School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 250 The Judgment of Convicting the World!

Chapter 250 The Judgment of Convicting the World!
Mebius flew over in a hurry, helped Xiaomeng up, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xiao Meng shook her head and said, "Ying is really powerful, I didn't even have time to see it clearly, so I flew out."

"After all, he is the strongest, are you afraid?" Mebius chuckled lightly.

"Not afraid."

"But maybe I'll go berserk."

"Not afraid."

Mebius nodded, and injected a beam of light into Nexus and Sophie, and the energy of the two was replenished in an instant. Sophie said a little apprehensively: "Ying is really too powerful, just one blow, I will Some can't bear it."

"That's right." Mebius smiled self-deprecatingly, "It's really too powerful, but it's a pity that the fire of protection has been extinguished, otherwise, with the catastrophe of God's Domain, he would definitely be able to fight against Ying."

"If I can become Noah now, it would be too much." Nexus squeezed his fist.

"Forget it, if you want to go berserk, go to the end!" Mebius stretched out his hands, and began to sing a complicated chant. After the chant was over, he opened his eyes suddenly, "Dark Ritual!"

The Demon King has already been killed by the Heavenly Emperor, so there is no need to worry about the Demon King's invasion in this ceremony.

Dark rituals, led by the consciousness of the devil to curse these ordinary people!The strength of the cursed person has declined, and various attributes have declined. At the same time, the soul of the cursed person will never be resurrected!Cursed One, Shadow!
Cooperating with the suppressing effect of God Killing Demon Realm, Ying has fallen out of the middle stage of MAX, and now Ying's strength is at the peak of the early stage of MAX!But this is enough for the four Ultra fighters to suffer.

"Huh?" Nexus looked at Mebius with some doubts, then at Ying, and said, "I feel a strong darkness invading your body, and there seems to be something wrong with Ying. It seems to have dropped."

Mebius nodded and said, "This is a dark ritual. Shadow has been cursed by the Demon King, and all aspects have been cut off, but this won't last long, hurry up!"


Mebius and Nexus flew towards Shadow, firing light bullets one after another during the flight. Sophie put her hands flat on her chest, her energy indicator flashed once, and her left arm was bent back. Stretching his right hand forward, a terrifying beam of light rushed towards Ying! M87 Rays!The original M87 beam has terrifying destructive power!Surpassed the light power of Ultra's father!

Xiaomeng also transforms into a hero form and emits Mebeam rays.

Mebius Nexus, the two mid-level S-level powerhouses, kept attracting Ying's attention. Unfortunately, the light of M87 passed by Ying, and was dodged by Ying after just a little bit of rubbing , while Xiaomeng's Mengbeam light bombarded Ying's body, but this was meaningless to Ying.

The M87 light that did not hit Zhongying bombarded the field behind him. The M87 light was already very terrifying. Moreover, it was still the original M87 light. The terrifying energy was tearing the wall of the field. Mebius only felt hundreds of nuclear bombs falling on him. The body exploded.

"Ugh!" Mebius roared in pain, the golden crystal on his forehead flickered, forcibly suppressing the damage caused by the M87 light.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Ying Chang roared, and a majestic energy condensed from the golden horn on his forehead!

Shadow Kill!

The gorgeous and deadly Shadow Slaughter, a beam of light that devours the sky and rushes towards Sophie who is at the peak of the late S rank with a "swish", but this light is blocked by Mebius' ethereal protection. Fei nodded at Mebius, knowing that her M87 light had dealt a severe blow to Mebius, Sophie began to restrain herself, not daring to use the original M87, and released only the usual M87 light.

The fierce battle started by the four of them is gradually displaying their respective strengths, except for Ying, Xiaomeng has already begun to be unable to keep up with the three of them, Yingben is famous for his speed, even if he has not exerted his full strength, his speed is unparalleled, Xiaomeng has been left far behind.

"Ha!" Unfolded a bow of light from Nexus' bow and arrow armament, Nexus grabbed the light string on the bow of light, and with a "swoosh", the bow of light roared towards the shadow.

"Boom!" Shadow didn't dodge or dodge, and slammed into the bow of light fiercely. The bow of light exploded instantly, and endless flames slapped around, and the visually shocking scenes slapped in Xiaomeng's eyes one after another. In the future, this is the first time I have seen such a tall battle, and it is also the first time I have seen a "bow" type skill.

"Huo Ya!" Zuo Fei kicked Ying's body, Ying turned her head and glanced at Zuo Fei, and kicked Zuo Fei's stomach, Captain Sui Shui felt as if her stomach was going to explode, and the huge force knocked Zuo Fei away. Faye flew out.

Seeing his teammates' attacks fail again and again, Mebius lowered his head and murmured, "Do you really want to use that..."

"Warning! Warning! This kind of attack can only be used once. Whether it hits or not depends entirely on God's will. If you don't succeed, you will die." Zhibao's cold voice sounded in Mebius's mind.

Mebius looked at Sophie and Nexus who were resisting the attack in a daze, and said, "Why did you treat me like this... Wan'er was killed by the master of the shadow, so are my partners also going to die in their arms?" Is it in your hand..."

"Why do you treat me like this, saying that it is the salvation of fate, but I don't even have the strength to protect my can I go to redeem... This attack exists for the present moment, it is for this This moment!" Mebius raised his head, watched the shadows attacking Sophie and Nexus one after another, clenched his fists, waved his hands slowly, and shouted word by word: "Mie! World! Judgment! Judgment!"

The verdict of exterminating the world, the gun of conviction, forgiveness is meaningless, and death is the greatest salvation!Annihilation is eternal redemption!The verdict will bring eternal peace to the world!Extract most of the destructive power in the body and turn it into a condemnation spear. The spear has an attack effect. If the attack hits, the hit person will die!

But this attack can only be used once!
From the dark red energy indicator on the chest of Mebius in the form of darkness and destruction, a black red cherry spear was slowly pulled out, and the condemnation spear trembled. excited!
"Conviction Gun, you have disappeared from this world for too long, it's time to remind people of the fear of being dominated by you, and let the world look up at your gorgeous figure again!" A mass of black, mixed with lightning energy Detached from the crystal in front of Mebius' forehead, surrounded by the gun of condemnation.

"It's time to end!"


The gun of conviction was shot out by Mebius, roaring towards Ying who was full of fear, Ying smelled it, smelled the smell of death!
(End of this chapter)

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