School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 247 Please fight!

Chapter 247 Please fight!

"So powerful?" Nexus replied in astonishment.

"Yeah, so powerful." Mebius smiled self-deprecatingly.

However, Nexus shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said indifferently: "The middle stage of MAX is the middle stage. I have never been afraid of the Fallen Evil Emperor. In the middle stage of MAX, the light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon!"

"However, Lin Yi, this is a major event concerning the future of the earth. You can't ignore it just because of some children's personal affairs."

Mebius looked back at the GUYS people who were thrown away by the roar of the shadow behind him, feeling a little complicated. After a while, Mebius sighed, turned his head to face the shadow, and remembered Shangguan Wan'er's death before her death. Mebius squeezed his fist and said firmly: "No way! Let's go!"

"The fun has begun!" Nexus loosened his fist and stretched out his right fist.

"Let's win back the future!" Mebius touched Nexus with his right fist.

"Ha!" Nexus assumed a fighting posture.

"No, the earth is too small to accommodate us, let's go to the universe." Mebius jumped and rushed out of the earth at a speed of Mach 18. Nexus also nodded, and swiped his right hand across his body. Water-like ripples emerged, and the silver body turned blue.

Seeing this scene, Zhe Ping, who got up tremblingly from the ground, widened his eyes, pointed at the blue Nexus in disbelief, and said, "Oh my god, it's another Ultra warrior who can switch forms!"

"Lin Yi." Jinna hangs her hands in frustration, her silky hair hangs down her beautiful cheeks, covering Zhenna's cheeks, a tear falls on the ground without warning, this is the first confession of Zhennai It was silently rejected.

Nexus glanced back at the crowd who got up from the ground, and then stopped sighing. The blue body flickered, and then flew out with a "whoosh".

"Roar!" Seeing this, Ying didn't care about the black clouds, and directly chased after them.

Platinum, blue, and dark-black streamers pierced the sky at an extremely fast speed, and rushed out of the clouds in an instant. The dark clouds covering the sky were torn into a big hole the moment they collided, and within a second, nothing more. This big hole expanded to tens of thousands of meters wide.The sun covered by dark clouds is revealed, and the bright sunlight shines on the earth, bringing the earth back to light.

No matter it was Mebius, Nexus or Shadow, they seemed to be unaffected by the air, their speed had already exceeded the limit of human eyes, and they could only roar through the sky with an extremely blurred streamer.

Shadow's golden horn-shaped object continuously fired powerful light bullets one by one, but they were all dodged by the two people in front. The two sides chased each other and quickly rushed out of the void of the universe. Thick dark purple smoke lingered under Shadow's feet , like 3D printing, a looming energy array is generated from virtual to real.

Mebius and Nexus are shrouded in gorgeous light, behind them is the earth covered with blue veil, and the gray-white moon in front of them is constantly expanding in their field of vision, chasing the two sides The speed has been increased to thousands of Mach, coupled with the continuous teleportation of the two sides, they have crossed a distance of more than 30 kilometers in less than ten seconds away from the earth, and have reached the orbit of the moon. Without the influence of the planet's gravity , the speed of both sides is almost doubled upwards.

The two of them folded their arms back, directly ignoring Newton's first law, and stopped in an instant.

"Hmm! Ha!" Nexus crossed his arms in front of him and raised them up in front of his chest. His arms immediately shone brightly. Nexus raised his arms above his head and formed an "L" shape. A shining ultimate light cut through the void of the universe, and instantly bombarded Ying who was still flying in the void of the universe.

"Boom!" Shadow did not hide or dodge, and directly faced the roaring ultimate light, which was directly shattered by the looming energy array. With a muffled "bang", Nexus lowered his hands , stopped emitting light, because it was just a waste of his physical strength.

"Huh." Mebius said in a deep voice: "The universe is still big, right here, let's make it the place for our duel!"

"Okay!" Nexus nodded.

Seeing that they all stopped, Ying suddenly flickered all over his body, his dark golden body disappeared suddenly, and accompanied by a burst of space distortion, Ying appeared behind Nexus. Ying and Nexus have no friendship, although they know Noah , but it's not Noah now, I saw that Ying stepped on Nexus's body directly, with a loud "boom", the sharp claws splashed violent sparks from Nexus' body.

"Ugh!" Nexus roared in pain, and was sent flying by this force. Xia Yuhan, who was bathed in the light, gritted his teeth in pain. If it weren't for these rays of light that would heal some injuries, then Xia Yuhan's back would definitely be bleeding more than!

"Yuhan!" Mebius opened his mouth, but Mebius can be regarded as a seasoned warrior now, so naturally he would not stop because of these things. He swiped across the place, but the blow was missed. When he retreated and was about to sweep over Ying, Ying's body suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared in place!

"Damn it! Forget that the speed of shadows in dark places will be greatly increased!" Mebius clenched his fists, but Shadow would not give Mebius this chance to think. As the space was torn apart, Shadow The dark golden horn pierced fiercely into Mebius' body.

"Ugh!" Mebius roared in pain.


"Ugh!" Shadow pulled out the horn fiercely, Mebius let out another roar of pain, and endless light gushed out like a fountain.

Nexus, who had just stabilized his body, was once again thrown away by the shadow that appeared behind him. The two of them had no power to fight back in front of the powerful shadow king of darkness!Only to be hanged and beaten!

GUYS rooftop.

"Captain! Let's attack! Lin Yisang is now fighting desperately for the future of the earth. The earth must be protected by our own hands. As a member of GUYS, Lin Yisang is fulfilling this promise. You underestimated Yi Sang!" Long squeezed his fist.

Zhennai wiped her eyes, forced a smile, and said: "Lin Yijun is leaving, I want to watch him leave."

"Yes, captain, let's go!"

"We don't want to sit here and worry!"

"Please give the order! Captain!"

"Please give the order! Captain!"

"Please give the order! Captain!"


Miku, Ryu, Sadaharu, Zhehei, Marina, and Kizhimi are all taking the initiative to challenge!

In the future, the words of Lin Yi and Xia Yuhan are completely forgotten. In the future, he does not want to live in the background like this. The future is here to protect the earth, not to be a deserter!He wants to fight!He wants to fight with Lin Yi!For the earth!It is also for this responsibility as an Ultra fighter!

Captain Sushui pondered for a moment, and after secretly saying sorry to Lin Yi in his heart, he raised his head, glanced at the crowd, and shouted loudly: "GUYS! SALLY GO!"

Hearing the words of Captain Shuishui, everyone laughed, stood up hastily, and responded loudly: "GIG!"

Some GUYS staff in other areas heard the words of everyone, and their blood was ignited. Arasaki's maintenance chief was looking at the blueprint of the Goose Booster, but when he heard these words, he raised his head in doubt: "It's better to be young, Keep up the good work, lads."

If Chief Arasaki knew that their behavior was to die, he would never allow them to board the plane!
(PS: 2333333, seeing your comments on the previous paragraph, I feel that you are really cute, so Yimeng has to make another wave.)
(PS: Sorry, I lied to you for so long. Pretending to be an adult is so tiring. I really have to pretend to be working every day to hide from you. In fact, I am only 6 years old this year. I decided to tell this matter now because I know I was wrong. I hope everyone will see that I am a child and send me some red envelopes on the 6.1 Children's Day next week. Thank you guys, hehehe.)
(End of this chapter)

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