School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 257 Fierce Battle

Chapter 257 Fierce Battle (Part [-])
Noah propped up Noah's shield again, and the flame bombs bombarded Noah's shield, splashing violent flames. Noah had no strength left, and the powerful energy shook it out, and the shadow screamed. With a sound, it disappeared instantly, appeared behind Noah who flew upside down, and kicked Noah.

Noah's body is like a kite with a broken thread, rushing towards the moon.

"Scare!" Astra hovered below Leo, the two overlapped their hands, and the terrifying energy rushed towards Ying.

"Ha!" Seven's hands also burst out with strong white light, forming an "L" with both hands, gathering the light!
Ying didn't turn his head back, and the two terrifying beams of light were firmly blocked by Ying's energy array, without a single ripple, no, not even a few sparks, and with the flick of Ying's tail, the two The beam of light was strengthened and sent back.

"Ugh!" The rising huge flame swallowed up the three Ultramans. Noah took advantage of this time to disappear and appeared beside Seven, replenishing their energy, and said to them: "This is not your Ultraman!" Go and help Sophie and the others!"

Seven hesitated, looked at the Otto brothers who were in a hard fight, and considered the power of Shadow, and went to fight with Shadow by himself, but it was only a disservice to Noah, so he nodded, turned his head and flew towards Inpreza EX Legion, Brother Leo followed closely behind.

The shadow suddenly disappeared and appeared on the original crater, occupying a favorable terrain. Noah was suspended in the air, and the earth was behind him. If a light bomb landed on the earth, the earth would not be said to be destroyed, but losing a country is also the most basic. Yes, Ying suddenly raised his head, one after another light bullets roared towards Noah.

Looking at the planet behind him, Noah knew the purpose of the shadow, how dare he hide, quickly propped up Noah's shield, and with bursts of violent flames rising, Noah barely resisted the attack, A flicker disappeared, and behind Ying, Noah suddenly appeared there, and the bent right arm popped out forcefully, hitting Ying's body fiercely.

'Ping! With a crisp sound, Ying raised his front legs to attack at a low level. In the sky full of flames, Noah's left fist also roared forward and continued to rush forward. Ying's front legs were raised. Exposed in front of Noah, and Noah's left fist hit Zhongying's chest.

A ball of flame condensed on the left fist, Noah Hellfire!
'Boom! ' With a muffled sound, Ying was beaten and rushed backwards, gliding thousands of meters on the ground, smashing more than ten small hills along the way, setting off dust and gravel all over the sky.

"Success." Noah knelt on the ground with his hands on his chest, and said with joy. This attack means that it is not impossible to hurt Ying, but Ying's abdomen is a relatively fragile place, and there may be a place where it can be used. Make a breakthrough.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Ying stopped and let out a muffled snort. Noah's punch just dented the scales on his chest a little, and he couldn't even see the scales clearly if he didn't pay attention. The presence of shallow pits.

'call out!call out!call out! 'Shadow used the power of space one after another, leaving a series of phantoms in the sky, and it was completely impossible to distinguish which was the entity and which was the phantom.

"It's actually flying, damn it!" Noah clenched his fists and stared at the shadow flying and teleporting all over the sky. The original shadow was moving on the ground of the moon, which caused him to stay on the ground even with the power of space. , it is easier for Noah to attack, but now the place of battle has expanded to the universe at once, and the previous battle in the universe made Noah extremely afraid!Although it is the strength of the early stage of MAX, it will not be as embarrassing as before, but it is still very difficult.

'call out!call out!call out! One after another, flame bombs flew out from the corners of the shadow flying in the sky, roaring and attacking Ultraman Noah on the ground, as if a bomber was swooping down to drop bombs, and the dense flame balls celestial girl It fell towards the ground like scattered flowers.

"Damn it!" Noah's figure flashed, and immediately disappeared in place to avoid more than a dozen flame balls, and then appeared next to the shadow in the sky in an instant, raised his right fist and smashed it fiercely.The shadow figure flashed and disappeared in an instant. When it reappeared, it had already lifted its front legs and stepped on Noah.

"Come on!" Noah recoiled at Ying without fear, concentrated strong energy on his right fist, and hammered hard at Ying, and Ying launched an attack on Noah not to be outdone.

The iron fists of the two sides collided together and issued a 'boom! ' There was a loud noise, and the shock wave of the collision blew away the black smoke around the two people's bodies for a thousand meters, Ying immediately stepped back a few steps, and Noah couldn't help but retreated hundreds of meters, before he had time to stabilize his figure, The fluctuation of space came from beside him, and the iron hoof of the following figure stepped on it.

Noah was completely unprepared for this, and hastily raised his arms to block in front of him. Shadow's iron hoof hit Noah's arm, and the huge force made Noah's body retreat violently, and his arms also faintly trembled when he was hit. numb.

Before Noah could stop, Ying used teleportation again, appeared beside Noah, and hit Noah with his right front leg.The piercing aura compressed the void of the universe into ripples visible to the naked eye. The light on Noah's body flashed and disappeared in place, leaving the shadow in the air. But Noah had just appeared, and the shadow followed Noah. Next, and then continued to attack Noah.

Noah had no choice but to use the space to move again, narrowly dodging Shadow's attack, but just as Noah appeared, Shadow had already appeared beside Noah, and his super-alloy legs waved down at the same time, viciously Stepped on Noah's body, making Noah fall towards the moon's ground like a meteorite, hitting the ground heavily and splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.

The Otto brothers who fought against the Impreza EX Legion were invincible, and each intact Inpreza EX turned into a particle and disappeared.

"Ha!" Jack, Eddie, and Ace's combined light killed another Impreza EX, Xiaomeng narrowly escaped the steel knife of an Inpreza EX, and shot a cursor backhand It was thrown on the body of Impreza EX, sparks were splashed, the degree of blood deduction is like a level 10 Taoist's skill attacking a full-level battle tank, the amount of deduction of blood is almost negligible.

But Xiaomeng never gave up. Tyro's stream light blasted on the body of Inpreza EX, blowing the upper body of Inpreza EX into pieces, and the eight-point light wheel of the first generation Ultraman also roared on the body of Inpreza EX. On the body of the Impreza EX, Xiaomeng seized the time to make up the knife with Mengbeam's light, and the Impreza EX on the lower body turned into particles and disappeared with a loud "boom".

After Tai Luo and the first generation nodded encouragingly at Xiaomeng, they flew over to help Julian.

(End of this chapter)

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