School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 248 Fend off the enemy!

Chapter 248 Fend off the enemy!

Captain Shuishui informed the other staff members to evacuate the Phoenix Nest. Although the staff members were puzzled, they had no choice but to follow suit because the director himself spoke.

After the evacuation, only the GUYS members remained in the huge Phoenix Nest.

Captain Sui Shui pondered for a long time. Although it is the most powerful transcendence technology and is the same top secret as the ultimate transcendence technology, it is now at the critical moment of the life and death of the earth. To protect the earth, there is no taboo!
"Captain Suisui, are you really determined to use this top-secret meteor technology?" Assistant Toriyama said solemnly.This meteor technology is still in the state of electronic simulation, and there has been no field test. It is no exaggeration to say that this launch is a test plus actual combat. Everyone has no experience at all. A single mistake can destroy the Phoenix Nest!

"Don't ask anymore, there are two people who are working hard for the future of the earth. The earth must be protected with human hands!" Captain Sui Shui took a deep breath: "Your Excellency, Assistant Officer, please withdraw quickly, and I will be alone in the end." bear!"

"But." Without waiting for Assistant Toriyama to object, Captain Suisui refused directly: "Please leave here!"

After saying that, Captain Suishui ignored Assistant Toriyama, and after leaving the platform, he returned to the Phoenix Nest that had been fully assembled.

command room.

"Captain, has the Phoenix Nest changed into this?" After watching the modification of the Phoenix Nest on the screen, Long felt that his world view had collapsed. He had been in the Phoenix Nest for almost ten years, but he didn't know that the Phoenix Nest was still there. It can be like this.

The command room has changed drastically. The "T"-shaped podium is in the center of the command room. The two workbenches on the right side belong to Mu Zhimei and Zheping. Before the command, that is, at the end of the "T" structure, it belongs to Sadaharu, and will stand beside Captain Suzu in the future.

The central plate has slid to the front, like a huge gun barrel, and the hidden reflectors, propulsion light wings, meteor engines, and main wings have also been stretched out. The entire Phoenix Nest has become a super huge fighter!
"This mode of the base is a secret. Now it is the critical point of the life and death of the earth, and there is no secret anymore!" Captain Sui Shui looked at the team members below, and said: "Check again, and then set off."

"The reflector pops up, pushing the light wing forward and extending the main wing."

"Meteor engine working normally."



"Lifting motor, maximum output!"

"Booster, ignite."

"GUYS base, take off!"

The phoenix in flight mode sprayed a lot of thick smoke downwards, the base had already floated up, leaving a long trail of fog where the base passed, the speed of the flight was also accelerating, and it disappeared from people's sight in a short while.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" The staff below watched this scene, and saluted the group of warriors one after another.

"Captain Suisui, I trust you! This may be me, saluting you for the last time!" Assistant Officer Toriyama put his right hand on his temple with a serious face, a very standard military salute!Secretary Maru also saluted solemnly.


"Ha!" Mebius in the guardian form rushed towards the indifferent shadow with a 'shoot', and Nexus on the side also cooperated with Mebius, stretching out the golden color from the Nexus arm. Light saber, Nexus carried the lightsaber and flew towards Shadow.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Ying jumped up and flew into the sky. Mebius and Nexus jumped into the air. Ying seized this opportunity and dived at high speed. Ying is famous for his speed and dives at high altitudes Hit the target, few can dodge.

I saw that Mebius and Nexus were photographed by Ying, and this was still the case when Ying kept his hands. Otherwise, with Mebius and Nexus, the two mid-level S-level powerhouses , How can it withstand the impact of MAX mid-term.

"MAX, it really deserves its reputation!" Mebius and Nexus supported each other, they met each other, nodded, and still rushed towards Ying, one left and one right, but Ying did not repeat the old trick, and the demon killed the king of gods. When sending him here, he had been warned not to hurt Mebius, so Ying could only attack Nexus.

With a sound of "Hoo!", the shadow turned into a black sharp sword and rushed towards the flying Nexus.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Nexus was directly sent flying by the rushing shadow, and Xia Yuhan, who was bathed in the light, felt that his bones were about to be smashed into powder.

"Yuhan!" Mebius watched as Nexus smashed an asteroid, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue attacking.

Mebius slashed at Ying with a hand knife, but to Ying, it was neither painful nor itchy. Shadow pressed a corner on Mebius' body, and the domineering golden horn penetrated Mebius' body, and the light was like a fountain. gushing out.

"Ugh!" Mebius's painful roar resounded in this lonely cosmic void, dotted with stars behind, and the moon is not far behind. If you go to the moon to fight, the moon will most likely Get blown up!
"No way! If this goes on, both Lin Yi and I will die here!" Nexus pulled himself out of the asteroid with difficulty, and the blue stripes all over his body shone with blue light. With a sound, the shadow was knocked out, and a mass of gentle light shone on the wound, and the wound gushing with light healed immediately.

"Thank you." Mebius nodded towards Nexus.

"You're welcome, we are comrades-in-arms." Nexus nodded and said, "We can't go on like this. If we continue to be passive like this, we will definitely die here!"

"What can you do?"


"If there is no way, there is a way, let's go!"

"Hoo hum!" Lowered from the earth, a beam of blue light hit Ying, and Ying's body trembled slightly, ignoring the source of the attack, because these were dispensable to Ying.

Nexus turned his head and asked, "Whose attack was that just now?"

"Yes... GUYS..." Mebius murmured, "They are here..."

"Damn it! What are they doing here?" Nexus squeezed his fists and said, "We had nothing to do just now, but now we have. In order to protect them and prevent them from dying in this battle, we must superior!"

"En!" Mebius nodded and rushed out first.

Not to be outdone, Nexus directly abandoned the blue youth form at this speed and changed into a red youth form. Mebius released light bullets one after another using the energy transformation of breath switching, but the light bullets were ineffective. One is not blocked outside the energy array at the foot of the shadow.

Nexus also came. His speed in the red youth form has dropped a lot, but his attack power has also increased a lot. Nexus shot out a beam of light, the ultimate ray!

The ultimate ray that had beheaded one after another hit Ying's body, and was split open by Ying!Shadow followed the path of the ultimate ray, and directly used the golden horn on the top of his head to pierce Nexus' thigh, and a large amount of golden light gushed out.

"Yuhan!" Mebius couldn't bear it anymore, and slowly brushed his left hand over his right, and the platinum-gold protective aura immediately bloomed into a black Mobius ring: "Dark demon-killing veins flowing with the blood of light, Please lend me your strength!"

The next moment, the destructive power in the Dark Killing Demon Vein began to flow, and the Dark Killing Demon Vein began to squirm at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black destructive power was transmitted to the guardian aura. Soon after, the sacred guardian aura was rendered black , a black Mobius ring appeared from the destructive aura, Mebius endured this power, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Mebius! Switch form!"

With a flash of black light, the sacred and dignified guardian figure of Mebius disappeared, replaced by the powerful killing intent of the dark destructive form!
The rhombus-shaped energy indicator on the chest has also become a positive hexagonal energy indicator, wrapped in the center by some silver material similar to armor, and the regular hexagonal energy indicator is divided into two halves by a gray line.The blood-red energy indicator seemed to never flicker, and as the blood-red color increased, the blue light disappeared completely!The blue energy indicator turned blood red, like a bloody moon!
On the basis of the guardian form, the gorgeous white gold has turned into black. At the same time, on the shoulders, two gray lines are outlined, extending downward, and then upward, converging below the energy indicator to form a A perfect "W", in the groove on the top of the head, carves a deep black, and the legs change, lingering gray lines.

A groove appeared in front of the forehead, and suddenly, a strip of domineering golden translucent energy crystals descended from top to bottom until the eyes of the eyebrows. The dark and destructive form was like a combination of the guardian form and the infinite form. Unfortunately, the whole body exuded The smell of the air did not have the warm feeling of Mebius at all, but a cold, dark, bloody smell of killing, and it also changed from noble platinum to black!This is the perfect form of dark destruction!
Mebius in the form of darkness and destruction stood out from the black Mobius ring, and Mebius directly summoned the Void Demon Sword and stabbed towards the shadow.

"This..." Nexus looked at this Ultra warrior full of destructive aura with disbelief on his face. One moment he was still a sacred and solemn light, but the next moment he became so bloodthirsty that he overturned Nexus. His world view, this darkness, is much stronger than Faust and Mephisto.

With a sound of "噗呲", Ying pulled out the horn, turned his body slightly, and Mebius' attack failed. The stringed kite smashed several asteroids in succession before stopping.

"Ugh!" Shadow's body disappeared in an instant. Using the power of space, he traveled through the space around Nexus many times. Shed a lot of light!
"Bang bang! Bang bang! Bang bang!" A series of heartbeats came from the red "Y" core of Nexus, and the energy indicator had already started to flicker, and Mebius who rushed over did not hesitate A beam of light energy was injected into Nexus' body, and the energy indicator stopped blinking.

"The two Ultra fighters are defending against the enemy, everyone, do it again!" Inside the Phoenix Nest, Captain Sui Shui ordered: "Use sufficient firepower to support the two Ultra fighters!"


"Phoenix Ray! Launch!"

"Whew!" A series of light energy condensed on the main gun barrel, a mass of terrifying energy pierced the void of the universe, and the phoenix light roared towards the shadow. Seeing this scene, Mebius and Nexus, With tacit understanding with each other, they used the power of space to come to Ying's side, and hugged Ying tightly so that he could not move.

Shadow struggled a few times, but found that he couldn't escape. The thick light continued to enlarge in Shadow's pupils, and finally hit Shadow successfully. At this moment, Mebius and Nexus had already used the power of space to escape. , Shadow sensed that the grasping force disappeared, and immediately used the power of space, but it was too late.

The phoenix light had already engulfed Shadow.

"Let's start!" Mebius and Nexus looked at each other and nodded: "Victory will not come so easily, but I will miss the opportunity!"

"Destroy Lightning!" Start gathering energy!A steady stream of energy is guided by Mebius.It merged into the domineering golden energy crystal in front of Mebius' forehead, and after the energy crystal converged into the destructive aura, the next moment, a ray of light with devouring effect flew towards Ying.

"Haha!" Nexus Armed himself with a swipe on his body, and with the sound of running water, the red Nexus has turned into a blue Nexus, and Nexus stretched out With his right hand out, a bow of light was attached to Nexus' right wrist, and Nexus' left hand slid across it, and the beam of light arrows roared towards Shadow.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a burst of energy ripples spread around like ripples.

"Did it succeed?" In the phoenix's nest, Future stared at the center of the explosion on the screen, clenched his fists tightly, and the slightly pale skin was already bleeding red blood. Even so, Future did not aware.

"Shua!" The flames dissipated quickly, the surroundings had returned to calm, and Ying's figure had disappeared.

"Success!" The team members in the Phoenix Nest exclaimed.

"'s not that easy..." Captain Shuishui's face was heavy. This situation did not exceed Captains Shuishui's expectations. How could a mid-max Xeon be defeated by two S-level mid-stage nirvana? And what about the nirvana beyond technology?

"What!" The scene on the screen left everyone speechless.

I saw a bunch of black sharp swords piercing the void of the universe, smashing several asteroids, and hitting Nexus with a "whoosh", and Nexus' painful roars came to Mebius and his team members. In the ear, Mebius clenched his fists, glared at Ying, and said, "You keep attacking Yuhan, why on earth!"

Mebius opened his chest, stared at the earth, and began to chant: "Burn! Wronged souls wandering in the universe, use them for me! Great fire of dead souls, burn all fools who dare to resist me! Let The already powerful Void Spirit Demon Sword, combined with the destructive power in my body! Give the Void Spirit Demon Sword the ability to cut through all evil!"

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"" Stretch out the dark green lightsaber from the destructive aura.

"Shua!" A beam of sword light flashed, and Mebius waved several times at the shadow attacking Nexus, green sword lights roared towards the shadow, and Ying gave Nexus a cold look. , and turned to shoot the flying Jianguang.

"Boom boom boom!" Ying's sharp claws scatter the sword energy, and his body flickers, appearing behind Mebius, stepping on Mebius's back, Mebius' body is like a sharp sword It also collided with Nexus.

Future in Phoenix Nest clenched his fists, as if he had made some decision, he walked out of the command room silently, came to Lin Yi's room, looked around reluctantly, and murmured: "I'm sorry, Lin Yisang, I'm sorry. I should have thought earlier, you are that Mebius, I have always been taught by you as a student, but this time, I will not listen to you, I am going to fight! I am sent by the kingdom of light to protect the earth messenger."

"Now the earth is suffering a devastating blow, how can I stand back and look at you, I want to fight, for the burning heart in my chest!" Future firmly raised his left arm, "Mengbiu~ Si!" (PS: In this battle, the Mebius that will become in the future is called Xiaomeng, and the two Mebius can hardly be distinguished.)
A ball of golden light broke away from the phoenix's nest, and the light ball condensed into a small dream beside Mebius and Nexus, Mebius turned his head and asked, "Didn't I tell you not to come! If this continues, you will die!"

"Back off! This is not your battle." Nexus waved his hand across Xiaomeng's chest, and Mebius instantly propped up the protection of the demon spirit, blocking the light bullets fired by the shadow.

"This is my battle! I am also an Ultra fighter. Although I only have the strength of the initial B-level, I believe that I can do it!" Xiaomeng nodded firmly and said, "Let me fight side by side with you!"

"But you will die!"

"I'm not afraid!"

"Okay, let's go!"


"Ha!" The three Ultra fighters put on a fighting posture one by one. In the combat room, Captain Lishui stared blankly at the fiery figure, and murmured: "The future..."

"Ah, the red Mebius also appeared." Zhe Ping pointed to the familiar voice on the screen and exclaimed, "Why does he also come?"

"The red Mebius is not involved in this battle at all."

"They are all fighting for the future of our human beings, and we must not be discouraged!" Captain Sui Shui said loudly: "Start attacking!"


Missiles flew out from the flying Phoenix Nest, and the three Ultraman also launched a counterattack. Nexus turned around to avoid a howling light bomb, and hit Ying with a backhand blow. Dodging among the light bombs, if you are not careful, you will be blown to pieces by this terrifying light bomb.

Mebius held the Void Spirit Demon Sword, imitating Ying's appearance, and dived high into the sky. The Void Spirit Demon Sword immediately attached green flames, and when it was about to slash at Ying's side, Ying's body turned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared. , "A fake body?" Mebius exclaimed.

(PS: I, Hu Hansan, are back again. In addition, I recommend my new book, "Ultraman Unlimited Saiga", go and support it.)
(PS: After two months, I Yimeng returned to this book again. Although I posted it once in, I felt that was not suitable for me. I posted this chapter in the group a few days ago. I sent it out, and then added more than 5000 words to this chapter a few days ago, posted it up, and then clicked on the contact shield, but I didn’t expect it to succeed. Using another vest, it’s already 9W words, I hope everyone will support and support, I said that the update will not be interrupted, let’s update the two books together.)
(End of this chapter)

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