School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 249 Blooming in the Dark Field

Chapter 249 Blooming in the Dark Field
Ying knew the seriousness, if he attacked Xiaomeng, with his early B-level strength, he would be instantly killed with one move, and if Xiaomeng died, there would be no Mebius in the future.

"Ugh!" There was a cry of pain from behind Mebius, and Mebius turned around abruptly, only to see Shadow inserting one of his claws into Nexus' body, and endless golden light spots emerged from it. Jet out, like a fountain of light.

"Okay!" Captain Sushui hurriedly ordered: "Start the attack and save Nexus!"


"Phoenix Ray! Launch!"

"Hoo!" A series of light energy condensed on the main gun barrel, a mass of terrifying energy pierced through the void of the universe, and the phoenix light roared towards the shadow.

"Don't!" Mebius flew out, trying to block the phoenix light, but his flying speed couldn't keep up, so he could only watch helplessly as the phoenix light hit Nexus.The moment Guys fired the phoenix light, Shadow had already pulled out his hand and disappeared in front of Nexus.

Mebius watched Nexus being submerged by the phoenix light, clenched his fists, glared angrily at the majestic shadow floating in the void of the universe, and said, "Damn guy! Don't think that we have some friendship and I will I dare not kill you!"

"Eon!" Ying raised his head and screamed, as if to defend himself, the human-shaped shadow could speak, but the animal-shaped shadow seemed unable to speak.

The phoenix light had disappeared, and Nexus was seriously injured. With this powerful attack, his body became weaker and weaker, and he fell powerlessly towards the universe below.



Xiaomeng has already thrown off those light bullets that could endanger her life, turned around to look, only to see the falling Nexus, breaking through the sound barrier with a "swoosh", trying to catch the falling Nexus.

But at Xiaomeng's speed, he definitely couldn't catch up. A beam of black streamer rushed towards the falling Nexus with a "huh", and quickly hugged the falling Nexus.

"Yuhan! Yuhan! Wake up, don't fall asleep!" Mebius kept shaking Nexus in his arms, and a ball of light merged into Naike from the golden crystal on Mebius' forehead. In Seth's "Y"-shaped energy core, Nexus' eyes that had lost their brilliance brightened up again, the "Y"-shaped energy core also turned red, and the shining energy indicator on his chest also recovered. Blue radiance, Nexus was resurrected again.

"Thank you." Nexus nodded towards Mebius, and Mebius waved his hand and said, "We are all Ultra fighters, so why not be polite."

"Yeah." Nexus said to Xiaomeng, "Are you ready to sacrifice?"

"En!" Xiaomeng nodded firmly, and said with death as home: "Fight with the heart to die and the heart to live, I believe we will win!"

"We will definitely win, because we are the light!" Nexus and Mebius said these words at the same time.

"call out!"

From the cosmic void, a "ten" symbol flashed, and an ethereal voice sounded in the ears of the water captain: "Force water...Force water..."

"This voice is..." Captain Sui Shui stood up in astonishment, and murmured, "Zofie..."

"Forcing water... The earth is facing a devastating disaster, I need your strength, let's go together!"

"En." Captain Shuishui nodded, and quietly walked out of the command room. White light filled the long and wide corridor. With a burst of sound effects, a red figure flew out of the GUYS Phoenix nest. Medals dotted from the shoulders to the energy indicators on the chest.

Sophie came to the three of them from the side of the phoenix's nest in an instant.

"Captain Forced Water?" Mebius asked tentatively.

"Yeah!" Sophie nodded lightly and said, "Let's start."

"Okay." The three of them put on fighting poses one by one, while Mebius held up his black destructive aura and mobilized the energy of the Dark Demon Slaughter Vein. The black energy visible to the naked eye was swimming on the surface of Mebius, Gathering into the crystal on the forehead, a burst of black light flickered, and the light swallowed all the colors around it, as if turning into nothingness.

The darkness quickly condensed in the destructive breath on the right wrist, Mebius nodded, and threw the energy on the right wrist into the sky, the energy exploded quickly, and the exploded particles surrounded the four Ultra The warrior also pulled Ying in.

God Killing Demon Realm!

The exclusive domain of the dark form of destruction!Different from the Realm of Stars, the Realm of Godslayer is full of all kinds of violent dark energy, thunderstorms pass through the realm from time to time, there is still no land in the realm, and the cold wind blows all around, slapping the four Ultra fighters The thick darkness on his body made Nexus feel a little uncomfortable.

outside world.

"Huh? Where are they?" Long looked around the screen for the figures of the four Ultra warriors and Ying. How could such a huge body disappear so easily?
"The spatial fluctuation just now was..." Zhe Ping tapped the keyboard with both hands, and the computer screen in front of him, with various ripples constantly twisting, forming a hollow ripple, muttered: "It can't be wrong, it must be right, this It is a legendary realm! It exists in a high-dimensional subspace!"

"Domain? Is it the same thing as the man-made domain when Bogarummons was eliminated?" Mu Zhimei asked.

"No, the man-made domain exists in the three-dimensional space, it is not the subspace, and the domain created by Lin Yijun exists in the fourth dimension and even the subspace of other dimensions," Zhe Ping explained: "Lin Yi uses his own The power of space breaks open the cosmic space, tears a space in the cosmic space, fills it with its power of space, and forms a subspace that exists in other dimensions, this is the domain."

"Lin Yijun..." Marina looked at the emptiness of the universe on the screen, and suddenly said something in her heart.

The disappearance of the five huge creatures made everyone completely forget about other things, and they didn't even notice the disappearance of the future and Captain Shuishui.

in domain space.

"Haha!" The four Ultra fighters assumed a corresponding fighting posture, not afraid of Ying at all.

In the Godslayer Demon Realm, Mebius' display of strength is beyond the peak of the mid-S rank, and Ying's strength is slightly suppressed by the domineering Godslayer Demon Realm. It still has the power of MAX, but it also makes the four Ultraman a lot easier.

"Let's go!" Mebius and Nexus flew out first, outflanking and sizing up Shadow of Godslayer Demon Realm from left to right. Not to be outdone, Sophie flew to Shadow's Above, Xiaomeng was half a beat behind, and the three of them started to attack, and Xiaomeng dragged him to the place where he was attacking. In fact, the three of them were really as good as Xiaomeng. After all, Xiaomeng's strength was too weak. One is not much, one less is not less.


Three beams of terrifying light roared towards Ying. In comparison, Xiaomeng's dream was much gentler than Mu's light.

"Boom!" A huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky in the Godslaying Demon Realm, and the energy generated by the explosion continuously hit the outer wall of the Godslaying Demon Realm, and trembling sounds resounded throughout the realm.

The flames dissipated quickly, but there was no shadow in the darkness, Mebius seemed to have thought of something, and exclaimed: "Oops! I forgot that Shadow can display more than mid-MAX strength in the dark! Damn it!"

"Ugh!" Three painful cries, and when Mebius turned around, he found that the three Ultra fighters had collided with each other. In love, I just bumped into Xiaomeng, otherwise, what is waiting for Xiaomeng is not pain, but death!

(End of this chapter)

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