School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 258 The All-Army Attack

Chapter 258 The All-Army Attack (Second Update)

Ice Nova.

Mebius shook his head, leaped, and flew out of the deep pit. Luna Diana, who was waiting anxiously outside, sensed Mebius' appearance, turned around excitedly, and threw herself at Mebius's body. In his arms, he said: "You finally came out, I was waiting so anxiously."

"Uh..." Luna Diana's move made Mebius a little overwhelmed. After a three-second stalemate, Mebius pushed Luna Diana away. Luna Diana didn't seem to feel embarrassed. Hastily asked: "This way, it should be a success, right?"

"En." Mebius nodded, took out a golden snowflake with a diameter of two meters from the energy indicator, and said, "I risked my death to come to this shitty planet just to Take such a small thing, but don't say it, this little thing is really useful, and it makes me feel less cold in an instant."

"Uh..." Luna Goddess Diana swallowed, waved a beam of pink light, injected the golden snowflake back into Mebius' body, and then said slowly: "Actually... it is this star The temperature increased abruptly, from minus 8720K degrees Celsius to normal temperature."

"Huh? Why is this happening? Also, if the temperature has risen suddenly, why is the environment here still so barren? At a glance, you can have a panoramic view of the ice field." Mebius looked around with some doubts, and found that It was still so barren, with gusts of cold wind, but it didn't seem as scary as before.

Luna Diana smiled and explained: "That's because this golden snowflake is nothing else, but the star energy body of this star. Losing the star energy body means losing the power to stabilize the temperature, so The temperature will be the same as the temperature of the universe, and as to why so much ice hasn't disappeared..."

"Could it be that such a huge block of ice will melt in a short time?" Luna Diana shrugged helplessly.

Hearing Diana's explanation, Mebius smiled, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "That's right."

"Okay, hurry up, let's go, they are still fighting." Mebius's body bloomed with platinum radiance, and flew into the void of the universe with a 'swoosh' sound. The moon god Diana looked at Mobius. The figure of Us going away, said sorry to the star, and followed. Mebius would not know that this ice nova lost its stellar energy body. In just one second, the ice cube Turned into water, the star, became a water star.

But in a short time, the remaining gravitational force of the ice nova will disappear, and the water will flow into space, becoming hydrogen and oxygen, and the ice nova will face death. It can be said that the ice nova ended its life ahead of schedule.

Solar system battlefield.

Noah supported the gap where the shadow stopped, turned around suddenly, waved his hands together, and released the lightning Noah at the huge Impreza EX army!
Where Lightning Noah swept past, there were thunderous explosions, and the Inplaza EX was engulfed by the rising huge wall of flames. Seeing this, the Otto brothers made a decisive decision and began to help Noah. Ya wiped out the remaining Inpreza EX.

Leo and Astra released the Ultra double flash, Eddie and Julian used the dog food spirochete, Taro and Mebius released the master-student combination shot, Zofi, the first generation, Seven, Jack and Ai Si merged the two rays into one, and a thick beam of light illuminated the surrounding cosmic void into day.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The Impreza EXs were not to be outdone, and rushed towards various oncoming attacks with terrifying light bullets and concentrated beams of light.

"Boom!" There was a thunderous explosion, and the Otto brothers cooperated with Noah's powerful offensive and successfully strangled the engulfing Impreza EX Legion!

Ying didn't care about those guys, that's not what he should care about. If Noah didn't get involved, Yingdu wanted to destroy the Impreza EX Legion.

Dark Nebula, sitting on the dark throne, Zaki crossed his legs, looked at the scene on the screen, stretched out his head in astonishment, and said: "That's right, with the old guy Noah here, these Impreza EX legions are not enough." He stuffed his teeth, after all, he is a group of children."

The Ampera star stood aside in fear and trepidation, silent.

"Hiss!" The shadow turned into a beam of dark streamer, rushing out of the solar system roaring.

"Run away?" Xiao Meng looked at this scene in astonishment, and said, "Is it a lie?"

"No... that direction is..." Sai Wen looked at the direction where Ying Fei was going.

"The Kingdom of Light..." Zuo Fei waved her right hand and said, "Shadow's target is the Kingdom of Light, the Plasma Spark Tower! Let's catch up quickly!"


Beams of streamers pierced through the void of the universe. The silver streamer was far ahead and flew at the forefront. That was Noah. Noah fired light bullets from time to time to interfere with Shadow. The last golden streamer was Xiaomeng.It has to be said that although Xiaomeng has the highest talent, her strength is still flawed, at the peak of B-level early stage.

The GUYS headquarters, which monitored the battlefield through satellites, sighed as they watched the strong men who turned into streamers and disappeared into the void of the universe, "Compared to those powerful fighters, what else can we do?" ?”

"Is this already parting..." Zhennai sat there in a daze, staring at the place that belonged to Lin Yi. GUYS was still there, but the familiar people had already left.

Mebius, who flew out of the Binghua Nova, closed his eyes and called out to all the warriors who fought against the shadows, "Everyone from the Kingdom of Light, Yuhan, I have obtained new power. Together with Diana, the moon god, We are flying to the Kingdom of Light, and we will meet in the Kingdom of Light, and besides, Sophie, tell the Captain of the Space Guard to send all the Ultra fighters who can fight to resist this catastrophe in the skies above the Kingdom of Light!"

"Ultraman Leo, you are the closest Ultra warrior around the King of Ultra, please inform the King of Ultra, tell him to come to the Kingdom of Light as soon as possible, and if possible, bring Cyro with you, just say , the universe is in trouble!" After Mebius gave the command, the platinum light all over his body flickered again, and the speed broke through the limit in an instant, which was under the power of the moon god Diana.

Diana, the moon god, was tightly beside Mebius, turned her head to look at Mebius, with a smile on her lips, how long have we...haven't flown side by side like this...

After receiving the words of Mebius, Zofi immediately called the father of Ultra. The king of Ultra had already told the father of Ultra after the departure of the Space Guard, and asked him to send the Warrior Command, Space Security Agency, Ultra Schools, Ultra Dojos, Cosmic Intelligence Bureau and other departments and agencies draw all the Ultra fighters with combat effectiveness, led by the father of Ultra, waiting for the enemy's way in the universe of the Kingdom of Light.

The King of Ultra raised his head, his eyes shone with golden light. Through the space, he saw Mebius and Luna Diana who had obtained new powers, as well as Noah and others who flew over.

"Old friends, it's been a long time."

(PS: There is another update tonight.)
(End of this chapter)

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