to the Heavenly Emperor, there is another thing called Dark Killer Demon Meridian in the senior brother’s body, this should be the same existence as the Guardian Fire, right?”

"That's right, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. The fire of protection was born and extinguished by Sister Wan'er, and the dark vein of killing demons was also born because of Sister Wan'er. The guardian form and the dark destruction form They are all related to Sister Wan'er, maybe this dark and destructive form is more powerful than the guardian form!" Ouyang Xue said excitedly.

"It's absolutely true, the dark destruction form must be stronger than the guardian form! The previous enemy, Mebius in the guardian form, couldn't beat it at all, but when the brother activated the dark destruction form, he almost had an overwhelming advantage Killed that enemy, if the senior brother wanted to torture him, he would have been killed by a ray of light." Lin Xinyue said: "Besides, it seems that the dark and destructive form is particularly against the sky, even the senior brother can't completely kill him." Control it, otherwise, I wouldn't go crazy just now."

"Perhaps. However, I always feel that it is better to use less of that dark form of destruction." Emily's expression tightened, and she was a little distrustful of the dark form of destruction.

Indeed, the dark form of destruction did kill the Umbella star who was at the peak of the S+ mid-term, but this was also under the condition of using the oracle catastrophe, and with the strength of the MAX mid-term, he killed the Umbella star. If the oracle is not used The catastrophe, without the divine power of the guardian fire in advance, maybe Mebius had been killed by the Ambera star people long ago.

Moreover, the dark form of destruction is not so strong that even Lin Yi can't control it well. The madness Lin Xinyue said is just that Mengbius used the forbidden dark ritual and was occupied by the demon king Tun. Us had a grudge, so he would use Mebius's body to destroy it, and Lin Xinyue, who didn't know anything about it, naturally thought he was crazy.

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(End of this chapter)

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