School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 260 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 260 To the Brilliant Person ([-])

I don't know how long it took, the light bullets that hit like raindrops finally calmed down, as if the rain had passed, the King of Ultra put away the king's cloak, and all the Austrians in the back looked at the cloak behind him in disbelief, obviously looking Such a simple cloak saved their lives and blocked all attacks.

"Ah, I'm already old," said the King of Otto, who looked helplessly at the king's cloak behind him, turned his head to look at Noah, and said, "The things that happened back then are still vivid in our minds. How majestic it is, but it still can't stand the time, I'm old, so old that I can't even catch some light bullets."

"Don't say such stupid things, Pique, believe me, one day, I will make you lose your old age!" Noah grabbed the hand of King Ultra.

"You and I both know that we can't resist time. Although you are the messenger of time, you can only obey the will of time, not go against the will of time," King Ultra shook his head with a smile.

"Hissing!" There was a long howling sound, and a beam of black streamer rose up in front of Zhong Ao, and the beam of light quickly converged, condensing into Ying's body.

Noah stared at Ying, and said to the King of Ultra: "Pike, this is the guy, let's start fighting!"

"Hiss!" Before the Ultramen could attack, Ying took the lead to use the power of space and appeared beside Zhongao. Ying did not kill the killer. He knew that his mission was not to kill, but to train Mengbiyou. Si, the lead actor of this scene hasn't come yet, Yingying doesn't want to ruin this scene so soon.

"Ugh!...!" With a series of roars of pain, a warrior of light was kicked towards the kingdom of light by the shadow. In this way, they don't have to participate in the battle. If they fall from such a high height, they will definitely be seriously injured of!
"Damn it!" Noah jumped, disappeared in the same place, and appeared beside Ying in the next second. His bent right fist quickly smashed towards Ying, and the rising flames wrapped Noah's fist. Noah Hell fire!

"Hiss!" Ying had to say, with his own body, he forcibly resisted Noah's attack. Noah looked at Ying's body in shock, intact!Did not cause a trace of damage!

"Ugh!" Shadow's body dodged to the left, dodging Max's Markhume beam, his body disappeared, dodging Max's Max Galaxy Cannon, and as space fluctuations appeared around Max, Shadow slammed into Max with his own body, and violent sparks burst out, and Max's body fell towards the Kingdom of Light. (The fastest and strongest, manual is funny.)
"Max!" Jeno, who was about to attack, watched his partner being instantly killed. Without even thinking about it, he waved his right fist and smashed at Ying. Come down for me too!"

Shadow flicked his tail, and threw it heavily on Jeno's body. With a muffled "boom", Jeno was sent flying with a strong force, and fell towards the Kingdom of Light.

As time went by, more and more Ultra fighters fell towards the land of the Kingdom of Light like meteors, and finally only the father of Ultra, the king of Ultra, and Noah remained. But now the top combat power of the Ultra Clan!One Xeon, two S+!

The father of Ultra, strength: S+ early stage!

The father of Otto's life is over, so he posted it on the early stage of S+. He is quite old, and there is no possibility of promotion, because he has lost the best age for promotion. The father of Otto last year, too Stuck at the early stage of S+, this year's father of Ultra is also stuck at this stage.

It has to be said that Kingdom of Light's background is still very strong. There are so many S-level, late-S-level and late-S-level peak powerhouses as many as one hand. Counting the current Sero, there is one more A powerhouse at the mid-term peak of the S-level.

Two strong men of S+ level, this background is enough to rule the universe.

"Pike, how long has it been since we fought together?" Noah turned to look at King Ultra.

"It should be more than 90 billion years since you became the law of the universe." King Ultra laughed.

"Are you afraid?"

The King of Ultra was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted, and said: "Don't be afraid, I was not afraid when we fought countless universes and were warriors of the universe. How are you willing to drag out an existence?"

"Our bond will never be broken, fight side by side with me again!" With that said, Noah stretched out his right fist towards the King of Ultra.

"Ah." King Ultra stretched out his fist and bumped into Noah's right fist.

At this moment, it was as if the two of them had returned to the time when they were tens of billions of young men, fighting in all directions for the Venerable, and ranking among the warriors of the universe.

"Ha!" Although Noah and the King of Ultra have not fought side by side for nearly [-] billion years, the tacit understanding between them still exists. Looking at the two legendary Ultraman in front of him, he grabbed his cloak, pulled it off vigorously, and also assumed his fighting posture.

"This universe has forgotten me, it's time for the universe to witness my fighting spirit again!" As he said, the King of Ultra jumped up, his body turned into golden particles, and his body condensed behind Shadow , as soon as he swung his right fist, Ying disappeared. King of Ultra threw his right leg backwards. He thought that Ying would appear behind him, but this idea was in vain. The target of Ying's attack was not King of Ultra at all. , but Noah!

A wave of space appeared directly beside Noah, Ying broke free from it, a war trampled on Noah, Noah disappeared, and appeared above Ying the next moment, powerfully swaying On the right leg, the King of Ultra also seized the time, a flicker appeared on the left side of Ying, and swung his right fist heavily.

"Hiss!" The energy array under Shadow's feet shone with golden light, and Noah's right leg and Ultra King's right fist hit the energy array heavily. With a crisp sound of "bang", the energy array disappeared. Produced the slightest change, firmly blocked the attacks of Noah and King Ultra.

Noah and the King of Ultra looked at each other, nodded to each other, and disappeared beside Ying with a flicker.

The next moment, two beams of terrifying light roared towards Shadow, Lightning Noah and King Spark!
"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Shadow hadn't fought against such a top powerhouse for a long time, not to be outdone, it spit out a beam of violent beams from its mouth, and the beam of shadow resisted the attacks of Lightning Noah and King Spark at the same time, But it didn't gain the upper hand at all, on the contrary, it tended to faintly overshadow the light of the two of them.

"Don't expect me to exist!"

The father of Ultra waved his hands, the energy indicator on his chest flashed bursts of golden light, and a wave of terrifying golden light reappeared—the timer ray!

(End of this chapter)

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