School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 251 Promoted Nexus!

Chapter 251 Promoted Nexus!
"This familiar breath..." Nexus's sea of ​​consciousness continued to surge, and he finally found the thing deep in his memory, the majestic, dignified and solemn holy palace, the angel holding the golden sword, murmured Said: "This is something that belongs to the Judgment Temple, the Judgment could it be...impossible, Mebius does not have the breath of judgment...even more impossible for Seven Colors."

"In ancient legends, the four callers of His Holiness correspond to the descendants of the four great temples. The three callers are three warriors of the universe. Ye Han is a descendant of Qicai, who inherited the light of Saijia. I am a warrior of the universe, the second chooser; I am the supreme descendant, I have received the light of Noah, and I am also a warrior of the universe, the third chooser; according to Noah’s memory, the other two warriors of the universe It's Reggado and Pete, Pete is now the guardian of the Kingdom of Light, and there has been no news about Reggado, so the last person to be called is Reggado."

"There are two dreambius in this world. The future is the people of this world, and those who can span the universe and time are either the strongest or the ones who have the most treasures. This is the dream of the middle S-level peak. Beus has many unheard of powerful powers, and can cross the universe and time, and come to this universe before me, so he can only be the first one to be called. Since it is not the breath of judgment, then it can only be The descendant of Chaos, the head of the four great temples in ancient times! And the chosen one who got the light of Reggado is the descendant of the Temple of Judgment."

"Her Majesty said that the first caller did not know about the legends of the gods, let alone the existence of MAX+ and the seal of God. If the first caller knew all this in advance, the entire mysterious space would be destroyed. A world-changing change, for he is the Son of Chaos."

"Huh." Nexus raised his head, exhaled a long breath, and said, "Beautiful planet, all of this has come to light, and it is appropriate for the three chosen ones to reveal their identities. The great lord, I have already The first chosen person fought side by side. I believe that the second chosen person will also be guided to this world in the near future. This world has a miracle star, and a group of giants of light are active on it, just like tens of billions. Like Kamigawa, it protects the safety of the universe."

"You can rest assured that the fourth caller will also awaken soon. He, Mebius, the first caller, will link the four of us...together...he must do this, this Not only his destiny, but also the calling of his mission, as long as the blood of his ancestors is still flowing in his body, he will definitely do what he wants!"

"It's just a bond, it will connect four people who have never met before." Nexus clenched his fists, staring at the man who was shuttling through the Godslaying Demon Realm, breaking through the manic lightning, and piercing through waves of tearing. With the wind of the elements, he said: "This is the true meaning of Noah's light! This is the real treasure!"

"Ha!" Nexus' body burst out with intense golden light. The golden light reflected the pitch-black surroundings as day, and the light quickly converged. The familiar gray body and the eye-catching red "Y" The core, that is, the powerful abdominal muscles, the sacred wings - NOA!

At the same time, Xia Yuhan’s voice from the treasure sounded in his mind: “Blessing of the Brave, you have obtained the qualification to temporarily become Ultraman Noah, and your strength has been promoted to the early stage of MAX. When you restore the appearance of Nexus, your strength will return to S-level mid-term peak, the blessing of the brave, duration: 5 hours."

"In the early days of MAX..." Noah clenched his fists, and said: "Although I only have the power of the middle stage of MAX, I am a warrior who has experienced many battles. I have never been afraid of the Fallen Evil Emperor, because I... am the supreme descendant!"

"This is..." Sophie in the original place thought of the Ultraman with wings on his back recorded in the history book of the Kingdom of Light. At the same time, a series of memories flooded in his mind. Sophie flew over in an instant, and said in fear: " You... you are the legendary... Ultraman Noah!?"

Noah nodded and said, "Let's go together!"

"Yeah!" Sophie nodded, posing in a fighting pose towards Ying, and the original M87 light fired again!

Noah turned into a beam of silver streamer and rushed towards Ying, and Xiaomeng, who had been playing soy sauce, never gave up, and a beam of golden Mengbeam light returned to Ying.

Ying's pupils shrank sharply, his body was suddenly surrounded by a gust of golden wind, and he disappeared in place with a "swoosh".

In the gigantic Godslaying Demon Realm, the famous skill that resounds through the shadows!


The phantom kills instantly!It was with this hand that the first shadow defeated the Xeon who was a stage higher than himself in seconds.

The power of the demon king is unstoppable; wherever the shadows come, everything will be destroyed!

This time, the target of Shadow's attack is not other people, but Mebius in the form of darkness and destruction!Ying knew that it had been a long time since Mebius had switched to the dark and destructive form, and he could not suppress the destructive power that was raging in his body, so he desperately released such a dangerous skill.

The Judgment of World Extermination, tens of billions of years ago, it was the proud skill of judging the gods. Its Judgment Temple was proud of the four ancient holy temples because of the master's hand of the Judgment of World Destruction. , The Temple of Judgment even killed several of the murderers!
Can you be the most powerful person who can annihilate one of the four great temples?

Such a powerful supreme being, one who ranks among the middle ranks of the gods, was so easily judged by the Temple of Judgment because of this "bug"-like verdict of exterminating the world, and there are countless times of verdicts limit.

(Readers who have read "Ultraman Unlimited Saiga" in Yimeng's new book know one thing, that is, the four chosen ones awakened at the same time and got the light they inherited at the same time, but why there is another What about the order of the callers? First of all, Yimeng issued the time of each caller’s respective universe in Chapter 260. Although they were awakened at the same time, they were only awakened in terms of the definition of time.)
(The order from the first caller to the fourth caller is arranged according to the historical order. You can refer to the time released in Chapter 260. I won’t go into details about this time here. Since this book The history of the world where the protagonist is located is the most advanced, so he is the first caller, and the first caller is not a warrior of the universe, and has never fought for the venerable, the venerable is the reincarnation Emperor Zun. Each summoner will get the treasure, and the real body of the treasure will be revealed later.)
(As for the four ancient temples, hehehehe, this is a later matter, and has little to do with this book. This book will only involve a Chaos Temple. As you can see, the protagonist is a descendant of the Chaos Temple , when revealing the true identity of the protagonist, maybe the things about the Four Great Temples will be written out.)
(If you don’t understand, please join the group: 255896501. By the way, let’s support Yimeng’s new book "Ultraman Unlimited Saiga", which tells the story of the second caller.)
(End of this chapter)

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