School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 252 The Lord God Appears!

Chapter 252 The Lord God Appears!

"call out!"

The gun of conviction pierced through gusts of wind and pierced Ying's body. To the surprise, Ying's body disappeared in a puff of smoke. At the same time, the M87 light and Mengbeam light had penetrated the ball Fog, seeing this, Noah forcibly stopped the flying body, and opened the perspective. Noah looked around for the shadow's body.

How could it be so easy to find the phantom instant kill? In the shadow of Mebius, an energy array rose up, the same as the one under the shadow's feet. The next moment, with a loud "boom", a flower was enough to swallow half The mushroom cloud of the whole planet soared into the sky, violently tearing apart the surrounding fields.

"Ugh!" A deafening roar of pain resounded inside the domain, and with a "boom", the entire Godslaying Demon Realm exploded, and a mushroom cloud that could be compared to the moon's laughter slowly spread around. The special soldiers supported each other, the energy indicator on Xiaomeng's chest had stopped blinking, her eyes lost their brilliance, and Sophie's energy indicator made a harsh "beep" sound.

Noah is now the most powerful person, with little influence. After recovering Xiaomeng and Sophie, he began to look for the figures of Ying and Mebius. He could only see Ying, but he could not find Mebius' body. The time was not much better, black blood flowed from all over the body, and the energy array under his feet was also looming like a candle in the wind.

Shadow activates the shadow energy in his body, and the wound heals at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The explosion of the realm affected everyone.

"Where is Lin Yi? Why is Mr. Lin Yi missing?" Zhennai anxiously searched for the body on the screen, but no matter what, she couldn't see that familiar yet unfamiliar body.

"That silver Ultraman...couldn't be the previous Nexus, right?" Sadaharu looked at the sacred body in astonishment.

"It can't be wrong." Zhe Ping nodded, and pressed his fingers on the keyboard a few times. The picture of Nexus and Noah's picture are in the same screen. Zhe Ping pointed to the energy indicator on his chest and said: "These two The energy indicator on the chest of the Ultra warrior is exactly the same, and there are many similarities, maybe it is another form of Nexus."

"Where did Lin Yisang go?" Long Ye kept searching for the bodies that helped GUYS hit many strong men, and he was so anxious that he was about to cry, he murmured: "Captain Serizawa asked me to take good care of you, I can't help you." You can't break your promise...Lin Yisang...come out quickly..."

Xiaomeng looked around and found that everyone else was there, except that Mebius was missing. The first thought in her mind was that she was torn into particles by the icy energy in the big bang just now!
"Impossible, Lin Yijun is so powerful, how could he die in this explosion." Sophie comforted herself, but the scene in front of her kept beating her heart.

"No, it's impossible, it's decided not to be like this," Noah clenched his fists, and the perspective Noah made Noah's eyes attach a golden light, and murmured: "How can you die... You are the first caller, and you are the descendant of the head of the four great halls. How could you die so ordinaryly... If you are still alive, come out quickly... Even if a ray of light emerges is fine. ..."

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Shadow kept roaring, and even released Specter Instant Kill again, using Specter Instant Kill's ability to search for shadows to search for Mebius, but he couldn't find Mebius no matter what. Body, if Mebius dies like this, adults will definitely hate him all his life, no!Never let this happen!

The phantom instant kill is continuously activated, revoked, activated, and revoked. The rise and fall of energy makes Ying feel like he is about to explode. Unfortunately, no matter how people look for it on the battlefield, they can’t see Mebius’ body. .

Lunar core.

This is a strange space, surrounded by countless pink streamers. Mebius died in the big explosion just now, and has returned to his original form, emitting golden particles all over his body.

"You should die."

"The moon shines through the streamer."

The broken body of Mebius was immediately surrounded by a ball of golden light, and the light lingered around Mebius' body. Bathed in the light, Mebius' body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and strands of black The breath was stripped out, which was the damage caused by the phantom's instant kill attack.

"The light of the moon!"

The soft silver light poured into Mebius' diamond-shaped energy indicator, the long-lost blue light returned, and the eyes that had lost their light turned back to gold.

Mebius looked at his red body, then at the powerful woman in front of him, and said, "Who are you...I don't know how to divide your strength...the peak of late powerful than that Even stronger..."

"Master, you are finally back, I have been waiting so hard for you..." The eyes of this powerful woman flickered.

Mebius frowned slightly, master?What the hell is this.

Mebius carefully looked at the woman's appearance, a beautiful long skirt, slender waist, slender legs, the most beautiful face, a head of beautiful, snow-like long hair hanging down her back, behind her is a crescent moon.

"Who... are you? In my memory, I don't have any memory about you." Mebius asked suspiciously.

"My name is Diana, and the most powerful people call me Luna, master, you can just call me Xiaona." Luna Diana smiled and said: "I don't have any memory about me, which is normal, because I am you. It was saved tens of millions of years ago."

"What?" Mengbius was a little confused, waved his hand, and said: "Wait, wait, let me take it easy, suddenly hearing this news made my blood pressure a little high, you mean, the future me, in a few thousand Saved you ten thousand years ago?"

"Yes." Luna Diana nodded.

"I'm still a little confused about your strength... Also, I saved you, but I won't let you call me master."

"My strength...Master, please forgive me for not being able to tell you this, as this will affect future development," Diana, the moon god, said slightly apologetically, "As for why I call you master, it is because I am your guardian goddess .”

"What? Patronus? What is this?"

"Tens of millions of years ago, you saw me in the abyss of chaos and saved me, but the two of us fell into the illusory world of the Taixu magic mirror. Now, we signed a guardian contract a long, long time ago, resulting in the unity of our minds and minds, breaking the seven sins of the Taixu magic mirror."

"I have become your guardian goddess, the loyal guardian of the Lord of Chaos, the most powerful wing of God in all universes."

"Wait, wait, these news are too difficult to understand. You still tell me what's going on outside, and how can I win this battle and protect my partners." Mebius didn't believe the so-called Guardian goddess, Mebius has never heard of this thing before, God knows if she lied to him, the most poisonous woman's heart, if she lied to himself, what should I do if I want to suck my own yang energy, he is a little afraid to look at the moon God Diana, not only out of fear of her strength, but also out of respect for her saving himself.

"Hehehe," the moon god Diana let out bursts of laughter like silver bells, and said, "Master, you are so cute."

(PS: There is another update today, it may be a little late.)
(End of this chapter)

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